Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 205

Chapter 204 – Nalutora

While Yan Yu was talking inside, Yin Beiqing waited outside and stared at Lin Luo. Even if she knew that Yang Pei could not do anything to Yan Yu now, her hostility towards this person and her “a certain subordinate” could not be alleviated.

“I don’t know if you were so loyal to my mother before.”

“That’s nothing for you to worry about.”

“If I become the empress in the future.” Yin Beiqing turned to look at her, “How should I deal with you, I can’t stand such an unlucky face swaying in front of me every day.”

“You don’t need to worry about that.” Lin Luo shot back, “Even if I can’t find a job, General Yin will not let me go.”

Yin Beiqing looked away coldly, “You have a thick skin.”

“Just begging for a meal.”

Fortunately, Yan Yu came out before the two were about to quarrel.

She leaned on the wall with one hand, and her complexion didn’t look very good. Some of the poison in her body was drained out with acupuncture, but some of it had already merged into her heart, and it would take time to completely remove it.

After talking to Yang Pei just now, she started to feel dizzy again, as if every time she made an effort, there would be a warning from somewhere.

Seeing Yin Beiqing’s figure right in front of her eyes, Yan Yu hurriedly shook her head and regained her energetic appearance.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Why do you look so pale?” Yin Beiqing noticed her dry lips, and bent over to hug her, “Is it possible that you have consumed too much soul power these days?”

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and Yan Yu spends a lot of effort to predict it every day. If there are major changes, she must notify Shen Qiuge in advance.

“Well, a little bit.” Yan Yu simply agreed, holding her hand, “Carry me on your back, so that I can sleep on my stomach for a while.”

In fact, what she was thinking was that Yin Beiqing couldn’t see her expression behind her back, so it was not easy to be noticed.

Of course Yin Beiqing would not refuse her request, without saying a word, he squatted down and carried her on his back.

Yan Yu held onto her shoulders, and after a while, the feeling came up again. Her eyes were fixed on Yin Beiqing’s slender and fair neck, and her hands slowly stroked it.

A terrible thought came to her head, asking her to tighten her strength quickly and pinch it firmly.


She bit her tongue, regained consciousness, and quickly withdrew her ready hand.

Within the territory of Lingguo

Yu Fusang has been lurking here for a long time. During this time, she kept collecting evil spirits, making them into evil spirit beads to absorb into her body, and using this method on the enemy’s wounded soldiers as well.

It can be said that the more people Mage sent, the stronger her army of evil spirits would be.

But even she has a limit to her endurance.

Right now, she can no longer hold any more evil spirits, and the stored goddess blood has been used up, so she has to find another way to get more power.

She swallowed the last evil spirit bead in her hand, and her body’s violent stress response made her fall to her knees, her long hair fluttering uncontrollably and even leaving wounds on her cheeks.

Yu Fusang was so angry that she cut off half of her hair, but they grew back quickly, and grew longer and longer until they surrounded her whole body.

At the same time, small and broken voices were ringing in her brain, they were talking and arguing with each other, which made her not have a moment of peace.

“Shut up! Give me peace!”

After a burst of energy, all the evil spirit beads in her body were shocked, and the wave of restlessness receded to the corner, but she was already exhausted.

“It’s not enough, it’s not enough.” She knew that the enemy was expanding rapidly, but to such an extent, it couldn’t do anything to Mage.

Panting, she raised her head, and vaguely saw the clouds in the sky condensed into the shape of a phoenix, with the phoenix head pointing in the direction of the Kingdom of Jin.

Goddess Blood…Evil Spirit…King Kingdom…

Yu Fusang narrowed his eyes, as if he had thought of something.

At the back of Yin’s house, Yan Zhi, who was not disciplined, sneaked out to play again.

A limping evil spirit lay down beside her, with blood still dripping from its stomach.

“Take a little effort to learn how other people fight. Next time someone beats you to death and I don’t care about you.” As she spoke, she put her hand on the evil spirit’s stomach, and the wound healed in an instant.

“Who told them to say that about you, I beat you because I was so angry.” The evil spirit lowered his head, “Your Majesty, you are so kind to us, why should those villains speak ill of you.”

Yan Zhi’s physique is extremely rare. Not only can the evil spirits touched by her quickly heal the wounds, but she will also get a boost in spiritual consciousness when staying around her. The longer you spend with her, the uncontrollable irritability will gradually follow. After calming down, they can become self-cultivating even without devouring the soul power of the same kind and human beings.

Most of the fallen demons can’t help themselves, and staying with Yan Zhi will give them a hope, as if there is a chance to return to their past lives. Yan Zhi also promised to help them as long as they don’t harm humans.

But not all evil spirits think so. Devouring soul power is the fastest way to increase soul power. In addition, Yan Zhi is the daughter of a spirit master and a magician, so they use this as an excuse to call Yan Zhi an evil spirit. traitor to the spirit.

“They swallow their own kind at every turn, and they have the nerve to call you a traitor!”

“Then you are stupid, fight them single-handedly.” Yan Zhi tapped its forehead, “Call me next time you fight, I will make the decision for you.”

While chatting, the muscles on Yan Zhi’s back tightened, and her scalp began to feel slightly numb.

She could sense that there was a strong evil spirit around, and the aura it released was not benevolent.

Thinking of Yan Yu’s words, she nervously pinched the bone whistle on her neck, stood up calmly, and at the same time touched the bottle in her pocket with her other hand.

In the bottle is Yin Miao’s blood, which is purer than Yan Yu’s, and can directly repel evil spirits. Yan Yu said that if he meets a bad person, he will sprinkle this on her.

She intuitively felt that the villain Yan Yu mentioned was right behind her.

Hiding behind the tree, Yu Fusang, who has already become overwhelmed, doesn’t know that she has been exposed. Even if she wears a biogas suppression bracelet, she can’t hide from Yan Zhi’s keen sixth sense.

The evil spirit beads fighting in her body made Yu Fusang’s breathing very unstable. She turned her head and coughed, staring at the blood clot in her palm and frowned unhappily, but when she wiped her mouth and turned her head, the little kid disappeared.

“It runs pretty fast.”

She stepped on it beforehand and knew that the child is now living in the Yin mansion with Yan Yu, but the mansion not only has an enchantment, but also Yin Anruo and those Langdie Valley people who are in the way, it is not easy for her to rush in. appropriate.

Yu Fusang, who acted cautiously, chose to wait for the opportunity around Yin’s house, but after waiting for several days, she didn’t see the girl with different pupils go out, and she couldn’t even find an evil spirit around her.

On the third day, she finally realized that her whereabouts were most likely exposed. Although she didn’t understand how the little brat noticed it, she knew it would be dangerous to stay any longer.

Yu Fusang jumped down from the tree and was about to leave when an arrow shot from a distance pierced her shoulder.

The pain quickly spread and made it difficult for her to move. She pulled out the arrow cruelly and found that there was no poison on it.

“There is a spiritual method on the arrow, it’s just temporarily paralyzing you.” Yan Yu slowly walked out from behind the bunker, holding the Poyun Bow in her hand.

Yu Fusang threw away the arrow in his hand, his scarlet eyes were full of hostility, “You still want to kill me.”

“If you hurt my child, I will.” She could say it, and she could.

Her feelings for Yu Fusang are very complicated. If you only look at what Yu Fusang did to her and Yin Beiqing, she would like to kill her on the spot, but because she knows the reason why she became so paranoid, plus Yu Fusang Helped her once when she was imprisoned by Mage – although they used each other then.

As Yu Fusang once said, if all objective factors are ignored, they probably have the possibility of becoming friends.

Generally speaking, Yan Yu’s emotions now are not as strong and direct as when she was in Yuzhen. She really can’t kill Yu Fusang cleanly, not to mention that under the current situation, they have the same purpose.

“You want to push to Mage, at least you shouldn’t be our enemy at this time.”

Yu Fusang sneered and pointed to his shoulder, “Then you are still shooting arrows at me. This is not the meaning of cooperation.”

Yan Yu didn’t hide it, and admitted, “Yes, I do have personal emotions.”

Translate: “I’m really upset with you”.

“In this case, why should I listen to you.” Yu Fusang lowered her voice, “Even with my own strength, I can do what I want to do, and you don’t need to worry about it, Goddess.”

“Really.” Yan Yu looked directly at her, her sharp eyes seemed to be able to see through her inner thoughts in an instant, “You hate Mage because they turned you into a beast soul, but what you are doing now is nothing like them respectively.”

“Don’t confuse me with them!” Yu Fusang rushed towards Yan Yu, but fell to the ground before touching anyone.

She looked at the mud on her sleeves and her uncontrollably trembling hands, and started to howl because she couldn’t accept her current embarrassment.

“I’m different from them! Different!”

After she was born, she was sent to Mage without feeling a mother’s love for a day, and participated in the training of so-called successful products.

People die there every day, and then they are covered with a white cloth and carried away like animals. She thought she was different from those people. Her mother just wanted to train her, and she would not really let her go. She will come to pick her up soon. I went home by myself.

So she practiced desperately, just to go back quickly, but no matter how hard she tried, the instructor would always only have derogatory words.

“Winning one is not a big deal.”

“Just a good assessment won’t prove anything.”

“You are a person with many beast souls, is this the only requirement you have for yourself!”

Until the end, they handed her a knife and pushed her into a cage where more than a dozen evil spirits were held.

At that time, she was less than ten years old, and she was the youngest person who walked to the final test project. There were countless people who died in the cage in front of her.

She kept looking towards the auditorium, hoping to see the expectant figure, but there was no one. The evil spirit scratched her face, gnawed at her bones and flesh, and the swamp gas continued to erode her body. She thought she was going to die, but no one shouted Stop, only the referee is calmly recording the data.

At that moment, Yu Fusang suddenly woke up.

She was not born to be someone’s daughter to be loved, but an experiment waiting to be sacrificed. Even if she passes this test, there will always be another one, until she is drained of value and lies with the corpses under the white cloth.

She didn’t know how she got out of the cage standing upright, and she was not at all happy on the day she passed the test and was announced to go home.

Sometimes, she even envies those evil spirits who don’t recognize their relatives, because they don’t have to think about anything, and they won’t be sad because of anything. Maybe they don’t know how sad they are living until they die.

“I just wanted to be strong, what’s wrong.”

If she is destined to be slaughtered or slaughter others, she would rather be the latter.

“Stop now, you still have a chance to live again.”

The author has something to say:

The number of words on the list seems not enough, let’s update TT

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