Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Give You A Dog’S Life

Chapter 9 I will send you a dog’s life

Wild metal rock sounds from the buggy.

If you have a map of the iron sand desert, you can find that the ‘oases’ are densely populated, and they are all areas outside the Fifth Ring Road of the old city, commonly known as suburbs.

And the name of the oasis is also closely related to the suburban industries. For example, the oasis of the automobile city where the senior engineers are located, its predecessor was an automobile industrial park.

And the city closest to the Auto City is called the scavenger city.

‘Boom! ’

An off-road vehicle galloped wildly on the cracked asphalt road, passing through abandoned toll gas stations.

“Radiation Beast Riot?”

The senior worker was distracted, grabbing the steering wheel with one hand, and scanning the ‘Hunter Daily’ with the other hand.

‘Hunter Daily’ is one of the industries of Wang Tian, a former factory manager who is now a desert tycoon.

Today’s headline is “City riots, many oasis are attacked by animal waves”.

Of course, news, it is natural to exaggerate, but it has indeed been several years since the human and radiant beasts have been relocated, and the oasis has not been attacked.

But that clear picture of beast man-eating – at least this beast attack isn’t fake news.

“There are two possibilities,” the senior engineer tapped lightly on the steering wheel. “The first is that a new beastmaster is born in a certain city. Once the beastmaster is born, it must expand its genetic territory to maintain its life. system.”

As a veteran mechanical hunter, the senior engineer of course understands that the S-rank Beastmaster is not only a radiation monster, but also a radiation ecology. If this ecological crisis is not solved, the S-rank Beastmaster cannot be killed.

“There is another possibility, this is the harbinger of the Battle of Hydra.”

According to the memory of the previous life, in the expansion pack [Outpost War: Hydra Destruction Battle], a total of more than a dozen Beastmasters appeared. These Beastmasters seemed to appear suddenly, and then they destroyed the factory ecology and fell to the city that never sleeps. Although in the final siege battle, the mother city was bombed by space-based weapons and suffered heavy casualties, and finally disappeared into the darkness.

But this also became the trigger for the next series of plot events.

“In today’s iron sand desert, all wild beastmasters are heavily attacked by factories, and even if they do, they won’t show up. The latter is more likely.”

The iron sand desert without war is the best place for leveling in Gao Gong’s opinion. He can’t give up here. The knights who frequently make trouble are the enemies that stand in his way.

“It is possible to cooperate with the factory, but how to cooperate has to find an opportunity. After all, there is no evidence to say it.”

“The main occupation must be at least level 20, reaching the level of senior combatants of the Knights, in order to be able to protect themselves.”

“On the route you take, as long as you can successfully reach level 20, you can at least have a full level of combat effectiveness. Even if you face the core knights of the Knights, you are not without a fight.”

The senior engineer’s eyes moved slightly, and he turned the steering wheel sharply to the right. On the road ahead, he saw a lot of barricades made of old wooden boards blocked in front of the toll booth, and there were people behind him.

“Radiation Corpse, old acquaintance.”

Ten years ago, the scavenger city was not called the scavenger city, but the city of hope. A large number of refugees lived in this city, and countless mechanical hunters defended the city.

Then, the beast tide began, and the refugees were transformed into radiant creatures called ‘radiant corpses’, which were distributed around the city.

These radiation corpses have certain intelligence, and they are small radiation sources themselves. The more the number of people, the greater the power of radiation. When a certain number of people are reached, the radiation will be connected together. Not only will the strength and speed of ordinary radiation corpses increase, but even a Special varieties such as Fire Radiant Corpse, Weapon Radiant Corpse, Tracker, Wild Dancer, etc.

Sure enough, when the off-road vehicle just got off the road and entered the muddy area, a bunch of radiant corpses blocked it.

These radiation corpses are no different from living people except for their red complexion and bloodshot eyes. The power of radiation allows them to retain their special physical vitality.

instead of going biochemical mode.

The senior worker stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and hit it without hesitation. The front bumper of the car with thick steel plates was installed, just like bowling, hitting four or five at a time, and four or five at a time.

The body after the transformation of lv3 [mechanical transformation] has a wilder performance and is more suitable for desert survival.

Several radiant corpses tried to grab the tires, but as soon as they grabbed them, they were churned into minced meat by the wheels with pure steel tracks.

【You have killed radiation zombies, EXP +1】

【You have killed radiation zombies, EXP +1】

【You have killed radiation zombies, EXP +1】

The system panel was swiped by a series of +1s.

Senior worker’s expression was calm. In the memory of the original owner, this was only a pediatrics department, and in the memory of the previous life, it was even less worth mentioning.

As soon as he entered the fifth ring road of the scavenger city, the senior engineer immediately found a place to hide his car.

Swaggering in like a drone squad is equivalent to courting death.

The senior engineer parked the car in a safe place outside the Fifth Ring Road, not because the smell of blood would attract wild beasts, but the off-road vehicle itself.

Radiation beasts are divided into two categories, radiation beasts and mechanical biochemical beasts, the former eat energy, the latter eat metal and electronic components.

After more than ten years of hunting, the beasts that can now occupy a corner in the urban circle are undoubtedly hard bones.

To deal with such hard bones, the current practice of mechanical hunters is to call the factory bombers to bombard the area again, and then deploy artillery, tanks, and heavy machine guns to contain them layer by layer, step by step.

It is safe to be safe, but there is no way to talk about ‘hunting’.

The classical mechanic hunters more than ten years ago only used cold weapons, and they didn’t even have implants in their bodies.

There is no electronic signal sent, so naturally there is no need to worry about being discovered by these mechanical monsters, shadows lurking, one-shot kills.

This approach is good for everything, there is only one problem, the mortality rate is too high, so the mechanical hunters of the classical style gradually withdraw from the stage of history.

The current practice of   Gonggong is a variant of the classical hunting style.

He put down the big bag behind him, and without his manipulation, the four heads poked out of it, looked left and right, and then cried out ‘barking’.


The senior engineer glanced at them with warning eyes, and these human-headed dogs suddenly made an ‘oooh’ with a look of grievance.

“Remember what I told you before.”


The senior engineer shook the package again, shaking the robot ants down.

These ants were set to ‘tracking mode’ in advance, and their sensor modules were interconnected with the human-headed dog. Wherever the human-headed dog ran, they followed.

“Then go.”

The senior engineer gave an order, and these four human-headed dogs plunged into the concrete forest like huskies who were having fun.

The senior engineer took out another tablet from the old civilization era and opened it. On the map, four yellow dots were moving erratically in four directions.

‘Enable biological mode. ’

‘Bio mode is on’

An indifferent electronic voice sounded.

At the tails of the four human-headed dogs, an awl-shaped thing slowly turned. Affected by it, the sensing elements, nerve shunt elements, and chemical catalysts hung on the awls entered a state of connection.

And turning on the biological implant in the concrete forest is like coming to a special place where the feasting and feasting, a group of special people say to you, “Brother, come to play”, or “Sir, what time do you order”.

In general, this has rather irritating consequences.

The senior engineer hit the Enter key again, and the ‘radiation detectors’ on the four human-headed dogs lit up.

Around the yellow dot that the human-headed dog turned into, a series of numbers changed rapidly.

Radiation beasts generally use the radiation level to determine its danger level, which is divided into seven levels, F, E, D, C, B, A, S. It is rumored that there are higher-level beastmasters above S, but they have never appeared.

Among them, the baseline of F grade is 10 points of radiation value, E grade is 100 points, D grade is 1000 points, and so on.

Before he crashed into a radiant corpse of flesh, it was the lowest F level.

According to the division of the players, the F-level is a small soldier, the E-level is an elite monster, the D-level is a small boss, and the C-level is a wasteland boss…

The highest-level monster killed by the original owner was a C-rank reaper. It looked like a two-person heavy-armored swordsman. Its pair of scythes could easily cut through the shell of a heavy tank. Speeds approaching Mach 1.

After the original owner killed it, he lay on the bed for a full month.

This is also the highest level mechanical biochemical beast that the original owner has been a mechanical hunter for more than ten years.

The senior engineer’s trip is just to upgrade, and he has no plans to fight against C-level beasts.

If you really encounter a boss of this level, what else can you do——

, of course, gave it a dog’s life.

Soon, one of the human-headed dogs began to turn around and rushed back frantically.

And the number behind it is fixed at 141 points.

This is an E-class beast, the species is unknown, but the level is just right.

just use it to sacrifice the knife.

The senior engineer turned off the computer and slowly pulled out the red unicorn from the knife box.

The red knife does not see blood, but it is really red when it sees blood.

(end of this chapter)

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