Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 38

Chapter 37 – F Ul Av Oo

seven o’clock in the evening

Lin He returned to boil the water and started cooking dinner. This is her habit. Although she can live without eating, unless there is an urgent delay, she always eats three meals on weekdays.

Today, her appetite is mediocre, so she just put some thin-skinned wontons in, put a few drops of sesame oil, seaweed, and egg shreds in the pot, stirred it a few times with the spoon, and the aroma of the pasta immediately spread.

“Sister, the rice you cook is delicious.”

Thanks to the enthusiastic feeding of the You people, Panpan has grown several times fatter than when he was in Langdie Valley, the hair on his body is thick and thick, and his face is much rounder.

It was drooling, circling around Lin Hegui’s feet, and from time to time, like a puppy, it straightened its upper body and put its paws on the stove, using its tongue to roll away the egg shreds that fell out of the pot.

Lin Hegui patted its head, “You really should eat more, and grow stronger so that you can work for your master.”

“I’m very strong!” Panpan pointed to Lujia who was shrunk into a ball beside him, and then pointed to himself who was extraordinarily tall compared with it. He hit his chest a few times, “Aww! No one can bully my master.”

Lin Hegui was amused by its silly appearance, and shook his head, “No, it needs to be stronger.”

As she said that, she put the lid on the pot and went out, and soon she came back with a few stalks of slender Chinese orange bamboo and apples, “Eat some of these pads first, don’t eat those unnutritious ones all day long, so you won’t grow taller. “

Seeing that Zhuzhu Panpan’s eyes lit up, he immediately pounced on it, “I like to eat crunchy bars, I like to eat crunchy bars!”

“This is Huajuzhu.” Lin Hegui corrected it, then picked up another apple and handed it to Lu Jia who was a little shy beside him, “You can eat it too, it’s very sweet.”

“Thank you.” Lu Jia blinked, stretched out two shorter front paws to hold the huge apple.

After climbing the mountain for a day, it was really hungry.

“Crack, click…” The two eating ghosts sat side by side, one gnawed on bamboo and the other gnawed on an apple.

The big one ate quickly, and after finishing the bamboo, it quickly set its sights on the apple in the little one’s hand.

“Looks delicious too.”

“Here…” Lu Jia handed it the remaining half of an apple, “It’s really sweet.”

“No, no, no.” Panpan wiped her saliva, but still refused in a very principled manner, “Let the master know, she will say that I bullied you again.”

“I’ll explain it to you, you didn’t bully me.”

“Then…then I’ll take a bite.” The little fat pier still couldn’t escape the temptation of greedy in the end, it made excuses for itself, “You said before that you don’t like sweets, I’m helping, not bullying.”

“Okay.” Lu Jia smiled kindly.

Lin Hegui brought the prepared wontons to Yan Yu and the others. The others were accustomed to the strong flavor of Langdie Valley, so they were somewhat uncomfortable drinking this wonton soup.

But Yan Yu was different.

It has been a long time since she tasted such a small wonton that suits the taste. The skin is thin and the meat is fragrant. The shredded egg and seaweed in the soup are mixed and swallowed in one bite. Make her feel very kind.

“Your craftsmanship is really good.” Yan Yu praised from the bottom of his heart as he drank an upturned bowl of soup.

“You are the first one to praise me for the delicious food.” Lin Hegui was still eating slowly, she ate very slowly, “Everyone who has tasted my cooking said that my cooking is too bland and tasteless .”

“I always like to eat light food.” Yan Yu smiled.

Yin Beiqing, who was quietly drinking the soup, looked up at the two people who were chatting happily, with lowered eyebrows, thin lips pursed, and a strange irritability in his heart.

What’s so good about soup like plain boiled water.

This sick man really has no vision.

“If you like it, I’ll serve you another bowl.”

Yan Yu waved his hand, “No, if you eat too much, you will accumulate food.”

This body is very delicate.

“That’s true.”

After dinner, Zhong Pu took the initiative to take over the job of washing dishes, Lin He returned to change into clean clothes, and asked Yan Yu and Yin Beiqing to enter the back room together.

When Yan Yu and the others entered, Lin Hegui had already laid out a lot of tools for consultation on the table, raised his hand and beckoned to Yin Beiqing, signaling her to sit down on the stool.

“Hand out.”

Yin Beiqing didn’t move.

“Ms. Lin is calling you.” Yan Yu patted her.

A certain person slowly stretched out his hand, and Lin Hegui put his finger on it, and his spiritual sense penetrated into her body to sense it.

As soon as he got in, Lin Hegui felt that his spiritual consciousness was blocked by a strong force, and tried to walk around, but no matter how flexible he was in finding the direction, the other party could always come from other places very quickly. Surround her and drive her away.

She sighed and let go of her hand, “Son, do you want me to heal a disease, or do you want to fight with me?”

“Teacher Lin, what’s the matter?”

“She doesn’t even let me poke in her spiritual sense, so how can I watch for her?”

Yan Yu wanted to say how could it be, she had explored it very smoothly before.

“Are you nervous?” She bent down and asked Yin Beiqing, “Relax.”

Yin Beiqing said with a straight face, “I didn’t.”

She said that if there is no, it should be no, after all, this is an ancestor who disdains lying.

Yan Yu guessed that Yin Beiqing’s “no” probably meant that he didn’t specifically target Lin Hegui, and it is estimated that no matter who’s spiritual consciousness probes in, the result will be similar.

“This child is too defensive.” Lin Hegui finally gave up after repeated attempts and failed. She shook her head and let go of her hand, “This is absolutely impossible.”

“Hmm…” Yan Yu pondered, “What if we wait until she falls asleep and her sense of resistance is not so strong?”

“This is a good idea.” Lin Hegui nodded, “I just stocked up on some sleeping pills, you feed some to your friend, and within a few minutes, she should be able to fall asleep.”

Hearing that the two conspired loudly to “sleep in while asleep”, Yin Beiqing raised her head sensitively, looked at Yan Yu cautiously, “No.”

Yan Yu thought her reaction was a bit funny, and asked, “It’s just a doctor’s visit while you’re sleeping, can I still harm you?”

You won’t, Yin Beiqing replied inwardly, and then slowly turned his gaze to Lin Hegui.

The latter was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed for a while, “Since I have accepted Xiaoyu as my apprentice, I treat her as my own. You are her friend, so of course I will not harm you.”

“Have you worshiped her as your teacher?” Yin Beiqing frowned.

“Teacher Lin is very good at imperial skills. I should be grateful for her willingness to make an exception and accept me as an apprentice.” Yan Yu said tactfully.

This is simply a good thing that can’t be met. If her imperial skills improve, if there are any problems in the people of Landie Valley in the future, she won’t have to go all the way to ask for help.

But Yin Beiqing looked unhappy, and she didn’t intend to hold back her displeasure, and asked directly, “What about me?”

“What’s the meaning?”

“Didn’t you ask me to teach you? Why did you suddenly worship her as your teacher?” Yin Beiqing locked eyes on Yan Yu, making the latter feel that if the answer he gave in the next second did not satisfy this person, she would definitely forgive him every minute. Ground fried hair.

“Your spiritual skills are invincible, and Teacher Lin’s imperial skills are outstanding.” Yan Yu took her hand, and Lin Hegui’s, and forced them together, “Spiritual and Imperial Dual Cultivation, both of them are masters that I respect .”

Yan Yu felt that her water was so flat, this ancestor’s face should look better, but she didn’t expect her to close her mouth and then say something heart-rending, “Don’t you know that your physical skills are the best? The most dragging one?”


Yan Yu chose to shut up wisely, and immediately turned to ask Lin Hegui, “Ms. Lin, where is the sleeping pill, feed her now.”

If he fell asleep, he wouldn’t keep stabbing people with bad words.

Lin Hegui was also unambiguous, opened the porcelain bottle, and poured a dozen of them into Yan Yu’s hands in a hurry, “This should be about the same. With this amount, even an elephant can be put down.”

Yan Yu shook her head firmly, “Let’s add more, she usually doesn’t like to sleep much.”

“It’s fine.” Lin Hegui shook his hands, and poured out five or six more, “Anyway, it won’t kill you, at worst, you can sleep for two more days.”

Yin Beiqing, who was lying on the bed waiting to be slaughtered, gritted his teeth patiently, “Can you speak softly?”

“Well, okay.” Yan Yu walked towards her with the pill in his hands, sat on the edge of the bed, and smiled a little too gently, “Come on, take the medicine.”

Yin Beiqing looked up at her, “Do you know that you look like you are going to drug me now?”

Yan Yu squinted her eyes and said softly, “That’s right, I’m just feeding you medicine.”

“Yan Yu, you’re really good.”

“Come on, open your mouth.”

Yin Beiqing’s eyes seemed to want to swallow life, but his mouth opened quite quickly.

Yan Yu was very confident in her physical fitness, so she resolutely stuffed all the medicine into it without shaking her hands at all.

Not one left.

But ten minutes had passed, and Yin Beiqing, who was lying on the bed, still had his eyes open, extremely awake and not sleepy.

“not tired?”

Yin Beiqing lifted his eyelids and looked at her, without saying a word, but a look conveyed the meaning.

Yan Yu realized in seconds, this sentence should be.

“You and your teacher Lin, can’t you?”

I still don’t believe it!

The two doctors added together, and they couldn’t even put one of them down. Yan Yu put down the bowl and **** her hair, as if if Yin Beiqing didn’t fall asleep now, she would strangle her unconscious with her hands.

However, the fierce posture was fierce, and it finally fell on the ancestor’s body as a gentle drizzle.

Hard ones have to be soft.

Yan Yu found Jintenghua from Lin Hegui’s rich stock of herbs, ground it, added it to the incense and set it on fire.

Then he specially stuffed a soft and resilient pillow under Yin Beiqing’s head, “In this way, I can sleep well.”

“I’m afraid not.”

“What else do you want?”

Yin Beiqing smiled suddenly, Yan Yu’s face was reflected in his pupils, and he said with an inch: “You.”

This is true.

She has never had the habit of sleeping, and what she can remember now is the time she slept with Yan Yu last time.

“Eh…” Lin Hegui pointed to the door, “Why don’t I go out first and come back later.”

She collected her things and walked out. After walking a few steps, she hesitated and retreated. She took out a wooden stick as thick as an arm from her sleeve and put it on the table.

“If it doesn’t work, just use this.”

Soft ones won’t work, we can try harder ones.

The author has something to say:

There is a prize quiz, who will Yan Mei’s gymnastics teacher be (.ì_í.)

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-2218:00:22~2021-07-2318:00:22~

Thank you to the little angel who threw the grenade: Mo Xiaochen and Mr. Dog’s Huahua;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: it’s over, Sahua, Jingnian, and Mo Xiaochen;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of ShiroZo; 2 bottles of Little Lion, 10 bottles of Qiuxu Baiye; 5 bottles of Attack, Kangqiao Xu Zhimo; 3 bottles of Chuan Wei Cong;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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