Streamer in the Omniverse

Devas Status/Items. (ATT – CAP 102)

This status update for Devas took a while to be posted for one reason: I lost a good portion of the old information I had saved about the story and only realized it when I went looking for it to create this update.

Luckily, it wasn't anything too significant that I couldn't remember myself or reread the story to refresh my memory. Anyway, here is Devas' Status.

Of course, before anything else, a few notes:


Zero note [Webnovel/Scribble]:

Why is this chapter here and not in the auxiliary chapters? Well, because here the chances of someone who just started reading the story encountering spoilers are lower. As a reader long before being an author, I know that sometimes it's tempting to ignore the [SPOILERS AHEAD! DO NOT READ!].

But now, as an author, I want people to enjoy some of the story's plots without spoilers. So, I'll leave this chapter here. Of course, I will update it over time, just as I would if it were in the auxiliary chapters. To ensure no one has to keep coming back here randomly to check, when I update it, I'll leave a note in a new chapter informing about the update.


Second note: Some information might be different from what exists in the chapters. Is it important? No, I just polished everything and left it in a single 'model'. Seriously, I felt sick rereading the chapters; they were so poorly organized...

Third note: Some information may be censored with a [REDACTED] or simply not exist. This is to avoid spoilers.

Fourth note: I will be updating this over time, presumably with each arc, so it won't be too frequent. Of course, if anyone wants to know any non-spoiler information or sees that I forgot something, just comment and I will update the chapter.

Fifth note: Some information may have been 'slightly' updated, such as the durability of items changing after a fight or recovering, nothing too relevant. I'll leave a 'NOTE!' next to what has changed, in case someone wants to read.

Finally, on to the Status!


Devas' Status Summary.

Name: Devas Asura/[REDACTED]

Title: The Streamer (+)

Age: 21 years

Race: Human (Origin) (+)

Gender: Male

Energies: Mana (+)/ Spiritual Energy (+)/ Nightmare Energy (+)/ Aura (+)

Current Status: Healthy/Evolving (+)

Racial Traits: (+)

Abilities: (+)

Description: (+)

[Current SP: 13,238,321]

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Internal Size: Medium Country.

Entry Size/Effective Range: 100 meters in all directions with Devas as the center.

Current Level: [VoidBag LV7]

Next Upgrade Cost: 10,000,000 SP.

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Range: 5 kilometers in all directions with Devas as the center.

Unlocked 'vision' modes: Living creatures, Ores/Minerals.

Unlocked colors (Points):

Green point: Ally/Friendly
Red point: Enemy/Hostile
Yellow point: Unknown/Neutral
Orange point: Mind-controlled/Against their will
Large red point with a white skull in the center: Boss (Terraria)

Current Level: [Live Map LV6]

Next Upgrade Cost: 3,000,000 SP

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Devas' Expanded Status.


[The Streamer - Ranking: EX]

Description: The Streamer, the one watched by all beings, the one who can go to all worlds, participate in all stories, see everything, know everyone.

The threads of fate do not bind you, your being is hidden.

Function: Grants total immunity to: Omniscience, clairvoyance, reading of fate, alteration of fate, mind reading, alteration of the mind, soul reading, alteration of the soul.

Ensures adaptation to all types of energy (Mana, Ki, Chakra, Nen, Reiatsu, etc...).

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[Human (Origin) - Ranking: B]

Description: A human from a world without magic, without the supernatural, where imagination was just that, imaginary, where the supernatural was only a distant dream.

You shouldn't have magic, but you do; you shouldn't have mana, but you do; you shouldn't have a soul, but you do.

Your new body, your newborn soul, your being, screams in despair realizing that it is no longer the apex, realizing that the monsters, once fictional, are now real, realizing that it is no longer at the top of the food chain.

Function: Your entire being impels itself to evolve, to adapt, to return to the top, to show what it means to be HUMAN.

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Energy: Mana.

Just like everything else, your soul tried to mimic the way your body produced blood.

With no previous experience, newborn as your soul was, it used something new to imitate your body, a different energy, never before felt, but present throughout the atmosphere of this new world you found yourself in...

The result was clear: If the body produces blood, the Soul produces Mana.

Using Terraria's Mana as a base, your soul created a core, the center of all its energies, a 'Sun' for a solitary 'solar system' in a once-empty 'universe.'


Types of Mana currently assimilated: Terraria, Earth (Highschool of the Dead), Earth (Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer), Remnant (RWBY).

Current place of racial trait residence: [ (REDACTED) - Ranking: D]

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Energy: Spiritual Energy.

Seeking to mimic your mind, your brain, and perhaps even something more metaphorical, your soul found in Spiritual Energy the possibility to grow and evolve even further, to create something that was lacking within it...

A consciousness, or something close to it, the sensation of a 'self,' a mirror of your internal state, a place that best represents your thoughts, your mind, your being in its purest form.

A 'planet' orbiting a 'star' in an almost empty 'universe,' growing step by step, creating within itself a realm, a Spiritual Realm, a landscape of your consciousness, your 'self.'


Types of Spiritual Energy currently assimilated: Earth (Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer).

Primary residence of the racial trait: [Divine Anathema - Ranking: C]

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Energy: Nightmare Energy.

Just as every mind has its thoughts, they wander, whether good or bad, pure or tainted...

As crystalline as a clear sky or as gloomy as a cold night...

Nightmare Energy is nothing but tainted Spiritual Energy, altered, mutated... But to your soul?... Just a new way of thinking.

A 'planet' born beside another 'planet,' even though initially much smaller than the first, they merely orbited each other, without colliding, without one trying to absorb the other, spinning around each other, orbiting each other, while both orbited a 'star' stationed at the center of the 'universe.'

Two sides of the same coin... One good and the other insane...


Types of Nightmare Energy currently assimilated: Pseudo-World: Deer Territory (Deerclops/Don't Starve).

Secondary residence of the racial trait: [Divine Anathema - Ranking: C]

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Energy: Aura.

Unlocked by Ruby Rose, Aura is nothing more than the physical manifestation of the soul, a shield created by its core, to protect everything else.

Its soul, as always, tried to adapt, copying what since its birth, it copied: Its body.

Aura was to its soul what its muscles were to its body. A protection, a defense, and a weapon, something that together with it, could adapt, evolve.

The protective shield of the 'planets' and the 'star', a 'magnetic field', protecting everything, from what comes from beyond, from any foreign predator that tries to attack its 'universe'...

But mere protection would not be enough, having a threatening semblance to ward off other predators was expected... And when they didn't back off, well...

... Every predator had its fangs...

[Semblance: Mystery Devourer - Ranking C (Evolutive)]

Description: Your body has a vague and ancient memory of a world where the supernatural was just a distant dream, where mystery was just that, mystery.

Your soul, on the other hand, was unaware of this sensation and since its birth, like everything else in your body, it tried to copy it.

But how could something like the soul, created and born in a supernatural and mysterious manner, imitate something that denied its existence?... The answer was simple: It couldn't.

So, like your body, your soul adapted, adapted to the sensation of a world where the supernatural didn't exist.

If your soul couldn't deny mystery, then it would devour it until nothing remained.

Function: Devour and consume anything considered a [Mystery] and then digest it.

The stronger or more resilient the [Mystery] is, the more Aura will be consumed in the whole process.

~ Devour and consume ~


Current place of racial trait residence: [ (REDACTED) - Ranking: A+++]

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Racial Traits: Divine Anathema

[Divine Anathema - Ranking: C]

Description: In your world, there were no gods, so you created your own. When they were no longer needed, you killed them...

Could a mortal kill an immortal?...

Could something non-divine kill the divine?...

Could a human kill a god?...

Function: Moderate increase in hostility from Divine beings. Moderately increases effectiveness of attacks against Divine. Moderately reduces effectiveness of attacks received from Divine enemies.

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Racial Traits(2): [REDACTED]

[ (REDACTED) - Ranking: A+++]:

Description: [REDACTED]

Function: [REDACTED]

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Racial Traits(3): [REDACTED]

[ (REDACTED) - Ranking: D]:

Description: [REDACTED]

Function: [REDACTED]

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Skills/Abilities: Sun Breathing (Devas Style).

[Sun Breathing (Devas Style) - Rank B+ (Partially Adapted)]

Description: A breathing style created from the original breathing technique.

Created to be used in conjunction with mana or other energies, this breathing style is incomplete, capable of evolving, adapting to the user and the energies used.

Like the representation of a "real" Sun, when using the breathing technique, people with heightened spiritual energy or very familiar with other breathing techniques may see plasma emanating from the weapon used in each attack, unlike the usual "Solar Fire."


Function: Greatly increases all physical parameters of the user.

Greatly increases damage dealt to all beings with the attribute "Moon," "Lunar," "Oni," "Demon," "Devil," "Malevolent," "Evil," or "Foreign."

Greatly decreases regeneration of beings with the attribute "Moon," "Lunar," "Oni," "Demon," "Devil," "Malevolent," "Evil," or "Foreign."

Moderately increases all damage dealt to all types of divine beings and greatly increases all damage dealt to divine beings with the attribute "Moon," "Lunar," or "Foreign."

Moderately decreases all damage received by any type of divine beings and greatly decreases all damage received by divine beings with the attribute "Moon," "Lunar," or "Foreign."

Moderately increases hostility from deities with the attribute "Moon," "Lunar," or "Foreign."

Greatly increases favor from divine beings with the attribute "Sun," "Solar," or "Fox."


~ In the end, all that remains is the hope for a brighter dawn. ~

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Skills/Abilities: Fragmented Shard of the First Shadowflame.

[Fragmented Shard of the First Shadowflame (Weakened - Lesser - Spark)]

[Max Bond!]

Type: Ability. [NOTE: Transformed into a ability after the Bond test.]
Rarity: Green (Previously Red) (Absurdly weakened) (Evolutive)

Damage: 333 ~ ??? (Absurdly weakened) (Evolutive)

Current Maximum Temperature: 683 degrees Celsius (1261.4 degrees Fahrenheit) (Evolutive)


Ability(1) - White: Shadowflame is able to consume Materials/Energies/Sins to strengthen itself and return to its peak.

The more Resilient/Strong the Material/Energy/Sin is, the longer Shadowflame will take to consume it!

If the Material/Energy/Sin is of a level much higher than Shadowflame, it will not be able to consume it or will consume it partially!

Ability(2) - Blue: Shadowflame is able to generate small tentacles that cling to the target, hindering the Extinguishing/Displacement of the flame.

Shadowflame's tentacles work based on the target's sins, clinging to them and consuming them to grow stronger!

Ability(3) - Green: Shadowflame is able to restore the Aura of "The Streamer" by consuming its own 'Vital Flame'.

The Shadowflame's 'Vital Flame' can be restored by consuming Materials/Energies/Sins!

Ability(4) - Orange: [Locked!]

Ability(5) - Light Red: [Locked!]

Ability(6) - Pink: [Locked!]

Ability(7) - Light Purple: [Locked!]

Ability(8) - Lime: [Locked!]

Ability(9) - Yellow: [Locked!]

Ability(10) - Cyan: [Locked!]

Ability(11) - Red: [Locked!]

Ability(12) - Purple: [Locked!]


Description: Serving a new and final master, Shadowflame awaits its orders in silence, calmly waiting within "The Streamer's" Spirit Realm for when its existence is necessary.

Whether in battle or in judgment, Shadowflame will consume all enemies of its master until there is nothing left but ashes, along with their sins...


~ I will accept everything... All of my sins. ~

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Important Items:

Waepon: Houtengeki.

[Houtengeki (Prototype- HOTD)]

Type: Weapon.
Rarity: Green > Orange [NOTE: Rarity increased after Prefix: Demonic]
Prefix: Demonic +15% (Damage) +5% (Durability)

Damage: 35 (34.5) - 567 (566.95)
Knockback: 30 (High)
Durability: 1556 > 1056/1673 (1672.65) [NOTE: Durability damaged after the battle against Deerclops.]

Ability: Absorbs mana to increase its weight and blade sharpness:

Base weight: 44 kilograms (97 pounds) ~ Base damage: 35 (34.5)

Maximum weight: 444 kilograms (978 pounds) ~ Maximum damage: 567 (566.95)

Current weight: 444 kilograms (978 pounds) ~ Current damage: 567 (566.95)


Description: A halberd made from a meteorite that fell in ancient China in the year 162 AD.

Found near a village, the meteorite was melted and used in the creation of weapons and armor.

The meteorite metal ended up being named "Star Iron ~ 铁星 (Tiě xīng)."

Years later, in 168 AD, the halberd ended up in the hands of the warrior and military general Lu Bu, who named it (Houtengeki) "Painted Halberd Comparable to Heaven ~ (方天画戟, Hōtengageki, Pinyin: Fāngtiān Huàjǐ)."

Lu Bu used the halberd between the years 168 AD ~ 173 AD until the weight of the halberd, due to the property of "Star Iron" to absorb ambient mana, increased every year, becoming too much for the general to carry.

Lu Bu then had an identical weapon forged so that no one would discover that he could no longer carry his own weapon.

In the following years, between 182 AD ~ 578 AD, the halberd was forgotten, stored in the treasure of emperors, until the decrease in atmospheric mana began to cause the "Star Iron" to start losing mana to the environment, the halberd returning to its normal weight.

In the years between 612 AD ~ 873 AD, the halberd was used as a war weapon in various battles in China until it was lost in battle, found years later in 925 AD and transported on a merchant ship to the east of China, near Japan.

In the following years, between 1192 AD ~ 1374 AD, the halberd traveled from China to Japan until it ended up in the treasure of a noble family, where it stayed until the years of 1634 AD.

In 1635 AD, the halberd was donated to a museum of replicas, considered the most perfect replica of Lu Bu's Houtengeki halberd ever made.

In 1941, the museum ended up being stolen due to the chaos of war, and the halberd was sold to a collecting noble family.

In 1992, due to an economic crisis, the family that bought the halberd ended up going bankrupt, with a large part of its properties being sold, including the halberd, which was sold to the museum.

In 2003, due to a security flaw, several items of economic and historical value were stolen from that same museum, including the halberd.

In 2008, the halberd was bought by a fanatic collector of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, as a find in a pawn shop.

In 2013, due to the "zombie" outbreak, the halberd ended up in the hands of Devas Asura, known as "The Streamer."

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Waepon: Shichishitō. 

[Shichishitō (Solar)]

Type: Weapon.
Rarity: Orange.
Prefix: None.

Damage: 50 ~ 300
Knockback: 2 (Extremely low) ~ 66 (When used on spirits/ghosts - Extremely high)
Durability: 128 > 118/178 [NOTE: Durability damaged after the battle against Deerclops.]

Unique Ability: Capable of damaging the immaterial: Ghosts, spirits, specters... etc.

Special Ability: When used against spiritual beings, beings with evil alignment, or beings of the night, damage is increased by 300%.

Special Ability: When used by a bearer of the ability: Solar Breath (Included variants), damage is increased by 300%.


Description: Made from "Matsu" (松) pine wood, the Shichishitō is a ritualistic sword used for generations by the Kamado family.

After hundreds of years being used alongside the Hinokami Kagura dance, the sword ended up absorbing enough solar energy to transform into a weapon against the night, evil beings, and immaterial beings.

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Tool/Weapon: Umbrella.

[Umbrella (Color: Red and white)]

Type: Tool/Weapon.
Rarity: Blue.
Prefix: None.

Damage: 23
Knockback: 5 (Average)
Durability: 550/550

Ability (1): When held, allows the user the slow fall effect, making them float slowly to the ground.

Ability (2): Impermeable to all types of liquid. [Note: Can still be damaged if the liquid is dangerous]


Description: A normal umbrella enchanted with Runes and Mystic Symbols that granted it the ability of flotation and impermeability.

~ Mary Poppins? Who's that? Never heard of her... ~

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Waepon: Ice Blade.

[Ice Blade: Eis-Himmel (Legendary)]

Runes: Sharpness/Defense Break/Mana Absorption (Ice)/Mana Absorption/Anti-Foreigner (Terraria)/Anti-Solar Pillar/Anti-Sun (Attribute).

Type: Weapon.
Rarity: Light Red (Originally Blue).
Prefix: Legendary: +15% (Damage)/+15% (Durability)/+3 Rarity Tier/Das Klagen der Königin (Ability).

Damage: 100 (115) ~ 900 (1035) (Based on temperature).
Knockback: 4.75 (Average).
Durability: 8278 > 10728/11111 (12777.65) (Regenerative). [NOTE: Durability restored thanks to Devas' mana]

Ability (1): Is capable of decreasing its temperature based on absorbed mana.

Current temperature: -28 degrees Celsius (-18.4 Fahrenheit)
Maximum temperature: 0 degrees Celsius (-32 Fahrenheit)
Minimum temperature: -170 degrees Celsius (-274 Fahrenheit)

NOTE!: If the sword's temperature exceeds 0 degrees Celsius (32 Fahrenheit) or falls below -170 degrees Celsius (-274 Fahrenheit) due to external factors, the Ice Blade's durability will begin to rapidly decrease.

Ability (2): When charged with mana, the Ice Blade can release an ice projectile at the cost of some of its durability and temperature.

Ability (3): Is capable of regenerating itself using mana or absorbing ice.

Ability - Das Klagen der Königin: Converts all mana around the user into mana (Ice) and greatly lowers the temperature at the cost of a large portion of the Ice Blade's durability.

Significantly weakens any enemy whose element is "Fire".


Description: The first creation of a blacksmith who later became a king, a weak and flawed work, but cherished by his queen as a memento of the past, carrying it with her at all times as a lucky charm.

The Ice Blade never saw blood, war, or death until the abrupt end of its creator in a bitter battle against an enemy from beyond the world.

In her mourning, the queen inadvertently, as she cried and mourned over her husband's body, modified the weapon, her mana reacting to her lament, her dying husband's wish reacting to her queen's sorrow, creating a weapon capable of protecting her in that moment of despair.

The king would judge the current weapon as above average, useful only for emergencies.

The queen would judge the weapon as the greatest weapon, her most precious possession, the last memory of her love and what saved her in her weakest moment.


~ A flawed, weak weapon, I could do better with my eyes closed ~

~ The last vestige of my love, my eternal king who protected me to the end ~

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Armor: Rune-Symbol Armor.

[Rune-Symbol Armor (Unnamed)]

Runes: Protection/ Defense/ Resistance/ Toughening.

Type: Armor.
Rarity: Green.
Prefix: None.

Mystic Symbols (Human):

Protection against cuts (Low-high), Protection against impact (Low-high), Protection against projectiles (Low-high), Protection against piercing (Low-high), Protection against magic (Low-high), Protection against physical damage (Low-high), Protection against explosions (Medium-medium)

Defense: 704
Durability: 2207 > 593/2237 [NOTE: Durability damaged after the battle against Deerclops.]


Set Effect: Increases the defense of the armor by 10%

Set Effect: When equipped by "Devas Asura," the effects of the armor are increased by 50% due to mana resonance.


Description: An armor made by an experienced blacksmith, enhanced by a Rune-Symbol Blacksmith, a beginner but talented one, known more as "The Streamer," Devas.

Even with low-level materials, due to the effort that "The Streamer" put into its making, the armor transcended its level, the end result being much better than it should have been.

It's still not something on the level that could withstand blows from a God, but to endure battles that could destroy blocks or small villages is more than enough.

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Armor: Rune-Symbol Armor.

[Rune-Symbol Armor (Unnamed)]

Runes: Resistance (Corrosion)/ Resistance (Acid)/ Defense.

Type: Armor.
Rarity: Green.
Prefix: None.

Mystical Symbols (Human): Protection against corrosion (Medium-Medium), Protection against acid (Medium-Medium), Protection against burns (Low-High) (+)

Defense: 224
Durability: 1637 > 1548/1684 [NOTE: Durability damaged after the battle against the Giant Slimes.]


Set Effect: When all pieces are worn together, creates a resonance that protects the user against acids and any type of corrosion (Minor), reducing the effects of any acid or corrosion (Medium), and being ineffective against anything larger.


Description: Armor focused entirely on resisting acids and corrosion of all kinds.

Created by "The Streamer" with the intention of protecting against slimes and their variants.

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Armor: Bone Helm.

[Bone Helm (Evolutionary)]

Type: Accessory/Armor.
Rarity: Rainbow.
Prefix: None.

Damage: 188 > 288 ~ ??? (Based on the nightmare energy used). (Evolutionary) Maximum range: Based on the nightmare energy used. (The greater the distance, the more energy will be needed, and the less precision the hands will have). (Evolutionary)

Defense: 888 > 1192 (Evolutionary)
Durability: 8888 > 12230 (Regenerable), (Evolutionary)

[NOTE: Damage, Defense, and Durability increased after arriving in Remnant.]


Use: Put it on your head and see the world through the eyes of a deer...

Ability: When used, highly increases the user's control of "Nightmare Energy" and allows control of 8 shadowy hands that are summoned by the helm.

Description: A helm created with the essence of the Deerclops and shaped to be the exact size for "The Streamer" to use.


~ Essence, not soul, don't confuse ~

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Armor: Remnant of the Deerclops.

[Remnant of the Deerclops]

Runes: Protection/ Defense/ Resistance/ Hardening/ Elemental Resistance/ Magic Resistance/ Foreigner Resistance.

Type: Armor.
Rarity: Pink.
Prefix: Remnant of Memory (Unique).

Mystic Symbols (Human):

Cut Protection (High-Peak), Impact Protection (High-Peak) , Piercing Protection (High-Peak), Magic Protection (High-Peak), Cold Protection (Extreme-Peak), Ice Protection (Extreme-Peak), Fire Protection (High-High), Darkness Protection (Extreme-Peak), (+)

Defense: 1888.
Durability: 8888/8888 (Regenerable due to "Set Effect(2)").

Set Effect(1): When equipped by "Devas Asura," the armor's effects are increased by 50% due to mana resonance.

Set Effect(2): When equipped with "Bone Helm," it is possible to regenerate the durability by consuming "Nightmare Energy" due to the resonance between the items.

Set Effect(3): When equipped in freezing environments, it increases the efficiency of all "Nightmare Energy" due to resonance with the ice element. The colder it is, the higher the efficiency.


Remnant of Memory - Oh, pain, loneliness, ice... Insanity...

Description: When equipped by "Devas Asura," along with the "Bone Helm" in freezing environments, it is possible to mimic the ability: "Hallucination Storm."

Hallucination Storm:

Madness, loneliness, hallucinations, and ice, let them all out, let them go outside, to all sides, make them rain like a storm, cover everything as a forewarning, a warning...

... The Deer has Awoken...


Description: Created with the body of an enemy from another world, a being covered and taken by darkness, madness, and ice... The armor created from its remains couldn't be different...

An armor created by "The Streamer," using energies, items, and skills from various worlds, all resonating in a single armor created in an improvised environment...

The entire armor resonates as one with its creator, almost alive, a remnant, an ancient memory, holding within it a simple question:

What came first? The deer, the madness, or the ice?...

How foolish such a question... The answer was simple...

... They were always one.

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Accessory/Tool: Slime Hook.

[Slime Hook]

Type: Accessory/Tool.
Rarity: Blue.
Prefix: None.

Durability: 500 > 430/500 [NOTE: Durability damaged after months of use.]

Description: A bracelet containing the essence of hundreds of blue slimes, with the ability to release up to three sticky cords that attach to the first surface they hit.

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Accessory/Tool: Web Slinger.

[Web Slinger]

Type: Accessory/Tool.
Rarity: Green.
Prefix: None.

Durability: 888/888

Description: A bracelet containing a large amount of Wall Creeper web intertwined, functioning as a launcher, capable of shooting up to eight threads that latch onto and stick to the first surface they touch.

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Accessory: Band of Regeneration.

[Band of Regeneration]

Type: Accessory.
Rarity: Blue
Prefix: None

Defense: 200
Durability: 650 > 489/650 [NOTE: Durability damaged after months of use.]

Use: A bracelet made entirely of tempered Life Crystal and enchanted with runes. Increases the body's natural regeneration using ambient mana.

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Accessory: Heart Valve/???.

[Heart Valve (Ring - Living - Evolutive)] >>> [??? (Ring - Living - Evolutive)]

Type: Accessory.
Rarity: Green >> ???
Prefix: None

Durability: 616/639 >> ???/??? (Regenerable).

Ability: Converts the user's mana into vitality with an efficiency of 2/1 >> ???/???

Ability: As it was previously part of a living being, even though it is made of pieces of metal, the Heart Valve can evolve by continuously absorbing mana.

Description: A valve that appears on top of a mimico's heart when it reaches adulthood.

It serves to regulate its metabolism, turning mana into vitality, allowing the mimico to go for months, even years, without eating anything, just waiting for its next prey.

[Note!: If the [Heart Valve] goes without receiving mana for long periods, the [Evolutive] part will be lost, and the "ring" will die]


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Accessory/Consumable: Adhesive Bandage

[Adhesive Bandage] [50x > 49x]

Type: Accessory/Consumable
Rarity: Light Red
Prefix: None

Defense: 10
Durability: 25/25

Use: When placed on the skin, the bandage emits a coagulating life energy that completely stops bleeding in all wounds on the body for a period of 10 minutes.

(Note: Certain types of curses or poisons may decrease the coagulation effect and effective time of the bandage or even nullify it completely.)

Description: Bandages created with a special technique, bathed in vitality-filled water by a being blessed by nature.

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Accessory/Vanity: Radio Thing.

[Radio Thing]

Type: Accessory/Vanity.
Rarity: Blue.
Prefix: None.

Defense: 200
Durability: 333/333

Use: Turned on the radio; it produces exotic sounds...

Description: An old radio modified by the energy from another world, named by "The Streamer" as "Nightmare Energy." The radio seems ordinary, but the sounds that come out of it allow the listener to see something beyond...


~ Allows the user to see the world differently - 'Forbidden knowledge echoes from the radio...' ~

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Consumable: Bezoar.

[Bezoar (Incomplete)] >>> [Consumed]

Type: Consumable.
Rarity: Light Red.

Use: When ingested, the energies contained in the Bezoar (Incomplete) assist the user's immune system and permanently increase their resistance to most poisons.

[Note: Some poisons may completely ignore the resistance, being entirely alien to the user's body and the Bezoar.]

Description: The Bezoar (Incomplete) is naturally created within the stomach of a deer, moose, or elk that has been exposed to large amounts of natural vitality or has lived in an area with it for many years. The more vitality the animal is exposed to, the greater the effects of the Bezoar.

[Bezoar (Incomplete): 38 years (Deer)]

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Material/Consumable: Life Crystal.

[Life Crystal] [5]

Type: Material/Consumable
Rarity: Amber

Use: Increases vitality when consumed by 10%.

Description: A source of pure vitality from the very planet itself, crystallized for consumption without consequences.

Ways to consume: Eating, absorbing vitality, via ritual.

~ A breath of life from the core of the planet ~

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Material/Consumable: Mana Crystal.

[Mana Crystal] [5]

Type: Material/Consumable
Rarity: Amber

Use: Increases mana when consumed by 10%.

Description: A source of pure mana from the very planet itself, crystallized for consumption without consequences.

Ways to consume: Eating, absorbing vitality, via ritual.

~ A breath of mana from the core of the planet ~


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Material: Aqua's Hair Strands.

[Aqua's Hair Strands (113x)] [NOTE!: 113 >>> 483 After other small exchanges with Kazuma]

Type: Material
Rarity: Light Red.

Description: Goddess hair strands, traded for beer bottles.

An excellent material for crafting magical items related to water and anti-undead.

Recommendation: Magical focuses in general and Accessories.

Note: Contains a lot of mana and traces of divinity.

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Material/Consumable: Artificial Sapphires.

[Artificial Sapphires (Impure)] [NOTE!: MANY >>> A LOT!]

Type: Material/Consumable
Rarity: Blue

Use: Ingest or absorb mana.

Note: Contains about 12% ~ 23% various impurities; continuous consumption not recommended.

Description: An "Artificial Sapphire" created from decomposed slime cores by the matrix: (Matrix of mana deconstruction and condensation).

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Consumable: Apple (Manzana/Fruits)

[Apple (Manzana)] [NOTE!: 18 assorted fruits >> 17 assorted fruits, after giving one to Jinn]

Type: Consumable
Rarity: Green

Use: Eat or make a dish.

Description: An apple created in the joyful hair of a Dryad, rich in mana and vitality.

When consumed, partially restores mana and gains the buff: "Nature's Blessing."

Nature's Blessing: Greatly increases mana regeneration in locations in contact with nature.

Slowly purifies the body's mana in locations in contact with nature.

Slightly increases the body's natural regeneration in locations in contact with nature.

Note: When preparing the apple in a dish, the effects can be decreased or increased depending on how the dish was prepared.

~ A gift for my Hero Hihi! ~

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Material/Dye: Blue-Aqua Paint.

[Blue-Aqua Paint]

Type: Material/Dye.
Rarity: Light Red.
Color: Blue water.

Description: Paint made from the hair strands of a goddess from another world with a great affinity for water and sacred elements.


Aqua's hair strands. (37 strands per cauldron)
Blue slime gel. (182 ml per cauldron)
Green slime gel. (38 ml per cauldron)
Waterleaf stem. (18 grams per cauldron)
Waterleaf petals. (6 grams per cauldron)
Aquamarine powder. (73 grams per cauldron)

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Material/Dye: Metallic Dye (Scarlet Ore - Kimetsu)

[Metallic Dye (Scarlet Ore - Kimetsu)]

Type: Material/Dye.
Rarity: Orange

Description: A dye made from a ore from another world.


Gray slime gel (122 ml per cauldron)
Green slime gel (32 ml per cauldron)
Scarlet Ore - Kimetsu: (238 grams per cauldron)

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Material/Dye: Symbol Ink - Model: Devas.

[Symbol Ink - Model: Devas]

Type: Material/Dye.
Rarity: Blue.
Color: Grey,


Base ink: Willow-based ink (3-year-old tree).

Green slime gel (92 ml per cauldron)
Gray slime gel (92 ml per cauldron)
Daybloom petals (2 flowers per cauldron)
Green slime core powder (28 g per cauldron)
Gray slime core (37 g per cauldron)
Iron powder (8 g per cauldron)
Blue sapphire powder (3 g per cauldron)

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Material/Dye: Nightmare-Mana Dye.

[Nightmare-Mana Dye]

Type: Material/Dye.
Rarity: Pink
Color: Pearlescent Black

Description: An ink made with energies and materials from various worlds, but prepared by a human who belonged to none of them in a "World" created by himself.


Green slime gel (Terraria): 233 ml per cauldron.
Deerclops Horn Powder (Don't Starve): 73 g per cauldron.
Deerclops Fur (Don't Starve): 31 g per cauldron.
Deerclops Meat (Don't Starve): 182 g per cauldron.
Mana Stone (Terraria): 98 g per cauldron.
Ice Dust (Remnant): 87 g per cauldron.
Shiverthorn (Terraria): 92 g per cauldron.

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Furniture: Deerclops Relic.

[Deerclops Relic]

Type: Furniture.
Rarity: Fiery Red.

Use: A trophy, a reward for defeating a being recognized as a boss.

Description: A statuette made of pure energy and fused with gold, a cosmetic item representing "The Streamer's" victory against the Deerclops.

Note: Can be placed in what "The Streamer" calls "Spiritual Landscape."


~ If the world had a difficulty, it would be something beyond 'Master' ~

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Consumable/Placeable: Spider Egg (Nest).

[Spider Egg (Nest)]

Type: Consumable/Placeable
Rarity: Blue

Use: Place the egg in a large enough place for hatching and feed it with mana for the nest to develop.

(Note: Depending on the environment, mutations may occur in the spiders born from the nest!)

(Note: It is recommended to use the user's mana so that the spiders recognize you as "Father/Mother" and do not attack you!)

Description: An egg containing the potential to be something more; a whole nest in a single simple spider egg.

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Consumable: Emergency Mission Ticket (Automatic).

[Emergency Mission Ticket (Automatic)] [NOTE!: 3 >>> 2 After accepting the mission in RWBY]

Type: Consumable.
Rarity: Amber.

Use: An emergency ticket that is automatically used if something happens.

The ticket will then be spent, generating an emergency mission, where "The Streamer" can accept it or ignore it.

Note: If "The Streamer" rejects the mission, the ticket will not be refunded.

Note: Emergency missions may occur outside the world of Terraria; if they do, "The Streamer" will have a time limit of 1 month before being teleported back to Terraria.

Note: Emergency missions will have an unknown difficulty, caution is recommended!.

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Consumable: Random Prefix Ticket (Good).

[Random Prefix Ticket (Good)] [NOTE!: 6 >>> 5 After spending one on the Halberd: Houtengeki]

Type: Consumable.
Rarity: Amber.

Use: When torn, generates a random prefix on the Weapon/Armor/Accessory that was used.

Note: Good prefixes may have some disadvantages.

Note: If the perfect prefix occurs on the item that the ticket was used on, the prefix will be "sealed," unable to be changed, only improved with other tickets.

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Consumable: Invitation Ticket.

[Invitation Ticket] [NOTE! 8 >>> 4 After giving 1 to Tanjuro and inviting: Winter, Ozpin, and Jinn]

Type: Consumable.
Rarity: Amber.

Use: When torn, it is possible to invite a person from the world in which the ticket user is to watch the stream.

Note: The user must have known the person or been with them at least once to invite them.

Note: If the invitee declines the invitation, the ticket will not be refunded

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Mount: Humvee.


Runes: Defense/ Durability/ Protection/ Resistance/ Toughening/ Elemental Resistance/ Magical Resistance/ Mobility/ Stability.

Type: Mount.
Rarity: Light Red.
Prefix: None.

Mystic Symbols (Human):

Projectile Protection (Medium - High), Impact Protection (Medium - High), Piercing Protection (Medium-High), Magic Protection (Medium - Peak), Cold Resistance (Medium - Peak) (+)

Speed: 0 KM/H ~ 620 KM/H - (Variable depending on Energy/Mana) Defense: 990 ~ 2289 (Variable depending on mana)
Durability: 8637 >> 8192/8674 [NOTE: Durability damaged after the battle against Deerclops.]


ARC Reactor (MK3): 0% ~ 100% (Off)

Mana Stone Reservoir: 187/3000

Artificial Sapphire Reservoir: 5000/5000 (MAX CAPACITY!)

Gel Reservoir: 5000/5000 (MAX CAPACITY!)


[Ability (1) - Central Command Matrices (Internal)]

First Internal Command Matrix - Matrix responsible for controlling the internal matrices of the Humvee:

Temperature Matrix - Matrix recorded inside the Humvee seats and on the internal coating - Uses "Mana Stones" or "Artificial Sapphires" to regulate the temperature inside the Humvee and prevent temperature changes due to the outside environment.

Purification Matrix (Filter) - Matrix recorded inside the Humvee ventilation system - Uses "Mana Stones" or "Artificial Sapphires" to absorb and filter the air/oxygen from the outside environment before sending it into the vehicle.

(Note: Costs triple when underwater).

Purification Matrix (Powder) - Matrix recorded inside the Humvee air conditioning - Uses "Mana Stones" or "Artificial Sapphires" to crush and spread the "Purification Powder" contained in an internal container, spreading it throughout the interior of the Humvee.

Internal Protection Matrix - Matrix recorded on the internal ceiling and floor of the Humvee - Uses "Mana Stones" or "Artificial Sapphires" to generate a barrier inside the Humvee, covering only the internal part of the vehicle.

(Note: Barrier defense varies depending on the amount of mana used)

Visualization Matrix - Matrix recorded on the Humvee windows - Uses "Mana Stones" or "Artificial Sapphires" to facilitate vision in dark, foggy, rainy, stormy, and smoky environments.

(Note: Does not enable perfect vision, only facilitates based on the level of visual pollution or darkness of the environment)


[Ability (2) - Central Command Matrices (External)]

Second External Command Matrix: Matrix responsible for controlling the external matrices of the Humvee:

Hardening Matrix (External - Internal - Engine) - Matrix engraved at all internal and external points of the Humvee - Uses "Mana Stones" or "Artificial Sapphires" to reinforce the entire structure of the Humvee, increasing the vehicle's defense to extreme levels.

(Note: Variable mana cost based on the reinforcement used).

Protection Matrix (External) - Matrix engraved on the external roof and underside of the Humvee - Uses "Mana Stones" or "Artificial Sapphires" to generate up to three barriers on the external part of the Humvee that cover the entire vehicle.

(Note: Barrier defense varies depending on the amount of mana used)

Attack Matrix - Matrix engraved on the external roof of the Humvee - Uses energy generated by the ARC Reactor (MK3), "Mana Stones" or "Artificial Sapphires" for two types of attacks: Electromagnetic Pulse, Flamethrower (Gel)


[Ability (3) - Central Command Matrices (Engine)]

Third Engine Command Matrix - Matrix responsible for controlling the engine matrices of the Humvee:

Engine Protection Matrix - Matrix engraved on the internal and external part of the Humvee hood - Uses "Mana Stones" or "Artificial Sapphires" to generate a focused barrier for the protection of the vehicle's engine.

(Note: Barrier defense varies depending on the amount of mana used)

Adrenaline Matrix - Matrix engraved on the internal part of the Humvee engine - Overloads the engine and matrices responsible for accelerating the Humvee, causing the vehicle to accelerate at speeds close to the speed of sound (1189 KM/H).




Description: The HMMWV (High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle) M1025, or Humvee, is a lightweight armored military utility vehicle originally owned by Rika Minami, later given as a gift by nurse Shizuka Marikawa to "The Streamer."

After various internal and external modifications, along with various matrices of Mystic Symbols and various runes, the Humvee became something entirely different from its original, but still, with the same purpose...


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Healing Potion (Normal - 12).

Life Potion (Lesser - 6).

Guide Voodoo Doll (Dylan).

Codex Umbra (90% Complete - Copy).

Frozen Key Mold,

Snow armor (Blueprint),

Mystic Symbols Manual (Goblin).

Rainbow Mission Ticket (1).

A whole bunch more stuff. The VoidBag is the size of a medium country at this point, I have hundreds of random items written in my notes, but I thought it best not to include them here to avoid cluttering everything.


Well, that's it. If anyone has read this far (or just skipped everything). Comment if you think something was missing or something you'd like to see.

That said, good night and happy reading!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.