Streamer in the Omniverse

White and Black Feathers, Theories, and Potion.

Here is today's chapter!

As always, if anyone wants to support me or just read 3/7 chapters ahead of my two stories, you can do so on my (P)(A)(T). If not, I still appreciate you reading my stories!

That said, have a good night and enjoy the read!



POV: Devas Asura

"Did you know that bricks are laid in an alternating pattern because concrete is more fragile? It's likely to crack there, and this way, the crack has to travel a much longer path than if it were a straight line," I explained casually.

"Craaaack! Craaaack!"

The taste of divinity in the feathers was curious. It wasn't really awful, but a part of me was so disgusted by the taste that even the subtle good and 'light' flavor it had was completely ignored.

"I... admit I've never stopped to think about that. But it's good to know... I guess?" Serafall was the first to break the silence after my comment. She looked confused. "What does that have to do with the current situation?"

"Nothing, really. I just felt like saying something random since everyone seemed to be in shock for no reason." I felt my aura diminish rapidly and break again.


Along with the break of my aura, I felt my teeth ache and crack.


Even with the Divine Anathema focused on my teeth, it was still exhausting to devour the divinity in the feathers.

If it weren't for Shadowflame regenerating my aura, I don't think I could be doing what I was doing. And this was just with the feathers of four-winged angels; what if it were those of six, eight, ten, or even twelve? The feathers of an archangel's wings?

What would the taste of divinity be like in Michael and Gabriel's feathers?

I ignored the random thought and turned my attention back to the table.

"You munching on angel feathers like damn snacks is no reason?!" Stark exclaimed, pointing to the side. "Rin almost fainted, Devas! I'm an atheist and even I'm a bit shocked by this!"

It was a bit concerning when Rin started to stagger, I admit. She was Catholic, wasn't she? Or something like that, since I imagine living with Kirei kind of kills any faith one might have in their body.

"I'm devouring the divinity in the feathers, not the feathers themselves. It's different... in a way." And it was only the divinity in the feathers of four-winged angels. Frankly, it wasn't that big of a deal, damn it. Serafall and Sirzechs seemed shocked, which didn't even make sense.

The two of them could turn the owners of the feathers I had in my hands into frozen crystal dust and reduce them to nothing, respectively. What was so impressive about what I was doing?

I pulled another feather and brought it to my mouth. My aura had already recovered thanks to Shadowflame, my teeth were brand new again thanks to my natural regeneration and my accessories, the Band of Regeneration and the Heart Valve.


Speaking of which, I needed to use Analyze: Item on the latter; it had been a while since I last did that and the ring seemed different on my finger.


Hmm? These last 'Craaaack's' seemed different. I ran my tongue over my teeth; they were less cracked, even my aura seemed to take longer to break this time.

"Didn't you say the taste was bad? Why eat more, then?" Kazuma pointed out with a slightly high-pitched voice. Aqua, next to him, was looking at me like I was committing some horrendous crime.

"The feathers have a ton of energy. I'm devouring it with my Semblance." I could ignore the taste for the gains I was receiving.

My Semblance devoured the 'Mystery' in the feathers and basically all the energy went to my soul. The 'nutrients' of what I was devouring, so to speak.

The remnants of divinity were quickly torn apart and absorbed by the Divine Anathema. Which, actually, was weird as hell. I could almost feel the thing purring with happiness over the meal and at the same time growling with rage every time I brought another feather to my mouth.

I ignored the looks I was getting and closed my eyes, concentrating on what was happening in my soul.


The Divine Anathema seemed to ignore a part of something within the feathers, not devouring it like the divinity, but rather completely ignoring it. It was a light, weak and small, that quickly flew towards a distant part of my soul, where I knew well what existed.

I'll let the sword do what it wants for now and investigate what's happening more deeply later.

The remaining energy, without the divinity or the light, just the mana, or in this case Ether, perhaps even True Ether, I couldn't say for sure what the nomenclature for this thing would be, was being quickly absorbed and assimilated by the core of my soul, where my own mana was generated.

The True Ether, I'll call it that since it seemed to be the most fitting given the place and the who of the deity I was devouring, was denser than my own mana and seemed to contain an additional 'weight' in a certain way as well.

I could feel the True Ether being guided towards the center of the core of my soul, the energy using itself as a kind of 'core' for my mana. As the True Ether rotated rapidly around itself, my mana translated quickly around it, both accelerating rapidly every second.

Whenever my mana ended up touching the True Ether, it was disintegrated and absorbed, at least the first few times this happened, as after a few seconds the two began to, in a way, coexist.

It was as if the two energies were trying to find a balance point, a middle ground between them. While the True Ether lost 'weight' every second, my mana was the opposite, becoming denser and 'heavier'.

Saying I felt more energetic would be an understatement. Damn, I felt like I could take on Deerclops with just the clothes on my back and win right now.

Without a single scratch.

"Gods are kind of ridiculous, aren't they?..." I murmured. Or was it just the Big G?

I knew this fact, of course, but seeing, or in this case, devouring for myself was different. The True Ether was hundreds of times more potent than my own mana, maybe even more.

Even if I didn't devour any more feathers, it would still take a few minutes for my mana to balance with the True Ether. If I continued eating the feathers? I didn't know how long that would take.

Looks like I still have a long way to go...

"You say the feathers have a lot of energy, wouldn't it be the same with the goddess Aqua's hair? Why didn't you do the same with them before?" Ainz asked in a neutral and polite tone. He always acted like this when speaking and not typing.

"No, Aqua's hair has much less energy." It wasn't even a comparison. Aqua was contained and sealed, even the feathers being from a dead angel, the divinity being a remnant of a dead God, there was no comparison.

"You devoured my divinity?!" Aqua screamed, half horrified, half scared by the idea.

"No," I denied instantly. "I fed the Shadowflame with your hair, but I didn't use my Semblance on them."

I was going to do that, of course, but I wanted the first thing I devoured with divinity to be related to that God. Was it petty? Yes. He didn't even exist on my Earth, and the one in DXD was dead, it wasn't his fault for what happened, but did I care? No.

Never said I wasn't petty, quite the opposite, I was and said that many times before.

"Stop feeding that weird flame with my hair, let alone eating them!" Aqua pointed at me. "Using them to build and create items is one thing, but I don't give you permission to eat them!"

"Twenty gold bars for permission to eat them."

"Twenty bars?" Aqua looked indignant, and from Kazuma's resigned yet strangely cheerful look, her indignation was for the wrong reasons. "At least fifty! No, a hundred bars! And you can only negotiate my hair with me, not with Kazuma!"

That's what I thought... Aqua acted foolishly, but she wasn't... or almost not... maybe... I guess... Aqua was carefree, I'll put it that way and leave it at that.

She knew she couldn't stop me from devouring the hair I already had, nor did I need her permission. There was no reason for her to refuse the negotiation.

"Done, a hundred gold bars and I'll only negotiate with you. I'll deliver the money later." I had plenty of gold, and if it started to run out, it was easy to fix by mining a vein or two myself.

Government permission from Remnant for mining? What's that? Is it edible?

"Is she really a goddess?" Jinn asked Ozpin beside me. "She's nothing like the Brothers."

Ozpin had no answer. I could feel her emotions, they were turbulent, confused, and in a way, hopeful. I think I know where this is going. Seeing is believing, right?

I pulled out two more feathers from the VoidBag, this time from a fallen angel. I threw one into my mouth while Shadowflame consumed the other on its own.




"Rotten, worse than angel feathers." It was like drinking stagnant, dirty, and rotten water. Shadowflame seemed to love it, as expected. I almost vomited. "Disgusting as hell." This taste was truly rotten, unlike angel feathers, which I just didn't like by preference.

Fallen angel feathers also had much less divinity, just a remnant of a remnant and much weaker, duller, a dim light without what I can only say was God's 'grace'.

They still had a ton of energy, but if I were to compare them to an angel of the same league, with the same number of wings, fallen angel feathers had only half the energy, maybe even less.

It seems falling really had its price.

It was even somewhat impressive that Azazel managed to keep the den that was the Grigori running with such a fucked up disadvantage.

Well, at least Shadowflame seemed to have enjoyed the fallen angel feathers. It was kind of obvious, actually, a flame from hell enjoying that kind of... 'exotic food'.

I could feel that the flame was almost leveling up in rarity too. Before, I estimated it would take another day or two for that to happen, with Shadowflame only eating my energies and items I threw to it. But now?

A few hours at most, if I didn't throw more feathers for the glutton to eat.

My Semblance was also consuming less and less aura to devour the feathers. My teeth also weren't cracking as much as before and were hurting much less.

A few more dozen feathers and I was sure I wouldn't have as much difficulty devouring the feathers as I was currently having.

"I lost count of how many times his aura broke..." Glynda muttered at the other table. "Do you guys know how he regenerates it so fast?"

"Maybe it's because of the feathers?..." Weiss said somewhat dazed. I hadn't shown the new status of Shadowflame, had I? Well, let's leave it at that.

"Don't your teeth hurt?" Ruby appeared beside me and held my face in her hands, looking at my mouth. She seemed and felt worried.

"My teeth don't hurt, Ruby. Don't worry." They did hurt, but she didn't need to know that. The pain also wasn't strong compared to what I had already endured and lasted only a short while before my teeth healed.

She looked at me with a slight suspicion before stepping back and asking more curious than suspicious. "What are those golden lines on your teeth?"

Lines?... I pulled out a mirror from the VoidBag and opened my mouth to see what she was talking about and indeed, my teeth had small golden veins on them, or 'lines' as Ruby said.

"It's probably the physical manifestation of the Divine Anathema." I 'pulled' the racial trait 'back' and the golden veins disappeared. That was it. Curiously, I didn't know that happened.

Of course, my second racial trait made my eyes orange, but that was with me using it in a more passive way. And if I used it like I was using the Divine Anathema now? I'll need to test using it at maximum power later.

Preferably far from Vale or any human civilization, you know, to avoid possible accidents.

"Well, let's get this started, shall we?" I clapped my hands to 'wake up' everyone.

"Don't even think about it. I have a shit ton of questions. Amber can wait a few more minutes for this." Stark pointed at me. "Why do the feathers disappear and only leave light behind?"

"Is that your question?" Of all that was happening, he wanted to know that?

"One of them, yeah. It's a fair question." His avatar shrugged. Some others also seemed curious about this, like Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall.

Rin still seemed kind of out of it, while Kazuma and Aqua were quietly discussing about a profit percentage, since, in Kazuma's words, if it weren't for him, Aqua wouldn't even be able to negotiate with me.

Fukasaku seemed content to stay silent and watch without commenting anything. The toad was chill.

"In simple terms? Angels are more spiritual beings than physical ones." I explained roughly what I thought was the reason the feathers disappeared. "They're basically energy given form. I took the energy from the feathers, so I took their form as well."

"They're like constructs. Marionettes with a mind, in a way." Ainz scratched his chin as he spoke. He seemed lost in thought.

"Literal angels reduced to mere marionettes..." Rin muttered to herself, somewhat lost. It was a good thing she was sitting down and not standing at the moment.

"Don't let any angels hear you guys saying that, they won't be happy." Serafall added. "But if you say that in front of Gabriel, record it, I'll pay good money for her reaction."


This time, my teeth didn't even crack, just my Aura broke. Good news!

"Gabriel, the archangel?" Stark asked. "Or was he a cherub? I'm not really up to date with my Sunday school lessons, actually, I missed all of them."

"It varies from world to world. Usually, it's those two, but archangel would be correct here," I pointed to him with the fallen angel feather I was holding in my left hand. "And just to clear that up, Gabriel is a 'she,' not 'he.' She's a woman."

"A woman? Uh, you learn something new every day..." Stark murmured, unfazed. "Is she pretty?"

"Serafall is jealous of her. Draw your conclusions from that."

"I'm not!"

I scoffed. The denial came too quickly.

"Didn't Gabriel win first place in the underworld's most beautiful woman contest or something like that?"

"How the hell do you know that?!" Serafall leaned across the table and pointed at me. "And no, she didn't win, she wasn't even in the underworld! She wasn't supposed to be competing!"

I shrugged and tossed another feather into my mouth and a fallen angel feather to Shadowflame. The flame couldn't devour the feather as quickly as I could, but it seemed to be gaining speed with each feather it devoured.


"I thought you were going to try to create something with the feathers." Sirzechs spoke for the first time since this meeting started. "I don't think much will be left if you keep eating the feathers like this."

"I won't devour everything, and yes, I will create something with the feathers." A pair of wings, perhaps? I'd have to see for sure. A shield wasn't a bad idea either, but it wouldn't be as useful. Well, at least not for me.

Didn't Grongir use ink made mostly from feathers to create the flight matrix on his cloak? I'll see if I can exchange some of them for angel feathers; I should increase the rarity of the ink by a few levels.

After a few more minutes of conversation here and there, with a few more questions, we finally started what mattered.

"Here, I don't have many fruits." I waved my free hand and made three of them appear on the table. An apple and two pears. "Will you need one of the feathers? I saw you eyeing them before."

Jinn shook her head.

"No, just the fruits will do." She replied, looking at the black feather burning in my hand before looking at my face. "You're full of surprises, you know that?"

"Some people here have told me that before." I shrugged. I could hear Yang's snort and see Stark nodding. "I'll go check on Amber, how long does the potion take to be ready?"

"Two hours. But given the care of the occasion, Miss Jinn will be careful with the recipe, so it may take longer." Snape answered, of all people. He even had a respectful tone in his voice when talking about Jinn.

A few seconds later, the table was divided with Snape, Dumbledore, Glynda, Winter, and Weiss going to help Jinn with the potion. These last three because of their Semblances, Glynda had ridiculous control over her telekinesis, while Weiss and Winter had the glyphs.

As for everyone else, they came with me to Amber. Or, in this case, Amber came to us. Penny was sweet and moved her to where we were.

"Something I didn't ask before. But is there a link between Amber and Cinder?" Ajuka asked.

"Weren't you supposed to be there helping with the potion?"

"My help is unnecessary there."

"If you say so." I turned to Amber and 'pulled' my second racial trait into my eyes. "No, I had worried about that before, there's no link between Amber and Cinder."

"One less risk, then." James said in a neutral tone.

"I wouldn't say that." I looked around briefly. The remaining three members of Team RWBY were beside Penny, with James and Ozpin sitting closer and the viewers at the table behind me. "Even without this link between them, Cinder was the last person Amber saw before falling into a coma. If the potion fails and she dies..."

"There's a high chance the rest of the powers will go to Cinder even without this link." Ozpin sighed. "That's not to mention there's a great chance the powers will go to Cinder even without it, seeking to be complete again."

"No chance they'll return to you?" I asked, finally bringing this up. Even without that story Ozpin had told before, I could see now, with him and Amber side by side, the similarity that the Fall Maiden's powers had with Ozpin's soul.

"No, if so, that would have happened long ago." He didn't deny that he was the wizard in the story. It was obvious.

"A question." Kazuma raised his hand. "If the Maiden's powers came from him, why doesn't he just... take them back? Wouldn't it be simpler that way?"

Everyone's attention turned to Ozpin.

"I fear I cannot do that, Mr. Satou." Ozpin replied. "Whatever the Brother of Light did to my soul allowed me to divide and donate my magic, but not take it back. I fear I do not know the reason, even after all these years."

Kazuma nudged Aqua with his finger. Interestingly, people from the same world could touch each other even on the gaming table.

"Do you know something, some divine trick or something?" He didn't seem hopeful.

"I know why." I answered in place of Aqua. "Or at least I have an idea of why."

"You know?" She looked at me surprised. I nodded and began to explain.

"I said I had an idea." I sighed and began to explain. "The Maiden powers within Amber bear a resemblance to Ozpin's soul, but it's just that: similar, alike, not the same."

I fell silent for a moment before continuing.

"The best example I can give would be that of a father and a son who look alike; the part of the soul inside Amber would be that son, Ozpin would be the father."

"That makes no sense at all. Isn't it still his soul?" Kazuma pointed out.

"It is and it isn't..." How did I explain this? I wasn't even sure if what I was saying was correct. "Ozpin's soul is old, imagine an old painting, with its aged appearance and the air of antiquity, that's Ozpin's soul."

"Should I be offended?" Ozpin commented beside.

"Are you old?" I asked.

"Very much so, yes." He didn't deny it.

"There's your answer." He chuckled and I continued to explain. "A painting, no matter how well-cared-for, starts to peel over time. The paint fades, cracks, and breaks. Interestingly, Ozpin's soul doesn't. Whatever the divinity within it does, it immortalized that 'painting' forever."

Always identical, unchanged, unaffected by time, no matter how many years passed. Always the same, no matter how much time had passed.

"And the part inside Amber isn't?" Rin asked. She was probably jotting this down. "So that's why Ozpin can't reclaim the Maiden powers? Their 'painting' is peeling?"

"On the contrary, the 'painting' is new. Completely new." I chuckled at the 'WTF?' look she gave me. "Do you know the Ship of Theseus paradox?"

The moment my words were spoken, Ajuka started laughing amusedly.

"Is it a joke or something?" Kazuma asked. "Is it a funny ship?"

Stark was the one who answered him.

"The Ship of Theseus is a philosophical paradox. If a damaged ship exchanges its parts over time, after replacing all its parts with new ones, is it still the original ship?" Stark looked at me. I took the cue to continue.

"A 'painting' that has been restored multiple times, had its old paint faded so many times, and repainted over all those times, can it be considered the original 'painting'?" I glanced at the sleeping Amber.

"Especially since it's not a complete painting, but just a part of it? Can that part still be considered part of the original even after all this time? After so many alterations?"

"Remnant's reincarnation system." Ozpin sighed. "Whenever I die, for some time, minutes, hours, or days, I'm not sure, I always go to a 'white' room before returning. If the same happens with the Maiden powers..."

"Your soul is immortalized thanks to the divinity within you." I looked at Ozpin. "The part inside Amber isn't. How many Maidens have existed in Remnant?" How many times has the 'painting' been restored?...

"Too many to count. Only Miss Jinn should know, and I'm afraid of how big that number has become." He closed one eye.

"After so long, so many reincarnations... Is the part of your soul inside Amber still your soul?" Ozpin couldn't reclaim his powers, that was answer enough.

"But what about Qrow and Raven?" James spoke after a few seconds of silence. "They didn't die, could you take their magic away?"

"Before, yes, easily. But after so many years?..." Ozpin fell silent before answering. "It wouldn't be easy or quick. Much less without damage, and even then... I'm not sure if I'll fully recover the magic I gave to them."

"As I said, it's just a theory." It had some holes, but it was solid enough for me to be confident that I was close to the truth. "Feel free to discuss this among yourselves."

Ajuka was more knowledgeable than me when it came to souls, Jinn theoretically had all the answers, just had to ask her later to be sure.

"I'll start looking at Amber's soul, I want to try something." I warned and turned, putting my nightmare energy into my eyes and looking at the parasite in Amber's soul.

At the same time, I also 'pulled' more of my second racial trait into my eyes. I could feel everyone in the room, except my viewers and Jinn, becoming tense. Especially Penny, who looked at me almost alarmed before Ruby calmed her down.

"Warn us when you're going to do something like that, we're on delicate work here!" Glynda shouted from further away.

"My bad!" I shouted back. I hadn't even thought about it... I'll be more careful.

Even Amber seemed to move, her body reacting on its own, her instincts even in a coma, active, alerting the body of something dangerous.

"I don't want to be pessimistic, but in case Amber wakes up and doesn't survive for long, who have you chosen to be the next Fall Maiden? Or half of her, in this case." I asked, touching Amber's forehead and guiding my nightmare energy into her body.

The Bone Helm and my armor, long equipped on my body, aiding in my control.

It wasn't so cold, so the armor wouldn't help much, but if necessary, I could quickly cool the environment with the Ice Torches or even with the Ice Blade.

"Winter will take the place as Fall Maiden if necessary." James answered. I could feel the emotions of Team RWBY floating, especially Weiss's.

I kept part of my attention on the conversation with the rest and on the parasite in Amber's soul. This little thing... I could clone it, that was good, but it would take some time.

If I killed the thing, it would be quick, but without that I needed to make my nightmare energy 'scan' the parasite completely and, since I didn't want to accidentally kill the thing, the process was slow.

"The data on patient Amber's soul has changed." Penny spoke quickly as I started messing with Amber's soul. Was she connected with the machines that were connected to Amber?

That was useful, but...

"What's the chance of Penny being hacked?" If she could connect with the machines, it was fair to assume she could be hacked. I hadn't thought about that before.

"None, thanks to Miss Jinn and Miss Rose," James replied with relief in his voice. "They warned us of a possible move by Arthur Watts and Cinder Fall, the latter having installed a program on the CCT on the night of the dance. This information was reported by Miss Rose."

"And my little sister saves the day again." I could feel the pride seeping from Yang and the embarrassment from Ruby when the former pulled her into a hug in front of everyone.

"I imagine that program was eradicated from the face of Remnant?"

"Yes. I put my best men on it, Lord Stark was also of great assistance," James reported again. "Even though he's not present here, Winter was able to read his messages, which were very helpful to our programmers, who, I must say, only had praise."

"What can I say, I'm the coolest, plain and simple," Stark laughed and didn't bother being humble.

"Also the most humble," Fukasaku added with a playful tone.

It took me about half an hour to clone the parasite in Amber's soul, it only took a few minutes to 'be born' within my Spiritual Realm. Now, if everything went wrong, I could myself support Amber's soul with this thing.

Not that it would be healthy, as 'my' parasite would still be made of sins, negative feelings, and pure malice, really bad stuff for a soul in my opinion. But at least she wouldn't die.

I could use the Shadowflame, actually... I let my thoughts wander.

The flame could delimit and contain the exposure of the parasite in Amber's soul. It wouldn't be perfect, since the flame itself wasn't very healthy, but it would help.

"Do you need help? I finished what I wanted to do over there." I approached Jinn after cloning the parasite.

"We're fine here, don't worry," Jinn replied, focused on the cauldron in front of her. Didn't she take measurements using a pot? That's what I read in the (CHAT), why a cauldron now?

I looked at Snape. Something told me this guy was responsible for the change.

"Are you less restricted, Jinn?" I asked after a few minutes when I noticed she was conversing freely even when the subject was something no one should know.

"I'm not restricted in any way!" She laughed, swirling the wooden handle inside the cauldron. She only needed a hat left, she already had pointy ears and would be the almost perfect witch stereotype.

Of course, without the warts. Should I bring Nero out here? Every witch had a black cat, right? I looked at Jinn's side where McGonagall was. I guess she already had one...

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The gaming table." Jinn pointed with her foot, still not taking her eyes off the cauldron. If she had lifted her leg a bit more, she would have shown too much. But I was the only one here who knew she wasn't wearing panties, right?

"While it's active, I can talk as if I'm writing in the (CHAT). It's liberating!" She laughed happily.

That... was actually good to know. It didn't change much, since Jinn could write in the (CHAT), but it was good. She seemed happy too, so even better.

"Speaking of the blue lady. DS, aren't you going to ask Jinn a question?" Stark sat in the chair beside me.

"I'd say it's not necessary, but if you asked me that you must have a reason." I turned to Cactus-Stark. "What's that reason?"

"I asked her how her questions work, since it would be kind of non-magical and non-simple to just explain what the lamp user asked. You know what her answer was?" His avatar clasped his hands before opening them, as if revealing something important within.

"Jinn told me she puts the knowledge directly into the user's head!"

I blinked twice... Slowly... One eye at a time...

"Why am I only finding out about this now?" I turned to Jinn.

"I don't know what you're thinking, so I guessed he told you!" Jinn pointed to Ozpin without hesitation. I turned to the man who had a cup of coffee in his hands.

"To be honest, I thought you knew this information." He took a sip of the coffee. The worst part was he wasn't lying, even though he was having a blast with the situation.

I took a deep breath.

"After we're done here, I want you to explain this to me better, Jinn." I was actually happy, if everything went well, I even had one of the questions I was going to ask in mind.

How did people from Remnant use magic in the past?

Fuck learning magic normally, if I could cheat, I would cheat.


About the chapter: Some things might seem confusing, such as True Ether and Ozpin's soul theory.

Regarding True Ether, it was the best name I could come up with and what I thought was appropriate, given that the divinity in the feathers comes directly from the Big G. Even though it's the Big G from DXD, he is still him.

About Ozpin's soul: Well, that crap was never explained in canon. I've read some theories on why things happen and, well, I created my own theory that I thought was good. There are some holes, but of course, RWBY as a whole is more full of holes than a sieve.

I love the show, but you can see that the first seasons were just made to be made, without much thought.

Lastly, Jinn. Devas will use the question the 'correct' way. Don't worry. And YES! HE WILL FINALLY LEARN MAGIC!

It's about time, he has a ton of mana, or almost that, not to mention the monsters here and there. Especially now thanks to the 'Adaptation' to True Ether. It was about time for some magic to start showing up here and there.

Well, before I wrap things up here, I want to comment on the Rainbow Mission that Devas received:

I created it with one thought in mind: To meet characters and worlds that aren't important. (Or not important enough to have its own mission / That would take too much time.)

An example: Dr. House/Mieruko-chan/and a few others... I'm still a bit slow and can't remember more characters and worlds.

Basically, it's a place for worlds that wouldn't deserve their own mission but are still interesting. Of course, there's a bigger reason for the lore in that world, and I have some more ideas, but as always, no spoilers!

With that said, I want to leave a question: Which character would you like Devas to meet in the Amalgam World? Remember that it's a world, let's say, from the 2000 ~ 2020 onwards.

Comment below which character you'd like to see!

Finally, have a good night and happy reading!

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