Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 283

Chapter 282: Mayor Xu Pei

Li Gu also lived in the provincial party committee compound and had nothing else to do. Seeing that Tian Jiageng was very interested in Meixi Town and the joint venture project with Fuji Steel, he ran back and brought the last month’s journal of the Provincial School of Economics to him. Tian Jiageng looked.

The Provincial School of Economics is not very well-known in domestic economic universities, and the professors and scholars are not particularly outstanding, but the scholars of the Provincial School of Economics study economic issues, or the regional economy of Huaihai Province. However, the level of these studies is high. Li Gu came to work in Huaihai Province with Tian Jiageng. He wanted to help Tian Jiageng understand regional economic problems. If he did not contact the scholars of the Provincial Economics Institute, and did not read the journal of the Provincial Economics Institute, he would be negligent.

Li Gu brought over the journal of the Provincial Academy of Economics last month, Tian Jiageng put on his glasses and started to read…

Tian Jiageng now wants to know the situation of Donghua City, and he is more in touch with the macro data that Donghua City voluntarily submitted.

The Provincial Party Committee Research Office also has some research on the township economy, but the work is not solid, and the development model of Meixi Town has not entered the vision of the Provincial Party Committee Research Office. Zhao Qiuhua wanted to build the top ten towns in Huaihai and pull a few typical ones to boost the economy, but it has not been fully launched, and the cities below have not sent materials for the economically strong towns under their jurisdiction.

Although Tian Jiageng learned from many aspects that the development model of Meixi Town is very typical, but his position is too high, he can only know some fragmentary situations reflected from different aspects, but Shen Huai did not have any articles during this time. When it was published, he didn’t know the specific situation of Meixi Town’s development.

In the current situation, Tian Jiageng has no way to contact Shen Huai directly, not even through Li Gu, which is too disturbing.

The cohesion within the Song faction has gradually weakened, and other factions are happy to do so, but do not want to see the possibility of further strengthening of the cohesion within the Song faction.

The key to faction cohesion also lies in the core characters and the generational inheritance of the core characters.

Song Hua is still there, so the Song clan is still standing, but it seems that Song Qiaosheng cannot fully inherit Song Hua’s political influence at present. If Song Hua dies of illness and the Song clan replaces Song Qiaosheng as the core, it may lead to the decline of the entire faction, thus causing the interests of the Song clan officials to be suppressed as a whole.

It’s nothing to suppress the faction for a while. Song Qiao was born in Taiwan? His political life in front of the stage was only 16 or 17 years. Other important figures of the Song family, such as Dai Xianghuai and He Chengguo, had a short political life in front of the stage. many. After Song, Dai, and He, if there is no heir to show everyone’s hope, the situation of the Song family will only get worse and worse.

Based on the age of the current central leaders, after Song, Dai, and He, if the Song clan trains the next generation of successors, it should be officials between the ages of 30 and 40, so as to ensure the political stability. Shen Huai is still too young, but sometimes his ability can make up for his lack of age.

Tian Jiageng doesn’t know if Shen Huai will be cultivated as the next generation of the Song family or the next generation’s successor, and he doesn’t know if Shen Huai has attracted enough attention in the Song family, but I believe that with his ability, he will definitely be in the future. played an important role in the Song Dynasty.

For other factions, even if they don’t bother to suppress Shen Huai by any means for the time being, they should pay attention to it and deal with it coldly — Tian Jiageng knows that he is also in the faction, and the people behind him will not. They all like to see that he has direct and close contact with Shen Huai, and it is inconvenient to send someone directly to Meixi Town for research.

“This paper was written by a student of the Provincial School of Economics!”

At the beginning of the thesis, the author introduced that Tian Jiageng was quite surprised that there were students in the Provincial School of Economics who could study the township economy in depth. He didn’t have time to read it line by line, so he picked the important data to read, so that he could grasp him from other aspects. If you are connected with the situation, you will have a panoramic understanding of Meixi Town.

“The data from the Donghua City News predicts that this year’s fiscal tax will increase by 13 points compared to the previous year, which is five points higher than last year,” Tian Jiageng said, putting down his glasses and placing them on the desk. “It now seems that the part of Donghua’s rapid growth this year is likely to fall in Meixi Town…”

Li Gu nodded and said: “I have adjusted the tax payment data of Meishan Iron and Steel from the provincial national tax. The increase after July is particularly large. It should be that the technical transformation has been completed very well. The data of the entire Meixi Town is not very clear. The main data collected in this paper is relatively comprehensive, perhaps we can ask the Political Research Office to contact the Provincial Economic Research Institute to follow up the research…”

Tian Jiageng nodded.

This year, the whole country has implemented a tax-sharing system, and important taxes such as value-added tax have entered the national tax system. In this way, the central government has an accurate grasp of the local economic and construction situation, and there is no need to worry about the economic data reported by the local areas will be habitually falsified.

In 1992, Huaihai Province first implemented a full-scale trial of the tax-sharing system, and the increase in local finance and taxation has stabilized. The average level of the province is around 9%. This level is not too low in the country, but it ranks last in the eastern coastal provinces and cities. In addition, the foundation of Huaihai Province is poor, and the gap with other coastal provinces and cities is getting bigger and bigger.

If Donghua City’s fiscal and tax increase rate this year can be four points higher than last year, the rate of increase in the thirteen prefectures and cities in the province will enter the top three in the middle and lower reaches, so all aspects will affirm Tan Qiping to Donghua. After Hua really opened up the situation.

“DiDiDi”, there is a car parked in front of the yard. Hearing the sound, Li Gu walked to the window and saw Xu Pei, deputy secretary of the Xucheng Municipal Committee and mayor, getting out of the car, and said to Tian Jiageng, “Mayor Xu is here.”

“Oh, I asked him to come over and find out about the train station.” Tian Jiageng said.

The newly built waiting hall of Xucheng Railway Station has not been put into use for half a year. The roof suddenly fell off a few days ago. Fortunately, the accident happened in the early morning and no one was injured, but the impact was very bad. Tian Jiageng has been staring at this for the past few days, trying to rectify the local economic anecdote.

“There is nothing wrong with the design unit. It was the provincial construction subcontracting project that went wrong, and the subcontracting unit cut corners a lot. I asked the investigation team to take some photos, and I will show them to Secretary Tian tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Except for subcontracting and construction , there must be problems in the later acceptance, but which step can be found, currently it is only followed up by the Xucheng Disciplinary Committee, and I don’t have a big temper. Now, the entire waiting hall needs to be demolished and rebuilt, and the city is already short of it. Money, and another construction fee, this mayor is really not a man…”

Xu Pei pushed open the door and came in, and complained to Tian Jiageng about the investigation of the accident at the train station.

Tian Jiageng nodded and asked Xu Pei to sit down and rest his anger.

Even if he is the secretary of the provincial party committee, it is not easy to lift the lid.

At present, the locality is intertwined and the problems are deep. At present, he can only hold on to where there is a problem, and it is difficult to straighten out the relationship between the whole place at once. In other words, it is impossible to complete the task now. The key is to push the entire local economy forward, so that some problems and abuses can be gradually digested in the wave of time and development.

Xu Pei took the hot tea from the nanny and said to Li Gu: “Li Gu, come to the city too. I want to expand the construction of the industrial park in the Nancheng area along the river, but there is no suitable manpower. To be the secretary of the Party Working Committee…”

“Let Li Gu help me in the province for another year or two, and become familiar with the local situation, and then consider it more suitable for him to go to the city. He is no more experienced than you in the local area.” Li Gu snatched it from his side, “Now it’s better to be quiet. Huaihai Province is a big province. Governing a big province is like cooking small fresh food. I’m also anxious to have a major operation, but I can’t be in a hurry. Xucheng’s work, you slowly promote it, Use one year to straighten out some relationships, and strive for a better situation in 1996…”

Li Gu spread his hands to Xu Pei, saying that Tian Jiageng would not let him go, and he had no choice.

Xu Pei sipped the tea and saw the journals on Tian Jiageng’s desk. He took a look at Tian Jiageng’s desk and asked, “Secretary Tian, do you also care about Meixi Town?”

Xu Pei is only 44 years old this year, with a medium build, a broad face, thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is quite energetic, and he is also in his prime. Xu Pei worked in the State Planning Commission for a long time, and later served as the secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Development Zone under Jinhai for eight years.

To develop the economy and do a good job in construction, the key is to have competent human assistance. Tian Jiageng was transferred to Huaihai Province. He felt very weak by his own strength. He asked Vice Premier Wang Yuan to support him. After weighing it, he finally transferred Xu Pei from Jinhai to be the deputy secretary and acting mayor of Xucheng City Committee. He also let Xu Pei fully preside over Xu Pei. plans to work in the city.

However, Ge Jingping, secretary of the Xucheng Municipal Party Committee, who was transferred to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee the year before last, also has deep roots and cannot be easily shaken by Tian Jiageng.

Although Tian Jiageng and Xu Pei are in the same family, they have not had much contact before, and they are not as close as Li Gu in personal relationship. Therefore, Xu Pei is not aware of Tian Jiageng’s attention to Shen Huai and Meixi Town.

Seeing Xu Pei asking about it, Tian Jiageng didn’t hide it from him, nodded and said, “Meixi’s town party secretary is the son of the vice governor of Song. He has written a few good articles, and his actual work performance is quite good. Do you also pay attention to Meixi Town?”

“Yeah,” Xu Pei nodded and said, “Tan Qiping is doing a good job in Donghua now, and the people of the old Song family are gathering in Donghua. Not only the third branch of Yexin Bank in Huaihai directly Opened to Southeast Electric Power Construction also directly invested in the construction of a medium-sized thermal power plant in Meixi Town. Haifeng Group and Hongji Industry have intensively invested and built factories in Donghua, and Changqing, which is closely related to the Song Dynasty The group also plans to jointly invest with the SITC Group to build a four-star hotel in Donghua after the year. Now the joint venture project led by Tan Qiping and Fuji Steel is also talking about some things. I see it, Donghua really wants to With development, a big pattern is formed, and the speed of development can be further increased. Of the thirteen prefectures and cities in Huaihai Province, only three are located near the sea. Donghua has the best geographical location and the most favorable conditions, and it is also a must for Xucheng to go to sea. The place. Donghua city is large in scale and has a good industrial foundation. Donghua’s economy really needs to take off at a high speed, which is naturally a good thing. However, in this way, the pressure on you, Secretary Tian, will not be small…”

Seeing that although Xu Pei paid attention to Meixi Town, the more important thing was to look at Donghua’s rise this year from the perspective of faction, Tian Jiageng smiled and said nothing.

Tan Qiping’s father was originally an old subordinate of Song Hua, the head of the Song family. After Chen Mingde died suddenly due to illness, Tan Qiping was also transferred to Donghua as the secretary of the municipal party committee because of his relationship with the Song family. Since then, he is naturally regarded as an important general in the rise of the Song Dynasty, and he is the person most qualified to compete with Xu Pei for a seat on the provincial standing committee in the next three to five years.

At the moment, given the scale of the Song clan’s gathering in Donghua and the speed of Donghua’s apparent rise, it is no wonder that some people are worried that the Song clan will manage Donghua into an important local stronghold. (83 Chinese Network)

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