Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 37

Chapter 36 – F Ul Av Oo

“Mr. Lin, my Beast Soul Orb test is…white.”

Originally born in a noble family, there are more than a dozen Grade A beast masters in the whole family. Even the younger generation, no matter how bad they are, they passed the Grade C exam early. She alone, the beast soul beads are almost indistinguishable from ordinary people, not to mention the white color , then coughed and sickly passed the threshold of forty years old, and couldn’t even pass an entry test.

The family members were also worried that she would not even have the ability to protect themselves outside, so they specially tamed the beast pets for her, but because of their weak physique, they could only control a second-class Lu Jia.

Now let’s talk about Lin Hegui’s threshold for accepting apprentices.

Beast soul orb test must be above the yellow qualification.

Passed grade C in gymnastics examination.

Only accept female apprentices.

Apart from Yan Yu’s gender match, everything else…

“Your Beast Soul Orb is only white?” Lin Hegui obviously didn’t believe it.

When she sensed with her spiritual sense just now, she clearly felt a very powerful soul power from Yan Yu’s body.

One wave came from the super beast soul parasitic in her body, and the other wave really came from her own.

These two forces are comparable, the former is fierce and powerful, the latter is gentle and flexible, the two merge and grow together, if not for this, Yan Yu’s body would not be able to bear it for so long.

Lin Hegui turned around and took a Beast Soul Orb test ball.

This toy is rare outside, and generally only the official Beast Soul Bead Testing Institute can hold it, but she has a position in the Imperial Academy of Spirits, and she is authorized to hold one personally.

“Come on, try it.” Lin Hegui put the test ball that was bigger than a human head steady, and motioned for Yan Yu to put his hand on it.

Yan Yu stretched out his hand hesitantly, and gently covered the test ball.

The sensing speed of this test ball is very sensitive, almost as soon as Yan Yu’s hand touched it, the mist in the center of the ball began to spin rapidly.

It spins out circle after circle of vortexes, and the color of the mist becomes deeper and deeper as the speed increases.


Yan Yu’s expression became surprised as the color gradually increased.

But the test ball didn’t just stop turning when it reached the yellow color. It continued to accelerate, passing red and purple all the way, and condensed into a puff of black. The black mist quickly filled the test ball. The originally transparent glass ball was almost It becomes the same color as obsidian.

Lin Hegui nodded with satisfaction, making his judgment more certain, but Yan Yu was confused.

I have never heard of anyone whose Beast Soul Orb qualification can be changed midway. There are indeed cases of being promoted to a high-level beastman through hard work, but people rely on Kola points, and this qualification is fixed at birth. If you want to change things, you can change them. Why do those nobles discriminate against Lengshi so much.

“Miss, you will become famous in the future.” Lin Hegui held Yan Yu’s hand and smiled kindly, “I still don’t know your name and where you live.”

Yan Yu recovered from the shock just now, and said slowly, “My name is Yan Yu, and there…is no one at home.”

“Yan Yu.” Lin Hegui seemed to have an influence on the name, “Are you the only daughter of the Yan family?”

Yan Yu nodded. Given his original background, it’s not surprising that Lin Hegui would have heard of it.

The original mother used to be a general with one person under one person and over ten thousand people in the Kingdom of Jin, her grandmother was the founding/country/yuan/xun who participated in the national/war, and her grandfather was the younger brother of the previous empress, plus the Yan family rules He is very strict, and pays special attention to the cultivation of moral character. He is very popular among the people on weekdays.

But it is precisely because of this that the current empress did not hesitate to issue the order to exterminate the clan. What she needs is an army of her own. Now that she is full-fledged, she no longer needs to rely on the strength of the Yan family. Of course, there is no reason to keep this Threats are always an eyesore.

Yuan Bing’s mother seemed to have expected such a day long ago. After the order was issued, she returned to the house very calmly, took out the gold medal for avoiding death that was bestowed on her by the previous empress, and stuffed it into her daughter’s hand, asking the empress to release her. pass her.

The original body dragged a half-crippled body, and the qualifications of the Beast Soul Orb were only white. In addition, she was blocked by the three-legged cat spirit method by the Imperial Spirit Academy for three consecutive years. Even if she stayed, she would not pose any threat, and Originally ordering the extermination of the Yan family had already aroused considerable public outrage. If the former empress’ gold medal for avoiding death was ignored, many unnecessary troubles would arise.

On balance, the empress pardoned the original body, and ordered her never to appear in the main city again.

This is also the reason why Yan Yu is still standing here alive.

“Oh.” Lin Hegui shook his head, “Your mother… no, it’s General Yan, what a pity.”

If according to the prophecy of the Goddess, the “Yan Yu” standing in front of her at this time should be a celestial being who descended from another world, not the original owner of this body, then it would be more appropriate to call him “General Yan”.

“I know, the Yan family has suffered a lot of grievances.” Yan Yu’s expression also darkened.

The reason why the Yan family was ransacked was related to Guo Lu’s mountain axe.

After the current empress took office, she drastically changed the peaceful management system of the former empress. Under the pretext of serving the country and the people, she made a list and required the families on the list to pay tribute to the royal family once a year.

This mountain-opening ax was one of the tributes presented by the Youqi family, but because of the manager’s negligence, Guo Lu found an opportunity to steal it.

Although he was wearing a mask, his short stature and special walking posture were impressive. In addition, the original body never shy away from going in and out with him, and soon someone found the Yan family.

However, because Guo Lu was wearing an invisibility cloak, it was difficult for the royal guards to find him. In the end, with the empress’ acquiescence, they charged the Yan family with cover-up and forced them to hand him over within a day.

Guo Lu’s original body had known the Yan family for many years. Although his family was poor, his character had always been good, so when he insisted that he was wronged, Yan Yu’s mother chose to believe it and asked the Queen to investigate the matter again.

The queen who received the letter was furious, and directly punished the two crimes of disobedience and cover-up, and gave the Yan family an order to exterminate the family.

In fact, many people are dissatisfied with the current queen’s sex, but she is backed by a big family and has influence all over the world. Even if she wants to save people, she chooses to be wise and protect herself after thinking about it.

“But now you have appeared.” Hope was rekindled in Lin Hegui’s eyes, “It is said in the prophecy that the goddess will assist a new queen to ascend the throne, and the state of Jin Kingdom will be greatly changed at that time.”

Yes, that’s why Yan Yu used this excuse to let Yin Beiqing stay with her.

She wants to be a queen, but as a “scourge” who can only hide in Langde Valley, it is not easy to do so, so she needs the assistance of a goddess.

Whether this goddess is real or not is actually not important to her.

“The Yuling Academy will start in July, less than a month away, and the registration period has already expired…” Lin Hegui said to himself, took out a pen and paper and began to write, “I will write a recommendation letter for you, On the day of the entrance exam, you can take this letter with you, and with your strength, it won’t be a problem to make an exception for admission.”

“No—” Yan Yu didn’t know why she suddenly got involved in the matter of Yuling Academy again.

“This matter cannot be discussed.” Lin Hegui’s eyes suddenly became serious, “If your friend really wants to be the empress, he must first become a candidate. The time for the election is approaching, and now the major families have already decided on their representatives. , you can only take the path of folk elections.”

To change the queen, one must first select candidates of the younger generation from all the families that have the right to vote, but it is not easy to get this admission ticket. A huge family may have experienced hundreds of years of hunting spirits to accumulate enough honor. , to obtain alternate rights.

The reelection every ten years will definitely set off a big wave in the world of veterinarians. Countless people squeeze their heads to take up advanced spirit hunting tasks, earn points for the family at the cost of their lives, and launch candidates, and the final candidates of each family… You have to go through layers of screening before you can really sit in that position.

But the so-called candidates are not only selected from the major families, there are also alternate candidates among the people, but the selection conditions are extremely harsh. Throughout history, there are only two empresses with such backgrounds.

Lin Hegui knew very well that if there was no absolute strength, the election of the empress would only end up as a contest between nobles.

But now Yan Yu is still too immature.

“The Yuling Academy will conduct preliminary selection of candidates in the second half of the semester. This is your friend’s only and best opportunity.”

Yan Yu lowered his eyes and pondered deeply. In fact, what Lin Hegui said was not unreasonable. After all, Guo Lu in the original book also followed the line of Yuling Academy.

Going to Yuling Academy is good, but she is more worried that Yin Beiqing’s character will not allow him to agree easily.

“That’s very kind of you.”

“If you really appreciate it, then accept it first.” Lin Hegui stuffed the letter into her arms, “I know you are so worried about your friend’s health that you don’t listen to other things, but please believe me, I will not harm you.”

“Of course I believe you.” Yan Yu said gratefully.

After the conversation between the two was over, the people outside were waiting until their heads were smoking. It can be said that if Yan Yu came out a second later, Yin Beiqing would have to rush in with a sword in hand.

“Let’s deal with this first.” Lin He, who was in front of everyone, lost her gentleness and kindness just now, and her expression was very indifferent. She pointed to Guo Lu, who was paralyzed on the ground and breathing lightly, “Take it outside, set up a fire .”

Seeing that the two had reached an agreement, Yin Beiqing gave the person behind him a look. Zhong Pu, who was used to physical work, immediately went up, grabbed Guo Lu’s ankle with his arms, and moved him away like a chicken. go outside.

Then she used spiritual techniques to grow a solid wooden stake out of thin air, and threw Guo Lu, who was almost out of breath, onto it.

At this time, Guo Lu had completely given up the idea of asking for help. These women were more hard-hearted than each other. Even if he knelt down and kowtowed, he probably wouldn’t be shaken in the slightest.

“You treat me like this…I’m a ghost and I won’t let you go!”

What responded to him was Yin Beiqing’s crisp finger snapping.

The flames came crashing down, enveloping his whole body, and the screams mixed with the cracking sound of the wood being roasted, made one’s hair stand on end, but Lin Hegui only felt relieved in his heart.

She has never been a magnanimous person, and this **** will pay for all the pain her brother suffered!

In the pain of the fire, Guo Lu quickly passed out from the pain. At the last second before he stopped breathing, the system beeped again.

“If the task fails, the host will quickly choose to enter the next task.”


Still have a task?

At this moment, only Guo Lu, who was left with consciousness, cursed the cold-bloodedness of this system in his mind. He has become like this. He doesn’t want to save him, but wants him to complete the task?

“Because the host has failed two missions in a row, if you still can’t complete the next mission, the system will judge that you don’t have the ability to complete the script, and your existence will be erased.”

“The host, please get ready to accept the next mission, the countdown begins…3…2…1!”

No one noticed that in the rising smoke, a black gas floated down the mountain.

halfway up the mountain

Yu Fusang, who was looking for the smell, suddenly raised his head as if feeling something in his heart, and fixedly looked at the swamp gas in the air that kept approaching him.

“Fresh fertilizer, I just need it.” She showed a slight smile.

Although Guo Lu didn’t have a physical body at this time, his five senses were reserved, and when he saw the face marked as “villain” in the system data, he immediately started to scream.

“Why are you sending me there! Send me to the villain, you are going to kill me, you broken system!”

“Host, please pay attention to your words.” The system said coldly, “Because your blackening value is too high, the system has changed your mission to a villain script before.”

“The villain can’t be sent to death easily, you have to make me stronger first!”

“Yu Fusang is an existing villain.”

“Nonsense, isn’t it written in this system!”

“Your next task is to take her place and become the strongest villain in this book.”

“I’ll go to your uncle—” All the following words were choked back into his throat, because Guo Lu didn’t know why, but Yu Fusang’s hand just touched him lightly, and he immediately possessed the entity.

It’s just that this body doesn’t seem to belong to him. It has big joints and rough skin, and it’s wearing the costumes of the Youzu people. But before he can figure out what to do, his head shakes, and he hits the ground backwards. In dizziness, he sees the man with the cold expression The woman walked slowly towards herself.

“Tsk.” Yu Fusang stepped on his face with a very displeased expression on her face. She looked him up and down like an object, “You poor thing, just use it.”

Afterwards, Guo Lu saw her raise her hand, and with an unknown spiritual method, she sucked more methane gas from all over the forest. With a wave of her wide sleeve, all the methane gas poured into his mouth.

The competition between biogas and biogas is not weaker than that of wild beasts. They are all very eager for sex, and they can’t wait to take root here at the fastest speed.

Guo Lu only felt his flesh and blood being torn apart and reassembled, and repeated the above steps in a short period of time, the voices in his head became more and more sharp, low, and hoarse, like a body living in Lost countless souls, everyone is fighting for the right to speak.

“Ah! It hurts—what are you doing!” Guo Lu’s eyes were about to burst, and his mouth was filled with the smell of blood. “Stop it! Stop it now!”

“Heh.” Yu Fusang chuckled, silently increased the strength on his feet, as if he wanted to crush his skull alive.

She bent down towards Guo Lu, her golden eyes reflected the blood color of the red moon, showing a bit of bloodthirsty, “Do you need me to teach you how to shut up, you bitch.”

“You…you…” Guo Lu’s eyes were so frightened that she couldn’t speak.

This feeling was as if someone had strangled him by the throat and forced him close to the frozen lake, but the sense of oppression emanating from the woman in front of him was more suffocating than the low temperature and water pressure.

“I have a hundred ways to make life worse than death for you to choose.” Yu Fusang narrowed his eyes, hiding the killing intent in his eyes, but couldn’t hide the cruelty in his voice, “It’s very kind.”

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-2117:16:12~2021-07-2218:00:22~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the shallow water bomb: syone1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Xiao Xu can’t eat one;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Douding Miao, 526940541;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 23 bottles of bean sprouts; 10 bottles of a scorpion in the late stage of procrastination; 2 bottles of Cunqiaonan, **** like jade a heart; 52482311, Long Island iced tea, isn’t it intoxicating, Sssteppen , 1 bottle of Yan Youhuang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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