Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 193

Chapter 193: The First Chain Of Expertise

Chapter 193 The first chain of expertise

Time flies, soon, a month has passed.

During this month, the construction of the three bases was in full swing, and a large number of genetic slaves were pardoned and became civilians. They were allocated houses and storefronts at extremely low prices. Those with skills set up their own shops, while those without skills would go on for three months. Technical Training.

As for boys and girls under the age of 18, they will be assigned to different colleges.

Three academies rose up, the Mecha Academy, the Hunter Academy, and the Equipment Academy.

The establishment of the three colleges has brought a total of 300,000 camp experience to the senior engineers.

At the same time, with the three oases as the center, a huge mechanical network began to spread.


Faction Name: Mechanical Hunters

Number: 30179

Level: Second-level regional power

Featured buildings: Mechanical Weapon Transformation Hall, Biological Weapon Transformation Hall, Bionic Laboratory, Mecha Manufacturing Center, Biochip Manufacturing Center

Faction Specialties: Mecha, Biochip, Hunter Module

Combat Professions: Mechanical Hunter, Creature Hunter, Mecha Warrior, Fire Boy

Combatants: Hunter Hunter (1253), Wild Hunter (131), Blood Hunter (22), Mecha Warrior (102), Fire Boy (1401)

Faction roles: C 53145, D 31134, Geng 12453, Zhao Tong, Aunt Xiang, Jiro Sasaki…

Senior Faction Characters: Du Zhaodi, General Quill, Huang Yuanli (Gaia)

Faction Points: 13512

Remarks: A thriving local force with exclusive technology and production bases, everything looks so good-except the boss is about to run away

‘Tsk, the system’s complaints are still the same as before. ’

Faction points are a comprehensive standard for measuring the strength of a faction. The upper limit of a first-level civilization is 100,000 points, the upper limit of a second-level civilization is 1 million, and so on.

According to the system, the ‘Mechanical Hunter’ belongs to a local group with distinctive and powerful strength. The only disadvantage is probably that the scale is too small.

However, under Director Du’s ambitious expansion plan, soon, this faction’s points will increase wildly.

And he had a deep talk with Gaia, and Gaia agreed to make the “Land of Fire” the first place to liberate.

Warriors of Flame Pass will soon appear in other warlords’ spheres of influence.

The senior engineer narrowed his eyes and opened the task system. Sure enough, the completion rate of the job transfer task ‘Machine Ecosystem’ reached 90%.

In fact, 60% of them can be transferred, but the senior engineers have been procrastinating, mainly because the higher the degree of completion, the more rewards.

[The job transfer task is completed, the middle-level worker of No. 3 factory is transferred to the senior worker of No. 2 factory]

[You get the talent ‘Son of Transformation’]

[You gain skill ‘Advanced Mechanical Repair’]

[Get a large drawing]

One talent, one skill, one blueprint, not bad.

The senior engineer pulled the panel down before he could read these instructions.

[You gain professional knowledge [Energy Development]]

[伱Acquire vocational knowledge [composite materials]]

[You gain professional knowledge [large-scale engineering]]

‘Energy development’ is the professional knowledge for building energy systems, such as the prerequisites for wind power plants, coal power plants, and nuclear power plants.

‘composite material’ can turn decay into magic, and some advanced metal materials, such as Gaogong’s ‘titanium alloy mechanical bone’, are derived from it.

Not to mention ‘large-scale projects’, a must-have option for any large-scale project, such as electricity, mining, smelting, and railways.

As said, he directly used the ‘faction experience’ to fill the second factory’s senior workers and three occupational knowledge.

[You upgrade the No. 2 factory senior worker to lv2, agility +3, endurance +2]

[You upgrade the No. 2 factory senior worker to lv3, agility+3, stamina+3]

[You upgrade the No. 2 factory senior worker to lv4, agility+4, stamina+5]

[You raise the No. 2 factory senior worker to lv5max, agility+5, stamina+4, character+1]

[You get the title of Master Maker]

The further back the sub-profession is, the more exaggerated the added attributes. After the whole set, the agility is increased by 15, and the endurance is increased by 14.

But why is agility higher than endurance, the system encourages me to carry a bucket and run?

And moving bricks actually adds character, is there such a good thing?

This time, the addition of attribute points is really a bit too much. It took a while for the senior engineer to get used to it. He felt the constant energy in the body, and the senior engineer was very satisfied.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if the senior engineer is satisfied or not, as long as Director Du is satisfied.

This time, the occupation + knowledge level was upgraded, and it took another 600,000 experience for senior engineers.

This level of experience consumption.

It’s not without reason that players can’t play in the late game.

The senior engineer switched the panel and moved to the ‘knowledge tree’. Sure enough, a row of professional knowledge all lit up.

【Industrial Materials Science】, 【Mechanical Transformation】, 【Mechatronic Engineering】, 【Exoskeleton Design】, 【Energy Development】, 【Composite Materials】, 【Large Engineering】

All are full-level, including the profession of factory worker, and also completed the third rank, reaching full-level 20.

[Whether to choose to merge the professional knowledge of this sequence, consumption, 1.5 million experience]


In the next moment, the eight professional knowledge lights lit up and overlapped with each other. The senior engineers seemed to see one ‘image phantom’ after another, which was one giant mechanical project after another.

[Merger completed, obtaining secondary expertise chain-mechanical complex]

Mechanical complex: In any mechanical civilization, the manufacture of machinery is the creation of life, and the manufacture of large-scale mechanical projects is a new life ecology.

This chain of expertise is required for any large-scale mechanical project related to mechanical life.

Planet host, mother city, and cyber network infrastructure are all related to this chain of expertise, and its importance can be imagined.

It’s just that the senior engineers are a bit painful.

Because this chain of expertise does not belong to any of the three secondary civilizations on this planet.

It is the chain of expertise of purely mechanical civilization.

He tried his best to dig for clues about ‘Prosthetic Technology’, ‘Clonal Technology’, and ‘Biochemical Technology’, but none of them were filled. Instead, it was the profession of ‘Factory Worker’, which seemed to have reached the full level casually. .

Is this foreshadowing something?

The difference between professional knowledge chain and professional knowledge is that, as a ‘super knowledge”, it can be disassembled by itself.

The senior engineer dragged the ‘mechanical complex’ onto the manufacturing panel, and he saw a dismantling option.

The upper limit of experience is 80,000, which is the sum of all occupational knowledge.

[whether to choose to dismantle ‘mechanical complex’]


[You get a large blueprint [Defective low-orbit satellite]]

[whether to choose to dismantle ‘mechanical complex’]


[You get a large blueprint [the giant dock is incomplete]]

[whether to choose to dismantle ‘mechanical complex’]


[You get a medium blueprint [large mecha incomplete *1 (1/3)]]

The senior engineer dismantled it ten times in a row, and most of them were incomplete drawings. A small part marked the number of defects, and one or two drawings were pure garbage.

One 80,000 experience, local tyrants do not play like this.

Among the ten blueprints, the most valuable one is the large mecha blueprint, which is also the only blueprint that can possibly be collected on this planet.

As the leader of the virtual civilization in the last life, before completing the complete virtualization, he actually worked as an infrastructure maniac for a period of time, building superhosts full of planets and galaxies, and even tried to copy the ‘cosmic giant’. Of course, this The attempt ended in failure, but he also gained a lot in the process.

Various kinds of ‘machine wills’ were born in this process.

[whether to choose to dismantle ‘mechanical complex’]


[You get the sixth-level mechanical blueprint [Mechanical Body]]

[whether to choose to dismantle ‘mechanical complex’]


[You get the six-level biological blueprint [Blood of the Machine]]

[whether to choose to dismantle ‘mechanical complex’]


[You get Level 6 mechanical drawings [Industrial Wisdom Network]]

Gradually, a prototype of a “machine will” began to be pieced together.

(end of this chapter)

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