Start with Hunter x Hunter and Get the Ice-Ice Fruit For One Yuan

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Only two hundred floors, is it difficult?

“Wow, 20 million Jie Ni!”

Leorio’s eyes lit up when he looked at the two large black suitcases that Li Mu was holding.

A few hours ago, Li Mu was more than ten times poorer than him, but now Li Mu is more than a hundred times richer than him!

“I’ve won money today, I’m very happy, and I’ll equip each of you with a mobile phone later!”

Li Mu smiled happily.

Now he’s a little rich enough to afford Menchi a big meal.

“Gon, this box of money is for you!”

Li Mu took out a box and gave it to Gon.

When Gon was eating, he could give Li Mu all the money he had left, so Li Mu would not feel bad if he shared some of the money with Gon after winning. After all, although they are not brothers, their childhood sweetheart friendship is closer than that of brothers. If one day Li Mu is besieged by countless strong men, Gon will definitely be the one who will save Li Mu regardless of his own life.

“I do not want!”

Gon shook his head.

“Gon, are you stupid? This box is 10,000,000 Junni, you don’t want it!”

Leorio stared at the cash box, only money in his eyes.

“I have to rely on my own ability to earn, and can’t we get the Hunter license tomorrow? After getting the Hunter license and becoming a Hunter, it is not difficult for us to make money!”

Gon’s eyes were very pure and clear, and he was not tempted by money at all.

“Well, I’ll get you a bank card later, and I’ll save you a million yen for your daily expenses. You can’t refuse this. If you refuse again, you’re not treating me as a friend!”

Li Mu said in an unquestionable tone.

Gon wanted to refuse, but after hearing the second half of Li Mu’s words, he hesitated for a moment and nodded. He could also understand what Li Mu meant. It was all about it, and he didn’t want to make Li Mu sad.

“Li Mu, why don’t you also get me a card and deposit one million for me?”

Leorio said flatteringly.


“First, your flattering look is disgusting!”

“Second, our relationship isn’t that close yet!”

Li Mu directly refused.

“Li Mu, what you said really hurts my heart!”

“Hey, yes, after all, Gon and you grew up wearing a pair of pants. You two can’t share anything except female tickets!”

Leorio sighed, it seems he still can’t get some money from Li Mu.

“Leorio, if you need money, I have a plan!”

Li Mu said.

“Come on! What’s the plan? I want to make money and become a rich man!”

Leorio fantasized about the happiness that money brought him.

“Tomorrow you get the Hunter license and sell the Hunter license, so that you can get at least 100 million yuan!”

Li Mu quipped.

He also heard from the boss who held the black boxing competition just now.

“If you want to sell it, you can sell it to me, and I can pay 110 million yuan to buy it!”

The boss who held the black boxing competition limped towards Li Mu and the others with his arms around an enchanting woman.

“Not for sale!”

“I won’t buy the Hunter license I finally got admitted to, and the Hunter license can’t be re-examined. After I sell it, I don’t have it!”

Leorio refused.

The convenience and long-term benefits of a Hunter license are far greater than a sale.

“That’s a pity, but if you want to sell Hunter licenses in the future, you can contact me at any time!”

The boss who held the black boxing competition handed business cards to Li Mu and Leorio respectively.

While the Hunter license is as branded as some national ID cards, it is still of great use to those in their underworld.

“Li Mu, are you really unwilling to be our special guest? As long as you become our special guest, we will only arrange one beast fight for you every month, and the price of participating in a beast fight is six Million Ringtones!”

The boss who held the black boxing match bewitched Li Mu.

Such a good way to make money, he couldn’t figure out why Li Mu would refuse.

“This is not my home court. Even if I go to the Sky Arena, I can earn no less than 200 million yen if I hit the 200th floor!”

Li Mu refused again.

“I understand, it turns out that you don’t look down on me here, and you dislike me here. Miao Xiaorong can’t help you!”

“But have you considered whether you can reach the 200th floor when you go to the Sky Arena?”

“Above the 190th floor of the Sky Arena are monster-like existences. You, a young boy who just passed the Hunter’s trial who can’t even ‘think’, are delusional about going to the 200th floor?”

The boss who held the underground black boxing competition began to get angry.

Back then, he also went to the Sky Arena with pride and ambition, but when he climbed to the 190th floor, he met a terrifying man with Nen, who unloaded his right leg on the 190th floor. down.

“It’s only two hundred floors, what’s so difficult!?”

Li Mu opened his palms, and a biting cold surrounded the entire underground boxing ring, and a huge pool for feeding piranhas beside the boxing ring was instantly frozen.

“You… how did you do it!??”

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the boss who held the black boxing competition.

To be honest, the moment Li Mu opened his hand just now, he felt a strong death threat.

“Can the strength I’m showing now make it to the 200th floor of the Sky Arena?”

Li Mu chuckled.

“Today I’ve lost sight of it!”

“Little brother, I was offended just now, sorry!”

If the boss of Black Fist had been educating Li Mu just now, now he has a low attitude. After all, the Hunter world is a world where the strong are respected, and only the strong can receive corresponding respect! *

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