Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 207

Chapter 206 – End Of Text

If Tang Man is the black-robed person who can change memories, then the closer people are to her, the less likely they will believe her.

Tang Manhui got closer to Yu Fusang, which meant that the latter had something she wanted, most likely the evil spirit beads she made.

Yan Yu recalled what she said in class last time, and became more certain about this conjecture.

‘There are no complicated thoughts, primitive desires, and all emotions are expressed very straightforwardly. This is one of the important reasons why I like getting along with beast spirits. ‘

Besides Yu Fusang, there is another person who is very close to her, and that is Ying Fan.

Ying Fan would definitely not take the initiative to team up with Tang Man to deal with her own boss, but it’s hard to say that the other party would not use this trust to control her memory.

Thinking of the two children staying at home alone with Ying Fan, Yan Yu felt more and more uneasy.

“Go home.” She took Yin Beiqing’s hand, her face was frighteningly pale, “Hurry up and go home.”

Yin Beiqing was frightened by Yan Yu’s appearance, and quickly picked up Amber Turtle who lost her strength after the medicine took effect.

Fortunately, there were still a few mechanical birds in Youqi that were not damaged, and they returned very quickly while sitting.

They flew past Yaomiao, entered the sky above the main city, and Yan Yu already knew the result before they arrived at Yin Mansion.

She couldn’t feel the breath of the children, even if it wasn’t the worst result, it meant that they were not within the scope of the main city. .

The few people who hung the lottery pushed open the door, and they saw Ying Fan sitting slumped on the ground.

Her eyes were red from crying, and when she saw Yin Beiqing, she shook her head violently, opened her mouth but couldn’t say anything.

She had lost the children, but had no memory of how.

“Did someone come here?” Yan Yu grabbed her shoulder and asked.

“I, I don’t remember.” Ying Fan’s eyes were full of tears, but the moment he touched Yan Yu, it seemed that some switch was pressed in his mind, and suddenly he said with no concentration in his eyes: “Come to Piyougu to find me. I.”

Yan Yu hadn’t heard of this place name for a long time, it was her former residence before her rebirth, and she specially chose a place away from human habitation to avoid being disturbed.

Most importantly, the Tushi Stele was also placed there.

In an instant, all the mysteries were solved, and she finally knew what Tang Man’s purpose was.

It is estimated that she has been waiting for a long time for the oriole, cicada, and mantis to follow.

Piyo Valley

“Grandma, are you going to do something bad?” Yin Miao blinked her eyes, looking innocently at Tang Man who was hugging her.

Tang Man smiled and patted her head, still with that kind look, and even his voice was full of patience, “No, mother-in-law just wants to make this world a better place.”

She has long been fed up with this world dominated by humans, greed, discrimination, indifference, and the price that everyone is born like a commodity.

She has been the child who will always be assigned to stand in the corner since she was born. When she wanted to seek comfort, she found that her close relatives treated her with contempt just like outsiders.

While she hated the rules in this world that used soul power to classify people into high and low, she also put in more effort than anyone else to gain approval.

Every day, she struggled with self-loathing. She didn’t know how much discrimination she suffered and how much effort she had to make to become an inspirational model in the later story.

But when the attention she longed for in the past came to her, Tang Man realized that the resentment in her heart had grown deeper. She thought that if she was respected, the scars of the past would be healed, but she could see clearly that everyone only liked her label on the body.

In a place far away, deep in her heart, that child who was isolated by the whole world will never be redeemed.

Simply let this evil world be destroyed! This idea did not know when it began to take root in her heart.

It would be great if everyone was as simple and straightforward as animals, no one would have to think about soul power and bloodlines, and no one would have to fight for fame and interests.

“Heaven…heaven.” She opened her arms and looked up to the sky, falling into endless reverie about a bright future.

“Better?” Yin Miao asked without feeling any fear at all, “Then how do I get better? I think I am very happy now. Both mothers are very kind to me, and my mother-in-law taught me.” Be a fire-breathing bird.”

She touched Tang Man’s hand, “Where is grandma, isn’t grandma happy?”

Tang Man looked down at her, the smile on his face remained unchanged, but he slowly tightened his grip on her little hand, “No, they don’t love you at all.”

Seeing Yin Miao’s little face wrinkled in grievance, Yan Zhi who was beside her finally said, “Hey! If you don’t know how to speak, don’t say it.”

Tang Man’s eyes moved to her, his eyes gradually turned cold, “Am I wrong, what they love is only an excellent child, as for who this child is, it doesn’t matter at all.”

“No.” Yin Miao frowned, “Mom said it doesn’t matter if you can’t learn spiritual skills, they will still love me very much.”

It’s just that she’s slow to respond, she’s not really stupid, and she listens to people discussing her useless physique on weekdays. She didn’t feel sad at first, but after gradually showing a gap with Yan Zhi who trains every day, she really felt a little uncomfortable. happy.

But now she has figured it out, there is indeed a difference between her and Yan Zhi, but everyone is born different, Yan Zhi is powerful, but she is not without merits, if she lives like others, she is not “” Yin Miao”.

“Shut up!” Tang Man threw her away with wide eyes.

“Pain—” Yin Miao who was thrown on the ground rubbed her buttocks, she was different from Yan Zhi, the bruises on her buttocks could last for several weeks.

Thinking about it is really more wronged.

Yan Zhi hugged Yin Miao and yelled at Tang Man loudly, “No one can control what you want to do, why are you crazy to tie us here, let us go back quickly, let my mother know that I can’t spare you! “

“I can’t go back.” Tang Man squatted down and pinched her little face, “You don’t have to be so hostile to me, I like evil spirits just like you.”

Originally, she wanted to assimilate all humans by controlling the evil spirits, but after knowing Yan Yu’s identity, she thought of a better idea.

Wouldn’t it be nice to restart Tu Shibei directly, so that she can directly create a world of her own.

A wonderful, unique new world.

Yan Zhi directly poohed at her, and said viciously, “I’m different from you! You crazy!”

Tang Man wiped off the spittle on his face, his face was gloomy, “Since you don’t have to drink a toast, you don’t have to wait until they show up, the effect is the same anyway.”

Only the Goddess’ tears of sorrow can activate the Tushibei, and what she has to do is to stimulate Yan Yu.

“Since you said that your mother loves you the most, why not start with you.” She picked up the back of Yin Miao’s neck with one hand and threw her into the altar that had been prepared earlier.

One of these two children has the purest lineage of a royal master, and the other is the head of the evil spirits, which coincides with the two most needed characteristics of the evil spirit beads that Yu Fusang experimented on.

If they are used to refine the evil spirit beads, it must be the most perfect one in the world.

“Let her go!”

Just when Tang Man was about to let go, her long-awaited voice sounded behind her.

“Don’t move.” She turned and stared at the menacing Yan Yu and Yin Beiqing, “One more step forward, and I’ll throw all your precious daughters in.”

They had just experienced a fierce battle, and everyone’s vitality was seriously injured. No matter how strong these two people are, their soul power will be damaged to some extent at this time.

“If you activate Tushibei directly, I’ll return them to you, how about it?”

Yan Yu clenched her fists, “Don’t even think about it.”

The two of them made gestures to take the child back, but Tang Man seemed to have a solution. She put her finger between her lips and blew a clear whistle.

“Bang—” The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded behind them, and with the approaching footsteps of the other party, the crisp bells swayed.

“Yu Fusang?”

Yan Yu never expected to see her like this, because she swallowed too many evil spirit beads, her eyes lost focus, her skin was full of pustules, and sticky green blood was leaking from the cut wound.

Anyone who sees this ugly and vicious monster will not associate it with the beautiful and powerful woman in the past.

“Do you still want to be brave? You are almost at your limit now.” Tang Man raised his arms little by little, and the countdown numbers in his mouth stimulated the nerves of the two of them little by little.

“three two…”

“Give her back to me.”

The two rushed out almost at the same time, but before they touched anyone, they were bound by Yu Fusang’s long hair.

Her limbs twisted strangely, and she rushed towards Yan Yu. Seeing this symptom, several beast spirits immediately rushed up. Panpan was particularly fierce, relying on her rough skin and thick flesh, she directly pressed Yu Fusang to the ground with her weight .

The fight between the two sides was very fierce, but Panpan, who has just been promoted to a super beast soul, showed extraordinary vigor. He swallowed half of Yu Fusang’s arm with a mouthful of sharp teeth. The trees in the house trembled and shook.

It can feel how nervous and worried Yan Yu’s mood is, as her beast soul, it must fight for it!

But the number of enemies is far more than that. A thin rustling sound can be heard from the depths of the jungle, and countless red-eyed evil spirits and beast spirits form a company and rush over the grassland.

As a top beast master, Tang Man could easily control hundreds of beast pets at once, and she obviously planned it for a long time.

“Lu Jia, hit them!” Panpan raised Lu Jia, which had returned to its original size, and threw it vigorously towards the herd of animals running over.

Infected with the outbreak of primitive animality, Lu Jia abandoned his usual shy and introverted appearance, kicked one kick, and fought very bravely.

At this moment, Yan Yu couldn’t care less about how fierce the beating was, she staggered, and stepped forward while supporting her weakened body after the effect of the medicine.

Seeing that she had no intention of compromising at all, Tang Man gave up, and as soon as he let go, the struggling Yin Miao fell into the altar.

“It hurts! It hurts… Woohoo, Mom, it hurts.” She grabbed her little short hand, trying to get out, but she couldn’t be rescued after moving for a long time.

“Idiot, jump out!” Yan Zhi watched anxiously, and jumped in to get her, but after entering, she found that the liquid in the altar seemed to have suction, and it was holding her body firmly. No matter how strong you are, you can’t get out at all.

The liquid corroded their immature skin, and soon ended up at the waist. Yan Yu wanted to save people, but was dragged by several evil spirits, unable to do anything.

Seeing the child’s gradually weakening struggle, she felt powerless in her heart, “Don’t…don’t…”

She didn’t even realize that two lines of hot tears had already flowed across her cheeks and dripped into the ground under her feet.

The surrounding trees began to shake crazily, several cracks opened in the soil layer, and a huge stone tablet was slowly protruding from the surface.

Tang Man’s eyes lit up, and she ran to it in three steps at a time, wiping off the dust with trembling hands, revealing three big bright characters.

“Tushibei, hahahaha it’s really Tushibei.”

She bit her fingertips and couldn’t wait to write words on them with blood.

“This world doesn’t need humans…no need…” Her voice trembled, her eyeballs were bloodshot, and she was in a state of madness.

Yan Yu stared at her back, and let out a desperate cry from the depths of her throat. Her slender fingers sank into the soil, forcing her soul power to turn her eyes white.


This sound seemed to stop time, and all moving objects were petrified in place.

Yan Yu struggled to get up and walked towards Tu Shibei step by step. She could clearly feel that the soul power in her body was draining, reaching the limit little by little.

It became difficult to breathe, as if there was a heavy weight on her back, and every step she took took all the strength in her body.

She thought she was going to die, but felt that she could always take another step forward. The powerful mind ignored all the external conditions at this moment, and it actually made her walk to Tang Man’s side.

Seeing only half of the text written on the Tushi Monument, Yan Yu stabbed the dagger into Tang Man’s heart. After completing this action, she took a breath and then knelt down, wiped off the writing on it with her sleeve, and then covered herself again. His blood was written on it stroke by stroke.

Once the Tushibei is opened, words must be written, otherwise the whole world will lose its balance and collapse.

She has no other choice.

Yan Yu looked at Yin Beiqing’s back with tears in his eyes, and took a last look at the child who had quietly closed his eyes, and wrote four words with great grief.

“My daughter will not die.”

Every time a trace was left on the Tushi tablet, a part of her body began to become transparent, until the last stroke was completed, even her shadow disappeared completely.

At the same time that the Tushi Monument took effect, a dazzling golden light shone from the sky. When everyone looked up, they saw a huge bird flying from a distance, with colorful feathers and golden pupils, exactly like the phoenix in the portrait.

The phoenix flew down, and with a low cry the altar was immediately shattered into ashes, it lowered its head to pick it up, left Yan Zhi who was still half breathed, and swallowed Yin Miao who had closed her eyes.

It didn’t swallow, but held her in its mouth, and after a while, it rolled its tongue and spit out the ball again.

Yin Miao curled up on the ground, covered in transparent saliva, miraculously, her little bruised face slowly returned to blood color, and she closed her eyes and began to cough.

Yin Beiqing hurried over to pick up the two little milk bags. Yan Zhi’s own healing ability was already good, and she didn’t soak in the altar for as long as Yin Miao, so she woke up when the phoenix made a cry.

She looked around in Yin Beiqing’s arms, and felt that something was wrong, “My beautiful mother.”

Yin Beiqing couldn’t answer this question, she looked in the direction where Yan Yu disappeared, her voice was so soft that she seemed to melt into the wind.

“She’ll be back.”

main city

“You don’t know, this Goddess’s beast soul is just extraordinary, it’s exactly the same as the one described in the ancient book, it makes those evil spirits completely helpless.”

“Round palms and sharp claws, mixed black and white hair, like a cat or a bear, vicious, brutal, aggressive, invincible! Hahahaha, what an invincible!”

“I really can’t tell, that Mr. Yu and Mr. Tang, who usually look serious, have such vicious hearts! How can it be a short while to touch other people’s children!”

“Fortunately, the two children are fine. I heard that it was a phoenix flying from the sky that saved him. The divine bird is different.”

“Oh, but it’s a pity. I heard that the goddess died just like our queen.”

The person next to her patted her, “Who would have thought that this would happen.”

“But have you heard about the new queen?”

“What’s wrong?”

“The eldest princess has abstained.”

On the day she received the news of Yang Pei’s death, Yang Jing locked herself in her room for a whole night, and the next day she announced her withdrawal from the election.

If being the queen was the choice Yang Pei asked her to make, then quitting the election was a decision she made after careful consideration.

She couldn’t make a heroic sacrifice like her mother, but this passionate feeling made her see herself more clearly.

All she wanted was the most ordinary life.

But even so, the results of the third round of intention voting have already come out. This time, the votes of the citizens of the entire Jin Kingdom were collected, and the number will be displayed on the bulletin board soon.

Yin Beiqing almost won with an overwhelming number of votes. In fact, since her identity was revealed, everyone’s attitude has completely changed, not to mention her outstanding ability has convinced so many people.

“Although I voted for the eldest princess, now I think it’s good to let her be the queen, at least we won’t be bullied anymore.”

“If she can protect a Landie Valley, she can protect a Jin country.”

“I don’t know why, but I just want to believe her.”

People who are willing to speak beautiful words have seen a lot, but looking at Mage’s end, they suddenly understand what is the most important thing, at least they have not heard a single lie from Yin Beiqing’s mouth.

“Believe it! Why don’t you believe it! Let her win this battle for us! Even Tianlai won the battle, what difficulties will we have to overcome in the future!”

After seven days of mourning for the fallen soldiers and the former empress Yang Pei, the enthronement ceremony of Yin Beiqing ushered in.

It was cloudless that day, but there was a large area of red light in the sky. Some people even said that they saw the phoenix flying by and the beasts crossing the river. In short, the rumors were mysterious, but everyone thought it was a good omen.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. After Yin Beiqing took office, the Kingdom of Jin maintained friendly relations with the Kingdom of Ling, the Kingdom of Boss, and the Kingdom of Yaomiao for a long time, and carried out closer cooperation.

She also set up new academies all over the Kingdom of Jin. These academies do not teach any spiritual methods, but cooperate with the Youqi people to teach various skills. The purpose is to let those ordinary people have the skills to make a living and protect themselves. Ability.

Soon the academy sent out batch after batch of outstanding students, some entered the society and some entered the military camp. Yin Beiqing specially set up a special mechanical unit to give them the possibility to give full play.

At the beginning, most of the students in the college were men with no or low soul power. After their fame gradually gained, some super beast masters also began to take the initiative to sign up to study. It was probably during this time that Song Qing slowly Putting aside her previous prejudices, she will take the initiative to say hello to “foreigners” she hates occasionally.

It seemed that everything was going in a good direction, but Yin Beiqing became more and more silent day by day.

She can lock herself in the study room for twenty hours a day, without eating, drinking or sleeping, like a clockwork robot that doesn’t know how to get tired, and her body is always covered with sadness.

After Yin Anruo persuaded her several times and found that she couldn’t persuade her, she also gave up. She could only hope that time would heal everything.

But Yin Beiqing knew very well that she would not gradually become numb because of this. Whenever she thought of that name, she was so uncomfortable that she couldn’t breathe.

At night, she walked to the potted plant by the window, which was the dream lotus left by Yan Yu, and she was used to its existence.

Even from being annoying at the beginning, it became difficult to sleep without it.

She stretched out her hand and gently touched a petal, “How long will it take for you to appear.”

After waiting for a long time, there was no reply.

She lowered her head in disappointment, not noticing that the flower she touched shook her body, shaking off the finely divided pollen.

That night, Yin Beiqing had a long-lost dream.

In the dream, she seemed to see the person she dreamed of. She was wearing a long white coat and walking in a square building similar to Tianlai’s building.

And the way she held the knife was the same as when they first saw each other. Her serious and focused side face was indescribably attractive.

“Doctor Yan, your birthday is coming soon. I see that you are on the night shift that day. How about I replace you and we can change the time.”

Yan Yu turned her head, still with her familiar smile, “Okay, thank you, I happen to have an appointment on my birthday.”

It was the first time in a long time that Yin Beiqing dreamed of Yan Yu, and it was her so clearly that after waking up, she was reluctant to open her eyes for a long time.

I don’t want to face this world without her.


Suddenly, she sat up abruptly, opened the calendar on the wall to check the date.

“January 1st.” She pointed at it, and someone circled that date with a pen.

A metaphorical excitement took root in her heart, and all her expectations seemed to find a direction to dump.

The days that used to pass in the blink of an eye became difficult, and she counted the months, September…October…November…

In mid-December, it suddenly started to snow heavily.

In the past, this scene was very rare in the main city, and it could even be said that it had never happened before. Everyone was fascinated by this snow-capped beauty.

Yin Beiqing picks up a can of snow and puts it beside her bed every day. She thinks it is a letter someone dropped from the sky to her, and each piece is filled with longing.

On December 31st, she changed into Yan Yu’s favorite white dress, and combed her hair for half an hour in front of the mirror.

“Such a beautiful day, don’t be bored in the palace, go out with your mother.” Yin Anruo came to see her with a newly made shawl, “It must be lively outside tonight, I heard there will be a dragon dance Wufeng, you can go and see it with your mother, the two children must miss you too.”

Yin Beiqing thought about it, he had indeed had little communication with the two little babies during this period of time, so he nodded and agreed.

“Mom, do our new clothes look good?” Two little kids ran in from outside.

Since being rescued by Phoenix, Yin Miao has continued to grow, and now she is a whole head taller than Yan Zhi, so although the clothes are made of the same style, they feel completely different when worn on them.

Yin Beiqing patted their heads, “It looks good.”

“Aren’t you happy today?” Yin Miao grabbed one of her fingers and shook it, “Don’t be unhappy, I’ll show you my newly made little water spray frog, it’s very cute!”

“You can do it, Huo Huo, we are not enough?” Yan Zhi said from the side.

Obviously, this is yet another victim of Yin Miao’s creative work.

Yin Beiqing couldn’t force a smile, so he could only squat down and hug them up, “Let’s go.”

The street at night is indeed very lively. After she ordered that no servants be hired, the former flower house has also changed. The guests listen to music and chat about poetry, and they will gather together late at night to dance to the music.

This way of venting is much more benign than in the past when paying a lot of money to pay a young lady for a night of spring dinner.

Because the two children always liked to run around, Yin Beiqing could only put them down in the end, and he and Yin Anruo led the other away.

“Mom, I want a lantern!”

“Candied haws!”

“This little flower is so pretty, grandma! Buy it.”

The two children’s physical strength was not very good when they played, and Yin Beiqing followed them almost all night as a payer.

When it was almost zero o’clock, a sea of fireworks was set off in the sky of the main city, and Youqi’s aircraft shuttled through the air, drawing dazzling patterns.

Yin Beiqing also raised her head, looking at the gorgeous fireworks in the sky, she felt as if she had returned to the wedding night in a daze.

Suddenly her ears moved, as if she heard someone calling herself.


This time, I heard it clearly.

She pushed aside the crowd, her eyes aimlessly looking for targets in the countercurrent.

“Fool.” A familiar voice appeared behind her, and someone grabbed her wrist.

Yin Beiqing’s heart beat faster, and she turned her head stiffly. When she met the woman’s gentle smile, she almost suspected that she was hallucinating.

Yan Yu looked at her, the tenderness in his eyes almost turned into honey.

“I am back.”

The clock struck zero o’clock.

Yin Beiqing hugged her into her arms, tightly tightening her arms, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

“Happy birthday.” My Goddess.

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ps: There are still one or two episodes, which will be updated after writing.

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