Start To Stop Acting Alienation, Harvest Data

Chapter 53

Chapter 54

“Oh? How many Dao brothers can’t do anything?

Chen Changge looked at the six people puzzled, a little confused why these six people wanted to stop him.

Moreover, looking at that face, it was as if he owed them five million!

Fanzi asked angrily,

“Hmph! Chen Changge, I’ll wait and ask you,”

“Just now you said that this little girl is your cousin, is it not!”

“Yes, Xiaoqing is my distant girl, what’s wrong?”

Chen Changge glanced back at the little girl, and then looked at the unconcealable anger on the faces of Fan Zi and the others, still

a little puzzled.

I’m going to recognize my cousin, it’s my own business, how many of you birds?

“What’s wrong?”

“Huh, you still ask us what’s wrong?”

When the six people heard Chen Changge’s words, they suddenly became even more angry.

Only one of them was heard:

“Chen Changge, we are the Holy Son of a Great Sect, and your cousin beat us like that before.”

“We don’t want to fight it.”

“Is that what you want to do?”

This person Chen Changge didn’t recognize, but he seemed to be a personal disciple of the Immortal Killing Sect.

With a great body, he is one of the powerful candidates for the Holy Son of the Immortal Sect!

However, it does not matter whether you know it or not.

The important thing is that Chen Changge finally understood why these six people stopped him.

Feelings This is beaten and does not admit defeat, and then feels that he is so bullied, so he came to find himself to return to the field!

Chen Changge was immediately laughed at by the operation of the six people, he raised his head, looked at

the six people, and said, “Why, is there anything that the six can’t ask for?”

Chen Changge was a little skeptical, with the IQ of these six people, how did he become the Holy Son and the Son of God.

Fan Zi Fan Wuquan shook his head and said

, “I don’t dare to ask for advice, but doesn’t Junior Brother Chen think,”

“Shouldn’t I make some compensation for Ling Mei’s behavior just now?”

“Yes, we must be compensated!”

“We don’t want more, one person is 1880,000 is enough!”

As soon as Fan Wuque’s words were finished, the other five people also said one after another.

“Huh, one hundred and eighty thousand?”

When Chen Changge heard this, he immediately smiled again.

Huo, this is the encounter with porcelain!

However, dare to touch my Chen someone’s porcelain?

I’m afraid I don’t know which way to open the hospital door!

Immediately, Chen Changge decided to give these six guys a look.

So that they know what it means to respect the old and love the young!

However, while he was thinking about how to get these six people.

Xiaoqing, who had not spoken for a long time on the side, suddenly spoke.

I saw Xiaoqing walk out, respectfully salute Chen Changge

, and then stare at the six Fan Wujie, his eyes said coldly:

“Lord, I feel in these six people the contempt, belittlement, insult, astringency towards you… There are also emotions such as yy.

“Summing up, these six people are hostile to the sect master.”

“All those who are hostile to the Venerable Lord are Xiaoqing’s enemies.”

“Please allow Xiaoqing to kill them!”


Just as Xiaoqing said these words, a terrifying aura suddenly burst out from her body.

The anger rushed to the sky, and in an instant, it enveloped the entire square.

Boundless horror, like a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood!

At this moment, Xiaoqing is even more terrifying.

She was alone under this thousands of angers, her face was expressionless, and her

eyes were full of murderous intent, like an ancient demon god!

Killing, brutal, invincible… Several great terrifying auras stirred around her.

If Xiaoqing was just an extreme demon before

, then at this moment, she is an ultimate killing god!


This is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying

thing is that at this moment, everyone at the scene except Chen Changge

felt a coercion that seemed to come from the sky.

Boundless and terrifying!

“This… How could it be so strong!

Lin Qingxuan was shaken again.

In the previous battle, she felt that this woman named Xiaoqing did not give her all, and she still had reservations.

Of course, Lin Qingxuan himself did not give his all.

After all, it is not a life and death fight, she will not use big means!

Therefore, Lin Qingxuan was still thinking at that time.

Even if Xiaoqing broke out with all her strength, it should not be her opponent after she cast her back hand.

She didn’t expect Xiaoqing to really break out.

It would be terrifying to this extent!

With such a strong force, Lin Qingxuan thought to herself, I am afraid that even if she used the last resort, she would not be able to please!

“Ah! Spare your life, little green girl, spare your life.

“We’re kidding you!”

Unlike Lin Qingxuan’s secret fright, the six people of Fan Wuquan were scared out of their hearts.

In just a split second, he knelt directly.

Obviously, they did not expect that this girl named Xiaoqing would be terrifying to such a point.

Xiaoqing didn’t eat this set, she snorted coldly:

“Hmph, no, you have despised and yy

to the Venerable Lord, etc.,” “This is disrespectful to the Venerable Lord!”

“I can’t keep you!”

“Oh, grandma, aunt.”

“Sister Qing’er, you are our aunt.”

“We promise, I really don’t dare, I really don’t dare to look down on your family lord anymore.”

“We are really wrong, please let us go.”

Hearing Qing’er’s words, the six people of Fan Wuquan were even more frightened out in a cold sweat.

All of a sudden, they all called out.

Among them, there are two people, Fan Zi Fan Wujian and Sword King Yijian of the Sword Sect.

At that moment, his face was gone, and he ran directly to pounce at Xiaoqing’s feet, and then cried directly.

Tears flowed fatally, drop by drop, spilled on the ground.

The two cried really sadly, and they were really sincere.

The moment Xiaoqing was powerful just now, that Huanghuang Tianwei, although Lin Qingxuan and the others also felt it, it was just a piggyback.

And they, but they were really beaten up!

That kind of heavenly power, like an immortal, is even more like a great demon coming to the world!

The moment they were suppressed, the feeling to the six people was like a flat boat, suddenly encountering boundless waves.

That kind of despair, which people who have not experienced it, can never understand.

They were really afraid.

Moreover, if this little aunt really did it this time, it would not be the previous beating in the face.

She really moved to kill!

If you don’t ask for mercy, you will really die!

They just want an apology, why did things turn out like this?

“Lord, this…?”

Xiaoqing is a fledgling in the end, and he was instantly overwhelmed by this scene.

She looked at Chen Changge with a confused face.

Chen Changge shook his head.

“Okay, Xiaoqing, ignore them, let’s go.”

Saying that, ignoring the six goods on the ground, Chen Changge turned around and continued to walk towards the camp.

Originally, he really wanted to personally teach these six guys a little reason, but how could he have thought that these six people would kneel so quickly!

This couldn’t help but remind Chen Changge of a country in his previous life.


That country has a famous saying.

No country has ever been able to occupy (FL) before (BL) surrenders.

Therefore, Chen Changge was instantly not interested in these six people.

On the contrary, what interests him now is Xiaoqing’s strength.

The strength that Xiaoqing showed just now,

to be honest, Chen Changge was also shocked.

Strong, really strong!

If you want to add an adjective to this force.

That is, the Young Emperor!

“Oh, Lord.” Seeing Chen Changge gone, Xiaoqing didn’t think of anything else, but immediately followed.

However, just after taking two steps, she didn’t know what to think of,

and turned back to the few people lying on the ground very seriously:

“Although this time I don’t understand why His Holiness didn’t let me kill you.”

“But if I hear it in the future, you dare to be disrespectful to the Lord.”

“Even if the Lord doesn’t allow it, I will kill you!”

Xiaoqing Goose’s yellow face was full of seriousness, and it was even more murderous.

It seems that as long as it is related to Chen Changge, she will become very serious!

After speaking, Xiaoqing turned around and left.


Xiaoqing left, and the murderous aura that pressed on the six people suddenly decreased.

This made them breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, after feeling Xiaoqing’s breath go away,

the six people stood up leisurely.

Then each solemnly took out a yellowed book from his arms.

“On the Three Thousand Ways to Ask for Forgiveness to Support a Gou King to Live in the Immortal Cultivation World”.

This book was secretly given to them by their sect before the six people set off.

Everyone has it!

This book, it is rumored to have been left by a quasi-emperor.

That quasi-emperor’s talent was very poor, but most of his life was safe and sound.

Because he’s meticulous!

And begging for mercy is fast!

In the end, he relied on this treasure-level technique to cultivate all the way to the realm of the Quasi-Emperor Nine Heavens.

Peerless and independent!

King Gou has only missed a hand once in his life.

That’s when he was coquettish in front of a terrible woman, and then he was cut!

However, King Gou was cut though.

But the book he wrote has been preserved from generation to generation.

It was once regarded as the supreme treasure book of the immortal cultivation world.

It is kept by all the main sects and teaches disciples!

Six people, this is the first time to descend the mountain.

This is also the first time they have used the knowledge in this book.

I originally thought that this ethereal thing was not credible,

but I didn’t expect that it really turned into a disaster.

This, the true God Book also!

After some touching, the six looked at each other, and then smiled in unison.

After that, they each carefully hid the Gou Wang Book in their arms.

Only then did he shake the dust on his body and change his decline.

Then he walked towards his sect’s camp with his head held high.

Like a hero, the wind is bleak and the water is cold!

There is no previous decadence.

However, there was one point that the six people did not say by heart.

In the future, this Taiyi Holy Son, I’m afraid I can’t afford to provoke it!

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