Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 26

Chapter 25 – F Ul Av Oo

At first I couldn’t tell it apart because its appearance was not much different from ordinary evil spirits, but Yan Yu was deeply impressed by the characteristics of the black hole above his head.

Ordinary evil spirits need to spend several years or even ten years of cultivation to advance to the first level, but this one in front of him only took a short week to upgrade from the initial form to the special level.

Because the “big mouth” on the top of its head can convert all the biological energy it swallows into the source of soul power, and it will not reject anyone who comes, and it will expand rapidly.

It can be said that the stronger the beastman, the happier it is.

The super strong level of soul power, coupled with the unsolvable self-healing speed that can’t be restrained even by the magic blade, even Guo Lu, who has the halo of the protagonist, almost died in the hands of this super beast soul.

And when Guo Lu met it, it was already in the middle of the plot, when the golden finger was equipped with similar equipment.

But now…

“Don’t go.” Yan Yu took a step forward and grabbed Yin Beiqing’s wrist, “Take him, let’s run.”

No one is perfect. Although this evil spirit can quickly upgrade by absorbing energy, its movement speed is too slow due to its huge and cumbersome body.

As long as they are not positive, everyone can live.

“Run?” Yin Beiqing repeated the last word in her words, “There is nothing so humiliating.”

“It’s not that I don’t believe in your strength, it’s just that we don’t need to make unnecessary sacrifices.”

The confusion of the timeline made Yan Yu a little flustered. Since the mid-term mini-boss can be brought forward, there will be unexpected plots that will come when she is unprepared.

What if the character could live a few more months because of her intervention, and the death date was brought forward.

Yan Yu turned his head to look at Teng Jingjie and the other three who still knew nothing about it, his mind was in a mess.

No, you can’t take that risk.

“Sacrifice?” Yin Beiqing covered the back of Yan Yu’s hand with his right hand, gently took her hand off his own, “No one will die tonight.”

The wind blew so hard that people could barely open their eyes, but she didn’t seem to be affected at all. With her fluttering long hair, her back was straightened, and she was pointing at the roaring evil spirit with one hand, which was still dripping blood. “It’s just that I will clean up some dirty garbage here.”

“do not-“

“That’s right.” Yin Beiqing interrupted her with a smile, “It’s really unreasonable not to give rewards now.”

After she finished speaking, without waiting for Yan Yu’s answer, she drew her long sword and rushed out. The wooden hairpin that fixed her hair fell to the ground, and her long hair spread out to cover Yan Yu’s sight.

When Yan Yu recovered from the enchantment, Yin Beiqing had already leaped into the sky, holding the sword in both hands, and slashed at the evil spirit’s head.

It turned its head to dodge the knife, but the deer head on the left side of its face was cut off with one horn. It groaned in empathy, and raised its hand to fight with Yin Beiqing.

Yin Beiqing moved quickly without hesitation, constantly chopping at its body, but even if she cut off a hand immediately, it would grow another one soon.

“Tsk, I thought only Ruan Yuexie had such a disgusting ability.” To be honest, even if Ruan Yuexie is here today, he may not be able to defeat this evil spirit, because in comparison, its healing ability is better.

If one of Ruan Yuexuan’s arms were broken, the one that would grow back would be thinner and more fragile than the original one, and it would take a period of training before it could be restored to a state capable of fighting.

But the super evil spirit in front of him was different. The arm that grew after it was broken was not only stronger, but also faster.

It feels like it has a continuous supply of soul power in its body, allowing it to complete this super-high-speed rebirth anytime, anywhere.


Yin Beiqing finally realized that something was wrong.

This beast soul is absorbing her soul power!

Yan Yu, who was also aware of this problem behind her, reminded her loudly, “Keep a distance and attack with long-range spiritual methods. The vortex suction cup on its head can absorb the soul power of all creatures close to it!”

Yin Beiqing frowned, and kicked it on the forehead with some displeasure, using it as a fulcrum, and stepped back.

At the same time, the butterfly wings behind her waved vigorously, fanning the strong wind against the vortex above the evil spirit’s head.

The few old trees that could barely survive in the same place just now couldn’t hold on under such circumstances. Their intertwined roots flew into the air together with clods of soil. The dozens of tons of trees were in the souls of the two of them. Floating to and fro like a cork under force.

Everyone present was forced to have a new haircut.

It seems that Ji Wu’s unreasonable and brutal soul power is superior. The dark red spiritual method overwhelms the dark swamp gas. With the weak wailing of the evil spirit, the scene gradually returns to calm.

After the opponent stopped resisting, Yin Beiqing lowered his arms.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, but Yan Yu’s hanging heart could not be let go so easily.

She held her breath and stared at the smoke screen. Sure enough, after a slight sound, the evil spirit swept out with its long tongue, quickly wrapped around Yin Beiqing’s arm, and pulled her towards him.

The red figure in the sky, like a kite with a broken string, crossed a sudden parabola and reached the evil spirit’s big mouth.

Yin Beiqing didn’t seem to have any intention of resisting. In the past, Yan Yu might have thought that she wanted to play some reversal game, but now she looked a little out of breath, and her face was not very good-looking, obviously not pretending.

“Yin Beiqing!” Yan Yu panicked and turned to Zhong Pu for help.

The latter shook his head, but Teng Jingjie interjected lightly, “I can’t die.”

“No one is allowed.” Yin Beiqing’s hoarse voice came from afar.

Suddenly there was an orange light, shooting around through the hazy smoke. She raised her hand and inserted the Demon Slaying Blade into the mouth of the evil spirit. The manifestation of soul power runaway.

Yan Yu could tell that Ji Wu didn’t seem willing to cooperate with Yin Beiqing, otherwise she wouldn’t have the kind of reaction speed just now, so slow that she would be entangled by the evil spirit’s tongue.

Yin Beiqing is very powerful, and it’s not as simple as talking about it, but during that battle, her soul power was at its peak, and her cooperation with Ji Wu was perfect.

Now, she is tortured by two beast souls, and she is always on the verge of falling into the devil.

“Master, use me.” Gui Xuan shouted anxiously.

Yin Beiqing didn’t know where her stubbornness came from, “I’ve always been the only one who wanted to do something, and no one forced me to choose what to do.”

After finishing speaking, she directly raised her left hand, grabbed the tongue wrapped around her body vigorously, clenched it tightly, and then—


The roar of the evil spirit crossed the Rizhao Forest, so loud that even the Youzu tribe living on the other side could hear it.

Countless birds were frightened and flew around, but were sucked into the vortex by it.

“Go to hell.” Yin Beiqing smiled arrogantly, curling her lips.

She had already begun to enjoy this killing, and the runaway spirit power couldn’t suppress the excitement and passion in her body.

Even with bruises all over her body, she will become stronger as she fights.

The evil spirit that completed the energy absorption once again quickly grew a new tongue, and when Yin Beiqing was about to repeat the same trick, the deer head on the left side of its head suddenly opened its eyes.

Before, Yin Beiqing always thought that the animal body parts on its body were just “little accidents” left by it during the devouring process, and they were all dead things, but now seeing it suddenly come back to life, he was somewhat surprised.

The deer head suddenly stretched its neck and bit her shoulder. The three snake tails behind the evil spirit also moved, wrapping around her limbs one after another. The main body of the evil spirit got a gap, raised its right claw, and tore Yin Beiqing off. The left arm holding the sword.

Seeing this scene, Yan Yu’s whole body was frozen, and before his brain could react, his body had already rushed out.

She ran quickly, staring at the broken arm that was thrown down, jumped up to catch it, and hugged it tightly in her arms.

If the body part inlaid with the beast mark is removed, its corresponding beast soul can no longer be driven by the owner. The villain in the book uses this to cut off Yin Beiqing’s arm and take it as his own.

So even if Yan Yu died, she still had to keep this arm.

The warm blood slid down against the skin, and the overwhelming fear made Yan Yu want to scream, but there was a deeper voice in her mind telling her that she must not panic.

Just now Yin Beiqing issued an order not to allow the three of Zhongpu to come near. First, they disdained their help, and second, if she couldn’t even kill her, they would only come here simply to give away the head.

Langdie Valley has a rule that always puts it first, and no one is allowed to die before the owner of the valley.

Yin Beiqing even arranged his own funeral ten years ago for the unexpected situation that this rule brought about.

Therefore, it would be very unrealistic for Yan Yu to put her hopes on the other three.

She can only come by herself.

By the way, Royal Art.

After making up her mind, Yan Yu raised her arms tremblingly, and began to make handprints in conjunction with the spell, her hands kept changing, and she tried almost all the spiritual methods she had read in the books.

The transparent barrier formed a thin layer in her hands, and quickly disappeared, with little effect.

Why doesn’t it work, why doesn’t it work.

At this moment, Yan Yu can’t wait to exchange everything she owns for a “protagonist halo” that can produce miracles.

The tip of her nose couldn’t stop feeling sour, and she finally realized how unrealistic it was that she just wanted to stay out of the matter and be a “goddess” who only talked and pointed out the maze.

If she continues to be so weak, what qualifications will she have to fulfill what she promised Yin Beiqing.

Even the evil spirit in front of her who is not named in the book is helpless. When the big villain appears in the future, who will block that sword.

To help Yin Beiqing become a queen, she has to become stronger.

“But now, why don’t you die first…” Yan Yu choked up and realized that his eyes were already wet with tears.

She wiped away her tears, raised her head, and looked at Yin Beiqing hanging in the air through her hazy vision.

The moment the two eyes met, she didn’t know if it was a hallucination, but she seemed to see Yin Beiqing pulling the corners of her lips and showing a smile.

Yan Yu blinked vigorously to ensure that her vision was clear, and then raised her eyes to look again, because her eyesight after strengthening her soul power allowed her to clearly see the expression on Yin Beiqing’s face.

In the next second, she clearly saw Yin Beiqing twitching the corner of her mouth and mouthing three words to herself.

“You cried.”


The huge butterfly wings flapped again, and at the same time, countless poisonous needles flew out from Yin Beiqing’s hair, piercing the evil spirit’s body densely.

The needles began to burn rapidly after they were stuck into the skin, the blue-purple flames carried a pungent burning smell, and when a hole was burned on the surface of the skin, the three-foot-long needles gradually sank into the flesh.

This is Yin Beiqing’s original spiritual greeting—bone needles, needles with straight fire needles and butterfly poison at the end, bloodthirsty carnival, after these needles enter the human body, they will continue to swim and shuttle along the smell of blood until the host butterfly poison Outbursts of fire and poison attack the heart, and the body explodes and dies.

No matter how powerful the self-healing ability is, the spongy bone needles can’t do anything to them. As long as the host is still alive and the blood is still flowing, they have the power to shuttle continuously.

The evil spirit didn’t care about the little pain from the needle **** at first, but as it breathed and moved, when thousands of spongy bone needles swam through the blood vessels, the pain could choke its breathing degree.

It began to scratch its body continuously, but it couldn’t pull out a single needle. The trembling “meat” collapsed on the ground and writhed continuously. Amidst the mournful sound, Yin Beiqing, who was wearing long hair, came back bathed in blood.

After she was about three steps away, the right hand that was hanging by her side snapped her fingers lightly, which instantly brought about energy fluctuations that could cause the earth to shake.

“Boom—” The snow **** in the distance collapsed, and the evil spirit, which was about to repeat its tricks and attack people from behind, happened to be blocked by the flame barrier suddenly rising behind Yin Beiqing, and turned into ashes in pain.

Teng Jingjie whistled, “Say it, we don’t need to take action.”

After finishing the task, Ji Wu couldn’t wait to get out of Yin Beiqing’s body, and plunged into Yan Yu’s soul domain.

Only then did Yan Yu recover from the shock that seemed to have happened in a lifetime, and watched Yin Beiqing walking towards her with a smile on his lips.

She still didn’t seem to feel any pain, and squatted in front of her, shaking her empty sleeves, pointing to the severed arm that was tightly hugged, “It’s time to give it back to me.”

“Here…” Yan Yu passed the things out in a daze.

Holding a book and watching Yin Beiqing kill all directions with words, it was not one percent as exciting as what she saw with her own eyes. It was only at this moment that she really realized the fundamental difference between a beastman and an ordinary human being.

And, how powerful is this woman in front of me.

“Can you still stand up?” Yin Beiqing stretched out his right hand towards her.

Yan Yu nodded, put her cold hands on it, and used her strength to straighten her limp legs and stand upright.

Yin Beiqing led her back.

Yan Yu followed a few steps, and looked down at the hands they were holding. Even if you don’t need to feel the scar, the raised texture is very obvious.

Indirectly, how deep it cut.

“Please wait—” The Youzu girl ran towards them panting, her dark eyes staring at the two of them, “Thank you for saving me!”

Yan Yu stopped and turned around, “It’s okay, remember to be more careful when you go out at night next time.”

The girl nodded, reached out to hold her hand, “You are the legendary beast masters!”

“…They are.” Yan Yu silently removed himself, a good-for-nothing, from the honor group.

“That’s great!” The girl’s eyes were wet with joy, and then she knelt down in front of them and kowtowed three times without saying a word, “I beg you to save my mother too!”

“Don’t, don’t kneel.” Yan Yu was so frightened that he immediately helped her up, “Speak up if you have something to say.”

“Hello.” Yin Beiqing pulled Yan Yu’s sleeve and pressed his chin on his shoulder. “I’m in pain. Goddess, why don’t you save me first.”

“Ah, I’m sorry.” The girl realized that Yin Beiqing was a patient who had just lost her hand. She said helplessly, “I, I, I, I…”

She thought for a long time and didn’t know what she should use to make up.

“Don’t ‘me’.” Teng Jingjie hooked the little girl who couldn’t wink with one hand, “Go to the carriage behind with big sister, big sister will take you home, you go back to sleep in your mother’s arms obediently, wake up tomorrow Just forget about what happened tonight.”

Yan Yu helped Yin Beiqing back to their carriage.

Zhong Pu and Xue Ji drove the car, and the group continued on their way.

The wheels rolled quietly on the ground, as if the terrible fight just now did not exist.

In the first carriage, Yan Yu opened the medical bag and was using Ruan Yuexie’s bone needles to sew up Yin Beiqing’s arm.

Half of the latter’s clothes had been taken off, revealing her open shoulders. She had just sewed half a circle on her arms, but Yan Yu’s forehead was already sweating a lot, but she still held her breath, and after carefully confirming it little by little, Only then did I start steadily, so as not to leave too big and ugly scars after the sutures healed.

Yin Beiqing propped her chin with her right hand, narrowing her eyes to admire Yan Yu’s serious expression, as if what she was sewing was not her own arm, but a random piece of fabric.

“Sick girl, you look pretty when you cry.” She smiled, “It’s better than a straight face.”

Yan Yu has long cultivated the skill of being able to ignore her astonishing words at any time, and the movements of her hands are still delicate and steady.

And Yin Beiqing was already used to her ignoring others, and continued, “You care about me so much, if I really died just now, what would you do?”

This Yan Yu finally tied the last knot, cut the thread and put the things away.

“If you really died, I should never forgive myself.”

Yin Beiqing originally just wanted to tease her, but she didn’t expect to get such a serious answer. She paused for a while, and said with the same seriousness: “Now you are also a member of my Landie Valley. According to the rules, even if I, the owner of the valley, really want to You die, that is also my responsibility, I just fulfilled my promise to you, you don’t need to feel guilty.”

“When did I say that we must abide by the rules of Langdie Valley?” Yan Yu looked away, said a word lightly, and pointed to her with his right hand, “Take off your clothes over there, let me see where you got bitten.” place.”

Yin Beiqing didn’t shy away from showing her off in front of her, so she pulled her shirt casually around her waist, and she leaned back, her slender neck drawn out in a beautiful arc, but her eyes were fixed on Yan Yu’s face.

“This time I finally experienced your sewing skills first-hand.” She nodded her chin in the direction of her left hand, expressing her approval for Yan Yu, “I am very satisfied.”

Different from Ruan Yuexuan’s rough and rough technique, Yan Yu’s stitches are fine and neat, it can be seen that she has worked hard.

Yan Yu stopped applying the medicine and looked at her appreciatively, “You didn’t intentionally get injured just to get this as a reward, did you?”

Thinking of the smile before, she suddenly felt that this kind of thing that is absolutely unthinkable for others is not so unfeasible.

“Do you think I’m crazy?”

Yes, you are.

However, Yin Beiqing’s low reaction in the middle was really not intentional, it was because he hadn’t combined with Ji Wu in animal form for too long, and the two didn’t cooperate enough, so they got stuck.

This kind of feeling is like when two people are in a three-legged competition, your partner suddenly falls down, and you are left alone, dragging the “weight” to move forward at a slow speed, of course, you can’t run at full speed.

“But you think I just want this as a reward, don’t you underestimate people?”

Yan Yu shut up, intending to end the conversation.

Evasion is shameful but useful.

“Aren’t you planning to renege on your debt again?” Yin Beiqing lowered his face.

“What do you mean by ‘again’? This is only counted once.”

“Well, it’s only counted once, and I’ll supply it now.” Yin Beiqing smiled triumphantly.

Yan Yu pursed her lips into a line, “Then what do you want?”

Yin Beiqing didn’t speak, but straightened up and approached her.

When they were close to the nose-to-nose distance, Yan Yumin moved away sensitively, and asked doubtfully, “What are you doing?”

Yin Beiqing still didn’t speak, grabbed her hand and placed it on top of his head.

Feeling the soft and smooth touch of the palm, Yan Yu’s limbs became stiff.

Originally thought that this stubborn person’s hair would feel rough to the touch, but unexpectedly it turned out to be soft.

“Touch.” Yin Beiqing grabbed her wrist twice in dissatisfaction, “Do you want me to teach you this?”

“Oh, good.” Yan Yu responded dryly, tentatively rubbed the top of her fluffy hair twice, her hands were moving, but her mind was not quite aware of what she was doing, it was just moving mechanically.

“Is it easy to touch?”

“Actually, it’s really okay.”

Yin Beiqing’s hair is of very good quality, soft but not tangle-free. When running your fingers through the long hair, you will feel as if you are wrapped in all the softness in the world.

It is in great contrast to herself.


She always felt that at this second, Yin Beiqing, who was quietly waiting for her to pat her head, looked very pleasing to the eye and well-behaved.

Okay, well-behaved might be crossed out.

Yin Beiqing raised his eyes to meet her gaze, blinked his eyelashes lightly, as if he was thinking about something.

She and Yan Yu made this request because she saw Guipan and Lujia smiling happily every time Yan Yu touched their heads, and she became curious.

But what’s so good about it.

Although it’s not annoying, it’s not that happy. It’s a bit of a loss to take this as a reward.

But when she saw Yan Yu bending his eyes, with a gentle and even doting smile, looking at her while stroking her more vigorously, she suddenly felt a tingling sensation all the way from the top of her head to her whole body.

I feel inexplicably good.

So good I want to wag my tail.

She seems to understand a little bit, this is a feeling of being loved and valued that she hasn’t felt for a long time.

Although the price for getting it today was an arm, she actually thought it was a good deal.

“Hey, sick man, if you had to choose between the beast soul and me, who would you choose?”

When Yan Yu heard this, she thought to herself, isn’t this a proposition handed down from her ancestors, “You are different.”

“What’s different.” Yin Beiqing pondered softly, “That’s right, I’m indeed much more useful than them, so you must choose me.”

“…” As long as you are happy, “The medicine is ready.”


Yan Yu rested her forehead and sighed, pointing to her disheveled appearance, “So you can get dressed.”

Yin Beiqing ignored her words, but suddenly said to himself, “I think this seems to be a little too cheap for you.”

Yan Yu’s molars clenched tightly, and the words were almost squeezed out from between his teeth, “What else do you want?”

Yin Beiqing pulled the clothes up to his shoulders and put them on, pulled Yan Yu’s hands away, then lay himself sideways on her lap, and only after finding the most comfortable sleeping position, put her hands back on top of his head.

Yan Yu looked at her, not knowing what this meant.

Yin Beiqing, who had waited for a long time before she could move, opened his eyes, “Coax me to sleep.”

“How… how to coax?”

“That’s what you should think about, anyway, I’m very tired now and need to sleep.” She thought for a while, and remembered that the little chubby guy had shown off Yan Yu’s lullaby more than once in a tone that was too proud to be beaten, “Singing is also fine. “




The author has something to say:

Rewards should be done step by step (the main thing is that I haven’t figured it out yet, I can’t move my head even if I press my head, right?)

ps: It’s a clip tomorrow, so I won’t update it. I will make it up at 0:00 and 18:00 the day after tomorrow. This chapter still drops small red envelopes, bobo chirp

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-1000:00:22~2021-07-1100:00:22~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: ????????, wave, idiot, a lot of homework, gluttonous to be vegetarian, extreme Kaichu, 1 wooden stick;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles for you to listen to my explanation; 10 bottles for the Civil Affairs Bureau; 7 bottles for Xingling; bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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