Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 282

Chapter 281: Singh’S Thesis

After coming out of the city hall, Shen Huai and Zhang Lisheng got into Sun Yalin’s car and said to Zhang Lisheng:

“Zhao Dong and Pan Cheng led the team, together with Zhou Zhibai from Pengyue, to the UK to conduct a preliminary inspection and contact with the West Umins Industrial Group. The current conclusion is that the electric furnace steel of the West Umins The production line can be completely disassembled, the key is how to disassemble it. In addition to being disassembled, it must be able to be installed; if it can be installed, it must be able to run. Si Tan. I believe in the judgment of Zhao Dong and Pan Cheng, so Yalin and I will probably negotiate directly with West Umins Industrial Group. The speed of launching new projects may be very fast, although The introduction of second-hand production lines can save us a lot of money, but Zhao Dong and Pan Cheng initially judged that after technical transformation of this production line, the annual production capacity can be increased to more than 500,000 tons, and the amount of capital required for the entire project construction is still the same. It’s going to be huge…”

“You can give me an approximate number, so that I have a bottom line.” Zhang Lisheng said.

“If inflation can be brought under control next year, the entire project will be enough for about 600 million yuan. Calculated at a debt ratio of 60%, we will raise 240 million yuan by ourselves, and we will need the bank to help solve 360 million yuan in loans. The new project has been prepared for half a year, and the decision to launch the project will be very fast, and the construction period will only take one year at the fastest. In other words, I will ask various banks to help us raise all these funds next year… …” Shen Huai said.

Zhang Lisheng said with a smile: “With such a huge amount of funds, you have to communicate with President Yao Ronghua. Our city bank can’t solve it.”

“My plane will go to the UK via Hong Kong the day after tomorrow, and tomorrow I will meet with President Yao Ronghua in the provincial capital. I thought about it for a while, and I still want to ask President Zhang to take a trip, so that I can say a few good words to Mei Gang.” Shen Huai said.

“Okay.” Zhang Lisheng said.

Although it is impossible for the nearly 400 million funds missing from Meishan Iron and Steel’s new project to be solved by Yexin Bank, no matter how much loans the provincial bank ultimately decides to lend to Meishan Iron and Steel’s new project, it may be implemented through their city bank. This is equivalent to the provincial bank injecting a large amount of capital into the city bank, increasing the weight of the Donghua city bank under his leadership in the entire industry credit banking system.

Affected by foreign shareholders, the provincial bank made the decision to enter Donghua on a large scale last year to carry out business, and Zhang Lisheng was not optimistic about Donghua’s prospects.

At present, domestic banks are mainly engaged in deposit and loan business, which is directly related to regional economic development.

In 1993, the total balance of social deposits in Donghua City was less than 3 billion, even less than one-third of the level of Pingjiang City on the other side of the Zhujiang River.

Many financial institutions, including China Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, and urban credit cooperatives and rural credit cooperatives, have been operating in Donghua for many years, and have almost divided the deposit and loan business in Donghua City. The bank squeezes in at this time, how much cake can it grab from someone else’s plate?

In the past year, Yexin Bank focused on Meixi Town, and the scale of deposit and loan business quickly reached 600 million, reaching a level similar to that of major financial institutions in Donghua City; the results were far better than expected.

Even if there is no such relationship as Sun Yalin and the Sun family, Zhang Lisheng is willing to cooperate more closely with Shen Huai.

These days, no one is stupid. Although some people are forced to express different opinions due to the situation, in their hearts, everyone will support those who bring benefits to them.

For more than a year in Donghua, Zhang Lisheng could see clearly who can do things, who can’t do things, who can make achievements and who can’t.

Although it is said that the joint venture project with Fuji Steel, led by the city steel mill, will also have a total investment of 500 to 600 million yuan, but in the final analysis, this joint venture project is still under the framework of the industrial layout created by Shen Huai.

Including Meixi Power Plant, Meixi Port Wharf, Meishan Iron and Steel, as well as joint venture projects and West Umins Project, Meixi Port Industrial Park, the layout of the steel industry alone, and the investment to be accommodated, have reached a scale of 2 billion , will directly become a pole of economic growth in Donghua City.

Zhang Lisheng believed that Shen Huai had a plan in mind when he took the initiative to ask to take up a post in Meixi Town.

Zhang Lisheng believes that he can’t reach the level of Shen Huai, but he still has the vision to understand the situation, otherwise he would not have assigned Yexin Bank to Donghua to take up the important task.

No matter how much they identify with Shen Huai in the Donghua City officialdom, they have to succumb to the power of Tan Qiping as the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee; and for people like Zhang Lisheng, there must be a relationship between Tan Qiping and Shen Huai. To make a choice – following Tan Qiping, you can only move within the existing narrow framework; and uniting, or following Shen Huai, can make a career – can the answer still not be obvious?

After Shen Huai separated from Zhang Lisheng, he went directly back to Meixi Town.

Chu Qiang met him at the town government, and went back and gave him a journal.

Shen Huai took it and looked at the journal of Huaihai Economic College, and asked Chu Qiang with a smile, “Is Xin Qi’s paper published in their school’s journal?”

“Well, I called and said that she would continue to follow up and study the development model of Meixi Town,” Chu Qiang said, “By the way, I have something else to report to you, Secretary Shen…”

“What’s up?”

“The Provincial School of Economics recruits on-the-job postgraduates, and I want to try to apply for the exam.” Chu Qiang said.

Shen Huai stared suspiciously at Chu Qiang and asked, “I’ll put you in charge of the reception, so you don’t need to put yourself in there, right?”

After all, Chu Qiang still had a tender face, and when he asked Shen Huai to see through it, his face turned red.

Shen Huai laughed and said, “After you go to the city with Secretary Yang, you should have more free time than in Meixi Town. You should really recharge your batteries.”


After returning from Xucheng Railway Station, Li Gu sat in the car, looking at the dimming sky outside and the old and low-rise buildings on both sides, secretly feeling that the economy of Huaihai Province is lagging too much. Although Xucheng is also the capital city of the eastern province, its urban construction is far inferior to that of the economically developed cities such as Pingjiang in Jiangdong Province.

“Director Li, where do you want?” Xiao Huang, a car driver from the Provincial Party Committee Office, asked Li Gu with a glance in the rearview mirror.

“Go to Secretary Tian.” Li Gu said.

On Beijing Road, Xinze District, Xucheng, the family compound of the Provincial Party Committee is hidden among the lush trees.

The wind blows the grass, and the branches fall to the ground.

Li Gu, who lives in the north all the year round, spends winter in the south for the first time this year. I thought that the winter in the south is much warmer than that in the north, but after I came here, I realized that it was different from what I imagined.

As soon as he got out of the car and walked into Tian Jiageng’s house, there was no room to open in the house, Li Gu was so cold that he rubbed his hands, seeing Tian Jiageng wearing a padded jacket and sitting in the study room to approve documents, and said, “Secretary Tian, you are really serious. Don’t be afraid of the cold.” He walked over and took out the heater, ready to plug it in.

Xucheng is located in the middle reaches of the Zhujiang River, with hills and mountains on the east side. The cold air from the north moves south and usually stays near Xucheng for a long time, making the winter in Xucheng wet and cold. Although the temperature was only minus three or four degrees, it was clammy and cold. Xucheng does not supply heating after winter, and there is no heating air conditioner or heater in the room, which is really not something that northern men can get used to.

“You have to be less lazy, just like me, get up at five o’clock every day to run and exercise. These coldness are really nothing.” Tian Jiageng smiled.

“I can’t stand this even more.” Li Gu said. He has been working with Tian Jiageng in the south for four months. The workload is heavy every day. Although he insists on exercising, he can’t get up at five o’clock every day.

“By the way, for the joint venture project between Meigang and Fuji Steel, Donghua City should have reported the situation to the provincial government yesterday. Has the result come out?” Tian Jiageng asked.

“I have a report here, and I just got it from the provincial government office in the afternoon.” Li Gu took the report to Tian Jiageng from his briefcase.

In addition to the necessary personnel adjustments, Tian Jiageng is unable to directly interfere with specific economic work over Zhao Qiuhua, and he can only express his concern through the provincial party committee office for such a large joint venture project between Fuji Steel and Meigang, and it is inconvenient to directly follow up the negotiation. process.

Even at the provincial government, the initiative of negotiation is more handed over to Donghua City; when Donghua City has achieved results, or if there are any loopholes, they can ask or intervene. This is also the requirement of hierarchical management and each performing their own duties. If the higher-level departments intervene in everything, firstly, they will not have so much manpower and energy, and secondly, they will be tied down, and as a result, nothing can be accomplished.

“For Huaihai to develop, it needs to have a high-starting industrial plan, and it also needs to be driven by large projects…” Tian Jiageng said with emotion, took the report minutes of Donghua City from Li Gu, and put on his glasses to look again.

In the report minutes of Donghua City, there is only the preliminary intention result of the joint venture negotiation, and there is no negotiation process.

“No,” Tian Jiageng frowned after reading the report minutes, put down the document, looked at Li Gu, and said puzzledly, “Judging from this initial joint venture intention, it seems that Mei Gang has no intention of participating in this joint venture. , the shareholding ratio is far lower than that of Donghua City Steel Plant…”

“It should be,” Li Gu said. “Meixigang Industrial Park focuses on the development of the iron and steel industry, which is a pattern led by Shen Huai. The joint venture project is located in Meixi Town. If Meishan Iron and Steel is not active, Donghua Iron and Steel will not be active. The factory may not be able to do this joint venture project well. But it is very strange that Fuji Steel has not strongly asked Meigang to lead the joint venture project, and I can’t figure out what the problem is…”

“You can call Donghua City directly to find out what’s going on,” Tian Jiageng said, and when Li Gu picked up the phone, he shook his head again, “It doesn’t seem appropriate, Donghua City may not tell the truth… …”

“After all, Donghua City has still negotiated results. It’s really hard to ask what to do now. At most, they can provide a more detailed introduction to the negotiation situation,” Li Gu Even if there is something wrong , doesn’t seem to interfere with anything. The economic development of Donghua City this year is not bad, and it can be ranked first in the whole province…”

If the province wants to interfere in the affairs of prefectures and cities, it also needs to have a high-sounding reason, either because the economic development is lagging behind, or it is responsible for major cases, or it is concerned with major investment or construction projects.

After Tan Qiping went to Donghua City as the secretary of the municipal party committee, he still successfully carried out his work and grasped the situation. Not only did he continuously investigate and deal with major cases, but all aspects of Donghua’s work have been significantly improved; investment promotion, taxation, and gross national product have increased Other indicators, compared with previous years, have made significant progress.

Under such circumstances, when Tian Jiageng arrived in Huaihai Province, he resolutely adjusted the party and government leaders of several prefectures and cities, and even transferred Xu Pei, whom he trusted, to Xucheng as mayor and presided over the economic work of the provincial capital. It is not easy to use the identity of the provincial party committee secretary to point fingers at anything.

Seeing Tian Jiageng frowning and hesitating, Li Gu said, “It’s a coincidence that the journal published by the Provincial School of Economics last month included a paper on the study of township economy. The prototype of the research is the development model of Meixi Town. I just took the time to look at it, the data is very detailed…”

“Really?” Tian Jiageng raised his brows and said, “Bring it to me quickly…” (83中文网)

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