Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 27

Chapter 26 – F Ul Av Oo

“Big sister, are you here to perform a mission?” The Youzu girl stared at Teng Jingjie and Xueji with sparkling eyes, “Listen to my mother, our country has a staff of beastmen specially organized to hunt and kill evil spirits.” Team, you are it!”

Xueji huddled to the side, hugged the beast soul in his arms, and gently stroked it. It seemed that he was not very interested in the girl, and Teng Jingjie didn’t like talking to people, so he lazily leaned aside and pretended not to hear.

“By the way, I remembered, it’s the Red Pavilion! You are all heroes from the Red Pavilion!”

“Red Pavilion.” Hearing this, Teng Jingjie sneered, “Who would go to a place where the bounty can’t even feed the chickens and the working hours are longer than the dogs.”

“Oh~ I see, it’s not the Red Pavilion. Then you must be a spirit hunting team organized by the people. It’s the same if you have nothing to do. You are still the same heroes in my heart.”

Teng Jingjie let out a long breath, a little bit annoyed at why he talked too much about her just now.

“You just saved me, I will work hard to pay you, but can you also save my mother.” The girl lowered her head as she said, “Since she retired from the army due to injury, her body is getting worse day by day. Poor, I just couldn’t eat at first, but now I’m so sick that I can’t even get out of bed.”

“We asked the goddess in the tribe to see a doctor for her, but her health still didn’t improve.”

Teng Jingjie frowned, thinking, where are there so many goddesses.

As the girl spoke, she began to cry, “Father was at a loss. He could only follow the tribe to pray at the Holy Spirit Monument under the suspension bridge every day. But since he started praying, his whole person has changed. He doesn’t cry, laugh, or care about others. I don’t even go to serve my mother’s bedside.”

Teng Jingjie picked out his ear, changed his leg and put it on the table, “Don’t cry, little girl, you also said that your mother is sick, we are veterinarians, not royal masters, killing people is okay, and saving people is a real job.” can not come.”

“No! No!” The girl said loudly, “I found that all the clansmen who went to pray at the Holy Spirit Monument had the same situation as my father, but the more they went like this, the more frequently they went. Er Niu from the neighbor’s house, he Immediately died of illness!”

“The weirdest thing is that the skin of these people’s corpses is pale as hard as plaster, and according to the custom, the dead clansmen are all cremated to see them off, but their families refuse to be cremated.”

“I heard that evil spirits are most afraid of fire. Could it be that the Holy Spirit Monument has a curse that turned them all into evil spirits! That’s why their families don’t want to cremate them.”

Teng Jingjie was not moved by her little story, “Little sister, you’d better read less horror novels and think less. Go home and sleep peacefully. Your mother is still waiting for you to take care of her.”

“No no no.” The girl pulled her arm, “I know beastmen are kind and powerful beings, big sister, just let me go and see, I swear no matter what you want, gold? Herbs ? I am willing to pay double the bounty to you!”

Generally, entrusting the spirit hunting team has to go through the organization, but she has no time to go through the procedure now, so she can only make a private entrustment.

Hearing this, Teng Jingjie grinned and opened his mouth at her, and a huge scimitar appeared on his right arm and threatened her, “What makes you feel like a good person who wants to help others? There are evil spirits, even if your entire clan dies, I have nothing to worry about.”

The girl was startled by the knife that popped out suddenly, she dodged, “But just now you…”

“It wasn’t me who saved you just now.”

“So you’re going to kill me?”

Teng Jingjie: “…”

Why would she be misunderstood as murder if she just wanted this little kid to shut up?

“No!” The girl seemed to be having a psychological struggle, and stared at her stubbornly, “You guys won’t kill me! Bad people don’t talk so much nonsense to me, if you want to kill me, just kill me.”

It turns out that you also know that you talk a lot, Teng Jingjie closed his eyes with a headache.

What did she do wrong to be misunderstood as a good person?

Never been so speechless!

After the carriage had gone for a while, there was a burst of loud voices coming from far and near.

Yin Beiqing, who was lying on Yan Yu’s lap, sat up frowning and clicked his tongue impatiently.

She straightened her crumpled clothes, looked up and saw that Yan Yu was so tired that he had fallen asleep, his head was leaning on one side, he was still holding a handkerchief to stop the bleeding, and he didn’t even take off the rags used to cover his face from the swamp gas.

She raised her hand to take it off for her, but the knot was on the back of her head, so she had to lift her head with her hand first, and then stretched out her other hand.

However, Yan Yu seemed to be very sensitive. As soon as Yin Beiqing’s fingers touched her hair, she immediately opened her eyes, which looked a little wary.

Yin Beiqing did not retreat but advanced, and continued to move her fingers, took off the fabric she used as a temporary mask, and when she retracted, her fingers brushed the tips of her ears, leaving a touch of warmth.

Yan Yu rubbed her rubbed ear unaccustomedly, and said, “Your arm has just been stitched up, don’t move around.”

“You mean, moving around like this?” Yin Beiqing grabbed the Demon Slayer Blade that had been thrown in the carriage before, and waved it a few times.

Yan Yu hurriedly grabbed her arm to make her stop, “You—” How old are you!


“You should rest first.”

“What are you resting for? There’s a lot of noise outside.”

“Let me take a look.” Yan Yu poked his head out of the window to look, and found a group of people on horseback approaching here in the distance.

Judging by the clothes, he should still be from the Youzu.

“Zhao Zhao!”

“Auntie!” The girl who vaguely heard someone calling her name poked her head out and waved vigorously in front of her, “I’m here, I’m here!”

The two sides joined together quickly, and the leading woman quickly got off her horse and hurriedly rushed to the side of the carriage, “Zhao Zhao, are you okay?”

Li Zhao’s mother was sick in bed, and his father happened to go out at night to worship the Holy Spirit Monument. When the neighbors found out that she was not at home, it was already a long time later.

The clansmen searched anxiously, but found nothing. In the end, the earth-shattering soul power riot led them here.

Smelling extremely strong methane gas and picking up a cloth shoe along the way just now, she thought that Li Zhaotied had been killed, but unexpectedly she was safe and sound, she was really pleasantly surprised.

“It was you who saved our family, Zhao Zhao.” She turned her gaze to Teng Jingjie who was sitting beside her, not paying attention to her weird attire, and Chen Ken bowed to thank, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!”

“I didn’t save people!” Teng Jingjie couldn’t bear it anymore.

“Ah…Zhao Zhao is this?” The woman who had been slapped looked at Li Zhao innocently.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, this sister just speaks louder, and she doesn’t mean anything malicious.” Li Zhao took her arm, “I accidentally ran into an evil spirit when I went out to collect herbs for my mother, but fortunately, these veterinarian sisters saved her. I, auntie, I want to invite them to stay at home as guests for a night, can you talk to the patriarch for me?”

The Youzu people are very united, but at the same time, they are also very xenophobic. If any strange foreigners break into their territory, most of them will be shot and killed by the guards at the outpost.

“Of course.” The female patriarch who stepped forward slowly nodded, “Everyone is a beastman, and you still help our clansmen, that is the benefactor of our clansman, and we should treat them warmly. What’s the point of just staying for one night?” of.”

“Thank you, patriarch’s mother!” Li Zhao rushed forward and hugged her.

All the underage children in the tribe like to call the matriarch “Mom” on weekdays, because she loves all the Youzu children as if they are her own, and she has a lot of prestige on weekdays.

Teng Jingjie gritted his teeth, and was about to refuse, when a person appeared from the carriage next door, and Yin Beiqing leaned lazily on the door frame, “Thank you, please hurry up, I want to rest.”

“Who is this?”

“The main reason is that this sister saved me! Don’t you know that her spirit technique is so powerful! Just a few brushes like that will kill the evil spirit.”

“Okay, okay, come with us.”

Zhong Pu drives the carriage again, and the group is welcomed into the Youzu tribe.

“Several beast masters are tired. There is only one room available in Zhaozhao’s house. It will be crowded for two or three people. Why don’t the rest live in my house?” the patriarch said, “I have Private room.”

The Youzu people are not very hospitable, and there are few guest rooms in their homes, it’s better that she is the head of the clan.

“Okay, thank you.” Yan Yu replied, helping Yin Beiqing get off the carriage.

But just as she showed her head, all the Youzu people around were taken aback, “Goddess! Why is the goddess here?”

“Ah? What are you talking about?” Li Zhao ran over and was startled after seeing Yan Yu’s face clearly, “God, Goddess! Sister, why do you look exactly like Goddess!”

Just now Yan Yu covered half of her face, and she just glanced at it hastily, never expecting that her face under the mask looks so similar to the goddess of their tribe.

“Exactly the same” is indeed an exaggerated statement because of shock, but apart from hair and clothes, there are also slight differences in eyes and noses, and the difference between the two is almost indistinguishable.

“No, she is not a goddess, her eyes are not red.” Someone suggested.

“Yeah, I used to think that Goddess was the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, but this elder sister seems to be more delicate and beautiful.”

“Hush! Don’t talk about the goddess’ appearance like that.”

Yan Yu was a little embarrassed, she didn’t know who the goddess these people were talking about.

According to the plot line, Guo Lu’s affairs before he reached Yaochi Mountain were all mentioned in one stroke, but it was written that when he climbed halfway up the mountain, he met a dream monster who could only use illusion, and after being trapped for two days, he learned the art of deciphering it. , came out of the illusion, after all, it was only the early stage of the plot, and the method of obtaining cheats and dungeons were not difficult.

The part about the Youzu tribe is just a brief background introduction.

“Quiet!” The patriarch yelled angrily, and took Yan Yu’s hand, “This is the benefactor of the beastman who just saved Zhaozhao. You are talking about his appearance like this, and you still have a little respect.” Is there anything to say?”

“Feel sorry…”

Yan Yu twitched the corner of her mouth, “It’s okay.”

“Come on, you can live at my place.” The patriarch took Yan Yu’s hand and did not intend to let it go.


“No, patriarch’s mother.” Li Zhao came over and took Yan Yu’s arm, wrinkled his face, “This is my savior, I should treat him well.”

After finishing speaking, she turned her head to confirm with Yan Yu uncertainly, “Is that right, sister, is it right for you to live with me?”

Yan Yu smiled, “Okay.”

“What about you?” The patriarch looked at Yin Beiqing again.

She waved her hand, didn’t even bother to say a perfunctory word, and walked into Li Zhao’s house without treating herself like an outsider. When she reached the door, she found that she didn’t know the way, so she leaned out again, “I’m sleepy, lead the way.”

The remaining three went to the patriarch’s house logically.

Li Zhao seemed to be very happy. He dragged the two of them into his room with each hand, took out a new quilt from the box, and planned to spread them for them. “This is my room. I will sleep with you tonight. I will sleep with my mother.” Squeeze, don’t worry, this quilt has just been washed, it’s clean, and it smells like the sun is warming it.”

[Jinjiang exclusive release]

Yan Yu stepped forward to help, “Let me come, you still have to take care of your mother, so don’t bother us.”

“Hmm…” Li Zhao’s happy expression disappeared at the mention of his mother, “I really didn’t do anything today, I didn’t pick any herbs, and I caused everyone to come out to find me.”

“It’s fine, you’re already very sensible, don’t blame yourself too much, everyone didn’t blame you, right?”

“Sister, you are so kind.” Li Zhao pursed her mouth, and tears rolled down again. She stepped forward and hugged Yan Yu’s waist, feeling that the smell of herbs on this sister’s body was inexplicably intimate, “Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo …I miss my mother so much, I want her to recover quickly.”

Yan Yu raised his hand hesitantly, patted her head lightly, and said softly, “Well, tell my sister what the herb you want to pick is, and will my sister help you find it during the day tomorrow?”

“That’s, that’s the amber grass.” Li Zhao cried so much that his shoulders twitched. He was so pitiful. He probably felt ashamed and buried his head in Yan Yu’s shoulder. He said in a muffled voice, “I heard the goddess say black According to the forest, there is amber grass near the forest, so I went, woo woo, amber grass needs to be picked at night, and I can’t find it during the day, what should I do, sister… woo woo…”

Ambergrass has negative phototaxis, and the leaves will curl and wither when exposed to sunlight, and will not stretch out again until the sun sets. If it is to be used as medicine, it is indeed better to collect ambergrass that blooms at night.

“Don’t cry.” Yan Yu gave her a handkerchief, “I happen to have some amber grass here, take it if you want.”

Li Zhao sniffed, “Really?”

Yan Yu nodded, took out a cloth bag from the skirt, and handed some plants to her, “Look, is it what you want?”

“It’s really amber grass!” Li Zhao’s eyes lit up instantly, “I’ve never seen such green amber grass with such big leaves! Sister, where did you pick it?”

“It’s good if it comes in handy.” Yan Yu said.

“I really don’t know how to repay you!” Li Zhao happily jumped up on the spot, holding Yan Yu’s face with both hands, tiptoeing to kiss her face in a second.

Before she could speak, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind her and grabbed her collar, and with a light pull, Li Zhao took several steps back.

She turned her head in confusion, but happened to meet Shang Yin Beiqing’s warning eyes.

“It’s late.” The voice was a little low.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Li Zhao remembered, “You have suffered such a serious injury, you must rest earlier, this medicinal soup of amber grass is strong and healthy, and I will give some to my benefactor when it is cooked. come on.”


“Okay, then I won’t bother you, you can sleep well.” Li Zhao looked at Yan Yu reluctantly, “My bed is a bit small, I have to squeeze my two sisters, if it’s cold at night, we Let me borrow another quilt for you.”

After finishing speaking, she went out holding the amber grass in her arms like a baby, leaving Yan Yu alone to face Yin Beiqing, who was extremely low in air pressure.

This person’s mood changed faster than the weather, and she didn’t quite understand why this person looked normal a few seconds ago, but now he looked like he was going to eat people.

“The bed is too small, you can lie down alone, I’ll go back to sleep in the carriage.” Yan Yu carefully pulled the corners of the quilt, lest there would be too many wrinkles on the bed sheet, which would cause this person’s dissatisfaction.

“It’s just one night, so it should be fine.” She remembered the cleanliness of this guy, and was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to accept sleeping on someone else’s quilt.

But after throwing out a few words, the people behind them didn’t respond at all. Yan Yu straightened up and turned her head in doubt.

Yin Beiqing was crossing his arms, frowning, and staring at himself with a displeased expression.

“What’s wrong?”

“Do you touch anyone’s head?”

The author has something to say:

Today at 18:00 during the day, there is another chapter to make up for yesterday’s, and after that, it will be updated at this time!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-1100:00:22~2021-07-1300:00:22~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the deep water torpedo: Oren1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Is it evil or evil? 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 526940541;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Xiaoxu can’t eat enough, Jinzhijinzhijian, 447771472; Aling, Caimulberry, 52694054, Langla, 33108239, 53663995, Murong Changfeng, Baliang, Sexual Jade a There is one eternal heart;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 35 bottles of Qiyu; 4766522320 bottles; 16 bottles of A Ling; 12 bottles of Xingyao; 5 bottles of eyebrows and house; 4 bottles of salted fish turning over; 3 bottles of grapefruit; now it’s sone, salted fish doesn’t want to turn over, 2 bottles of Shigu zy; 1 bottle of song;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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