Steal The Heroes’ Harems

63. Confusion

Nysta took a cloth and covered the dead man. Strangely, his dick remained hard and erect, despite being a deadwood. It poked out of the cloth like the central pillar of a tent. The battle outside was over. The defenders won swimmingly. 

The hero quickly checked in on each of the heroines, and the last one was Nysta.

"-ah Nysta, you alright?" Aman barged in and Nysta jumped in shock. The semen of the dead soldier was still on her fingers, and part of her bangles. 

"-hero!" Nysta's face flushed red, as if she was a criminal caught red handed. 

"You okay? I heard one of the soldiers was dying and came over to check on you."

"-Yeah. I'm okay. I'm still okay. He's just dead."

Aman nodded as his eyes looked at the old cloth used to cover the dead soldier. There were bloodstains throughout the cloth. "Can I look at him?"

"Oh." Nysta wasn't sure what to say. "Okay?"

Aman lifted the cloth to find the soldier died with a look of ecstasy on his face. Aman then noticed the deadwood tent. "Huh. He looks like he died happy."

Nysta was red as a potato. She immediately noticed the fluids on her hands. "Ah. I need to go and clean up a bit."

"Yeah. Sure." Nysta rushed out, and Aman stayed with the dead man. His eyes naturally darted to the erected tent. He was a hero, but he was still very curious. So, out of curiosity, he lifted the cloth some more. 

"Huh. Why is his penis so hard and exposed?" Of course, Aman couldn't imagine it was Nysta that gave him a handjob. Instead. his immediate conclusion was that his penis was where his blood went. 


Nysta's heartbeat was quick. Did the hero overheard what happened? The hero's hearing was supposed to be stronger than most, because of his blessings by the goddesses. Was- was he aware?

The priestess shook her head. No. It couldn't be. 


The battle was over. The demons lost. About fifteen or so defending soldiers died, a great achievement when they fought about three hundred demons. In the original game, the actual death was something like a few hundred, because the demons had the element of surprise. 

"Thank you everyone for this victory." The hero said. He was the most exhausted of them all. He fought at the front lines, and spent most of his energies battling the demons. "

Lord Peter Errama smiled. "Well, it's a good thing that you came along." Riley and a few other folks stood next to the lord. "Now, we will need to start mounting a counterattack. If your information is true, the demon lord is up in those mountains, where there's an old keep." 

Aman nodded. "Yes."

"While that happened, let us celebrate our incredible victory!" Peter was a man in love with the good things in life. "A party!" 

A party for the soldiers. A party for the heroes. Wine and alcohol flowed like it was water. The heroines were all at the main table, in a private balcony overlooking the larger party hall, while the rest of them partied away in the hall below. 

"A toast, to the defenders of Errama." Peter offered, and Aman reluctantly sipped the glass of wine. The rest of the heroines quickly followed. He wasn't a good drinker, but his blessings meant he could recover from them fairly quickly. 

All of them wore dresses, without their armor, though Kiara kept a sword nearby in the hands of a maid. Aman, as a hero, had the ability to summon magical wepaons, though that wasn't as strong as his actual weapons. 

"I thought you were just a pretender, Aman." Peter said with jest. "Look at you, a young man, swindling beauties to travel with you. I thought that was pretty clever."

Aman chuckled awkwardly. "It's nothing like that."

"But that's what I thought!" Peter laughed, his face was red. Edmund watched quietly as a rat in the hall. "You know how we normal folk can't tell heroes apart. Only priests with their connection to the goddesses can tell who's blessed, and who's not! Do you know how many people pretend to be heroes to get free meals and free accommodation?" 

"Ah- that's fraud, isn't it."

"Indeed." Peter nodded. "But I saw you fight, and you're the real deal. That glowing slash at the end was beautiful. Come come, drink with me."

The heroines watched, as Peter made Aman drink more and more glasses of wine. Peter looked more drunk, and the conversation started to become more vulgar. 

"Aman, Aman. Tell me, have you banged any of these girls?" Peter teased the hero. The hero shook his head. He was slightly tipsy, but he was blessed by the goddesses. Alcohol was less effective. 


Nysta frowned, remembering what happened. She wondered whether the hero was lying or was it something else? Peter Errama then laughed. "Oh come on, Aman! You've worked hard to defeat demons, surely you'd let yourself relax and mate with these beautiful ladies. All of them at the same time, if you want! I'll prepare the most beautiful and largest room for you."

Aman was red as a potato, as the rest of the heroines didn't want to say a word.  Peter, who sat between Raven and Aman, then leaned over to Raven's side, his hand touching her thighs under the table.  

"Miss Raven, won't you agree to have some fun with the hero?" 

Raven's face was red. "Ah- I think that'll happen when it happens."

Peter then darted back to Aman. "See! She'll do it with you!" Peter then looked at Kiara. "How about you, Lady Kenarias? Are you willing to sleep with the hero?"

Kiara drank a few sips of wine and was only slightly tipsy. "I'd only do it if he's my husband." 

Aman nodded. "Exactly. It's something to do when one is married!"

Peter then looked back at Raven. "Ooooh. The hero's so chaste. Do you think that's good?"

The ranger nodded her head. 

Nysta looked at Hannah. Hannah nodded along. The Lord Peter attacked. "So, so, who's making progress on the marriage part. Have you started holding hands with any of them?"

Aman shook his head. 

"Oh come on!" Peter stood, and then, picked up Aman's hand, and then, placed it on Wynn's chest. She was seated next to the hero-

Aman didn't expect it. "Hey!" Strangely, the dragonling didn't reject Aman's hand. She wore a dress that exposed her fair shoulders.

Peter laughed. "Alright, alright! I won't tease you further." He sat back down and looked at the girls. "Alright, you girls know that the hero can choose- maybe up to three wives in accordance with the legal laws of the Church. Is that correct, Miss Nysta?"

Nysta blushed as she scrambled to recall the laws. She fumbled a little, before she replied. "That's a rarely used provision. It takes exceptional circumstances for the church to approve multiple wives!" 

"A hero would certainly qualify for the special provision!" Peter laughed. "Otherwise, it would mean all of you are in trouble!"

The girls shifted uncomfortably. Edmund's goal was to force the girls to reevaluate why they remained in the hero's party. So, repeated attacks cause any of the heroines to quit, he would be right there to pick them up. 

"Think about it for a moment, girls. You're here not because you want to save the world from the demons! You're here because you all are trying to be his wife!" 

Hannah blushed, and opposed. "Nothing like that! We are doing our duty to protect the world from the demons!"

Nysta nodded along, despite her heart's own wavering conviction. She added. "It is our duty, as those chosen by the goddesses, to defeat the demon lords."

"That's very noble, Miss Hannah and Miss Nysta." Peter answered, and then his eyes darted to Kiara. Kiara looked uncomfortable, clearly reevaluating her own chances in this arrangement. "What about you three? Why are you fighting with the hero?"

Wynn answered frankly. "I'll win. So what's there to evaluate?" The other four girls stared at the dragon-mage. "What? It's true. I will win." She looked at the hero. "Did you enjoy touching me?"

Aman was red as a potato. Wynn then grabbed the hero's hand, and placed it back where it was. On her breasts. 

"I don't mind it, Aman." She said flirtily, holding his hand and pushing it against her breasts. "You can even touch me elsewhere, if you like."

The other four girls recoiled. Hannah cursed. "You're a skank too! I thought you were a nice person!"

"I am a nice person." Wynn repeated, slightly drunk. The effects of the wine was stronger on her than the hero. "But I also want to win." She then pulled the hero closer, and the also slightly drunk hero, who didn't expect Wynn to escalate the physical contact further, blushed as his face came incredibly close to Wynn's chest. 

Raven grinned. "Good one, Wynn. You've done something I've been thinking of doing for a while."

Kiara stared at the ranger next to her. "Raven, you too?" Hannah looked mad as hell.

"Remember when we met, Kiara? I told you this is a marriage interview. I just didn't expect Wynn to be the first one to take it up a notch."

Nysta was as red as a potato, her mind stewed at the implications. Aman, clearly not used to be in contact with a woman's breasts, was stunned. Right when he should've spoken up. Edmund smirked. Aman should have stopped this nonsense here and now. But he didn't. 

Peter laughed. "Oh my."


Thanks for reading. I had fun writing all this shitty nonsense. :P

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