Starting With Batman

Chapter – 37 Martial Arts

Realizing he had just overheard something serious, Charlie quickly disengaged detective mode, exiting the first-person view. He guided Batman out of the bank, the shadows closing around him as he moved silently through the night.

Charlie's thoughts raced as he retreated from the scene. He had no desire to delve further into what he had just witnessed. The tension on Walter's face, the look of someone bearing a heavy burden, was unmistakable. It reminded Charlie of someone preparing for a task they dreaded—like knowing you're about to face something terrible, yet having no choice but to go through with it.

As Batman melded into the dark, Gotham's skyline stretched before him, a vast canvas of brooding towers and glimmering lights. The night patrol was almost over, and Charlie could feel the weariness setting in, his mind craving the comfort of rest. He maneuvered Batman to a safe point, ready to log out and return to the real world.

But just as he reached the main interface, something unexpected happened. The screen erupted in a dazzling display of special effects. A large, three-dimensional "1," crackling with golden lightning, spun into view. The number flickered and sparked before exploding in a burst of light, transforming into a metallic "2" with a deep, resonant clang.

Charlie blinked, surprised. He had leveled up.

"The hero-switching function is now unlocked: Players can now select a substitute hero before entering battle. You can switch heroes at any time during combat, depending on the situation on the field. A one-minute cooldown applies after each switch."

Charlie's eyes widened with excitement.

This was a game-changer, literally. The ability to switch between heroes during combat opened up a whole new realm of strategic possibilities. It meant he could use a hero with balanced abilities and conserve energy, then switch to a more specialized hero when the situation called for it. It was like having an extra life—an invaluable advantage in any battle.

But this was just the beginning. Charlie's thoughts raced ahead, imagining what might come next. Based on his experience with other superhero games, like those centered on the Avengers or the Justice League, he knew that this new feature might just be a precursor to something even bigger: team-based combat.

In those games, players could control multiple heroes simultaneously, switching between them while the others were managed by AI. Even in the Batman game "Arkham Knight," there was a similar system where two characters could team up, allowing for powerful combo moves and coordinated attacks.

If this game followed a similar path, Charlie knew he could eventually assemble a team of superheroes, each bringing their unique abilities into battle. The thought of orchestrating such a team, blending different powers and strategies, sent a thrill through him.

And then another prompt appeared, pulling Charlie back to the present.

"Choose one of your existing heroes upon leveling up. You will randomly acquire one of that hero's skills."

Charlie's heart skipped a beat. The game was becoming more and more intriguing. First, he had been thrust into a different world after a freak accident with a dump truck. Then, he had awakened the ability to summon superhero clones through gameplay. He can even summon actual superhero equipment to arm himself.

And now, it seemed the system was offering something even more extraordinary: the potential to physically transform him, endowing him with the actual skills and abilities of a superhero.

The possibilities were mind-boggling. What could be next? Would he gain the strength of Superman? The speed of the Flash? The possibilities seemed endless.

The system offered an explanation, noting that it could adapt the player's body to any type of skill enhancement. However, it didn't go into detail about the specific skills available, leaving that as a mystery. The system merely presented him with a list of the heroes he had unlocked so far.

Charlie quickly scanned through the list, dismissing most of the heroes who didn't offer anything particularly useful to him at the moment. His focus narrowed down to two: Batman and Captain America, both of whom had proven to be the most valuable in his arsenal.

But here was the catch—the description of "hero skill" was vague, to say the least. The system didn't clarify what exactly constituted a hero skill, leaving Charlie to speculate.

Take Captain America, for instance. If he was lucky, he might draw a skill like "Super Soldier Serum Enhancement," which would grant him a significant boost in strength and agility. But there was also the possibility of drawing something less exciting, like Captain America's exceptional shield-throwing ability. While impressive, it wasn't exactly what Charlie needed right now. And then there was the worst-case scenario: acquiring Captain America's artistic skills. As much as Charlie admired Steve Rogers' artistic talents, it wasn't exactly the superpower he was hoping for.

The stakes were even higher with Batman. As a human without superpowers, Batman had an extensive array of skills, from combat and detective work to hacking, espionage, and even mastering multiple languages. The problem was that many of these skills, while impressive, might not be what Charlie needed at the moment. And with his luck, he might end up drawing something like Bruce Wayne's charm in social situations—a useful skill, no doubt, but not quite what he was looking for in a superhero battle.

After weighing his options, Charlie finally made his decision. He would go with Captain America.

The reasoning was simple: Batman, being a human, had too many varied skills, many of which might not be practical in combat. On the other hand, Captain America, with his superhuman abilities, was a pure fighter, and his skill set was likely more focused and combat-oriented.

Charlie took a deep breath and made his selection.

He chose Captain America, and in response, the screen displayed a small cartoon-style metal box falling with a thud. Brilliant golden light radiated from the box as it bounced slightly on the screen, its lid flying open with a soft click.

"Acquired the skill 'Advanced Fighting Technique (Captain America Special Edition)'!"

"Explanation: Captain America is proficient in various fighting techniques, including boxing, jujitsu, aikido, and judo. His fighting ability is world-class. He has integrated all his non-sport combat skills into a unique street-fighting version of Western boxing, creating a mixed martial arts technique that is uniquely his own."

Charlie's face lit up with excitement.

This was exactly what he needed. While it wasn't a superpower, it was a highly practical combat skill—one that could give him a serious edge in close-quarters combat.

Captain America was renowned for his hand-to-hand combat skills. In the Marvel Universe, there were countless heroes and villains stronger than him, but very few could outmatch him in terms of pure skill. His fighting technique was a blend of various martial arts, honed to perfection through countless battles. It was a skill set that could hold its own against even the most formidable opponents.

In terms of sheer combat effectiveness, Captain America's unique fighting technique was arguably his most valuable asset. The super-soldier serum was certainly impressive, but compared to the potential powers Charlie might unlock from other heroes in the future, it was just one of many enhancements.

But Captain America's fighting skills were different. Even as Charlie unlocked more advanced equipment and powers, it would be hard to find anything more effective than these combat techniques. They were versatile, powerful, and adaptable—a perfect fit for someone like Charlie, who needed to be ready for anything.

Charlie eagerly confirmed his choice, and the screen transitioned to a new interface that resembled a traditional RPG character equipment menu.

The equipment system was divided into different sections for various body parts—head, torso, arms, legs, hands, and feet. Each section had slots where he could equip corresponding items.

For example, he could now equip his hands with the wrist guards used by Hawkeye, enhancing his precision. Or he could equip his head with Green Arrow's mask, boosting his focus and awareness.

But what really caught Charlie's attention was the ability equipment section.

This section was categorized by ability type. It was here that Charlie found his new skill: "Advanced Fighting Technique (Captain America Special Edition)." He quickly equipped it, watching as the icon for the skill lit up in the corresponding slot.

The ability equipment section was organized by different categories: Strength, Speed, Defense, Spirit, Energy, Magic, and an "Other" category for miscellaneous skills.

Each slot could hold only one ability at a time, but Charlie could remove an equipped ability whenever he wanted. If he wanted to switch to a different ability within the same category, he would first need to unequip the current one.

For instance, if Charlie equipped Captain America's fighting skills but later unlocked Batman's original fighting techniques, he would have to remove Captain America's skills before equipping Batman's.

In theory, as Charlie continued to unlock more abilities, he could eventually arm himself with a wide range of skills from different heroes. This would allow him to become a well-rounded warrior with no weaknesses—a true force to be reckoned with, both in and out of battle.

The thought sent a thrill through him.

But Charlie wasn't naïve. He knew that, at least for now, these abilities and equipment were primarily for self-defense—a trump card to protect himself if he ever found himself in a dangerous situation.

Even if he gained extraordinary powers, Charlie had no intention of going out and causing trouble.

As the saying goes, "If you walk by the river, your shoes are bound to get wet eventually." If he ventured out looking for a fight, he would be more likely to get hurt or, worse, expose his newfound abilities. He could easily imagine a scenario where he wakes up one day to find something sinister lurking outside his door.

For now, sitting behind his screen, typing away, was the safest option—and it suited him just fine.

But if he ever did decide to get involved, it wouldn't be until he had a superhuman body, the speed of the Flash, the energy of Green Lantern, and was fully maxed out in every way.

In layman's terms, he'd wait until he reached the highest level before venturing out.

Charlie's excitement was palpable. He immediately equipped the newly acquired martial arts skill and stood up, eager to test it out. He needed to feel the power in his hands, the strength in his movements.

He walked over to an open area, took a deep breath, and threw two casual punches.

The difference was immediate.

It was as if a floodgate had opened in his mind, and the techniques flowed in like a torrent. Every movement, every strike, was instinctive, guided by muscle memory that wasn't his own. For someone who had only ever known how to throw basic punches, it felt like stepping into a whole new world—a world where he was no longer limited by his own physical abilities.

Each punch was precise, deadly, and fluid. The transitions between techniques were seamless as if he had been practicing them for years. It was a stark contrast to the clumsy, unrefined punches he was used to. Now, every strike had purpose, every movement was calculated.

Unable to resist, Charlie decided to try a high-roundhouse kick.

The kick was executed perfectly, his leg slicing through the air with incredible speed and accuracy. He landed with flawless balance, the motion smooth and controlled.

But as he stood still, a wave of nausea hit him. His face contorted in discomfort, as if he had just swallowed a pound of raw kryptonite. The sudden influx of new skills and abilities had taken a toll on his body, reminding him that despite the newfound power, there were still limits to what he could handle.

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