Steal The Heroes’ Harems

Beatrica 3

Beatrica woke up. She's in the Count's bed, and she just froze. She looked around, the Count's out. "We did it."


Then her mind strayed, and she recalled what happened for hours the night before. The screaming, the thrusting, the pushing and the groping. 


"Shit." She looked at herself, she's nude. She did not like to sleep naked, so she had to be really, really exhausted to reach that point. Beatrica sighed. She sighed again, got up, and picked up her clothes from the floor. Luckily her room is just a short walk away.


There’s a mirror in the Count’s room, and Beatrica looked herself for the first time in close to a year. She’s really skinny. Really, really skinny, from all the weight loss of being imprisoned for a year surviving on bare sustenance level foods. But strangely, unlike yesterday, she felt... quite energetic?


Beatrica touched her thighs, it’s skinny. And her stomach growled. After being imprisoned for a year, her stomach was somehow trained to stop rumbling, for it to return...


She turned, and look at herself. She’s still got plenty of wounds from being imprisoned. Little cuts here and there, that she no longer felt the pain. 


“I can’t believe what I did yesterday.” She looked, and touched her face. Its like a bad one night stand, only, the sex was amazing, but... the lead-up to it was bad. And she touched her groin-area, and she noticed it. A faint magical thing, like a little... mark?


She touched it, and... nothing happened.




Her stomach grumbled. Again. 


Beatrica sighed. Her first priority would be to fix her hunger. She quickly put her nightgown on, and ran back to her new room. Thank god, she thought, it was just a small, short walk away.


“I need to prepare some clothes in advance, next time.” 


She paused.


“Why’d I think there’s a next time?” Beatrica frowned. Why’d she so easily accept that she’s now a night maid? Is the descent into debauchery so easy?


Her stomach grumbled. It merely reminded her that her focus should be on food. 


She had briefly packed her new clothes, and saw it. There’s something ‘casual’-ish. A plain brown top with long sleeves, and a dark brown 3-quarter pants. It’s a bit old, clearly recycled, but it fit. 


And she went to the kitchen. She somehow knew where it was. 


“Ah, Beatrica.” 


The head maid, Miss Zaida was there. “Must be hungry?”


“Yes, Miss Zaida.” She nodded lightly. Miss Zaida outranked her. There was a small pantry area at the side, and Beatrica took two buns and some jam, and sat. 


“The Count’s quite happy. And that’s good, because that means I won’t have to kick you out, or take that bread away from you.”


“Uhm.” Beatrica already had one of the buns in her mouth. 


“Keep it up. Anyway, he said he request for you later in the week, so you will be doing chores for the next few days.”


Beatrica nodded. Chores. That’s okay. But she preferred sex. She then smacked herself for thinking such a lewd thought.


“We need some help with the guestrooms, a new lady moved two weeks ago, so there’s some reorganisation needed. And the Count wants our storerooms sorted, and some of the keys remade.”


Miss Zaida went on and on about the things that the mansion needed, And there’s a lot. From food storage, to stocking up on luxuries.




Beatrica spent a few days on chores, and in between, had full, proper meals. Somehow... the new routine made her feel calm, and Miss Zaida’s constant barrage of tasks helped her to adjust to her new reality. 


Thankfully, due to her status as a night maid, her chores take up no more than half a day, and she’d be free to rest during the rest of it. Unlike the actual maids who work really hard from day to night. Honestly, after being imprisoned, and then now a maid, she’s lost. But strangely, she could sleep peacefully. 


“Hey.” Beatrica turned, and saw a young lady. The one that just moved in. Lady Aida. 


Beatrica bowed. She didn’t know what her position was, but Miss Zaida told her to bow, if she is ever in doubt. “Yes, Lady Aida?”


“Uhm.... uh.... Do you know where the Count is?” Aida asked, she had a slight blush on her face.


“I believe he’s out for his daily meetings, and he would be practicing after that. At least, that’s what Miss Zaida said.” Beatrica still bowed while she responded. Apparently most of the maids knew what the Count’s schedule is like, because they had to be ready to serve him if he ever needs it. It also helps that the Count is often escorted by two butlers. 


“Ah I see. Is he normally so busy?”


Beatrica didn’t know how to respond to that. “Uh, I am sorry Lady Aida, I’m afraid I am new here.”


“Ah me too!” Aida smiled and somehow touched her hand. It’s soft, unlike Beatrica’s injured palms. “He’s got so little time for me, but I suppose he’s a count and I’m just a student of magic...”


Beatrica wondered whether she should reply. 


“Anyway... are.. Erm.. are you free? Would you like to have tea?”


“I’m a maid, Lady Aida. I’m afraid I can’t have tea with you. But, I will ask the other maids if you’d like to get some hot water...” In her mind, she wondered whether her status as night maid gave her any special status, but then, now’s not the right time to ask.


Aida paused. “Ah... that’s a shame.”


Beatrica smiled and bowed. “If there’s nothing else...”


“Oh, sorry for bothering you.” Aida smiled and she walked back to her room. Aida received one of the larger guest rooms, and it’s also quite close to the Count’s room. “Well.... see you?”

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