Stealing Spree

Chapter 2227 A Genuine Connection

Chapter 2227  A Genuine Connection

Minami Shouko's eyes narrowed, but she didn't argue.

Instead, she took another sip of the tea, the warm liquid seemingly calming her nerves, "Lonely? You're right, that best describes me. Do you think you're so clever, Onoda-kun?"

"Are we still playing the game? Is that your question?"

Her eyes snapped to me, a hint of surprise and something else in them. But she nodded. "Yes. That's my question."

I nodded before putting my thoughts into words, "I do think I'm clever. However, I'm not here to play mind games, senpai. I'm here to understand you. Your motive. And maybe through this talk. We can help each other out."

At this point, I decided to stop the game. I didn't wait for her response to what I said. Her expression alone was enough.

Standing up, I walked over to where she sat and gently placed my hand on her shoulder. "Look, Minami-senpai, I know you're looking for something. And maybe, just maybe, you've convinced yourself that playing these games is the way to find it. But it's not. It's just hurting people, including yourself."

Her eyes searched mine, the anger and challenge from before now replaced with something else entirely. Something raw and unguarded. "How do you know what I want?" she whispered, the defensiveness in her voice cracking.

"I've seen it in others, senpai. The need to be seen, truly seen, for who you are beneath the facade. It's a universal desire, one that doesn't just apply to me and my girls. And I think, deep down, you're searching for that too." I replied.

Underneath the layers of her tough exterior, Minami Shouko was as fragile as a butterfly's wing. This girl has been leading her life like this.

I might have been warned by Ryouko-san and my girls about interacting with her, but I think I'm finally seeing a different person beneath all that layer that I've just taken off of her.

"Look, Minami-senpai. The games, the thefts, the manipulation... It's all a facade. However, you're mistaken about something."

"What's that?" she asked, her voice shaky.

"The connection you've built with all the students in your game. They're real." A gentle smile tugged at my lips as I continued, "They're not just pawns to be moved around for your amusement. They're people with feelings and desires, just like you and me. And I know they believed you for a reason."

Minami Shouko stared at me, her expression a mix of confusion and doubt. It was clear she hadn't considered this before. She was so caught up in her own world that she'd forgotten the humanity of the people she was playing with.

"They do?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

I nodded. "They do, senpai. They see the real you, even if it’s through a twisted lens. And they want to reach out to you, but you keep pushing them away with these games. It's like you're afraid to get too close."

That's how it is. Just like how I pushed my girls away before, that's also what she's doing to them. Maeda said she delivered on her promise.

"Yes, they do. You have the power to make them smile, to make them feel alive. But in the process, you've forgotten to let yourself be seen. You're afraid of letting anyone in because you're afraid they'll see the parts of you that you don't like. Am I right?"

At this, I pulled the nearby chair, sat down and leveled myself with her. My hands moved from her shoulder to her cheek, caressing it with my thumb.

"Onoda-kun...," she began, her voice trembling slightly.

"Let me tell you a secret, Minami-senpai," I leaned closer, my eyes searching hers. "Everyone has flaws. Everyone has things they're afraid of. But that's what makes us human. And when you open up to someone, when you trust them enough to let them see those flaws, that's when the real connection starts. Just like what I have with my girls. I don't claim to be a normal person but I have those connections."

Her eyes searched mine, the doubt slowly melting away. It was like watching a sculpture being chiseled, revealing the beauty beneath the stone. "But, Onoda-kun, I've been playing these games for so long... I don't know how to be real with people anymore."

"Then you continue playing but change the game. You can all play without inconveniencing someone else." I said, my thumb still caressing her cheek.

Minami Shouko's eyes never left mine and I could see the storm brewing in her gaze. It was a mix of fear, doubt, and perhaps a glimmer of hope. It was a dance of emotions that I probably hadn't seen a lot before. I was a bastard, after all.

"You can start with me, Minami-senpai," I said, my voice gentle. "Trust me. I've seen the good in people even when they couldn’t see it themselves. And I think I see it in you."

Her eyes searched mine, the storm in them slowly calming down. "But why? Why would you care about me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Since I talk about honesty, the first reason is someone asked me to correct your path." I started, stroking her cheek with my thumb as I spoke. "But the main reason is because, like I said before, I see the good in you."

Alright. I was half-sincere with that one. She still had to atone for her mistakes but like in most cases, you don't condemn someone further after making a mistake. You correct them.

I can use that phrase myself but... well, this isn't about me.

"Let's start small, Minami-senpai. Let's make a deal." I suggested, my thumb still gently caressing her cheek. "You'll stop the games that are causing harm to others and we'll help each other find that genuine connection you're looking for. Deal?"

Minami Shouko remained silent for a few moments, contemplating my words. The tension in the room was thick, but there was something else there, too. A hint of hope, perhaps.

"Fine," She finally said, her voice small but firm. "But where will you find me a genuine connection?"

"Well, that's simple. Didn't you do all that to get my attention? Tell me, did I pass your criteria?" I pressed my thumb on her lips, feeling a slight tremble on them.

Minami Shouko's eyes searched mine before she nodded. "Yes. You did."

The corner of my mouth twitched upwards into a small smile.

"Good. Then, we're already on the right track." I leaned back, taking my hand away from her cheek but keeping my gaze locked on hers. "The first step to finding a genuine connection is to drop the mask, senpai. Show the world the real you."

Minami Shouko looked at me, her eyes filled with a vulnerability that was as rare as a shooting star. She took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling with the effort of letting go of the facade she'd worn for so long. "Alright," she murmured, "I'll... I'll try."

I gave her a gentle nod. "Good. For now, that's enough. But remember, this is a two-way street. I need you to be honest with me too. No more games, no more thefts, and no more lying. Do you understand? Your group. You can keep them. Just don't do the same things again. They will surely be reprimanded, or worse expelled from their club. But you can take them in if you want. Apply for a club that will belong to you and the connection you made."

Minami Shouko's eyes searched mine, looking for any signs of deceit or mockery. However, she found none. Just a sincere gaze that seemed to say, 'I believe in you'.

She took a deep breath, visibly steeling herself.

"Okay," She murmured, her voice filled with a newfound resolve. "I'll try. But what about... us? What kind of relationship are we going to have?"

"We'll see. We can't decide that on the first meeting, can we?" I gave her a warm smile, "But, I'm willing to give it a shot if you are."

The room felt warmer as she returned the smile, a real one, not the one she wore to manipulate others. "Like the rumors say, you're a charmer."

"Only when it's necessary," I replied with a wink, making her cheeks turn a light shade of pink. It was a sight to behold. It seemed like she hadn’t felt this way for a while.

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