Starting With Batman

Chapter 76 – It’s My Turn

Charlie was still eagerly anticipating Batgirl Cassandra's test.

It wasn't that he had any particular fondness for the character, nor did he have any special preference for non-attribute heroes. However, there was an unspoken truth in the gaming world: while e-sports didn’t require love, most players preferred seeing a slim and agile girl on screen rather than a hulking brute twisting around the monitor during a third-person perspective action game.

[TL Note - Sus]

Switching to Batgirl, Charlie guided her through the dark alleys of Riverton City, quickly making his way to the second location provided by the gang leader. As the girl in black tights approached the edge of a rooftop, she crouched gracefully before landing silently on the building’s ledge. Her black cloak fluttered slightly under the bright moonlight, casting long shadows that seemed to pulse with a life of their own. The cloak, while similar to Batman’s, gave off a different aura—softer, more fluid, yet equally menacing. Batgirl exuded a unique vibe, distinct from the grim presence of Batman, yet unmistakably from the same dark lineage.

Being a protégé of Batman, Batgirl operated with similar gear, all provided by the Dark Knight himself. As Charlie pressed the X key, the screen shifted into the familiar blue-tinged detective mode. The world around Batgirl was immediately dissected into detailed schematics, highlighting points of interest, enemies, and objects she could interact with. Yet, Charlie couldn’t help but notice a subtle difference.

Despite the apparent similarities, it seemed that Batman might have cut some corners on Batgirl's equipment. The detection range of her visual sensors was noticeably smaller than Batman's, and the precision, though adequate, lacked the razor-sharp accuracy that Batman’s gear boasted. Some functions, which were staples of Batman’s detective mode, were simply absent from Batgirl’s arsenal.

Nevertheless, Batgirl’s detective mode, while simplified, was functional and efficient. It provided the essentials: a wall-penetrating perspective that allowed her to see enemies lurking behind solid surfaces, night vision to pierce through the darkest corners of Riverton City, and an armed scanning function to identify which enemies were carrying weapons.

As Charlie continued to maneuver Batgirl, he noticed another peculiarity—she didn’t have a hang glider. Despite wearing a cloak similar in design to Batman’s, it was clear that her version was made from different material. Batman’s cloak, when electrified, would harden, allowing him to glide over the city like a spectral bat. Batgirl’s, however, remained soft and pliant, no matter how much electricity coursed through it, rendering her unable to glide in the same way.

Cassandra Cain, trained from a young age as the ultimate assassin, was a master of various combat techniques. Her stealth abilities were unparalleled, her movements as silent as a shadow, and her assassination skills honed to perfection. Stealth and assassination were second nature to her, and in most situations, she could eliminate her targets without them ever knowing she was there.

But tonight, Charlie decided to throw caution to the wind. Instead of sneaking around and taking down enemies one by one, he opted for a more direct approach. He guided Batgirl to blast through the ceiling of the enemy stronghold, sending debris raining down on the unsuspecting criminals below, before parachuting into the heart of the enemy’s lair. Batgirl landed in the center of the room, her presence immediately drawing the attention of every thug in the vicinity.

It was then that Charlie discovered a significant difference in the fighting system between Cassandra and Batman.

Firstly, the warning signs that appeared above the heads of enemies before they attacked showed up earlier for Batgirl than they did for Batman. These indicators also lingered longer, giving Charlie more time to react. This allowed for smoother, more calculated responses during combat.

Additionally, Batgirl’s ability to counter enemy attacks was more comprehensive. Charlie noticed that the number of yellow and red warning signs, which indicated particularly dangerous attacks, was significantly reduced. Instead, most enemies displayed blue markers, signaling that their attacks could be easily countered. By simply clicking the right mouse button, Cassandra would effortlessly dismantle the incoming attack and respond with a swift and precise counterstrike.

This feature made perfect sense, given Cassandra’s unique abilities. Trained in predictive combat, she was capable of reading her opponent’s movements before they even executed them. Her combat style was reminiscent of the legendary Dugu Nine Swords, a technique that allowed her to break any attack with ease.

Even when facing enemies armed with guns, Batgirl was unfazed. Despite the speed and accuracy of a bullet, Cassandra’s training allowed her to read the subtle shifts in muscle movement and micro-expressions of her enemies. This ability enabled her to predict the trajectory of the bullets and the intentions of the shooters, allowing her to dodge projectiles with uncanny precision.

For Charlie, all it took was a single click of the right button, and the girl on the screen would gracefully sidestep the bullet, avoiding the lethal trajectory by a hair’s breadth.

Of course, dodging wasn’t always so simple, especially when facing heavy weaponry like machine guns or Gatling guns. Even so, Cassandra’s predictive abilities extended to these situations, though they required more skillful maneuvering on Charlie’s part.

One of the most surprising aspects of controlling Batgirl was how effortless it felt. Among all the heroes Charlie had played, Cassandra was the most energy-efficient. He even felt that, with his current level of stamina, he could play as Batgirl until dawn without feeling fatigued. The main reason was that controlling her required so little effort. As Batgirl, he effortlessly took down groups of thugs in the stronghold, her movements so fluid and efficient that it felt like second nature.

Charlie realized this was due to Cassandra’s physical characteristics. As a young woman, she likely hadn’t fully developed physically, and even compared to male heroes without superpowers, she lacked raw strength.

Instead of relying on brute force, Cassandra’s combat style focused on skill and precision. Every move she made was calculated to conserve energy, avoiding unnecessary exertion. Her training had ingrained in her the importance of using minimal effort to achieve maximum results, making her incredibly easy to control.

However, this efficiency came with drawbacks. Cassandra’s lack of physical strength meant that her attacks were less powerful than those of her male counterparts. Additionally, her equipment, though functional, was a simplified version compared to Batman’s. She had basic tools like darts and smoke screens, but her arsenal lacked the variety and versatility that Batman’s gear offered.

Despite these limitations, Batgirl had a powerful weapon in her arsenal: explosive bat darts. These darts packed a punch, compensating for her lower physical strength. Overall, Charlie still considered her one of the top heroes in his current roster.

After breaking an unknown number of bones and leaving many criminals incapacitated, the test reached its final stage. The last character was Moon Knight.

Charlie had deliberately saved the most crucial scene of the night for Moon Knight.

This particular location was far more heavily guarded than the previous ones. Important figures within the gang were stationed here, and the criminals guarding the place were the most ruthless, cold-blooded killers. These were the kind of men who wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger, even in the face of certain death.

More than half of the criminals were armed with firearms, and even if something were to happen, the FBI wouldn’t dare to make a move here easily. The stronghold was a fortress, a place where law and order were concepts that simply didn’t apply.

But Charlie wasn’t concerned with the rules of law and order. He wasn’t a magistrate, bound by the constraints of justice. He was the player, and Moon Knight was the perfect weapon for the task at hand.

Unlike Batman, who often relied on stealth and strategy, Moon Knight took a more direct approach. There was no sneaking around this time. Moon Knight parachuted directly to the main entrance of the stronghold, his heavy boots hitting the ground with a resounding thud. He approached the main door, his white cloak trailing behind him like the shroud of a vengeful spirit, and kicked the door with such force that it deformed and collapsed with a thunderous crash.

Moon Knight strode in, the two men guarding the entrance immediately snapping into action. Without hesitation, they drew their guns and opened fire. The bullets struck Moon Knight’s battle suit, rippling across the surface as if hitting a thick, unyielding wall. There was no sign of impact, no feedback, just the quiet absorption of force as the bullets disappeared into the suit’s dense material.

Unperturbed, Moon Knight continued forward. With a flick of his arm, his snow-white cloak billowed out, deflecting several bullets. The men guarding the entrance barely had time to react before their own bullets ricocheted back at them, striking them with deadly precision. They fell to the ground, their lifeless bodies crumpling under the weight of their own misjudgment.

Charlie was momentarily taken aback. He hadn’t expected Moon Knight’s counterattack to be so effortless. A single click of the right mouse button had sealed the fate of the two men, their lives extinguished with a simple, almost casual motion.

But Charlie didn’t feel any sympathy for the criminals. These were hardened killers, men who had no qualms about taking lives, and they had been the first to open fire. Still, it was a stark contrast to the other heroes Charlie had controlled. Most of them refrained from killing unless absolutely necessary, and even then, it was usually reserved for non-human targets.

But Moon Knight was different. Pressing the counterattack button meant certain death for his opponents, a fact that was both unsettling and strangely exhilarating.

It made sense, though. Moon Knight might share similarities with Batman, earning him the nickname “Marvel’s Batman,” but he was far from a carbon copy. Before becoming Moon Knight, he had been a mercenary, a man who lived by the sword and understood the harsh realities of life and death. Killing wasn’t against his principles; it was part of who he was.

Moreover, Moon Knight served the moon god, Kongsu, a deity who shared the Punisher’s ruthless philosophy. To Kongsu, there was no room for mercy or leniency when dealing with evil. His doctrine was simple: see evil, cut evil. There was no need to seek approval from human authorities, and certainly no need to consult other gods.

The door was shattered, and the sentry post lay in ruins. Panic spread quickly through the stronghold. The big shots, sensing danger, immediately retreated to the rear, while the remaining thugs gathered in the main hall, armed to the teeth.

More than a dozen guns were trained on the entrance, the only point of access to the hall. The tension was palpable as the criminals waited, fingers on triggers, ready to unleash a storm of bullets at the first sign of movement.

The moment they heard footsteps approaching from outside, the first thug squeezed the trigger.

The others followed suit, their guns roaring to life as they unleashed a torrent of bullets at the door. The sound was deafening, a symphony of destruction as the muzzle flashes lit up the dimly lit hall. Bullet holes peppered the door, and casings clattered to the floor like rain.

The gunfire continued unabated for a full minute, a relentless barrage of lead and steel. When it finally ceased, the room fell into an eerie silence.


The door, now riddled with holes, suddenly exploded inward with a force that sent it flying across the room. It hit the ground with a sickening crunch, the force of impact enough to flatten two thugs who had been standing too close. Their bodies crumpled like ragdolls, their lives snuffed out in an instant.

A figure emerged from the darkness, pale and ghostly. The white cloak trailed behind him like a shroud, and his masked face was partially obscured, save for a pair of eyes that gleamed in the dim light—bright and mysterious, like the moon itself.

Moon Knight stood at the threshold, his presence commanding the room.

"It's my turn."

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