Starting With Batman

Chapter 77 – Notebook

The afterimage swept into the hall like a whirlwind of white. Under Charlie’s skillful control, the Moonlight Knight launched into the air with a fluidity that defied gravity. His white cloak billowed behind him, unfurling like a crescent moon, cutting a sharp contrast against the dim lighting of the hall.

The first move was swift and brutal—a flying kick delivered with precision. As the kick connected, Charlie could almost hear the bones cracking in the unfortunate thug’s body through the screen. The man let out a gut-wrenching scream, his body propelled backward with such force that he was embedded into the concrete wall several meters away, his form half-swallowed by the solid structure.

The Moonlight Knight landed gracefully, his movements almost too fast to follow. With a deft motion, he detached the crescent moon emblem from his chest, revealing it to be a razor-sharp crescent dart. The weapon was impossibly thin, yet it gleamed with a deadly golden hue under the stark fluorescent lights that lined the hall.

Without a moment’s hesitation, the Moonlight Knight flicked the dart with a casual elegance, as though it were a simple gesture. The dart sliced through the air, its trajectory precise and unerring. It found its mark in the neck of a nearby gangster, who barely had time to register the attack before blood spurted from the deep wound, staining the floor crimson.

As the gangster’s body crumpled, the Moonlight Knight was already moving. In a seamless flow of motion, he darted towards another thug, his hand reaching out to snatch the returning dart from the air. Before the second man could react, the Moonlight Knight drew the blade across his throat in one swift, efficient motion. The man’s eyes widened in shock before he too collapsed, lifeless.

The speed of his assault was otherworldly. The entire sequence—a deadly combo of kicks, throws, and slashes—unfolded in the span of mere seconds, leaving the remaining gangsters stunned and disoriented. Only now did they comprehend the danger they were in, and in a panicked frenzy, they scrambled to raise their guns, hoping to lock onto the elusive figure in white.

Three of them, positioned directly behind the Moonlight Knight, hastily leveled their weapons and unleashed a hail of bullets. The air was thick with the staccato rhythm of gunfire, but instead of the bullets tearing through flesh, they struck the flowing white cloak. Miraculously, the bullets didn’t pierce it. Instead, the fabric rippled like the surface of a lake disturbed by raindrops, absorbing the impact with an almost supernatural ease.

With a calmness that belied the chaos around him, the Moonlight Knight turned to face them. He gave a slight shake of his cloak, and in an instant, the very bullets they had fired were reflected back, hurtling toward their shooters with deadly accuracy. The three gunmen barely had time to gasp in horror before their bodies were riddled with the bullets they themselves had discharged, collapsing into lifeless heaps.

The hall fell into a stunned silence, broken only by the faint echoes of gunfire still reverberating off the walls. The remaining gangsters, even the most hardened among them, stared in wide-eyed disbelief at the scene unfolding before them.

“What the… did he just shoot the bullets back?!” one of them muttered, his voice tinged with panic. “Is this some kind of Matrix bullshit?”

They couldn’t wrap their minds around what they were witnessing. The sheer impossibility of the Moonlight Knight’s abilities filled them with a primal fear, the kind that grips a person when faced with something beyond understanding, something that defies all known laws of reality.

But the Moonlight Knight was far from done. In a blur of motion, he appeared before another gangster, his movements so fast they seemed almost teleported. A glint of golden light caught the eye as his hand moved, and where it struck, blood erupted in violent sprays, painting the walls in gruesome patterns. The man didn’t even have time to scream before he was dead on the spot.

Another gangster, a muscular behemoth towering over two meters tall, clenched his jaw and stepped forward with surprising bravery. In his massive hands, he gripped a heavy crowbar, muscles bulging as he swung it down toward the Moonlight Knight’s head with all his might.

The force behind the blow was staggering—enough to bend the crowbar on impact. The man felt a shockwave of pain reverberate through his arms from the recoil, nearly causing him to drop the weapon. Yet, the Moonlight Knight, who had taken the full force of the blow directly to his head, merely turned around, his movements slow and deliberate.

Beneath the white mask, the Moonlight Knight’s eyes burned with an intensity that sent a chill down the man’s spine. The muscular thug faltered, instinctively taking a step back. His confidence drained away in an instant, replaced by a gnawing terror. He tried to hide the bent crowbar behind his back, plastering a nervous grin on his face as if to say, “Hey, buddy, I was just messing around… no hard feelings, right?”

But there was no escaping the inevitable. The Moonlight Knight raised his hand, his fingers spreading wide as he pressed them against the thug’s chest. The force that followed was like an unstoppable tidal wave, hurling the man backward as if he had been struck by a speeding truck. He flew across the hall, crashing through the thick concrete wall with a deafening bang, leaving behind a human-shaped silhouette in the rubble.

The remaining gangsters were frozen in place, their minds struggling to process what they had just witnessed.

“What the hell is this thing?!” one of them finally managed to choke out, his voice quivering with fear.

As the saying goes, the most terrifying things in life are often those that cannot be understood. When faced with an entity that defies logic, that shatters the rules and realities you’ve always known, you find yourself powerless. There is no strategy, no escape, only the cold, creeping dread as you’re swallowed by the unknown.

And that was precisely what they were dealing with.

In their eyes, the Moonlight Knight had transcended from being a bizarre lunatic in an unusual costume to a ghost-like figure—a specter of death that moved through their world with an eerie, unstoppable force.

Charlie, watching the scene unfold through the screen, was coming to a realization of his own. The Moonlight Knight was a lot more formidable than he had initially imagined.

The Moonlight Knight’s strength was tied to the blessing of the Moon God, which varied depending on the phase of the moon. At first, Charlie wasn’t sure how powerful the character would be in this particular instance. Now, it was clear that the Moonlight Knight’s current strength was on par with some of the most powerful super-soldiers, perhaps even comparable to an American superhero.

But what impressed Charlie the most was the Moonlight Knight’s extraordinary self-healing ability, granted by the mystical Moon Armor. This power allowed the Knight to recover from wounds that would have incapacitated or killed an ordinary person. A bullet to the chest? A knife to the back? It didn’t matter—the Moonlight Knight could shrug off such injuries as if they were mere inconveniences.

It all made sense now—the reason the Moonlight Knight wore that striking, target-like white suit in the dead of night. He didn’t need to hide or sneak around like other heroes. With his immense strength and regenerative capabilities, he could boldly stride into a hail of bullets, confident that he would emerge unscathed. He wasn’t just a warrior; he was a living embodiment of the phrase, “Might makes right.”

Charlie’s thoughts were interrupted by a new prompt on the screen. A small notification appeared, indicating that pressing the Caps Lock key would switch between the Moonlight Knight’s primary and secondary personalities.

Curiosity piqued, Charlie pressed the key as instructed.

The change was instantaneous and dramatic. The Moonlight Knight’s appearance shifted right before Charlie’s eyes. The flowing, majestic cloak vanished, and the gleaming white battle armor seemed to dissolve into thin air. In its place was a figure that was all too familiar yet jarringly out of place—a person who looked uncannily like a certain fast-food mascot, dressed in a plain white suit with a ridiculous hood.

The gangsters, still reeling from the previous encounter, were equally shocked. Just moments ago, they had been facing an unfathomable force of nature, a being that seemed to defy all logic and reason. And now… now they were staring at what appeared to be a weirdly dressed man in a fast-food mascot costume. It was as if the universe itself had played a cruel joke on them.

“Is this some kind of sick joke?” one of the thugs muttered, his voice filled with confusion and disbelief.

They say that 20% of a hero’s image comes from their cape. Whether or not that’s true, it certainly felt like it in this case. Without the Moonlight Knight’s iconic cloak, the once-feared figure now looked more like a bizarre joke, a man wearing a white stocking over his head.

To make matters worse, there was a crescent moon symbol emblazoned on the forehead of this ridiculous hood, a mocking reminder of the Moonlight Knight’s true identity. If you didn’t know better, you might think this was some sort of twisted cosplay gone wrong.

This was the Moonlight Knight’s second personality, Steven.

After the switch, Charlie continued to control the character, pressing the attack button to see how this new personality would handle combat. The Moonlight Knight, now in a simple white suit, stepped forward with deliberate calm, raising his hand and delivering a swift blow to the nearest thug. The strike was precise, and the man collapsed instantly, his body convulsing from the impact.

In this form, the Moonlight Knight didn’t rely on deadly weapons like darts. Instead, Steven wielded two sturdy sticks, choosing to incapacitate rather than kill.

Steven was a gentlemanly figure, embodying many traits of a moral hero—chief among them a strict no-kill policy. He was the conscience of the Moonlight Knight, a counterbalance to the more brutal and lethal tendencies of the other personalities.

It didn’t take long for Charlie to realize that this version of the Moonlight Knight had a similar trait to a certain vigilante hero—no matter what moves were executed, they were designed to incapacitate rather than kill.

However, this adherence to non-lethal combat came at a cost. The Moonlight Knight in Steven’s form was noticeably weaker, his strikes less powerful, his agility slightly reduced. Charlie could feel the difference in control, as if the character had been intentionally handicapped to uphold his moral code.

Steven’s combat style was also less refined, relying more on physical strength than the masterful techniques of the primary personality. As a working-class hero, Steven’s skills were grounded in practical, straightforward moves rather than flashy, deadly combos.

Although Steven’s personality might be essential for balancing the character’s morality, it also added a layer of complexity to the gameplay. It was like playing in a challenge mode, where the stakes were higher, and the margin for error was smaller.

But Charlie wasn’t done experimenting. He pressed the personality switch button once more, eager to see what the final personality would bring to the table.

The transformation was immediate and chilling. The Moonlight Knight’s appearance morphed again, this time taking on a much darker and more ominous form. The once bright and clean white hood now seemed to absorb the light, casting deep shadows over the character’s face. The entire figure exuded an aura of menace, as if the darkness itself had come to life.

This was the Moonlight Knight’s third personality, Jack—a persona known for being the most violent, ruthless, and powerful of them all.

As soon as Charlie resumed control, he felt the change. The Moonlight Knight in Jack’s form was faster, stronger, and far more aggressive. The combat style was brutal and unforgiving, every move designed to inflict maximum damage with ruthless efficiency.

If the primary personality was unafraid to use lethal force, then Jack had no reservations whatsoever. Bones were shattered, necks were twisted, and bodies were torn apart with terrifying ease. The gangsters who had somehow survived the earlier encounters now found themselves facing a nightmare beyond anything they had ever imagined.

The hall quickly became a slaughterhouse, the floor slick with blood as the Moonlight Knight tore through his opponents with savage ferocity. Charlie barely had to do anything—the character seemed to operate on pure instinct, driven by a relentless need to destroy.

It was both exhilarating and terrifying. The power of the third personality was undeniable, but it came with a heavy cost. The brutality of Jack’s form was uncontrollable, even for Charlie. A few careless clicks, and the enemies would be reduced to a gruesome mess, their lives snuffed out in an instant.

Charlie quickly learned the key differences between the three personalities.

The primary personality was the most balanced, offering a good mix of offense and defense with a healthy respect for life. It was the go-to form for most encounters, capable of handling a variety of situations with grace and power.

Steven, the second personality, was the weakest in terms of raw strength but the most energy-efficient. His no-kill policy made him the ideal choice for non-lethal encounters, where the goal was to subdue rather than eliminate. However, his reduced combat abilities meant that he was best suited for dealing with lesser threats.

Jack, the third personality, was the ultimate trump card—a force of nature that consumed the most energy but delivered the most devastating results. However, his sheer brutality and lack of control made him a double-edged sword, to be used only when absolutely necessary.

With this newfound knowledge, Charlie felt like he had unlocked the secret to the Moonlight Knight’s true potential. No longer content to wait for trouble to find him, he decided to take the fight to the streets, hunting down criminals before they could even think about causing harm.

For the next few nights, the local gangs in the area found themselves under siege. They faced a relentless onslaught, with the Moonlight Knight striking from the shadows and leaving a trail of devastation in his wake.

The leader of one such gang, who had initially been targeted by Green Arrow, quickly found himself at the end of his rope.

On Monday night, the mysterious hooded figure appeared out of nowhere, storming into their hideout and beating them senseless without uttering a single word. Before leaving, the figure had ominously promised to return the next day.

And true to his word, he did. The gang leader, thinking he could outsmart his tormentor, had bolstered his defenses, bringing in extra muscle and weapons. But it was all for nothing. The same figure returned, tearing through their ranks with ease, leaving the reinforcements as little more than cannon fodder.

Charlie, delighted by the experience points he was racking up, couldn’t resist taunting his enemies before departing each night. He would casually remark on the “great service” he received, promising to return again soon.

By Wednesday, the gang had the misfortune of crossing paths with Cassandra, the bat loli with the uncanny ability to predict their every move. Once again, they were left battered and bruised, their morale crushed.

By Thursday, the gang leader had had enough. He decided to abandon their hideout, reasoning that it was better to flee than to continue being hunted like animals. He gathered his remaining men and relocated to a new safehouse, hoping to escape the relentless attacks.

But Charlie had anticipated this move. While controlling Green Arrow earlier in the week, he had planted trackers on the gang’s vehicles, ensuring he could follow them wherever they went.

This time, it wasn’t a vigilante or a bat loli who came for them—it was the Moonlight Knight, in all his terrifying glory. The gang leader and his men barely had time to settle into their new hideout before they were set upon once more, this time by the unstoppable force that was Jack.

Once again, Charlie refrained from using Jack’s personality too often, knowing the risks that came with such raw power. While the primary personality could still deliver lethal blows, it was more controlled, allowing Charlie to hold back if necessary.

After days of relentless attacks, Charlie had honed his skills with the Moonlight Knight to perfection. He had earned ample experience, leveling up his character to new heights of power and ability. The thrill of victory was intoxicating, and he couldn’t wait to see what other challenges awaited him.

But in his pursuit of power, Charlie had overlooked one crucial detail.

The gang leader, now a broken shell of his former self, had finally reached his breaking point. After days of being hunted, beaten, and humiliated, he decided to take a drastic step.

Early on Friday morning, the gang leader appeared at the FBI office, leaning heavily on crutches. His body was a mass of bruises and bandages, evidence of the relentless beatings he had endured over the past week. His once imposing figure was now hunched and defeated, every step a painful reminder of his fall from power.

The agent on duty, who had long known of the gang leader’s reputation as a ruthless criminal, was stunned to see him walk through the doors voluntarily. This was the last person anyone expected to see at the FBI office, especially in such a pitiful state.

“What the hell is he doing here?” the agent wondered, narrowing his eyes as the gang leader hobbled toward the counter.

He half-expected a trap, some kind of ruse designed to catch the authorities off guard. After all, criminals of this caliber didn’t just show up at the FBI office and ask to be detained. Something was seriously off.

But before the sheriff could voice his suspicions, the gang leader shakily reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small, battered notebook. His hands trembled as he placed it on the counter.

“Please… you have to lock me up,” the gang leader pleaded, his voice weak and filled with desperation. “This notebook… it has everything. All my crimes—everything I’ve done. Smuggling, arson, theft… even the stupid stuff, like deflating old ladies’ wheelchair tires. I’m guilty, and I’ll confess to it all. Just… get me off the streets. Please.”

The sheriff blinked in disbelief, struggling to process what he was hearing. This was unheard of—a hardened criminal, walking in and confessing to everything? Something had driven this man to the brink of madness, and the sheriff couldn’t help but wonder what had pushed him over the edge.

“What happened to you?” the sheriff finally asked, his voice tinged with both curiosity, concern, and a hint of amusement. “Why do you want to turn yourself in?”

The gang leader, his eyes wide with fear, looked up at the sheriff, his voice trembling as he whispered, “There’s something out there… something unstoppable. I can’t fight it anymore. It’s like a ghost, and it’s coming for me. I just want to be safe… please… lock me up and throw away the key.”

And with that, the once-feared gang leader, a man who had terrorized the city for years, broke down completely, his composure shattered by the relentless pursuit of a force he couldn’t comprehend.

The sheriff, still reeling from the bizarre turn of events, reached out to take the notebook, knowing that this was just the beginning of a very strange and terrifying story.

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