Steal The Heroes’ Harems

Beatrica 2 – (NSFW)


At this point, its a good point to clarify, what is a demon?


Demons are evil forces that invaded this world when the fabric of space-time between this magical world and Hell meld temporarily, during a once-a-two-century event known as the Great Stellar Alignment. 


In human terms, its kinda like the two worlds overlap and it allows travel between the two worlds. During this time, the demon lords crossed the worlds and 'fused' with those who had the right mix of magic, sin, and corruption, taking on a human form. 


The demon lords, there are 13 of them, seek to conquer this world and remake it in each of their own ideals. Each demon lord are independent, and all have differing objectives, but mostly some variant of 'take over the world', so... any alliance that emerged is one of convenience or necessity. 


And because of the demon lords' intention to remake the world, partly and usually via the corruption of mortals and the destruction of the mortal world, the world-gods appointed heroes to defeat the demon lords. 


That's the in game lore, anyway. 


He went back to see Beatrica, she ate her plate of food that a human-servant delivered. It's just grub. 


It's dark, dingy, and there's a small hole for ventilation. There's no lighting, but for a demon lord like him, he wonderful vision in the dark, so this doesn't bother him.


There are a lot of other prisoners here, bandits, regular thieves, scammers. Their dodgy crimes make them expendable, useful, their bodies and sins are fertile ground, and will serve as hosts and mediums of lesser demons. Expendable is good, because nobody looks for them, and that allowed the old Asmodeus to create an army of demons to wage a war, and destroy the region. 


Asmodeus would be the 'hero' of the church, caused his people against the demons that he created, and through the chaos, he grabbed for resources, power, magical energies and sacrifices to create larger and larger demonic armies. Truly, what Asmodeus desired was the sacrifice of the holy virgins, the nuns and the priests, he enjoyed the corruption of their holy powers, and used them to summon greater demons. 


It was an elaborate scam, really, and would have worked if not for the hero's meddling. The heroes after all, by nature, exist to defeat the demon lord, and story dictates that they do. 


"Yes." Beatrica said weakly. He expected that. "I will... work."


Edmund took out a key and undid the chained shackles on her ankles. "Good. I am glad that you understand the position you are in, and the gravity of crimes that your family and friends have committed."


She didn't answer. But he knew she understood him.


"You will be my night maid."


She paused. "...night maid?"


"Yes. Night Maid. You will attend to all my personal needs." My fingers touched her chin. "Or is the term... night maid, unclear?"


" I will."


"Good." He walked, and she tried to follow. She tripped. 


"I... I can't really see." Oh. Edmund forgot it's dark in here, not everyone could see in the dark as well as he did.


"Get up." 


She tried, and she did. Edmund snapped a finger and a small fire emerged on the tip of his finger, like a small candle. It illuminated the entire passageway. The other prisoners screamed, the sudden light almost blinding to them. 




And so they are out of the prison. Beatrica looked puzzled at the hallways, and Edmund called over one of the assistants. 


"Give her some food, get her cleaned up and get her a maid uniform. She works here from today. Tell the head maid that she's to be my personal maid."


The assistant nodded. "Certainly, milord." 


The two ladies walked away.




Beatrica, after so long, finally had proper food and water. It's been so long since she was imprisoned for crimes she didn't know anything about. But now, night maid? What did that even mean?


But the smell and taste of the slice of meat leftovers made her ignore those thoughts. Food is the only thing that mattered, her body overwhelmed by hunger, that she devoured the meat and asked for seconds.


"Hungry. That's normal seeing how you were imprisoned for so long." The assistant left, and it's the head maid, an old lady who looked at Beatrica.


"You knew I was imprisoned?" Beatrica looked surprised. She thought it was a secret, or at least, something that a Count would want to hide


"The Count captured so many criminals, bandits that he put some in his personal prison."


"I am not a criminal."


"All of you say that." The old lady smiled. It creeped her out. 


"The Count's a horrible person." Beatrica finished her food, and now had a clear mug of water. It tasted heavenly. 


"I know." The old lady smiled. "But I think lawbreakers are worse. Obey the law or your lives belong to the Count."


Beatrica frowned, she suspected her life wouldn't be pleasant. There was something creepy about this old lady, in a way the Count's dominating presence didn't.


"Done?" The head maid walked and Beatrica somehow felt compelled to follow. Was that a skill? 


The headmaid lead her to a changing room, and there's a whole load of uniforms, made for different sizes. Most of the maid uniforms are really simple, and practical. None of that silly frilly lacy skirts. After all, most of those that work as maids and assistants are those in their middle ages and older. 


"The showers' over there. Lets go." The head maid walked over and with a casual flick of her hand, Beatrica's dirty prisonwear dropped on the floor. 


Beatrica froze, but before she could say anything the head maid, also already naked, pulled her into one of the many shower room. She's still too weak to put up a fight.


"Hot water." The head maid took some soap and shampoo and started to wash her up. "And are you just going to stand there, or are you going to wash yourself as well?"


"Ah... ah." 


"If you are going to be the Count's night maid, I expect you to keep yourself clean." The head maid rubbed her breasts with a sponge, and then slowly made her way down. 


Beatrica paused. She's not familiar with the term 'night maid' at all. "...what's a night maid?"


"The Count's nightly companion. You will serve his personal sexual needs." 


Beatrica froze. Did I hear that correctly?


"You have that shocked look on your face. Are you a virgin?" The head maid just kept washing her body. 


"Well... no... but."


"If you are not a virgin then there's nothing to worry about. It's been quite some time since the Count had a night maid."


Beatrica suddenly felt like reality crashed down on her. 




"Let me guess, you agreed without knowing what it is."


The head maid rubbed her butt now. 


"Didn't think a criminal like you would be such a prude. It's the oldest profession in the world, and everyone has needs. Did you think doing chores will be enough to repay whatever crimes you did?"


The Count's words flashed in Beatrica's mind, and she thought of her family and friends. 


"Good. As a night maid, your daily schedule is slightly different. You are still expected to do some chores."


"Isn't the Count afraid I might try to kill him?"


"If he dies, the army will hunt you and your village down." The head maid smiled, she took a small water scoop, washed away the soap. "After all, who else would we suspect?"


"Won't you be free?"


"Free?" The head maid tapped Beatrica' body. "There will always be Kings, and always be nobles. If its not Count Edmund Natar, it will be some other Count or Duke or Baron."


She handed a towel to Beatrica.


"So quash such thoughts. Focus on what you can do to make your life better, and honestly, a night maid isn't the worst thing the Count can do." 


Beatrica paused. "I..."


"You're a criminal in my eyes, and as far as I am concerned, you do what you are told, or I will have you sent back into the cell. Don't waste your opportunity."


The head maid dried herself up, got dressed, and went back outside to pick a uniform for her. 


Beatrica stood there for a while, before she decided to walk out. She had a lot on her mind, suddenly. 


The head maid handed her a small bag. It had a six sets of clothes inside, along with some undergarments. "This is yours. You are expected to wash and clean them yourselves. Come, I'll take you to your room."




"Night maids are given their own rooms, near to the Count. I had someone clean it up earlier." And they reached the room, through a passageway. Throughout the mansion, there's a network of passageways for the maids and other servants, to travel without being seen by the nobles, and indeed, this room is accessed through one of those passageways. 


It's a small room, one bed, one cabinet, one table and a chair. There's a small window that opens to an airwell, and that's it. 


"So, this is your room. The Count said he expects your first service tomorrow."


"...tomorrow?" Beatrica froze. "I'm not ready!"


"What. I thought that was incredibly generous of him to let you rest and recover for a day. Do what you need to do today, I will come and check on you tomorrow." The head maid clearly had enough of Beatrica, and she walked out of the room.


Beatrica, now alone, sat on her new bed. It's hard. But at least not dusty anymore. Somebody did clean it up. 


Her mind drifted to the topic of sex, and... night service. She had sex before, with her then-boyfriend, both of them were really young, maybe sixteen, and their passion was well, crazy. But sex was... meh. It hurts, and the boyfriend cared more about his own enjoyment. So sex left her feeling abit... used. Like she was just something the boys fought to fuck and then, that's it. It didn't help that in a small village like that, there weren't many choices or alternatives, and she remembered her parents even encouraged her to get pregnant. 


She just gazed upward, decided that she needed sleep, and slept on a proper bed for the first time since a year ago. 




"You want to write something for your family?" It was the head maid that asked the next day, and Beatrica felt a bit guilty when she did. Why didn't she ask whether she can send word home? 


"Uh... okay."


"I'll read what you write, so don't make it too terrible." 


Beatrica paused and thought for a while, but her thoughts were still a mess. "Maybe... maybe once I'm ready."


"Sure, we have regular mail services to all corners of the Count's domain. Just let me know. So... ready for tonight?" 


"Uhmm...." Beatrica tried not to think about it. Somehow it scared her. 


"I take it as a yes. If you don't like it, at least pretend like you do, because I would like to avoid the Count's wrath." 


Beatrica didn't know how to respond to that, so she just awkwardly nodded. 


The head maid then opened a small bag, and it revealed a set of undergarments. "This is from the old night maid, under the previous Count. I had it washed with soap and water. It's a bit old but wearable."


Beatrica looked at it, and its... lacy panties and bras. It didn't really fit that well, but Beatrica's still amazed by it. It's her first time seeing this sort of undergarments. Most commoner village ladies like herself make their own undergarments from better quality cloth, but... not like this.


"I have to wear this?"


"Yeah. If the Count likes you, he will allocate a budget for you to purchase more." The head maid nodded. "Now, I need to go and check on the other lady. I’ll come back closer to the time you should go."




It was finally night time, and Beatrica waited in the room, she sat on a large sofa inside, as the head maid advised. The Count would be out and about his many business and nobleman affairs, and the night maid looked around the room. It's luxurious, excessive. She had never seen a large bed in her life, and so soft, too. 


The head maid lit a kind of incense in the room, and it made her feel a bit giddy. 


Beatrica took a deep breath and looked out the large window panels. She didn't believe she had the guts to actually walk through those doors. 


Life as a peasant commoner had never be 'pleasant'. The head maid was correct, Beatrica reluctantly agreed. The nobles can change, but things just stayed the same, if not worse. Especially since the demons started to attack the villages. 


For women like Beatrica, it's a horrible place to be. Life was about learning how to farm, tend to your cattle, and find a good husband, who hopefully won't die young to monsters or bandits. 


In smaller villagers where bandits are common, it's not unusual for the ladies to be raped, and even then, sometimes the rapists are those tasked to protect the villages, the guardsmen who abused their power to lay their hands on any unmarried or widowed women. In cities, things are a bit better, there's usually some chance of partaking in trade and the city guards, because of their sheer numbers, are less likely to have their way. But, should a high ranking noble desire a woman, the woman still has no chance of defending herself.


Unless they had magic. Magic, is the realm of the unreal, the talented, and the incredibly diligent. A noblewoman with magic could slay an army of bandits, and she could summon armored magical guards to protect her. Oh, the things Beatrica would do if she had magic. 


But as far as Beatrica could remember, she had none. 


And perhaps, this was how life would have been for her anyway. She remembered one of her neighbours, a lovely old lady, who once told her. "I was a whore for a good ten years, and after a while, the act just loses its sacredness. It's just something I did to earn money, and it is work. Sometimes I enjoyed it, sometimes I didn't. Men have needs, and we fill that need, else they take it out on others who may be less willing. I tell myself that I am doing a public good."


She remembered how revolted she was then, but now Beatrica realised now, maybe the world isn’t so simple. People did what they did to survive. 


The Count walked in. 




"Ah, you're here." Edmund didn't expect Beatrica to sit there, a part of him believed she would have ran away, then he would have to kill her and her family, and that would put him into direct conflict with the heroes. That is good for him, as this meant he can avoid some death flags.


She nodded a little. He smiled, and touched the incense fire lightly. It would make its effects a whole lot stronger. 


She wore a nightgown and underneath that, the lacy undergarments she received from the head maid. 


He walked over to one of the cabinets, opened the doors and took out some alcohol. Edmund liked alcohol, even back in his world, it was something he partakes in, between all the gaming and working. “Want some?”




Edmund took out two glasses, a rarity in the world, and poured two shots of the brownish whisky. He wasn’t sure whether it’s called whiskey, but it’s close enough. “Here. It’ll help.”


He took a shot first. Being a demon lord, the effects of the alcohol is... muted. So he liked really strong alcohol, else it just tastes really... bland. For Beatrica, the strong alcohol just made her go a little dizzy instantly. 


She coughed, choked a little from the burning sensation of the alcohol going down her throat. “Ugh.” 


“Ah, it’s an acquired taste perhaps. I should get lighter alcohols. There should be some more... girly drinks.”


Beatrica coughed a bit more, and Edmund offered a large mug of water. He sat next to her, and she downed the mug sloppily, and drops of water stained her nightgown. The alcohol’s starting to kick in, and she felt warm.


Edmund touched her cheek, and she pulled away out of reflex. She looked at him, her eyes a mix of fear and... worry. He was so close, this man in his... 40s? He had a bit of belly fat, but at least his hair is neat. And he smelled... nice, pleasant, really. 


She thought the little pep talk she gave herself earlier would be enough. But it wasn’t. 


Looking at him, she wanted to run. But she couldn’t. Not with his other hand now on her cheeks again. “You’re cuter up close.” She felt a strange sensation when his fingers touched her cheek, as if... it’s some kind of static. It made her warm body even more... warm.


She gulped. Her mind ran, but in circles. What should she do? 


He leaned in and kissed her on the lips, and she felt her world spin even faster. How did a kiss do something like that? And with that, he pulled her close, and then onto the large bed with him. He kept kissed, and with each kiss, her mind felt more and more hazy, more and more in... heat. 


Suddenly all she could think about... was that moment, and what was going to happen. Sex. He must’ve did something. 


His fingers moved quickly, and her slightly damp nightgown was off before she knew it. Or maybe it was the alcohol that messed with her senses, that she didn’t know what is what anymore. 


He was on top of her, and he smiled. “Where did Miss Zaida get an old lingerie like this?” And with a simple flick, the bra and panties got out too. Or maybe it was more than a flick, but for Beatrica, in her hazy, clouded self, she didn’t know. 


He licked her on her neck, and she felt a strange sensation flow through her entire body, her toes started to curl. “This... this is so strange.” His fingers touched, gently caressed her skin, starting from the neck, down the shoulders, and then down the sides of her chest, and then around her breasts.


He kissed her again, this time right on her shoulder, and Beatrica felt like he used a spell, because her entire body experienced a jolt. How? What’s going on?


She fidgets on the bed, but he’s on top of her, so it just caused her body to rub against his. His fingers touched her nipples, and again, another jolt. 


Had she missed sex for so long? Was it like this with her ex? 


“This... this is not normal.” 


He nodded, “It isn’t.” He kissed her again, the effects of the aphrodisiac incense, and his own demonic abilities is what’s driving this unusual reaction. “But it’s good, right?”


“Yes!” After she said it, she couldn’t believe what she just said. Did she just admit it? Was she so loud?


He smiled and he sucked on her nipples, his fingers started to fondle her pussy gently. The two-pronged attack instantly overwhelmed her mind’s ability to sense her body. Every other touch and wriggle of his fingers seemed to trigger a jolt of electricity, and her feet curled, her fingers grabbed him out of an uncontrollable reflex. 


Her pussy’s wet, and she felt an uncontrolled urge to just... fuck. It wasn’t like this before. Somehow, the Count managed to take off his clothes. 


He licked her, kissed her lips, and bit her lips lightly, almost like a nibble. Even that drove her mind wild. 


She had never felt so horny.


And when Edmund’s demonic penis entered her wet pussy, it split into multiple little tentacles, like little mouths on an octopus’ limb. And it nibbled, bit and tickled the inner parts of her pussy and made her entire body convulse, shudder and then seemingly ejaculated. 


She didn’t know what happened, but all she wanted was for it to continue. “Go... go on!” She almost shouted. “More!” 


Edmund smiled, and they continued for another hour until Beatrica lost all her energy and collapsed, sleeping soundly on his bed.


“Hmmm... my stamina’s pretty bad, and I need to work on my technique.” Edmund paused, he watched the unconscious Beatrica sleep next to him. 


She’s totally nude, and he could see there’s a small magical tattoo on her crotch, visible only to those with the right magical eyes. That’s the mark of the demon. 


But Edmund’s mind focused on what he didn’t do well. His demonic seduction and lust powers still needed work. Beatrica’s just a minor side character in the hero’s story, an innocent bystander who lead the heroes to Asmodeus, and if he wanted to seduce the harem, he would need a whole lot more skills. 


He looked at his penis, it looked like a human, but it could shapeshift and turn into a tentacle-like appendage with multiple tinier-tentacles or mouths. If he had more control, he could deliver an even more precise stimulation. 


“How do I even train this thing...”





I'll be honest and say that this story's an exercise in wish-fulfillment, to get the my sex and harem bug out , so the story and powers etc might be a little... meh. I'm going to take a lot of liberties to facilitate the naughty partys. I'll attempt to keep internal consistency, but the demon lord's gonna be screwing a whole load of people. Also I'm a bit torn between first and third person POVs.


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