Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Hunting

Chapter 10 Hunting

Gao Gong is hiding in a sea of flowers. The flowers are nearly one meter high, and the flowers are bright purple and red, reflecting the metal streamer in the light.

It is not so much a sea of flowers, but it is better to say that it is a testing ground for electric horns.

Blooming metal flowers emit low-frequency noise, while non-blooming buds are infrasound.

The sound range that the human body can accept is in the range of 20~20000Hz. The sound below 20Hz is the infrasound wave. The infrasound wave can stimulate the human brain, causing people to feel nervous, uneasy, and panic. And death.

Being in it, although the senior engineer felt a strong sense of discomfort, he secretly endured it.

There is a big reason why classical mechanical hunters do not install implants in their bodies, that is, radiated beasts are very good at capturing sounds and signals, and once they are found, they cannot complete the hunt.

And this metal flower field can hide the sound of the motor in Gaogong’s body.

At this point, the senior engineer can only make judgments based on the original owner’s hunting experience.

Prey and hunter, the transformation is sometimes only in an instant.

Soon, the senior engineer heard footsteps and—the dog’s screaming!

The top speed of the dog is set at 23km/h. It’s not that he doesn’t want to increase the speed, but if he increases the speed, the garbage parts in the waste recycling station will explode.

Therefore, there are more than a dozen robot ants beside each human head dog. There is a detonator inside the robot ant. The principle of the detonator is also very simple. The two metal sheets above are connected, and the circuit is connected to the electric detonator. Below is a small bottle of energy mineral extract.

These extracts are very unstable. Once stimulated, they will explode. Although the power is not large, the explosion intensity is only one-tenth of the grenade, but with this skill, it is enough to buy time for the head dog to run away.

Sure enough, as the footsteps got closer, explosions sounded one after another.

This should be a four-legged beast, because two robot ants just blew themselves up at the same time.


Sure enough, in the needle-like grass, a metal dog with a human head jumped up, followed by a huge black shadow behind it. From a distance, you could feel the temperature rise visibly with the naked eye.

‘It’s not a mechanical biochemical beast, it’s a radiant beast, so it’s it—’

The shadow behind    also jumped up, and when it landed on the ground, it made a huge vibration.

Behind the human-headed dog is a serious dog’s head, with two fist-sized eyes full of bloodshot eyes, staring fiercely at the human-headed dog.

This is a giant dog the size of an adult bull. The bones are faintly visible, the blood vessels thicker than the thumb on the flesh are beating regularly, the teeth are already metalized, and the four dog legs are thicker than the thighs of ordinary people. During the time, there was obvious light in the abdomen, and smoke leaked from the mouth.

Name: Giant Radiation Dog

Radiation class: E+

Health: 280/300

Stamina: 195/200

Bioenergy: 312

Creature Attributes: Strength 22 Agility 10 Stamina 26 Intelligence 3 Perception 7

Skill: Bite lv6 Steel Claw lv7 High Temperature Smoke lv4 Rampage lv7

Remarks: This is a good dog, much more normal than your dog

Although the metal head of the human-headed dog can’t change the expression, but looking at its four trembling mechanical legs, it can be seen that it is very scared.

Although after brainwashing on the operating table, the memory bank of the artificial soldiers was cleared, but after all, it is the basic combat unit of the Knights, and there is no shortage of combat IQ. After jumping out of the jungle, there was almost no hesitation, and went straight to the flower field. Don’t forget to turn around and provoke a few words.

The Radiant Dog was stunned for a moment, but after all, its intelligence is only 3, and the information processing speed of the nervous system is quite low. When the other party called him like this, he immediately became furious, and the bull-like body went on a rampage and went straight to the flower field.

The semi-metallic flowers and leaves are scattered, and the low-frequency noise environment makes it more violent. The calm hunter watches from the sidelines, and the horsepower of the micro motor has been operated to the limit in the four joint parts.

The next moment, the figure exploded, the red unicorn flashed a dazzling light, and the thick blade was like a chainsaw, straight into the opponent’s abdomen.

Its target is the glowing part of the abdomen, which is the radiation organ of the radiant dog, the source of energy.

The senior engineer has tested it with scrap metal before. The resistance brought by the red unicorn cutting metal is equivalent to cutting an apple with a fruit knife, but when the tip of the knife pierces the abdomen of the radiant dog, it is like a fruit knife cutting pork. The muscle hardness of the radiation dog is absolutely impossible to hit by ordinary bullets.

But the ‘red unicorn’ was prepared by the senior engineer for this moment. Now few people know that Aunt Xiang’s dead boyfriend was a classical mechanical hunter. My aunt made it by hand.

Gao Gong’s tiger’s mouth tightened, and with a loud roar, the tip of the knife was inserted, and the wrist turned the end of the knife handle, stirring vigorously above the glowing part.

[You deal 156 damage to the giant radiation dog]

[You used a brawl, causing a ‘vital strike’ to the target, making the target seriously injured]

It can be clearly seen that when the radiation organ fell, the irritability in the dog’s eyes dropped by 90%, and he fell into a kind of confusion after the fact.

The senior engineer ran the knife along his shoulder, and while the blade was submerged at the root, his shoulder slammed into the waist of the Radiation Dog, knocking the opponent to the ground.

The knife was drawn, and the tip of the knife pierced the throat of this vicious dog again.

[You deal 97 damage to the giant radiation dog]

[You used a brawl, causing ‘one-hit kill’ to the target, experience value +350]

Gaogong drew his knife again, and the splashed blood was like boiling water at high temperature, splashed on Gaogong’s coat, making a ‘zira’ sound.

“No wonder the classical mechanical hunter is called a lunatic, this feeling of life and death is really exciting.”

The senior worker touched the sweat on his forehead and threw the knife. The blade was red and smoking. The body temperature of the radiant beast made the whole blade look like a red-hot iron.

Hunting and killing the radiation beast, cutting off its radiation organs is even more important than killing it, because once the radiation beast dies, the life system stops functioning, and the radiation organs are used as an energy source, and it will self-detonate.

Although the level of   E-level radiation beasts is not high, no one has hunted complete giant radiation dogs in Motor City for a long time.

Skillfully skin and cut the radiation dog, and dig out the valuable organs.

[You get E-level bio-energy source: Radiated Dog Liver]

[You get a whole dog skin]

[You get a complete dog’s tail]

[You get forty-two metal teeth]

[You get a dog whip]

The meat of the radiant beast cannot be eaten, but the dog’s skin has been tanned by a special method, which can make a leather jacket with stronger defense than ordinary body armor. The dog’s tail is also a good biochemical material, and the metal teeth can be woven into decorations and sold to Peers, the dog whip is a necessity for the bigwigs in the city that never sleeps.

It was a pity for the senior engineer to look at the corpse of the giant dog that had only processed a small part of it. In fact, the bone of the radiation dog is also a good weapon material. At least the hardness is stronger than that of the steel bar. way.

“Let’s go and see how your other brothers are doing.”

The human-headed dog was shivering with fright before, and the fluid was about to come out, but now he was shivering again, and he trotted over and gave the corpse a kick.

This is the advantage of choosing the ‘Husky Template’. This human-headed husky can always roam on the edge of death and is extremely forgetful.

Not long after the senior worker left, a small scavenger found the corpse of the giant dog, which was more than half of it left, and suddenly the boss had a long mouth.

Facts have proved that this hunting method is indeed quite effective, but within three hours, the senior engineer once again hunted two giant radiation dogs and a mechanical biochemical butterfly.

I don’t know if it’s because he broke into the kennel, or if the human-headed dog has its own aura of taunting +100, and among the four radiation beasts, there are actually three radiation dogs.

The remaining Mechanical Biochemical Butterfly was pierced by Gao Gong in the moment before it grabbed the dog’s head. However, this time Gao Gong was unlucky. He deals 30 damage.

But what is gratifying is that after killing this mechanical butterfly, the ‘fight’ was automatically upgraded to one level.

Brawl lv9: You are a fighting expert, when using unarmed, blunt weapons and metal knives, attack power +16%, and block damage reduction increases by 10%

“Such a beautiful dog skin with almost no damage, impossible!”

Aunt Xiang raised her head and looked at Gao Gong with the eyes she had met for the first time. After a long while, she said, “Did you really go hunting?”

In her mind, the word ‘hunting’ is very meaningful and not something ordinary people can use.

The senior worker didn’t answer, but turned the pocket behind him, and all of a sudden, all kinds of precious bits and pieces fell down.

“Radiation dog, mechanical butterfly, and, is this a grenade?”

Aunt Xiang is holding a dark fruit. This thing is called a grenade. The outside is like a pine cone. The skin is covered with metal fragments. Afterwards, it can be used as a natural grenade.

“I picked it on the road, I didn’t dare to pick too much, I was afraid it would explode.”

This kind of grenade fruit is extremely unstable before it is processed with potion. It will explode after a slight collision. He only picked six, and he took two with his own hands.

Aunt Xiang is not too dirty, she rummaged through all kinds of odds and ends, but her tone was much better.

“I didn’t expect you, this little brat, to have a little backbone.”

“Or, you can’t be a city man, so you just gave up on yourself?”

The    senior worker smiled and said, “How much can you sell these things for?”

“Let’s not say anything else, just this complete E-level dog liver, it can’t be shot below 800, and the other bits and pieces can be 4,000.”

“I’ll give you 20% off.”

“You kid is crazy,” Aunt Xiang said without raising her head, “Sell it to your big lover, I am a weapons store.”

“Don’t worry, one of the dog skins will be made into a coat for me, and three grenades will be kept for me. The rest of these materials will be regarded as your deposit.”

Aunt Xiang took the note, glanced at it, finally raised her head, and exclaimed in surprise, “You’re really planning to play big!?”

The one written yesterday was the same as the game background information book. It was too bloated and uncomfortable to read, so I revised it.

There is one more at night

The new book is uploaded, everyone is welcome to give your opinions

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(end of this chapter)

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