Steal The Heroes’ Harems

62. Hero Returns and the demon attacks

The hero, Aman, walked into the room dirty. He had fought demons over the past three to four days, along with the Lord's soldiers. So many demons. 

"Girls." He walked in late at night, to find only Kiara and Raven eating dinner. "Eh? Where's Nysta, Hannah and Wynn?"

Kiara looked. "You're back! Just in time. I think you need to talk to them."

"Yes. I actually need to talk to everyone now." Aman repeated, oblivious to the rising tensions in the group. The door clicked open, and the three other girls came out from their room and came downstairs to the inn. 

Nysta's smile wasn't as bright as it was. Instead, she just nodded. "Hero."

"The demons are closing in on us. The scouts spotted a large army headed our way." Aman repeated. "We need to prepare for battle. Are the formations ready, Wynn?"

Nysta glanced at the hero, and then at Hannah. "Eh?" 

Wynn thought about it. "Not all. But- most of them are."

Aman clicked in frustration. "We're talking about at least three hundred demons. It's going to be full scale war. The demons have a base up in the mountains. After we defeat this band of demons, we'll need to attack that base." 

Wynn paused. "-I'm sorry."

Aman looked at Nysta, Hannah, Kiara and Raven. "How are the soldiers? Are they ready for battle?"

Kiara and Raven glanced at each other. "We tried, but- it's not great."

Aman sighed. He was frustrated, but didn't say it. Then, the sirens rang. Battle stations. Edmund watched from a distance. This attack wasn't led by the Demon Lord. It was just an advance party. This Demon Lord was likely still preparing for a larger attack back at it's base. 

Still, he wondered whether he could take an opportunity to harass any of the heroines. They would likely be separated because the three hundred demons would flood the walls. 


The hero and the heroines spread out across the city's walls. Errama's walls were old, and in the original game, this attack was one of the first attacks on the city. The city was also heavily unprepared, and the attack caught the city by surprise. Half of the formations were not working. It was only because the hero party managed to arrive during the battle and saved the day. In a way, the flow of events had changed since the heroes were already here earlier. 

Bloody. Kiara, Hannah, and the hero dived right into the battle against the demons. Kiara and Hannah worked together, while Raven, Wynn and Nysta provided support from the walls. The soldiers shot arrows and activated their magical formations, and already the battle had seen some changes. 

The very fact that they saw the attack coming meant many soldiers were already at their battle stations. Without the element of surprise, deaths were few. The heroes fought, and Edmund truly admired how powerful Aman was as a hero. In a straight fight, even with the hero's current weakened strength, he'd still be able to hold Edmund to a stalemate. 

There was no point trying to weaken Aman or injure him. He was beloved by the goddesses, and thus could not be permanently injured or killed. 

Nysta was the healer, and she stood at the back row, using her magical healing to support the soldiers. Hannah and Kiara fought were both highly skilled warriors, and though they were not in the same league as Aman, they held their ground well.

They clearly had blessings of the goddesses, as their weapons gleamed with the presence of subtle divine magic. It was strange that the divine magic of her sword, did not detect the presence of the tentacles in her armor, or the stone phallus now firmly embedded in her nether regions. He'd get Kiara later. Raven wasn't vulnerable, and neither was Wynn. They stood on the walls, and they were attacking furiously. Edmund couldn't meddle with them now. In fact, they were winning swimmingly, and the hero cut off the demons like they were made of paper. He single handedly pushed the demon swarm back, his magical slashes easily cutting through ten regular demons. 

Instead, his attention returned to Nysta. She looked a little distant. Despite their circumstances, what transpired with the hero still bothered her. 

Some of the soldiers had their limbs cut off by the demons, and they screamed in pain. Soldiers hauled their injured friends back to the rest area. The flow of the injured had mostly stopped as Aman and the rest of hhe forces pushed the demons back, but those already injured still needed Nysta's attention

Edmund followed Nysta as she tried to help the injured soliders. Each of them were in pain, and Nysta would heal them. She put a few of them to sleep, and a numbing agent such that the pain would be over. About twenty of them were injured, and all of them asleep. 

She walked over to the last one. This one soldier had a far more grevious wound. He would die soon. Edmund watched, and decided to [enthrall] the dying soldier. It wasn't hard. In the form of a tiny rat, he touched the dying soldier's head, and instantly controlled him. 

"Priestess." The soldier said. Both his legs were eaten and bleeding. Nysta's magic had somehow stopped the bleeding. But there was a thick stab into his stomach, filled with demonic poison that he was surely going to die. 


"I'm a virgin, priestess."

Nysta frowned. She knew he was dying. He had too much demonic energy inside him. Death was inevitable. Edmund, from a distance, easily took control of the demonic energy. His puppet would not die just yet. "And?"

"Can you give me a handjob, priestess? Let me die in service of a beautiful woman?" The soldier begged. 

Nysta didn't know what to say. It- it was just a handjob. But she's a priestess. It's not.


"There may be other soldiers that need my attention." 

"You can stop if that happens. Please? It's my dying wish. Let me die happy." 

Nysta gulped and reluctantly nodded. "-just- just once."

The soldier, with his only remaining hand, pulled his pants down. Nysta looked around, and then pulled a curtain that covered his area. It was usually meant to mark someone was going to die. His dick was large, and Nysta reluctantly gripped it.

"Gently, please." 

Nysta's hands stroked the dick up and down. She never done this before, but she had heard how it was done. Some of her other priestess friends were quite lewd, and loved sharing such juicy details. 

The soldier moaned in pleasure. "Ahhh--- this is the best. I'll die a happy man-"

It went on for a good five minutes, and then the soldier's dick trembled. Then, he ejaculated. The ejaculation of the soldiers sperms shot up, and splattered onto Nysta's dress and her fingers. "Eww!" She complained, but then the soldier was already dead. 

He was dead. 

"Oh- oh dear." She clasped her semen-stained hand together in prayer. "Oh goddess, I pray for the soul that departed, may he find peace in the afterlife." 






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