Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 206

Chapter 205 – Nalutora

Yao Miao

Every season, the people of Yaomiao country will carry a large amount of new grain to the granary, in case of emergencies.

For now, the food they store in the underground caves is enough for the people of the whole country to survive for three years.

It’s just that in this turbulent month, the action of hoarding grain is destined not to go smoothly.

“The No. 33 granary has been blown up due to the artillery drill conducted by Tianlai’s army.”

“Transport the remaining grain to the No. 34 granary for backup.”

“The entrance of the granary No. 71 has collapsed and needs to be cleaned up urgently.”

“Go to the workshop and find a repairman.”

The eldest princess sitting beside the queen couldn’t help persuading her earnestly, “Mother, why don’t you just agree to Queen Jin’s proposal? It’s not an option to continue like this. Who knows if those people will do more egregious things.”

“We, Yaomiao, have been able to live in peace for so many years because we are cautious and don’t want to fight. If our ancestors liked to fight and kill like you, our land would have been taken away by others.”

At this moment, the soldier kneeling in front of her trembled, “Female, empress…”

“Say something quickly.”

“The workshop sent thirteen repairmen this morning, but they were poisoned to death in the granary by the Tianlai army from the mouth of the cave.”

“It’s unreasonable!” Empress Yaomiao was so angry that she overturned the table directly, scaring her centipede and beast souls into a ball and pretending to be dead.

Her eyes were red, “Immediately write back to the Queen of the Kingdom of Jin, saying that this battle is settled for Yao Miao!”

Of course, Vinika knew about the tricks of various countries, but she looked down on those guys from the bottom of her heart, only to suffer from the pressure of Queen Tianlai, who woke up early every day to worry about the rebellion of the people.

“You have seen the power of this multi-beast soul army with your own eyes. As long as you have enough trust in our president, you will definitely not get disappointed results.” Ashley said.

“Now the opposite is not only a powerful Jin Kingdom, but also Bosse, Yaomiao and Youqi, how can you make me feel at ease.” Almost every day she dreamed that the crown on her head would not be safe, “You don’t sit on my This position, of course, won’t worry about me.”

Ashley glanced at her, then lowered his head, “As the empress, you should firmly fulfill that last wish with the president.”

“Unify the world into Tianlai, and no one will speak against you.”

Queen Tianlai was obviously moved.

“The new technology developed in this experiment is very mature. As long as there are enough carriers, we can create a powerful and invincible army overnight, and our common wish will be realized by then.”

“But I heard that your experiment seems to have some side effects.”

The efficiency of the multi-beast soul experiment was too low, and with the imminent battle, the Mage masters quickly developed a new transformation method, that is, directly implanting soul beads on mature beast masters. Not only can control the number of beast soul beads in the experimental subject, but also control the type and combination of beast soul beads to achieve a stronger breakthrough.

The experimental subjects produced in this way are stronger than those trained in the past. The price is that their life span is only one month. After reaching the limit, their bodies will explode because they cannot bear the energy of the implanted soul orbs. body and die.

“Exchanging a lifetime of ordinary life for a month of glory, you should tell your soldiers that it is quite honorable.”

Queen Tianlai clenched her hands tightly, staring at the ring on her hand for a long time, and finally let go.

“Forget it, now I have no turning back.”

That night, dozens of troops from Tianlai marched into Mage in line. They were ordered to take the powerful medicine newly developed by the imperial master here. No one wondered why the queen didn’t choose to transport the medicine to the barracks To them, but to ask them to come from the station overnight.

But the military will never question any order of the leader.


Yan Yu, who was in a deep sleep, opened her eyes leisurely. The state she had just escaped from the foresight screen made her look a little dazed.

“What is it?” Yin Beiqing followed suit and sat up.

Yan Yu was already putting on his shoes, “Tianlai, Tianlai is coming, not only Mage, I also saw many, many people.”

The number of beast souls is unimaginable.

“They are going to sneak attack at night, hurry up and tell Yang Pei them.”

This prophecy was quickly written into a letter and sent to the queens of various countries, and Ruan Yuexie also quickly contacted Langdie Valley.

The letter was written long ago, and it recorded in detail everything that happened during this period, as well as the current situation. They need more manpower, and the current situation can only be treated as a dead horse.

What people didn’t expect was that Miao Tan, who was sitting on the roof, heard the news from his own beast soul before the morning when the letter was sent.

—Everyone in Landie Valley has entered the main city.

She picked up the binoculars made by Yin Miao, and she really saw a row of women neatly dressed in white approaching slowly. Their eyes were still covered with white silk scarves, but they walked on the unfamiliar avenue as if they were walking on the ground, and passers-by frequently cast suspicious glances. , but also subconsciously make way for this group of people.

“Who is this, it’s kind of scary…”

“Blindfolded and dressed in white…couldn’t be the maids of Landie Valley.”

“Langdiegu, are you a candidate for Yin?”

“Why are they here? Could it be that they are about to start a war?”

The word “start war” dropped a bomb of uneasiness in everyone’s hearts, and the sun in the sky suddenly became chilly.

The maids assembled in the Yin residence compound. Yin Beiqing had already put on his battle uniform, and stood at the front of the line with his hands clenched behind his back.

“Take off the strip.”

The first time they heard this, they thought they had heard it wrong.

“Take it off.”

No one dared to ask Yin Beiqing to issue the third order, they untied the knots at the back of their heads one after another, and took off the cloth strips covering their eyes.

Having not been exposed to light for a long time, and still not used to the moment when they opened their eyes, their eyes were focused on Yin Beiqing’s face.

It is the face without the mask.

“This time, I can’t guarantee that no one will be injured, so I will never force you to participate in the action.” Yin Beiqing looked at their faces one by one, “No matter what you choose, Langdie will always be your home.”

Of course they knew what this meant, but none of them flinched. They all knelt down and said, “Follow the Valley Lord to the death!”

According to the information Yan Yu learned in the preview screen, Tianlai’s army will attack tonight.

Yin Anruo, as a former general of the Kingdom of Jin, certainly would not sit still. She returned to the army earlier to prepare for this battle.

But in the end, it is necessary to leave someone to look after the house, and it is impossible for the two children to be left alone.

At this time, Ying Fan took the initiative to stand up, “Let me come and see the child.”

In case she couldn’t control it and went crazy and even beat her own people.

“Well, that’s it.”

night falls slowly

The soldiers who had long been lurking at the border of Yaomiao were ready to go. They stared at the distant hills and held their breath.

Yaomiao is the buffer zone between Tianlai and the Kingdom of Jin. It is precisely because of this that the former chose to build a temporary military base here, set up weapons and equipment, and conduct daily exercises.

And this plan fit into their arms.

Yan Yu swallowed an amber tortoise pill before setting off. Apart from bringing the dead back to life, this thing can also improve the body and soul power of normal people in a short period of time. Guo Lu took this to defeat Lin Zhuxun.

The concentration of a elixir is more than ten times thicker than that of a soup bowl, and Yan Yu quickly felt the warmth in his body.

“There is movement.” Yin Anruo, who was on the ground, lowered his voice and gestured to the team behind him.

Everyone waited with bated breath, listening to the subtle movements in the night to judge their position. As the footsteps approached, the ground below them began to shake, and the sand and soil flew up, almost blinding their sight.

Under the binoculars, the dark team came up from the other side of the mountain like a rising tide of sea water. There were strange and terrifying beast souls, soldiers who were in a state like chicken blood, and under such circumstances, dozens of people carried large sedan chairs. , and Vinika who was sitting leisurely, all this seemed that they were very sure of winning.

The observing hand passed the news to Yin Anruo with gestures, and the latter immediately issued an emergency alert.


The loud footsteps came from a giant two-legged beast spirit with a height of more than ten floors. It opened eyes that glowed like radar, and soon found out where they were ambush. A stone hammer as big as a hill was swung up and thrown at them.


Under the order, the war broke out in one shot.

The ones rushing to the front were the Langdie Valley maids in fluttering white clothes. Each of them held a long sword, and their elegant figures seemed to have a sense of presence in the heavy armor around them, but this did not prevent them from displaying their skills. Li’s moves are exactly the same as their leader.

When the cavalry came, they cut off the animal’s legs, and when the infantry came, they took the head. Every piece of white clothes was splattered with blood, like red plums in the snow.

As Yan Yu had predicted in advance, the soul domain army led by Ashley became the first hurdle for them to confront Tianlai’s army.

More than a dozen soul domains unfolded one after another, directly drawing a clear dividing line on the battlefield. The owner of the soul domain has absolute control over the intruders, and those who cross the line will be smashed to pieces in less than half a second.

But things didn’t develop as they expected. The soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin in the front row immediately put up their shields and stood in a tight circle, shouting the slogan “one, two, three” and rushed into the soul domain.

They closed their eyes, blocked their hearing, did not hear or see anything, and tried their best to reduce the degree of influence, but the people on Ashley’s side had never seen such a battle, and they immediately panicked.

Moreover, the shields held by those soldiers seemed to carry some kind of mysterious power, as if some kind of barrier perfectly covered their aura, so that even as the masters of the soul domain, they could not accurately find the target and control it.

Song Qing, who was sitting in the cockpit watching this scene, wiped his nose, “I have warned you arrogance a long time ago that there is a price to be paid for underestimating the enemy.”

In just a few seconds, Ashley’s expression changed. She let out a loud shout and told the Soul Land Legion to retreat, and the physical arts team behind her immediately charged up like a scourge.

At this time, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin also broke through the boundary of the soul domain, and couldn’t wait to bite each other.


Under the sound of clicking and clicking, Tianlai summoned them to ambush their weapons a long time ago, and a huge artillery platform rose behind, slowly raised its angle, and aimed it in the direction.

“Oh, an outdated trick.” Song Qing rolled up his sleeves and moved the joystick, driving the machine below him to fly out of the mountain.

Everyone felt that the top of their heads seemed to be dark, and when they looked up, they saw huge birds with wings so wide that they could cover the moonlight hovering in the clouds.

“Feng…Phoenix?” Tianlai’s soldiers questioned.

No, it’s not.

After the “bird” flew close, they found that it was not a beast soul at all, but a machine made of special smooth materials, and soon they saw several other mechanical birds behind the first mechanical bird. cross.

The air beast troops that haven’t taken off are still in place. In this situation, should they fly or not?

I thought I was the last secret weapon in the team, but it turned out that the other party seized the opportunity. What a complicated feeling.

Tianlai immediately gave the order to fire the guns, and several bursts of flames tore through the dark night, roaring and hitting the enemy.

“It’s easy to show off the obsolete gadgets, so that you can see what a real beggar weapon is!”

Dozens of mechanical birds began to flap their wings crazily, and they landed on the ground steadily amidst the strong wind, and then connected together to form a huge protective wall, facing the artillery fire directly, but even with such a violent impact, all the mechanical birds All unscathed.

On the contrary, they opened their mouths in unison, and the flames ejected from the beaks devoured a whole third of Tianlai’s army in the next second.

The bird feathers on the wings were originally made of hidden weapons, and the ends were connected with tough iron chains. When they were flapping, they kept piercing into the flesh of the person, and then pulled and swung them out.

For a while, Tianlai suffered countless casualties, and even the fort in the rear was directly destroyed by the Youqi people.

Mage could only immediately summon the royal team on standby. They all hid behind the specially protected team, constantly switching positions and using spiritual methods to heal the wounded on the field.

Soon the fallen soldiers of Tianlai stood up again. They were more energetic and aggressive than before. The soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin who had already consumed a wave of strength were obviously overwhelmed by the beating, and their advantages were quickly lost little by little.

At this time, Yan Yu, who was standing on top of the mechanical bird driven by Song Qing, slowly opened the Poyun Bow, and shot out an arrow imbued with spiritual magic.

The time-suspended spiritual method was not very cost-effective at this time, she chose to directly expand the soul domain around them.

Speaking of this, without Ashley’s painstaking training, she wouldn’t have awakened the ability to outstretch the soul so quickly.

“Can she develop so many soul domains by herself?”

Normally, people can only cast a fixed range of soul domain boundaries at one location, but this is not what Yan Yu did. She used arrows to set up a small range of soul domain boundaries above the heads of each imperial master, which was only accurate to the individual.

Because the more targets controlled in the boundary, the more energy needs to be distracted. She is reducing unnecessary consumption and streamlining the use of soul power to the extreme.

The momentum of Tian Lai’s army, which had lost its backup, was obviously not as strong as before. Seeing that something was wrong, Vinika immediately gave Ashley a look.

A signal flare was lifted into the air, and the many beast soul troops who had been imprisoned in the cage for a long time were finally released.

This scene happened to coincide with the scene in Yan Yu’s foresight. According to the previous records, the number of the Beast Soul Legion was about 3,000, but now this dark battle has a conservative 50,000 people.

The original 3,000 is enough to make people daunting, and the doubled number is even more shocking.

The empty beast team took advantage of this to set off, and began to cooperate with the multi-beast soul army to harass the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin. The sharp cries of the birds almost pierced the eardrums, and from time to time, a slashing spiritual method tore apart the ground at their feet. A big seam.

And the strength of a multi-beast soul soldier against a hundred is definitely not just talking. I saw a multi-beast soul soldier grabbing the arms of several people with one hand and throwing them forward, directly bringing down a dozen people in a row. When he stood up, she howled and rushed forward and tore him to pieces.

The soldiers who witnessed this brutal scene were somewhat frightened. They used to fight against humans, but can these irrational creatures really be called human beings?

Faced with such a strong opponent with nowhere to hide, anyone would feel tremendous psychological pressure.

Yang Pei’s face was solemn, and he raised his sword and shouted, “Kill me, even if you die, you must die with integrity! Even if you die, you will never be a weak and evasive person!”

The act of her leading the charge soon gave some confidence to the soldiers behind her. At the same time, Song Qing led the people to drive the mechanical birds to encircle and suppress the beast souls flying around in the air. Lin Baizhu and her family were also with her. Those Tianlai nobles who don’t want to show their faces so wear masks to fight.

Although this group of busy nobles are usually ridiculed a lot, as Tianlai people, they are very familiar with their own fighting habits, and they are comfortable in battle.

“Get out of the way in front.” Song Qing yelled at them and stepped out of the cab.

She stepped on the seat and set up a bazooka with one hand. The rolled up sleeves revealed beautiful muscle lines, and the gray hair was inexplicably saucy.

I have long seen that Lai people are unhappy these days, and now I just take the opportunity to vent the backlog of anger openly.

At this moment, the ground under their feet began to shake sharply, and the rushing water seemed to be looking for an exit.

Water, this is the barren Yao Miao, where does the water come from?

Just when someone came up with this idea, countless water jets rose straight from the entrance of the cave, and the powerful impact instantly dispersed the army of many beast souls who were happily killing.

At the rear of Jin Guo’s army, a large team finally rushed to support.

This is the Bosse army led by Shi Fan. The distance from Bosai to Yaomiao is longer. They have been rushing since they received the news from Yan Yu, and they will arrive now. Fortunately, there is still time.

Shi Fan, who was wearing silver armor, was full of heroism. She raised her hand and pointed forward, and those water jets gathered again to form a water wall, pushing Tianlai’s army back directly.

This undoubtedly gave everyone time to catch their breath, and Posei’s army immediately moved forward to exchange positions with the exhausted Jin army.

The incantation of spiritual law was read from Yan Yu’s mouth, and she rose into the air.

There is a faint golden light flowing from her body, the long fluttering hair is swaying gracefully, a red lotus blooms at her feet, and countless petals fly out, the magic is that all the people touched by the petals quickly He regained his strength, and the wound on the surface of his body healed so much that there was no pain at all.

More and more soldiers have been healed, although Yan Yu is only one person, but it is almost equal to the entire royal team.

Because of the consumption of her soul power, her eyes and hair began to gradually fade, and her snow-white hair was about to merge with her pale complexion, making her look unreal and refined.

The Yaomiao people who had been waiting for a long time took advantage of the disadvantage of Tianlai’s army and poked their heads out of the cave one after another.

Holding sharp knives in their hands, they walked among the crowd with agility and low-key movements. Taking advantage of the waves of Bosai’s water to make those stupid big men with animal spirits unable to see their way clearly, they went up and stabbed them in the heart before slipping back into the cave.

During the whole process, there was no time for the opponent to react at all. When watching his teammates fall one after another, when he wanted to take revenge, he found that the culprit was nowhere to be found.

Some people smashed the ground angrily, but soon another wave came from behind, rushing a group of people into the trap that the Yaomiao people had dug long ago. Those who were waiting in the trap immediately rushed forward and closed their eyes to start beating.

This style of play is very rascal, but Yao Miao who was present all said that it is simply not too pleasant.

The two sides are in a bitter struggle. Although they have an advantage in numbers now, they still cannot withstand the suppression of the multi-beast soul army. After all, they are different from ordinary soldiers and have stronger self-healing abilities. The durability of the battle is also terrible.

In addition, none of them carried multiple beast souls, and those powerful beast souls cooperated with each other very well, often using more enemies and fewer to gain an advantage.

Under the pressure, Yan Yu recharged the whole army with imperial skills, but this time it was obviously not enough.

“That’s enough.” Yin Beiqing couldn’t stand it anymore and dragged her down, “You go first.”

“Don’t go.” Yan Yu stared at her stubbornly.

She tore off her sleeves and **** her hair, and pulled out a dagger from her waist, “It’s not that I can’t fight, besides, I’m now…”

Before she finished speaking, she saw an enemy preparing to attack Yin Beiqing from the rear, so she grabbed her waist and got behind her, then put her elbow on her shoulder, and kicked the person more than ten meters away.

“Now, they should be afraid of me.”

She boldly rushed into the crowd, even though there were screams and roars around her, she ignored them, as if the whole world was quiet only her own breathing, the reflected knife light was a bit dazzling, and the blood splashed on her face was still The warm, fighting sensation made her boil.

A person with many beast souls accidentally looked at Yan Yu, with eyes of pity, but when he looked in, he drowned in a icy lake. There was no murderous aura from this woman at all, just a calm, emotionless calm. It’s so strange that it makes people want to close their eyes and have a good sleep, so the soul orb on the chest shatters in a state of absence.

This is a painless way of dying, only the indifferent face is deeply imprinted in my mind before death.

It seems to be a **** who comes to deliver, without joy or sorrow, and even the death he brings is benevolent.

Yan Yu could almost be said to have reached the center of the team without hindrance. She raised her head and looked at the people on the sedan chair.

The so-called capturing the thief first captures the king, so procrastinating in this way will have disadvantages rather than benefits for them.

Vinika rested her forehead lightly with her right hand, as if she was very satisfied with the status quo, and it was not difficult to see the word arrogance from her eyes.

“It’s still too late to stop now, as long as you restart the Tu Shibei, I promise to spare your life and the life of that surnamed Yin.” She looked at Yan Yu and chuckled, “If it continues, what will happen? Guaranteed, after all, a sword has no eyes.”

Yan Yu casually picked up the knife from the corpse on the ground and flew towards her, but Vinika didn’t move in a half-recumbent position, her eyes fixed on the knife, and she broke it with her mind.

This is her ability, which can change all tangible substances with her mind.

Those who tried to climb up the sedan chair all fell to the ground twisted and then stabbed to death when they could not resist.

Yan Yu climbed up the steps with one foot, and was also fixed in place by Winika’s eyes. The severe pain came from her right arm. From the corner of her eye, she saw her fingers snapped backward one by one, and her arm was rolled up like soft noodles.

She gritted her teeth, and by pure resistance, she took another step forward, and under the restoration of her self-imperial technique, she restored her broken arm.


At this time, a man with many beast souls broke through the encirclement and stabbed her thigh with a sword.

Yan Yu couldn’t help crying out in pain, curled up and rolled off the sedan platform, Yin Beiqing stepped forward to catch her, and then Yin Anruo also slashed backhandedly, splitting the beast-spirited man.

“It’s okay.” Yan Yu shook her bloodless lips, and with all her strength pulled the sword out of her leg.

She raised **** and flicked on the raised sword, and the splashed blood flew towards Vinika.


Several black shadows rushed out from invisible places, and the swamp gas all over their bodies opened their **** mouths and rushed towards Vinika.

This is an army of evil spirits transformed by Yu Fusang. The biggest difference from other evil spirits is that they are not afraid of the blood of the goddess. On the contrary, because of the increase in threshold, they are even addicted to the smell that can improve the stability of the evil spirit beads in their bodies.

They all contain part of Yan Yu’s blood, which is the key to her being able to control them at will.

“President, don’t worry.” Ashley, who sensed the danger of Veronica, immediately rushed to block her.

She raised her hands to make handprints, and slowly spread out the soul domain around Vernica, and she quickly defeated the intruding evil spirits one by one.

“Go, we are behind you.” Yin Anruo gave Yan Yu a push, and his eyes signaled her to be relieved.

Yan Yu took a step forward, followed closely by Ashley’s movements and formed the exact same handprints.

The soul domain unfolded around her and pushed around, and when they touched the boundary of Ashley’s soul domain, the two started an invisible contest.

Fortunately, Yan Yu consumed a lot of soul power due to the two dials of imperial treatment, but she was still slightly better. Just when her soul domain began to devour the other party’s soul domain, her head suddenly swelled up, and her eyes turned black.

“Restart Tushi Monument… Restart Tushi Monument…”

Shut up, shut up!

The two voices in her head kept fighting, and she didn’t realize that two lines of blood and tears were flowing out of her eyes. It was not until she spat out a mouthful of poisoned blood that the voice finally gradually died down.

At the moment when all the poison was discharged, Yan Yu felt that the force that was suppressing him disappeared, and his whole state went up to a new level.

Even as a super veterinarian, Ashley had almost no chance of winning in front of Yan Yu who was going all out. She obviously couldn’t hold on, and the boundary of the soul domain was retreating steadily.

At this time, Yan Yu’s ear tip moved, and she keenly caught the sound of something being penetrated from the air.

kind of keen

Yin Beiqing stood on the spot, holding the Demon Slaying Blade in her hand. She slowly lowered her head and looked at the hand that passed through her chest. The man with many beast souls had already pinched her heart in his palm. Crush her soul orb.

Witnessing this scene, Yan Yu’s pupils narrowed suddenly, and he directly raised his hand to use the space pause that consumes the most soul power, and then rushed straight over, tearing off the thick arm like a tree trunk with his bare hands.

Yin Anruo was raising his sword to save someone a second ago, but in the blink of an eye, he saw Yan Yu holding Yin Beiqing in his arms, and the culprit was lying aside without breathing.

Yan Yu tremblingly wiped away the blood from Yin Beiqing’s mouth, and kissed her delicately on the face, “Don’t be afraid of Qing’er, I will heal you right away.”

Fortunately, she paused in time before the soul orb had time to shatter. Although Yin Beiqing was seriously injured, it was all flesh and blood.

Seeing this, Vinica immediately winked at the people around her, Ashley nodded, and walked towards Yan Yu whose back was facing her.

They were all focused on their goals, and no one noticed that a pair of hands had quietly climbed onto the sedan platform.

When Vinika noticed something strange, the cold scimitar was already attached to her neck, Yang Pei firmly held onto her shoulder, and the iron-cut blade slashed across her neck silkily.

Yang Pei, whose hands were covered in blood, laughed, “Arrogant Maggie, have you forgotten that my old lady also crawled out of the battlefield.”

Vinika turned her head with her eyes wide open, and met her wanton expression, and soon the muscles on her face twitched and said two words, “Bitch!”

She stared at Yang Pei’s face, and the spirit burst out through her thoughts, instantly turning the laughing woman into a lump of flesh.

It was obviously too late when Ashley noticed this, and she could only see the helpless and desperate eyes of Vinika when she turned her head, “Ash…Ashley, help me…”

Every time she said a word, blood started to flow from her neck, and it quickly soaked the beautiful custom-made dress that she had specially had someone hand-sewn to celebrate the victory.

Now it is the most beautiful funeral dress.

Probably seeing that there was nothing she could do from Ashley’s expression, she yelled, her childish and sharp voice was like that of a vexatious child.

“I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die…It’s so cold, it hurts, and there’s a lot of blood.” She kept pushing the blood back with both hands, “They’re going to leave my body, don’t…don’t!”

Fighting back his grief, Ashley went and knelt beside Vernica and covered her eyes.

“I’m going to die, am I?” Vinika said softly, “I won’t be able to be a Tianlai person in my next life, will I?”

Ashley hugged her, “God is waiting for you in heaven.”

The thin arm finally hangs down feebly, and those Mage members who have made a contract with Vinika will also suffer the curse of Yin Ci and die.

Ashley hugged her girl’s body and slowly lost temperature, and finally turned into a stiff “stone statue”, holding this position forever and stopping breathing.

The army of many beast souls who had lost their command was in a mess. On the contrary, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin who had lost their empress seemed to be injected with new blood.

Yan Yu took Yin Beiqing’s hand, crossed her fingers, and used her soul power to recede the boundary of the soul domain into the distance.

Almost effortlessly, those soldiers who lost their backbone fell backward like dominoes.

The sound of the wind suddenly became much quieter, and the smell of blood sank and soaked into the ground.

The people who looked at the corpses on the ground didn’t say a word, and there seemed to be wailing in everyone’s heart.

Yu Fusang, who was sitting on the top of a distant hill watching all this, stood up.

Seeing that Mage fell down, she felt as if there was something empty in her heart and felt tight.

The previous efforts were no match for a few passionate fools, such a mockery has never been experienced before.

The tip of her tongue suddenly tasted an astringent taste, and it took her a long time to realize that there were tears on her face.

cry? It seemed like she hadn’t cried for a long time.

“I didn’t expect you to be so vulnerable.”

Yu Fusang turned his head and looked at the black-robed man who appeared behind him at some unknown time, “It’s all over.”

“It’s over.” The man in black smiled slightly, but raised one hand, “Your wish has come true, but mine hasn’t yet.”

Yu Fusang, who realized what she wanted to do, backed away immediately, but the other party’s movements were faster than she expected.

During the resistance, Yu Fusang tore off her mask, revealing that kindly smiling face.

At the same moment, Yan Yu seemed to be connected to some thoughts suddenly, and the voice of the sales girl sounded in her ears again.

“I remembered, that man’s name is Tang Man! Hahahahaha, look at my memory.”

“She is still an old lady. When we met for the first time, I thought she should have a good temper. Who knew that the property received complaints from neighbors every day.”

“Say, what’s she talking about… Yes! I really like keeping pets. In addition to cats and dogs, I also have a lot of things that other people will be afraid of.”

“But it doesn’t matter, you just need to greet her warmly when you see her. She is old and has no company around, and she says she doesn’t want to be accompanied by others. In fact, it is the worst thing to see people ignoring you, especially you young people.”

On the top of the mountain, Yu Fusang’s figure fell down like a kite with a broken string, countless evil spirit beads flew out of Tang Man’s hands and penetrated into her body, Yan Yu subconsciously rushed over, but suddenly stopped in her tracks.


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