Streamer in the Omniverse

Monopoly and travel.

Another delay, sorry for that, the chapter in (P)(A)(T) gave me some trouble to finish, but here we are.

Well, as always, if anyone wants to support me or just read 3/7 chapters ahead of my two stories, that's possible on my (P)(A)(T). If not, I still appreciate you reading my stories, thank you very much!

That said, have a good night and happy reading!



"Why am I blue?" Serafall's voice emanated from the avatar she controlled. The body was blue, as she had specified, made of icy blue leaves intertwined into a humanoid form with a vaguely feminine appearance.

I suppressed a grimace and explained. Even though she wasn't actually here, without her real body, her voice was enough for me to know she wasn't human.

The tone was different, not unpleasant to the ears, quite the contrary, it was a sweet and beautiful voice, almost too much... Melodious, tempting, and seductive.

I couldn't quite explain it, but to me, it just felt... Wrong.

"The stream creates avatars based on Terraria items. Yours is made of Shiverthorn, a plant that grows near frozen rivers and lakes." I had some; Annabel had sold me part of her stock.

I would have gone out and gathered several myself, but it seemed that the cold caused by Deerclops was too much even for plants made almost of literal ice.

Without wasting time, I pointed to the others around the table. All with humanoid avatars, but still made of something from Terraria. Plants, both mundane and magical.

The avatars also seemed to have the same height and body proportions as the people controlling them, even though they were just holograms with not much physics.

"Glowing Mushroom." Dumbleodore.

"Green Mushroom." Snape.

"Yellow Marigold." McGonagall.

Dumbleodore nodded to me while the other two examined their 'bodies' before looking around.

"Mushroom." Kazuma.

"Waterleaf." Aqua.

Kazuma had convinced Aqua to 'help' and asked only for money in return. Even though I didn't expect much from the goddess, since she only knew how to do things and not how they were done, I still agreed just to help the guy.

Aqua was clearly curious and looked where the Devils and Ainz were with apprehension and disgust, but she remained silent. Kazuma must have threatened her with something, probably taking away her drinks from what I knew of the two.

Ozpin, who was next to them, looked at everyone calmly and with some strangeness, especially at Aqua.

I pointed my finger back to where Serafall was.

"Shiverthorn." Serafall.

"Fireblossom." Sirzechs.

"Blinkroot." Ajuka.

Serafall paid attention to my words but didn't stop, moving around the table and the area, hopping here and there. If she were in her real body, I had no doubt her breasts would be bouncing along and drawing everyone's attention, but that wasn't the case with the avatar.

Sirzechs and Ajuka stood still, looking around without moving and with a more serious demeanor, even in their plant bodies.

"Jungle Rose." Rin.

"Cactus." Stark.

"Lime Kelp." Fukasaku.

Rin was clearly the most curious, but she was acting 'noble' and 'regal,' a persona, the same one she used at school and at the Clock Tower, as far as I remembered.

Stark was the opposite, relaxed and calm, with both feet on the table and his body leaning back, observing around.

Fukasaku was the only non-humanoid at the table. His frog avatar was sitting on a barely high chair, in silence.

Finally, I pointed to the man sitting next to me, the tallest person in the room, at least in his skeleton body.

"Deathweed." Ainz.

How ironic the undead, 'lord of death,' being this plant.

It was obvious that the stream had chosen the material for the avatars based on the personalities or powers of the person.

"Why Monopoly?" Serafall spoke again. The conversation was basically between me and her only.

"It's the only game I had that could support so many players." I pointed around the table. "This one, in particular, is a variation that allows factions."

Everyone was divided into trios, even Kazuma and Aqua; Ozpin was their third player. The only team that was different was me and Ainz, but it didn't really matter here.

Stark had tried to include Jarvis in the game, but without success. The stream had sent a message saying that 'something was missing in the chosen being to participate.'

"Wasn't there one that allowed unlimited players?" Serafall circled me as she spoke, watching me.

"Yes, but I don't have a billion SP to spend on it." Even this current table was expensive. I spent a million SP on it. Even to participate was costly, Rin, Kazuma, and Aqua wouldn't even be able to be here if it weren't for Stark sponsoring them.

At least, with so many participants, I had recovered a good portion of the SP I had spent quite quickly. I think I'll create a 'game weekend,' where I would pull these tables and interact with the viewers.

"You looked strange at me when you mentioned the name of the plant my avatar is made of. Any problem with it?" Ainz asked. Interestingly, his voice was and wasn't human at the same time.

"Yes and no. The place where it grows is the real problem." The Crimson and the Corruption. Two places that really weren't friendly, to say the least.

"Some kind of aggressive biome?" Ajuka spoke for the first time. "I searched the name of your world, but got no results. You seem to know it well." His voice was strange too. There were no changes in tone; it was almost mechanical, artificial.

I guess I was being prejudiced here.

"Yes. Terraria is an old friend of mine, if I can say so." I shrugged. "As for the question, let's just say aggressive is an understatement for those two."

"Magical flora? Or fauna?" Snape asked. "What's the issue?"

"Curious about the ingredients?" A confirming nod was the response.

"Both. The flora and fauna are magical, both are the issue as well. While I admit that these places would provide good ingredients for potions or any other type of crafting, I wouldn't recommend anyone go scavenging there. Well, unless that person wants a rather horrible death."

Some worlds here I'd give a week before being completely consumed by either of the biomes, even the strongest would struggle to resist if nothing much 'heavier' came out to stop the spread.

Without the seal that prevented those two, even Terraria would have been completely overrun before I even set foot there.

"Cozy..." Kazuma muttered.

"Basically Australia, but magical then." Stark nodded and crossed his legs. "I won't even ask if something like that exists in my world; I think it's better to avoid the stress. It's not my problem anyway."

"Wise words." I agreed with him. There were two types of problems, those that were mine and those I couldn't care less about.

In my case, the latter often ended up becoming my problem as well, but that's beside the point.

"Any more questions about the shittiest places in my world, or can we start this show? No? Great!" I pulled a whiteboard from my inventory and quickly drew the outline of a human body but with a piece missing, as if someone had taken a bite out of the drawing.

I drew a spider web where the hole in the drawing was and placed a small 'spider' in the middle.

"This is the current state of Amber's soul." I pointed with a laser at the board. "I want ideas on how to patch this up without killing Amber in the process."

The first to speak was Ajuka.

"Can you give us a glimpse of her soul's condition?"

"I can try." The spiritual camera should work in this case. If anything, I'd just ask for a refund from Ozpin.

I concentrated all my energy into my eyes and stared at Amber. Before, I had been able to see the damage to his soul thanks to the Grimm inside her. It was more of a 'feeling' than actually a vision, but now things were a bit different...

I felt my eyes slightly burn as the outline of Amber's soul appeared in my vision along with the parasite inside her. I didn't even need to look in the mirror to know my eyes were orange.

"It worked, DS." Stark was the one who responded to me. "Damn, ugly little thing. Is that inside her?"

"Inside the soul, but yes."

I didn't know how yet, but I would find out when I copied that Grimm.

I could see varied reactions to the sight of Amber's soul. The most common were disgust and pity, others curiosity and apathy.

"It's still fascinating how easily you can see the souls of other beings." Serafall chirped.

As if that were amazing compared to what some people here could actually do.

"It's better than I expected." Ajuka commented.

"I can't disagree." Ainz was the second to speak.

Was that him talking or him repeating something an NPC from the tomb said? Well, it doesn't matter.

"My idea was to create a matrix that could somehow nurture her soul." I drew a circle around the body sketch. "I have no idea how, let alone where to start. Any different ideas or useful information?"

The 'meeting,' if I can call it that, wasn't so long. This was just the first we'd have, something more casual, so to speak, just to get some ideas.

Ajuka, undoubtedly, was the most helpful, providing more ideas. After him, surprisingly Rin and Dumbleodore. They didn't know much about souls, but they could theorize some things I hadn't thought of.

"And the Grimm. Could you, like, steal it?" Stark was the one who asked.

"Is it possible? Your dark energy seems to have some effect on the Grimm." Ozpin asked next.

"Maybe..." I murmured. Yes, I could do that quite easily, but there were two problems.

The first was that I was keeping this 'power' a secret.

The second was: I didn't know if that would mess things up too much.

I couldn't just 'steal' the Grimm as Stark had said. I could do something similar, kill the thing and create one like it after absorbing the corpse, the problem was I had no idea how long that would take.

If it was a short time, that would solve some things. I was keeping the parasite in a state of hibernation using nightmare energy, but if I could control it, it would be much better.

If it took too long... Well...

"It's too risky." I shook my head. It wasn't worth the risk; if Amber died, the chance of her powers simply going to Cinder was high.

Raven gave me an idea of the 'potential' of a Maiden. I was confident in beating one without getting hurt, but empowering an enemy was stupid.

If Cinder just hid until the month was over, I wouldn't be here and things would get complicated.

"Tsk. Well, it was a good question." Stark sighed. His avatar, that is. "Things would be easier if we could just search the internet for 'How to heal a soul without any damn knowledge or items for it'."

"We have the knowledge, at least a good portion of it," Dumbledore replied, looking at the table. "We just don't have a way to apply it."

It was true. Ajuka had stated that he could easily heal this wound, as did Ainz and Aqua, but it was by means I couldn't replicate.

Ajuka's magic was something I couldn't even damn well 'copy' in a month, even if I were in DXD.

Ainz would use one of his dumb items and there, problem solved, same with Aqua, the difference being she would just throw divinity and healing power until things were sorted out.

"Devas... What if we really could 'search the internet' for how to cure Amber?" Ozpin asked me out of nowhere.

"What the hell... Damn it. Is it possible?" The knowledge relic, could this shit work? Why hadn't Ozpin tried this before?...

"Yes. The Lamp would easily know how we could do that. I hadn't considered the idea before because we couldn't reach it without the Spring Maiden, but..."

"But I have the key to the vault... Or at least the potential to have it." One in four. Twenty-five percent chance.

"What are you guys talking about?" Kazuma raised his hand. He and Aqua spoke the least, Aqua threw in some information here and there, but nothing too useful, Kazuma chose to stay silent.

"About something left by the gods of this world, a magical Lamp with knowledge and all that." I replied succinctly. "Damn it, I still want the sword..."

Was it selfish of me to say that when the Lamp could save Amber? Maybe, but I never said I wasn't selfish.

I pulled the key from my inventory before anyone could say anything else. The key was like a gate key, dark gray and jagged. It was a large key.

"Is that it? A key?" Aqua raised her head and looked at my hand.

The key chose this moment to start glowing and changing color, from the original gray to brown, from brown to white, from white to light green, from light green to red.

Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer.

The key alternated between these four colors for a few seconds before slowing down and stopping changing colors to a few.

The first to disappear was brown. Autumn. The second to disappear was red, summer.

"Fuck..." And there goes the damn sword. Now the best option was for it to land on spring, I'll ask the Lamp where the Summer Maiden is. I'm getting off this planet with that sword in hand!

The key continued 'blinking' between light green and white for a few seconds before the last color disappeared and only one remained.

"Spring..." The key changed completely to green.

Was it because I came to this world to save Ruby? The mission had been because of her, without that this key wouldn't even exist. Or was it for another reason? Ruby was also the one who unlocked my Aura.

Well, it doesn't matter. At least it wasn't Autumn or Winter, the two relics I couldn't get.

"You seem disappointed," Serafall commented. "Did the key choose the wrong color?"

"No. Spring is right." Ozpin nodded in confirmation. "Just... It doesn't matter."

My sword, damn it!

I examined the key before I threw it away.


[Vault Key (Spring)]

Type: Accessory/Consumable
Rarity: Amber

Use: Used to open the Spring Vault.

Description: Can be used in place of the powers of the 'Spring Maiden' to open the 'Spring Vault'.


~ Four seasons... Four schools... Four vaults... Four relics... ~


"Just information I already knew." It wasn't useless, just unnecessary.

"Where is the Spring Vault located?" I asked Ozpin. The man frowned before answering.

"Mistral... At Haven."

"Good. Let's kill two birds with one stone." Get the Lamp and see if that Lionheart guy is a traitor or not. If he is, well...

"Are you heading to Mistral?... Now?" Glynda looked at me and Ozpin as if we were idiots. "Two weeks before the Vytal Festival, with a possible terrorist threat to the city and with Leonardo possibly being a traitor?"

"The way you put it does sound like a dumb idea," I replied calmly.

"James will stay in Vale to protect the city. Qrow is also patrolling in case something happens," Ozpin said.

"I'm not worried about the city. The city is on high alert and armed to the teeth, I'm worried about you two!" Glynda raised her voice. "You're basically heading towards a place controlled by a traitor-."

"Possible traitor," Ozpin still held hope.

"With Cinder having the power of half a maiden and with other possible enemies. Do you want to die?"

It was nice of her to be concerned in a way, but unnecessary.

"I can't die, Glynda."

"I won't die, Glynda."

I'm pretty sure the sound of something popping came from her forehead vein.

It took us some time to convince Glynda and inform everyone of our departure.

"You're not coming." I pointed back when Ruby tried to board the Bull-Head we were on.

"WHY NOT?! WE CAN HELP!" Ruby yelled petulantly. None of the other three seemed to disagree, they even had their bags packed.

Sometimes being watched over at all times was inconvenient.

"And I don't doubt that. I know how strong you all are." I could see a faint smile appear on the faces of the four. "But Ozpin and I are heading to a possibly completely hostile location. I don't doubt your strength, but I can't risk your safety."

"We're not helpless maidens." Yang didn't hesitate to respond.

"No. I never said you were and never will." That would be pure and simple disrespect. "But it's foolish to risk you all like this."

I pointed to Ozpin, who was silent.

"That guy there doesn't die. I'm the toughest one here. We're the best option. A smaller team is also the best option, in case something goes wrong we can just run." I wasn't underestimating anyone in this world.

Damn if I wouldn't throw Ozpin over my shoulders and run if shit hit the fan.

"But why go now? It seems kind of rushed." Weiss pointed out.

"It's kind of rushed, but given the time we have it's necessary." Mistral was on the other end of the continent. It would take three days by Bull-Head to get there, thanks to the flying Grimm. Six days round trip, not counting the time it would take to get to the vault.

I had a month in this world, less, a few days had already passed, the sooner we sorted things out the better, so I could go back and start doing my own things.

I needed to finish sewing the armor with Deerclops fur and get my ship soon. It would take some time to cover it with runes and mystical symbols, I wanted to start early.

"You're being helpful by staying here too." Ozpin took a step forward and spoke. "In case something happens, you and the others protect the Vale. Everyone has their role, Huntresses and Huntsmen are here to protect people from Grimm."

"You know if something happens while we're gone, it's going to be your fault, don't you?" Damn, I recognize a flag when I see one.

"I'll jinx us, won't I?" Ozpin seemed amused. That bastard's audacity. "Sorry, it's been a while since I've been on a mission personally, I forgot that saying something like that was unlucky."

It took me a while to convince the girls to stay in Vale, all four insisting on 'wanting to help me'. I can't say I wasn't touched by how much they cared.

"We're watching. Don't think that if something happens we won't rush to help!" Ruby yelled as the Bull-Head took off.

Yang waved beside her with Weiss and Blake.

"Take care! And don't burn Mistral!" Yang yelled before receiving a tap on the back of her head from Blake.

"What do you mean don't burn Mistral?" Damn, what kind of reputation was I earning? I didn't even destroy things!

I shook my head and turned to Ozpin, who was piloting the Bull-Head.

"You said it would take three days because of the Grimm, didn't you?"

"Yes. I'll take a route with fewer Grimm. It's a bit longer, but we still need to be cautious. How's your aim in case you need to shoot something down from the air?"

"I'm confident." Ruby had helped me choose some weapons and bullets today before we went to Junior's. My arsenal wasn't fully stocked, but I had enough ammo and weapons to spend.

Dust bullets! I'll love using these things.

"But don't worry about the Grimm. Take the fastest route, I'll take care of them." I sat in the co-pilot seat. "How much time would we gain with that?"

"A lot, we could reach Haven in a day and a half." Ozpin chirped. "Less if we don't make any stops. I'm rested, and you?"

"Old man, please." I chuckled.

"That's what I thought. I'll trust you to take care of the Grimm then." Ozpin slightly changed the direction of the Bull-Head and sped up the ship, ignoring the slowly darkening sky.

"I think I owe you an apology." Ozpin spoke after a few minutes of travel.

"Why?" I asked without taking my eyes off the (CHAT). Why the hell were they arguing about which world was the strongest among them?

How the hell did this conversation come about?

"If I had mentioned the Lamp before, you wouldn't have had to spend what you did. You said you made a deal with that devil, didn't you?" Ozpin asked.

"I did, but don't worry or blame yourself, I came out ahead in that deal." Even though I spent SP at the table, it was still profitable for me.

A kilo of feathers from angels and fallen angels was much more valuable than SP. Did I want more? Yes, but a kilo was already good for the price of two questions.

As for my deal with Rin and Ainz, it was even less costly for me. Rin benefited from the short meeting, she learned more than she would in months. Those weren't my words, but hers.

She was happy, and I gained a 'dibs' on a Noble Phantasm. Win-win.

Actually, I was the one who came out on top in everything. It was good that Ozpin mentioned the Lamp late.

Ozpin nodded and fell silent again. I did the same and went back to reading the (CHAT).

Had they started a vote?...

[TheGreatGoddessAqua]: Of course, my world is the strongest, there's no comparison. I'm a magnanimous goddess and I'll leave second place to you all. (Emote of a proud water droplet).

[AdvocateOfGenderEquality]: DON'T COMPARE US TO THOSE ABOMINATIONS, USELESS GODDESS! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HORRIBLE THAT PLACE IS! (Emote of a generic guy pointing into the abyss). My vote goes to the abyss.

[(MOD)GeniusBillionairePlayboy]: I don't know about anyone else's world, not even mine really, but I'll vote for mine, patriotism and all. DS also said my world is dangerous, I trust him. (Emote of Iron Man eating popcorn).

[AinzOoalGown]: I will abstain from voting without proper knowledge. Even though I believe the world I'm in has potential, I'm not arrogant. (Emote of a relaxed skeleton).

[AsuraLady]: Hirano insists I vote between Stark's world and Rin's. Which do you think is stronger, Devas? (Emote of a little lion with a pink mane waving its paw). He said DXD is strong too, but at most top 3.

[MagicalGirlSera-Tan]: Blasphemy! I accept that my world is weaker than Marvel, I've read enough comics with Milicas to accept that fact, but third place?! NEVER! (Emote of a magical girl puffing out her cheeks).

[(MOD)RedHuntressLive]: How did this start? I blinked and everyone went crazy! (Emote of a scared Little Red Riding Hood).

[YellowHuntressLive]: Things heated up quickly. Hey, DS! Who should I vote for here? (Emote of Goldilocks pointing at the vote).

[BestToadSannin]: I'm kind of offended that nobody is talking about our world. When did we start being considered weak? Not even top 3? (Emote of a frog scratching its head in confusion).

[GryffinPotter]: They didn't even comment on mine or Percy's, we kind of got forgotten too. (Emote of a lion with a lightning scar on its forehead shrugging).

[JackSon]: My world is normal, maybe there's something like Mr. Tanjuro's world but that's it. I'm fine with that actually, Devas seems tired of all the action. (Emote of a seahorse shrugging).

Should I spill the beans or not?... I'll keep Percy in the dark a little while longer, it's better.

"The top spot is between Stark's world and Rin's. Any other doesn't even come close." It wasn't even a comparison. I didn't know which of these two was stronger, but it didn't matter. It was a competition for the top two and three at most.

Those who knew these worlds agreed with me. Rin seemed startled that her world was stronger than DXD, which was a world in the Age of Gods.

Serafall, on the other hand, spammed emotes of a giant red dragon.

"Accept the top three, Serafall. Don't try to understand the abyss." I laughed.

The Great Red was a monster, a dragon made of dreams that protected the world from invaders from outside. A being that had beaten 'infinity', a 'True Dragon'. There was no way to say he was weak, this shit was ridiculously absurd in every angle and sense of the word.

And yet, I didn't need to think much to find a dozen beings that would destroy him, both in FATE and in MARVEL.

I could even make a joke and say that just a simple spider could devour that dragon in an instant, not even leaving a memory of it behind, but that would be in poor taste...

That thing wasn't a spider, and it certainly wasn't anything close to simple.


"Grimm to the south," Ozpin informed me.

We had been flying for a few hours, the sky was already completely dark. Ruby had sent me some messages saying that several people were asking why I hadn't gone to class today, some relieved and others disappointed.

It seems I left an impression on the students.

"I've noticed," I stood up as I spoke. "Keep piloting, ignore those things."

For a long time, the malice emanating from them made me detect them further away than the Minimap.

I jumped out of the Bull-Head and used the double jump to leap back onto the hull and stuck myself to the ceiling with the Web Slinger, the spider hook. It was shorter than the Slime hook but had more 'legs': eight, while the slime hook had three.

Both were useful; I had them both equipped, one on each wrist.

As much as I wanted to simply pull out some weapons and shoot down the Nevermores flying towards us, I held back. I wouldn't need a bullet to kill a rabbit...


... Nor one to kill a Grimm.

As the Grimm approached, they were torn to pieces by the black hands of the Bone Helm. The malice and negative feelings that composed their bodies were absorbed in moments.

Not even their black 'blood' touched me, absorbed like the liquid malice it was by the Bone Helm.

"I'll stay up here. I see more of them coming!" I shouted to Ozpin, amplifying my voice with spiritual energy so he could hear me over the wind.

An emote of a hand with a thumbs-up was the only response I got. Ozpin seemed to enjoy communicating with emotes on the (CHAT).

I reduced the nightmare energy emanating from my body and the Bone Helm to the maximum to avoid scaring the Grimm and waited for them to fly towards us in silence.

I closed my eyes and breathed in. Let's see if I can alternate between using spiritual energy and nightmare energy while circulating my mana throughout my body quickly...

Could I read a few books at the same time too?...

"I'll use you for training, hope you don't mind." The response I received was a scream and a flurry of black feathers flying in my direction.

The response I gave was an exhalation charged with spiritual energy.

The Sun burned the feathers. Black hands tore through the Grimm.

Thirteen hours later, we arrived in Mistral.


"You know, I think this is one of the most beautiful landscapes I've ever seen in my life," I put my hand above my eyes and admired the view as Ozpin landed the Bull-Head.

Mistral was beautiful, a city built circling a chain of mountains without destroying anything, interspersing nature with the city.

The forests were beautiful, the waterfalls gave the place an almost mystical air, even the mana here was more 'pure', even if it was as scarce as in the Vale.

The best view was still to the shattered moon, but Mistral easily took the top two.

"I would live here just for the view."

"I did that for a while. Mistral has always had this beautiful nature as far as I can remember," Ozpin said as he stepped out of the Bull-Head.

I jumped to the ground and pulled the Bull-Head into the Voidbag.

"Maybe I won't give this back to you." I waved and started walking towards the city.

"As long as you take us back to the Vale, I won't complain," Ozpin shrugged.

"What's the plan?" I looked at the plants around and pulled some into the inventory. I'll see if I can make a garden later using some Runes and Mystic Symbols to acclimate everything.

I scratched my chin. Could I adjust everything to create a unique garden that sustained plants from various worlds?... I'll see that later.

"Walk and enter from the front. Leonardo doesn't suspect us; we have no reason to infiltrate," Ozpin sang as he walked, his cane leaving marks on the ground.

I kind of ignored that thing, but it had enough mana inside to blow up a good part of the Vale.

"Not one of the best plans I've ever heard, but it's good enough." The (CHAT) disagreed, I disagreed with the (CHAT). "If Cinder shows up, things could get complicated. I don't want to start a fight in the middle of the city."

"If she hides, we can ignore her and lure her out of the city," Ozpin replied. I nodded in agreement.

If Cinder didn't notice us, I could also attack her by surprise. I would feel her much further away than she could feel me.

It took a few minutes to walk to the outskirts of the city. I stopped before we entered.

"If Lionheart is a traitor, what should we do?" I asked, leaving the decision to him.

Ozpin seemed to consider the man an ally, a friend. Betrayal hurt because it always came from the least expected place.

Ozpin hesitated, his emotions became turbulent for a moment before calming down.

"I'll make the decision when the time comes."

His eyes were tired, old.

The man was immortal, ancient, but still human; I could feel that in this moment.

Ozpin started walking again without a word.

I looked at the man walking ahead, his back seemed old, carrying a heavy burden...

So be it...

"You said you lived here for a while, didn't you?" I put my arm around Ozpin's shoulder. "What food do you recommend?"

Ozpin seemed surprised before responding.

"It's been a while, but I know a restaurant that sells excellent ramen. The owner died a few years ago, but from what I remember, his great-granddaughter took over the business."

"Ramen?" I sang and pointed forward with my free arm. "It's been a while since I had one of those. Lead the way, old man."

I wasn't a hero, but I didn't need to be to help an old man with his burdens.


Well, as I stated, the 'meeting' was short-lived, perhaps it wasn't even necessary, but it happened, maybe another one will, whether Devas likes it or not, he learned many things from it, also gained. Angel feathers, strands of hair from a water goddess with purifying powers... What could Devas possibly do with these?

Well, I'm delaying here. Devas and Ozpin headed to Mistral, quite the duo, basically the two strongest men on the planet, even nerfed (by the creation of the Maidens), Ozpin is still a beast.

Devas is Devas, nothing more, nothing less.

Next chapter: Lionheart, Jinn, and a few more things. How will Devas react to simply a half-naked blue woman popping out of the Lamp out of nowhere?

Good night everyone and happy reading!

PS: They didn't even play Monopoly...

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.