Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 192

Chapter 192: Biochip

Chapter 192 Biochips

Ye Ye looked at the people around her in horror. There was almost no normal person. Everyone was very terrifying in her opinion. The powerful machine was inserted directly into the human body. The sound, the metal palm seemed to crush her head with just a slight squeeze.

“Get out of the way, get out of the way!”

Cowboy Apu kicked a few of his peers away unceremoniously, and showed a kind smile to Ye Ye.

“Little beauty, we meet again!”

Seeing the familiar face, Ye Ye shivered all over, then came back to his senses, and hurriedly jumped up.

“He, he, Big Tamil he—”

“I know, I know, don’t worry, he’s not dead yet.”

Apu took a long time to appease the other party. At this time, Ye Ye held a glass of juice in both hands and sat carefully in the corner.

She originally wanted to go to the Flame Pass and ask Brother Tamil’s companions to save him, but she was caught halfway through, and when she came to a reaction, she appeared here.

Later, she learned that the big butcher in the black market had ambushed people on every passage leading to the Flame Pass. If she went rashly, only death would greet her.

In fact, Brother Tamil’s companions have already come over, and as soon as the butcher leaves the black market, he will do it.

Leaf was happy, but also a little ashamed.

She didn’t help anything, but almost ruined other people’s affairs.

At this time, she was quietly looking around, the high-tech environment made her feel like a dream, and when the butcher’s figure was reflected on the virtual screen, she was even more shocked.

“As expected of a prosthetic doctor, the opponent must be equipped with an anti-monitoring device. Once the drone approaches him at a certain distance, he will definitely be discovered.”

zoomed in, and sure enough, he saw a pager-like device on the butcher’s waist. In the projection, it emitted a very special electromagnetic wave.

“But he never dreamed that we are now at an altitude of 8,000 meters, using a satellite positioning system to monitor him.”

The    satellite positioning system is broadcast by the helicarrier and distributed to the aircraft. This is a standard secondary technology, and it is also a dimensionality reduction surveillance for the butcher.

The butcher used at least three ways to hide himself. One was to act in batches. He divided his subordinates into five teams and acted separately. The second was Li Dai Taozong. He used the method of ‘changing heads’ to create a fake The butcher is strutting around in the black market. The third type is various anti-tracking devices, and the electromagnetic wave locator is just one of them.

But it’s all useless, under the GPS marker, everything is exposed.

Compared with the first-level civilization, the satellite positioning system of the second-level civilization is the biggest difference is that it can “mobile positioning”, not just high-definition photos.

For example, the insight plan of a certain American team 2 is a satellite positioning of the second civilization level, which can be used to seconds people all over the planet, which is quite dangerous.

At this time, the real butcher was among a group of caravans and quietly left the black market.

“Finally left, let’s act too.”

A hatch was slowly lifted, and four mechas over four meters high stepped out, led by Hurley.

In the    mecha cabin, she was skillfully pulling the mechanical lever, and her head was no longer covered with electrodes, but a pitch-black helmet.

This newly developed helmet can effectively reduce the driver’s nerve pressure.

“Artificial intelligence, ready to launch.”


The aircraft began to descend at a constant speed, Ye Ye stared blankly at this girl about the same age as himself, and suddenly felt very envious.

“Let’s go!!”

At an altitude of hundreds of meters, as the cabin door slowly opened, one after another mecha fell directly.

The biggest upgrade of ‘Enhanced Berserker’ is the power system. There are more fist-sized jet holes in the shoulders, knees, and waist, which can make the mecha’s movements more flexible, but at the same time, the requirements for the driver will be higher. .

The driving level of these four mech drivers is the highest, and there are two women, one is Hurley and the other is Xiaoju.

In the butcher’s dull eyes, four mechanical giants fell from the sky, blocking their four directions.

The next battle is nothing to say, unless you are a character above level 20, otherwise the mecha is crushing.

The butcher’s subordinates are indeed not bad at fighting, and the reformers even have rows of small howitzers on their bodies, but today’s ‘Berserker’ is not the stupid and clumsy type of the empire, a huge four-meter-high machine, almost human-like. Flexible, only a hapless one got a robotic arm blown off by a miniature grenade.

And as one after another mechanical hunters descended from the sky, the butcher finally became desperate, he hesitated for a long time, and finally gave up the plan to take the hostages.

“I surrender.”

“You’re smart.”

The butcher turned around, only to find that one of his most trusted subordinates had obviously changed in body shape. Countless bone spurs protruded from under the skin, and the palm of the hand yanked violently, pulling the skin off, revealing a delicate face, with a slight smile. .

“If you just started, you will die.”

The butcher was horrified, he had no idea when the other party came over.

“Okay, bring someone here first. I’ll have someone prepare the surgical materials. If the arm is broken, I just need to replace it.”

The senior engineer hung up the phone, and Professor Han next to him said without raising his head, “Just in time, just in time to test the new biochip.”

At this moment, in the cell culture vessel, a tumor-like thing is floating in the nutrient solution.

Biochip: A very special biological plug-in, which is composed of different radiating cells. By adjusting the ratio of different cells, the modders can obtain different types of hunting methods.

“Try it?”

The senior worker nodded, placed his palm above the nutrient solution, and his fingers turned into five ‘enhanced bloodthirsty feet’, which were sucked into the body as soon as they touched it.

[Your power system transformation rate +1%]

[Your Agility +1]

[Your Perception +1]

[You get the skill ‘Basic Swordsmanship’]

[Your swordsmanship has been upgraded from ‘normal’ to ‘advanced’, obtaining the reaper’s swordsmanship]

The next moment, Gao Gong felt that he had become a huge reaper, lurking in the forest. In the distance, a huge prey passed by, and the reaper’s scarlet eyes narrowed slightly.

The next moment, the reaper rose from the ground, the six blade limbs turned into bright blade lights, the blade lights flashed, and the bull-sized prey body was divided into six.

Reaper Knife Technique (Biochip): A hunting knife technique mastered by the Radiant Beast Reaper in the course of many years of hunting, known for being fast, ruthless and accurate.

Additional status: one knife and eight methods

One knife and eight methods: One knife is drawn, and through special skills, it can continuously flash eight sword lights, causing eight layers of damage.

The senior engineer closed his eyes for a while, and the knife in his hand disappeared in a flash. The next moment, eight knife marks appeared on the wall.

“It feels good.”

The senior engineer moved his body, but he didn’t feel any rejection.

“Nonsense, this is a biochip grown from your cells, how could there be rejection,” Professor Han complained, “If it’s someone else, it’s not necessarily the case.”

However, Professor Han also gave a rare smile, “But it is finally made, and it will be easy to deal with.”

Mecha, biochip, as long as the key technologies are solved, the next step is to stack materials.

It’s not worth it. The senior engineer spent nearly a million experience in the past two days, betting on nearly a hundred biological drawings, and finally broke through this technical level.

Just like the ‘external neural connection device’ is the key technical point of the mecha.

‘Chip circuit’, ‘Protein framework’, and ‘Miniature cell carving technology’ are also the difficulties.

In these 100 biological drawings, even if it is the same technology, there will be different technical routes.

The senior engineer and Professor Han have been experimenting for a long time, and finally found the most suitable route.

It is also fortunate that the NPC template can open a camp, and you can consume camp experience to bet on blueprints, otherwise, with millions of experience, the senior engineer will have to vomit blood.

“This time, in terms of potential, biological hunters have surpassed mechanical hunters,” Professor Han said.

The senior engineer nodded in agreement.

Although biochips are not exclusive to occupations, ordinary people can only install one biochip at most, and biohunters have been specially modified, and the number of chips that can be implanted is about 3 to 5 chips, and after level 20, they can even form a ‘chip combination’ .

“Are you really going?” Professor Han suddenly said.

From the perspective of power management, the ‘Mechanical Hunter’ is undoubtedly on the rise. At this time, the boss is running away, and it always feels a bit strange.

“Well, some high-level scientific research knowledge can only be obtained from large enterprises, and the investigation of network bionics and molecular bionics can only be found by going out.”

Tamil seemed to have had a long nightmare. During the nightmare, he was repeatedly tortured and beaten. In the second half, the nightmare changed again.

He seems to have become a prey, with a group of steel reapers behind him. These monsters use knives to cut themselves into an unknown number of segments for food.

Then he returned to human form and continued to be hunted.

He kept fleeing and fighting back, but no matter what he did, there was only one result.

In the end, even he was numb.

He developed a high fever, and seemed to be listening in a daze.

“This guy’s will is strong.”

“Yes, as expected of my subordinates.”

Is this the boss’s voice?

After an unknown amount of time, just when he suspected that he would never be able to get rid of this nightmare, the nightmare seemed to change again.

After a meal, he did not “resurrection”, but slipped out of a very crowded place.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, and the first thing he saw was two blades the size of scissors.

He seems to have turned into a reaper cub! ?

“you’re awake!”

Tamil woke up with difficulty and found himself lying on an operating table, a familiar genetic girl showing joy.

And not far away, three dirty children were slamming on the window, and in their longing eyes, a mech patrol team was passing by the window.

The leading mecha seemed to have seen the child, and took the initiative to stretch out a huge mechanical arm and salute the three of them.

“Wow! So handsome!”

“It’s so cool!”

“I want to drive a mech when I grow up!”

‘What’s the point of the boot armor, three stinky bastards,’ Tamil complained in his heart, feeling drowsy and fell asleep again.

(end of this chapter)

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