Starting With Batman

Chapter – 36 Unexpected

Bank robbery is probably the most common form of crime in the comic book world, but it's rarely just that simple. It seems that every superhero encounters a group of brazen bank robbers at some point during their early days, almost as if they're there to help the hero level up.

If criminals were like wild monsters in a video game, bank robbers would have the highest spawn rate, showing up in every city again and again, as if on cue.

To be honest, Charlie always found the mindset of these criminals baffling. Why would they rob banks in cities protected by gods and superheroes?

Some say that people in the comic book world live under constant threat. Every week, whether from local villains or alien invaders, there's always some maniac trying to cause chaos. You might come back from a business trip only to discover that your entire neighborhood has been wiped off the map.

But in situations like that, you can't curse your bad luck. In fact, you might even thank your lucky stars because if you hadn't been out of town, you might not have survived either.

That said, if you're going to be a criminal, why choose the most obvious, dangerous path like robbing a bank? It seems even more desperate.

Sure, supervillains attack intermittently. There are always a few days each month when disaster strikes, like clockwork, but at least it doesn't happen every day. There are still enough peaceful days in a month to live somewhat normally.

But bank robbers have a different fate. Supervillains might take breaks, but obsessive superheroes never do. They work 24/7, always vigilant, always ready to pounce. Every day you choose to rob a bank, you risk encountering one of these tireless guardians.

If you try your luck in Gotham, you might have a slim chance of success—after all, no matter how skilled Batman is, even he can't be everywhere at once. But those who rob banks in Metropolis? They must either be hopelessly foolish or simply desperate for a meal in prison.

Charlie couldn't understand why anyone would be foolish enough to attempt robbing a bank in Superman's territory. And it's even worse in Marvel's New York, where it seems like every superhero in existence has made the city their home base. It's a miracle that any ordinary criminal in New York manages to survive in such harsh conditions.

This particular night marked the first time Charlie encountered a real bank robbery during his nightly patrols, and it was an eye-opening experience for him.

When Batman landed at a nearby observation point, he immediately assessed the situation. A van had rammed through the front entrance of the bank, its rear still protruding into the street. The security guards, who had been stationed at the entrance, were down, lying motionless on the ground. The robbers, armed and dangerous, had already breached the bank's main hall.

The front door was never Batman's first choice. Charlie, controlling Batman, activated detective mode, scanning the building's layout for a less obvious entry point. Within moments, he found an unguarded side door.

Quietly, he picked the lock and slipped inside. The interior was eerily quiet, the silence broken only by the muffled sounds of the robbers shouting commands at the hostages.

Once inside, Batman quickly used his grappling gun to ascend to a higher vantage point. From there, he could survey the entire scene.

Charlie had learned a crucial lesson in his recent nights as Batman—always take the high ground. From above, you can observe the situation with greater clarity, plan your moves more effectively, and remain hidden from the enemy's sight.

There were six kidnappers inside, four of whom were armed with guns. The remaining two wielded knives, making them equally dangerous in close quarters. To complicate matters further, fifteen hostages were huddled together in the center of the hall, under the watchful eyes of three kidnappers.

Taking down six robbers might seem like a small task—a morning workout for Batman. But the real challenge lay in ensuring the safety of the hostages.

Charlie took a deep breath, steadying his nerves. He knew this wasn't just a game. Unlike the footage he could re-record and edit, there were no second chances here. Every action he took, every decision he made, could directly impact the lives of those innocent people.

A single mistake—getting spotted too early or failing to take down all the criminals in one swoop—could result in someone getting hurt. Or worse.

But Charlie wasn't new to this anymore. If this had been him during his early days, he might have hesitated, maybe even backed off, doubting his ability to handle the situation. But after countless nights of practice, Charlie had grown confident in his ability to control Batman.

Detective mode gave him a complete overview of the bank's interior, pinpointing the exact locations of each criminal. It helped him map out his plan of attack and select the appropriate tools for the job.

The first priority was to neutralize the three kidnappers watching the hostages.

Two of them had guns; the third carried a knife. The gunmen were the primary targets.

Batman moved silently through the shadows, positioning himself at the perfect angle above the hall. He crouched down, hidden in the darkness, and began assembling a sleek, black mechanical rifle from the components in his utility belt.

Everyone knows Batman doesn't use guns, so this rifle wasn't a traditional firearm—it was a specialized tool designed for a very specific purpose.

The weapon in Charlie's hands was an "armed jammer," a device with the range of a sniper rifle but without lethal capabilities. It launched miniature jamming devices that could disable firearms by emitting an electromagnetic pulse.

Charlie was confident in his in-game marksmanship. He found the right angle, took a steadying breath, and aimed carefully. Two shots, fired in quick succession, hit their targets with pinpoint accuracy. The jamming bullets attached themselves to the guns of the two armed kidnappers.

The gunmen felt their weapons vibrate slightly in their hands. Before they could react, the guns exploded, tearing apart in their grip. The explosion sent shrapnel flying, and the robbers screamed in pain as their hands were shredded by the blast.

The remaining criminals were instantly on high alert. At that precise moment, all the lights in the hall went out with a loud buzz, plunging the entire bank into a pitch-black darkness.

The third armed robber felt something tug at his feet. Before he could react, he was yanked off the ground and dragged, upside down, into the shadows on the ceiling. His screams echoed through the hall before they were abruptly cut off as he disappeared into the darkness.

Only one gunman remained.

As the last gunman scrambled to regain control, his eyes darting frantically in the dark, a shadow fell over him. Batman, moving with silent precision, descended from above like a phantom. In one swift motion, he twisted the gunman's wrist, forcing the weapon from his grasp before the criminal could utter a sound.

The gangster cried out in pain, the gun clattering to the ground. Batman followed up with a powerful punch to the face, sending the man sprawling, blood streaming from his broken nose.

The final two robbers, who had been guarding the hostages with knives, finally snapped out of their shock. They lunged at the nearest hostages, hoping to use them as human shields. But Batman was faster. From across the hall, he threw a batarang with unerring accuracy. The razor-sharp projectile sliced through the air, embedding itself in the hand of the first robber, causing him to drop his knife with a pained yelp.

The second robber barely had time to react before Batman was upon him, disarming him with a quick strike and sending him crashing to the ground with a follow-up kick.

The entire takedown had taken mere seconds, the criminals incapacitated with the speed and force of a lightning strike. The lights flickered back on, revealing the aftermath: six criminals, either unconscious or writhing in agony on the floor, completely neutralized.

For a few moments, there was stunned silence. Then, slowly, the hostages began to stir, cautiously getting to their feet. They looked around, wide-eyed, as the realization sank in—they were safe. The nightmare was over.

High above, perched on a ledge, Batman watched silently. Charlie knew better than to leave without making sure the scene was secure. He scanned the area, his eyes narrowing as he checked for any remaining threats.

But then something caught his eye. Among the hostages, a familiar face stood out.

Charlie frowned, his curiosity piqued. He activated Batman's detective vision, zooming in on the man's face for a closer look.

Recognition hit him like a jolt. It was his good friend, Walter. But something was off—Walter looked utterly exhausted, like he hadn't slept in days. His face was pale, his eyes sunken, and his expression was one of utter defeat.

Charlie then noticed the woman standing beside Walter. She was well-dressed, with a look of concern etched on her face. There was something familiar about her too, though Charlie couldn't quite place it.

Out of curiosity, Charlie activated Batman's auditory enhancement, focusing on the conversation below.

The woman's voice was gentle, soothing. "It's all right now. Don't worry, no one will dare to bully you anymore..."

Walter looked as if he'd rather be anywhere else in the world. His expression screamed resignation, like he had nothing left, and just wanted to go home.

Charlie: "..."

It seems that... I just stumbled upon something quite unexpected.

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