Stealing Spree

Chapter 2228: The Aftermath

Chapter 2228: The Aftermath

Having reached an understanding, we sat there for a moment, the silence between us no longer awkward but filled with a tentative connection. The tension in the room had dissipated like mist in the morning sun.

Once we finished the tea, I called for Maeda and the other girls that I asked to exit earlier.

As soon as Maeda saw Minami Shouko sitting obediently across from me with a soft smile, she looked surprised but nodded in understanding.

"Maeda-san, I apologize for putting you through this. I'll send a message later to everyone..." Minami Shouko started, but I raised a hand to stop her.

"Let's leave the apologies for later. For now, let's just focus on how to deal with the aftermath of this game of yours. Minami-senpai, do you want to accompany me on my patrol? Let's go visit all the clubs you've inconvenienced."

Maeda looked at me with a hint of confusion but I just smirked. It was a subtle way of saying we're going to make sure she'll make amends for what she's done. Of course, they, too, had the responsibility for their actions. But those club presidents needed a central person to blame.

And that would be Minami Shouko. If she's truly serious about moving forward, she won't run away from this.

Maeda nodded and took a step back, giving us a little space. The other girls followed her lead, their eyes darting between Minami Shouko and me with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Arisa stared at me in disbelief, wondering what I did to Minami Shouko for her to turn like this.

But she said nothing, she knew I had my reasons. And she trusted me. I delivered what was needed for this job.

Minami Shouko stood up, straightening her blazer. She looked at me with a mix of determination and fear, but she had agreed to this. To face the music. "Alright, Onoda-kun. Let's go."

"I'm glad you're not running away. Well then, Komoe, Arisa and Watanabe. Can you help me escort Maeda? I'll be taking Minami-senpai with me." I said, turning to the group of girls surrounding Maeda.

They nodded, understanding the situation without me needing to explain further. They were used to my unpredictable ways, and they knew I had a plan.

They left the room, leaving just me and Minami Shouko.

But before doing so, I naturally didn't forget to thank them for helping me out here. Komoe for the investigation and Arisa for going undercover. I shamelessly pulled them to the side, expressing my gratitude through kisses that we three couldn't get enough.

I heard Maeda and Minami Shouko gasping at the sight of my affectionate gesture toward my other girls, but I paid them no mind. They had their own issues to sort out. They'd forget about this.

Or will they?

As for Watanabe. Well, I gave her notepad a read before flicking her forehead.

"Ow! What was that for?" she complained, rubbing her forehead with a pout.

"That's compensation for your wild fantasy. What are those notes for anyway?" I chuckled as Watanabe's cheeks turned a deep shade of red. She was always scribbling down notes whenever she was around me and my girls.

"It's... It's for my journal!" She mumbled as she tried to snatch the notepad back.

"Your journal, huh? What? Are you going to write a book about my relationships? What do you think about joining my 'harem' instead? Leave Masato-senpai." I smirked, handing it back to her.

Of course, I was just joking to make her flustered. Minami Shouko mentioned that word earlier and it was also in Watanabe's note.

Watanabe's cheeks went even redder and she stuttered, "N-no! Th-that's not it!"

"Really? Then what is it?"

Watanabe's eyes darted around the room before focusing back on me, "It's just... observations. For the school newspaper."

"Do we even have a Newspaper Club? But I guess, that's fine. Make it like a myth and don't mention any name if you do publish it." I said with a wink, making Watanabe all the more exasperated.

Next to her, the considerate Arisa shook her head probably thinking I was playing around too much while Komoe just giggled and teased her friend alongside me.

Minami Shouko was watching us with a hint of amusement in her eyes. It was like she saw something she hadn't seen in a long time.

After they left, I turned to Minami Shouko, who was now standing beside me. "Ready to face the music, senpai?" I asked, my tone firm but not unkind as I offered her my hand.

Well, that was out of habit, but I couldn't pull back now.

With a slight hesitation, Minami Shouko placed her hand in mine, her grip not so much as she's probably not used to holding someone else's hands.

I don't know if she can link it but isn't this already considered a genuine connection? As we walked through the school, Minami Shouko remained silent, her eyes darting around as if expecting a trap. But my grip was firm and reassuring, my thumb stroking the back of her hand in a comforting rhythm. Of course, she asked me why I was holding her hand when we could just walk side-by-side together. But I just said, "It's to keep you from running away. Besides, it's more intimate this way, don't you think?"

Her cheeks flushed at that, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she squeezed my hand slightly, as if testing the waters of this newfound intimacy.

However, thinking about it, my cheeks also couldn't help but flush in embarrassment. After all the warnings I received, here I was, holding the hand of the problem student who's secretly the 'manipulation queen'.

But the hand in mine was cold and trembling. A stark contrast to the mask she usually wore. Even if only for a bit, I was breaking her shell little by little.

Soon, we started visiting the clubrooms of her game's victims. Starting from the Science Club as it was the closest. The member of the club who's also secretly following her and playing her game turned out to be that girl who denied owning the scrunchie.

She was a great actress. I'll applaud her for that.

Her eyes grew wide when she saw Minami Shouko with me. She knew she was caught. But instead of getting mad, she looked relieved. She probably thought she was going to get


But that's not what I was planning. I was planning to use this opportunity to also show Minami Shouko that those she managed to convince to join her game have their own story and desire for connection with her.

For the next hour, this became the scene as I brought her from clubroom to clubroom. I included every club that requested an inspection.

Minami Shouko's hand grew warmer in mine as she faced each Club President, apologizing for the trouble she caused. The members of her group or her accomplices for the game, as she called them, were shocked at first but eventually saw the sincerity in her eyes.

Naturally, the reactions were varied. Even though nothing would really be lost since they'd be returning what they took after some time, some Club Presidents were furious while some were just confused. Some of them even wanted to hit her but I stood in front of her, preventing any violence from happening.

They asked me why I was protecting the culprit and troublemaker. My answer?

"Because she's going to make amends and learn from this." It was simple. But it wasn't just that. It was also because I saw a potential ally in her. Someone who understood the art of

strategy and manipulation.

Not that I'd use it to spread evil. I mean, I was the one going to deal with the other problem students clipped in that folder, right? Ah. Let's set that aside for now.

The look on Minami Shouko's face was priceless as she watched each club member react differently to her apology. Some were forgiving while others were stern, but they all listened. They saw the real her. The one beneath the facade of the 'manipulation queen'. After touring all the clubs including the Photography Club with Shimura and Marin-senpai. The Drama Club with Misaki. And the Kendo Club where the three girls escorted Maeda.

As we started our return walk to the Disciplinary Office, I noticed Minami Shouko's grip on my hand tightened and she seemed to have lost some of her earlier defiance.

"Onoda-kun, why are you being so kind to me?" She silently asked.

I glanced down at our intertwined hands, "I already answered that, senpai. I promised to help you find the genuine connection. To give the thing you're longing for. Let's take this step by step, okay? From now on, you'll join my office.

Her eyes widened, "I'm joining the Disciplinary Committee?"

"No. It's simply my office. I'm the only Disciplinary Officer but I can use some help. You can

come anytime whenever I'm on duty. But before that, make sure you tie up the loose ends. You fulfill your promise to the Club Presidents. Talk to the Guidance Counselors. And lastly, figure out what you want to do with the group you gathered." I said, looking into her eyes

with a serious expression.

Minami Shouko nodded slowly, "Alright. I understand. Thank you, Onoda-kun."

"Don't thank me yet, senpai. We're just starting, after all."

With that, I brought her back to the Disciplinary Office and let her interact with the girls. Shizu

came by and she seemed to be interested in Minami Shouko's abilities too but she didn't say anything. She just flaunted her presence and showed the girl that she was also mine.

Yeah. Somehow, Arisa already spilled the beans on their group chat and my girls became informed of Minami Shouko; specifically, my offer to help the girl find a genuine connection. They already assumed that she might end up being the same as them.

Well, I slipped out after that to finish my patrol and check on the clubhouse, leaving Minami Shouko in the hands of my girls and Watanabe.

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