Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 281

Chapter 280: First Encounter With Obstacles

Among these financial institutions in Donghua, Donghua City Credit Union is the one that can be used as an arm in the city; this is related to the nature of the credit union.

The Donghua City Credit Union was originally funded and established by several municipal state-owned enterprises with better benefits in Donghua City.

Although the main person in charge of the association is nominally decided by the members of the association, but in fact the power of personnel appointment is still controlled by the city, so the city can basically treat the city credit association as its own with whatever funds are used. ATM use.

The only troublesome thing is that the development of Donghua City Credit Union is a little slow and its scale is a little small. Even with the strong support of the municipal government and municipal state-owned enterprises, the deposit balance is only about 300 million. Moreover, there were too many bad debts and bad debts in arrears, and the money that can be released next year will only be 40 to 50 million yuan.

Many municipal enterprises need to borrow money whether they are maintaining production, expanding production scale, or diversifying their operations. It is difficult to get loans from other banks, and everyone is staring at the city credit union, and naturally they will not be happy to let the union give all the loan amount for next year to the city steel mill.

Also under the impetus of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the Urban Credit Union decided to release half of the amount to the municipal steel mill next year, but it is only about 20 million, which is far from filling the gap of the municipal steel mill.

In addition to the credit union, the city has little binding force on the branches of Bank of China, China Construction Bank, ICBC and other branches in Donghua – including the industry credit bank, the five banks are stronger than the five banks of the credit union, At the first meeting, a credit line of 10 million yuan was reluctantly allocated to the city steel mill.

The so-called line of credit means that the bank grants loan credit to the enterprise after approval. Within the agreed period, as long as the total number of loans of the enterprise to the bank does not exceed the line of credit, there is no need to conduct additional audits and examinations, and the loan can be paid as the number of times is not limited.

If the city steel plant has obtained a credit line of 120 million from a financial institution, when the joint venture company is officially registered, it can directly loan the money from the bank, without having to talk to the bank one by one. Loans, waste of time.

Tan Qiping personally presided over the second coordination meeting, hoping that the banks could increase the credit line to the city’s steel mills and put together the capital contribution of 120 million.

However, including Zhang Lisheng and Sun Yalin, all the bank representatives avoided Tan Qiping’s eyes and communicated silently in private.

Gu Tong was also hoarse at the coordination meeting, stating that the operating conditions of the city’s steel mills have improved, and it will continue to improve next year, and the loan repayment ability will continue to increase.

No matter what Gu Tong said like a flower, the people in the audience remained motionless as usual.

Some people were anxious to entangle, and they rushed to speak. Lin Ruchun, the branch manager of CCB, said directly: “If the city steel mill pays back the 80 million owed to our bank, we will cover the shortfall in the credit line this time…”

One person spoke, and the others followed suit, wanting to settle old accounts with the city steel mill.

Gu Tong’s face immediately turned like a pig’s liver; Shen Huai was bored and poked his fingernails under the table, asking Sun Yalin if he had nail clippers around him; he also took out two boxes of cigarettes and put them on the table, letting the smokers in the conference room feel free smoke.

The early construction of the municipal steel plant depends on its own accumulation, and the development is slow.

During the period of Xiong Wenbin, with the support of the municipal party committee and the municipal government at that time, almost half of the loans of Donghua City at that time were borrowed to the municipal steel mill, adding two new production lines for the municipal steel mill, and creating the glory of the municipal steel mill at that time.

By the time Xiong Wenbin was transferred out, almost all of the city’s steel mill’s loans had been cleared, and the entire city’s steel mill’s net assets at that time had reached 400 million yuan.

At the same time, the municipal steel mills have successively borrowed large sums of money from financial institutions for production operations, new projects, and diversified operations. In just five or six years, plus the accumulated interest over the years, the scale of the city’s steel mill’s debt has rapidly expanded to 500 million.

Today, the total assets of the city’s steel mills are 800 million yuan, and the liabilities are 500 million yuan. From the perspective of financial structure, it is not too bad.

The key point is that the current operating conditions of the municipal steel plant have improved, and they can only maintain daily operations. The wages of the workers only need to be paid two or three months later, but it is still difficult to pay the loan interest to the bank on time, not to mention a few. A new loan is required to repay the money that is due.

In this situation, who would like to add a total of 120,000 new loans to the city’s steel mills? The attitude is almost the same as that of Lin Ruchun: it is not difficult to pay off old debts and borrow new ones.

The coordination meeting was held for two hours. Except for the City Credit Union’s promise to squeeze another 2 million to the city steel mill, no one else made a statement. If they were pressed, the city steel mill should pay off the old debt first, which made Tan Qiping regret it. Participate in this coordination meeting.

The power of the secretary of the municipal party committee is not always useful.

The meeting room was filled with smoke. Tan Qiping, who was a non-smoker, was coughing from the smoke. He knew that there was no way for the coordination meeting to drag on, so he signaled Liang Xiaolin to end the meeting and asked everyone to go back, leaving Shen Huai, Zhang Lisheng and others alone. Talk in the conference room.

“There are many problems accumulated by the municipal steel mill. Donghua has also responded to the request of the province. The municipal steel mill has already started the work of equity restructuring and is preparing to establish a municipal steel group joint-stock company. I think the problem of the municipal steel mill is also It can be solved like Meigang through restructuring, and it can be rejuvenated,” Tan Qiping closed his notebook, staring at Zhang Lisheng, wanting to focus on the credit bank to make a breakthrough, and said, “The joint venture will be newly established, and Meigang will cooperate with Meigang. Fuji Steel has to send managers. The new company, new starting point, technology and management are all based on a first-class steel company like Fuji Steel, and the prospect should be more optimistic than that of the municipal steel mill. If you increase the loan, you will also use the equity of the joint venture company as a mortgage, why is your bank still so concerned?”

People are different from each other. The city steel plant still uses the original team, and cannot fundamentally form a new enterprise system of “those who can go up and those who can’t go down”. No matter Gu Tong’s title is factory director or chairman of the group As the general manager, he just changed the soup but not the medicine. What qualifications does he have to compare with Mei Gang?

Zhang Lisheng was not good at breaking this point in person, he just said:

“After Yexin Bank arrived in Donghua, it has not had business cooperation with the municipal steel mill. According to the regulations of the head office, large-scale credit cooperation requires prior financial audit of the enterprise. If the municipal steel mill is willing, we can We will start this work immediately. Another thing is that Yexin Bank is still very weak in Donghua, and its business scale is not large. Although the provincial bank injected some capital into us at the beginning, how many loans can really be released? The amount of deposits absorbed is directly related. Now Meigang’s cash basically travels from us to support the scale of our bank’s deposits, so we will mainly consider supporting Meigang in the credit business. You can be honest with you, Secretary Tan Said that our bank’s line of credit to Mei Steel next year is 120 million yuan. After deducting the 60 million loan that has been loaned, we will reserve a plan of 60 million yuan for Mei Steel. Our bank can increase the scale of deposits on a large scale next year, otherwise the scale of business cooperation with other companies will be limited…”

“As for the loan, I have to ask the province for support,” Shen Huai said, rubbing his hands beside Tan Qiping, not wanting Tan Qiping to force Li Sheng to express his stance, “Meigang has to go out to ask for money if he wants to launch a new project. In Donghua City, our two projects can eat up all the credit for next year, and it will be difficult for other small and medium-sized enterprises to rely on credit to expand their production scale.”

Going to the province for support will still face the serious lack of credit of the city’s steel mills, but the two coordination meetings, also called Tan Qiping, understand that the credit potential of Donghua City is really limited.

I understood it in my heart, but Mei Steel didn’t even ask for it, Yexin Bank promised to give Mei Steel an additional loan of 60 million next year, and said the city’s steel mills eloquently, but they refused to take more. Tan Qiping, Liang Xiaolin, Gu Tong, Zhou Ming and others who were here were also uncomfortable.

But they also know that Zhang Lisheng is not responsible to the municipal party committee and the municipal government. The Yexin Bank has its own system, the municipal bank is responsible to the provincial bank, and the provincial bank is responsible to the head office.

In the end, it was Shen Huai who was playing tricks and agreed to take out 400 mu of land for the project, and the 400 mu of land still insisted on high price conversion, and finally held 15% of the shares in the joint venture company, and was unwilling to undertake more investment obligations. . Otherwise, Meigang would be the main force and the municipal steel mill would be the support, and the whole thing would be much smoother.

It’s just that Tan Qiping couldn’t say anything about Shen Huai. Shen Huai was reluctant to take over from the beginning, and it was only after mutual compromise that Shen Huai agreed to let Zhou Ming take over. On the other hand, Gu Tong showed a positive attitude, and Tan Qiping was also eager to accomplish something, so he reached a preliminary cooperation intention at this stage with Fuji Steel.

At first, Tan Qiping was also very happy, thinking that he didn’t need Mei Gang to be the main force, and the city steel factory could make things happen.

Tan Qiping said to Zhang Lisheng and Shen Huai with a gloomy face: “The province also attaches great importance to this project. I will personally go to Governor Zhao Qiuhua for help and ask various provincial banks, but I still hope that Yexin Bank can strongly support this project. .”

“Okay, I will communicate with the provincial bank to see if the provincial bank can give some support.” Zhang Lisheng’s words were also tight-lipped, and he would never make a statement before other banks.

“ Tan Qiping can only see that, so he let Li Sheng, Shen Huai, Sun Yalin and the others leave.

Shen Huai stepped out of the conference room, Zhou Ming chased after him, and said, “The team office is still short of staff, so we still need to be seconded from Meigang and the city steel factory. Meigang came in this year, a college student named Guo Chengfeng, Shen Huai, do you have any? Impression, can you lend it to me first?”

“I have some impressions.” Shen Huai saw that Zhou Ming was also imposing now. He no longer called him his position as before, but called him by his first name, but he didn’t care about him, but he didn’t know how he had contact with Guo Chengfeng, and thought about him The movement behind the back is really not small recently, he said, “You ask Guo Chengfeng to apply to the company by himself, and I will ask the personnel department to handle the resignation procedures for him. Whoever you want, as long as he is willing, I will never be able to get stuck. you, right?”

Zhou Ming almost vomited blood when he heard it. He wanted to borrow a few backbones from Meigang first to support the stall first, but Shen Huai’s attitude was that whoever wants to go to a joint venture company that has no record at the moment, don’t want to come back after going. . He couldn’t say whether it was Shen Huai’s fault, after all, Shen Huai didn’t bother him much.

Tan Qiping and Liang Xiaolin listened to Shen Huai’s words in the back, and they didn’t feel anything. The current employees of the municipal steel factory are more than four times that of Meigang, and they are worried that they can’t find people from the municipal steel factory? (83 Chinese Network)

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