Streamer in the Omniverse

Negotiating with the (CHAT).

Finally the chapter, sorry for the delay, I had to attend my cousin's birthday and ended up delaying things. 2 hours by car to go and come back, 4 in total, kind of wasn't my cup of tea but oh well.

As always, if anyone wants to read 3/7 chapters of my two stories, it's possible on my (P)(A)(T). If not, still, I appreciate you reading my stories, thank you very much!

That said, good night and happy reading!



"My eyes are orange..." I murmured, looking into the handheld mirror. Not the eyes themselves, or around them, but my pupils. "How do I get this back to normal?"

I had stopped using all my energies and returned to letting the second racial trait take a back seat, but still, my eyes wouldn't return to normal.

"Maybe it's permanent?" Ruby tilted her head to the side. "Your Semblance?"

"No. My status says nothing." Or rather, it did, but not this.

[Semblance forming: Blocked]

I still didn't have a Semblance, probably because of the peculiarity of my soul, and not only had I not 'discovered' it.

There was only one way out then...

I stared at the mirror in my hand in silence. No one spoke for about ten seconds before I moved. I raised my hand and pulled a spoon from the VoidBag.


Ruby was the first to react and jumped on my arm, snatching the spoon from my hands.

"Ruby, give me back the spoon, please." I opened my hand towards her.

"No! Not before you tell me what you were going to do." She looked at the spoon in her hands and then at me suspiciously.

I didn't have time to respond before she threw the spoon to Yang.

"Yang, use smash!"

Yang had little time to be confused before simply squeezing the spoon with both hands and crushing it into a silver metal ball.

"That was silver." I pointed to the ex-spoon in her hands. Yang shrugged and tossed the ball back to Ruby.

"Uncle Qrow's gonna pay."

"Me again?!"

We both ignored Qrow, Yang's eyes changing to red as she shook her head and pointed at me, finally realizing why Ruby stopped me.

"Are you crazy? Your eyes just changed color, mine do that every time I use my Semblance and I don't try to rip them out with a spoon!" She pointed to her eyes that had changed completely from lilac to red before pointing to Ruby's hands, where the ex-spoon was.

I stared at her for a moment before sighing.

"I wasn't going to rip my eyes out." I was... Maybe. At least I was going to do a test. "They'll grow back anyway." I think?

"That's not a reason to do that. You're not even sure if they'll grow back either." Weiss shook her head and pinched the tip of her nose. I noticed she did that a lot.

"Ignoring the previous incident." Ozpin coughed to draw attention to the room. "Why your irritation about the change in your eye color, Devas?"

"I like the color of my eyes. There's not a very deep reason." It was one of the only things about me that wasn't almost a copy of that 'thing'.

The color of my eyes was mine. Something of mine, I liked it.

"I see..." Ozpin looked at me thoughtfully before pointing to my face. "You'll be happy then, since they're returning to normal."

I quickly pulled the handheld mirror back from inventory. It was true, the orange color was rapidly receding, the color of my eyes returning to their usual honey brown.

The sigh I let out was one of pure relief. In fact, I was more relieved than I actually thought I would be.

As much as I thought about ripping my eyes out, I wasn't entirely serious, if I were, Ruby wouldn't have been able to snatch the spoon from my hands, or I could have just grabbed another one, I had many in the VoidBag.

The room fell momentarily silent before Ozpin resumed the conversation.

"Well, now that emergency surgeries have been canceled." Ozpin took a sip of coffee and continued. "What was that earlier?"

I felt everyone's gaze in the room turn to me with varied emotions in each pair.

"My second racial trait. I'm sure Winter told you about them." The woman, as far as I knew, hadn't slept these past few days, reviewing everything she could from the stream. She looked tired.

Was that why James gave her the invitation? Delegating the work and avoiding exhaustion?

"She did. But Miss Winter said you didn't reveal any beyond the first one." Ozpin nodded. "Unless she didn't see the stream where this happened?"

"No, I really didn't reveal." I didn't deny.

"Is it something you're uncomfortable showing?" Glynda asked. No, that was the case with the third racial trait...

"No. I just prefer to keep some things secret." Just like the eyes in my shadow. "It's something that involves humanity, if you want to know. Humans in this case, I can understand them better." It wasn't a lie, even though it wasn't entirely true.

Blake seemed confused by this statement, which was expected in a way, since she was a Faunus and yet my racial trait affected her.

Faunus and humans weren't so different to my racial trait. I won't lie and say I knew why, but as different as the two species were, with Faunus being less affected, they were still affected.

Terrarians didn't, I didn't even need to test, they were something entirely different, even though they looked very similar on the outside.

"We noticed. It was like..." Qrow shivered as if he felt chills. I don't think he even realized he did that. "It felt like I was back at Beacon as a student. Exposed, weak."

"I remember that time. You and your sister were the first to step forward when I asked for volunteers in combat class." Ozpin seemed amused by the memory. Had he been a combat teacher before?

"Yeah, we were young, stupid, and didn't know any better, thinking we were invincible." Qrow stared at the immortal in the room. "Perfect volunteers to set an example for everyone, right?"

Ozpin didn't respond, the smile on his face said it all. Qrow grunted and looked away, muttering, "Sadist." Which only amused Ozpin even more, who hid his smile behind his coffee cup.

What would they think if I told them that was me containing the racial trait to a large extent?

"You're not going to specify more than that, are you?" Qrow turned to me.

"No. At least not now." Not in the near future, probably. "Everyone deserves privacy. I may have less due to my job, but I still want to keep some cards close to my chest."

Qrow looked at me with slight suspicion before nodding slowly.

"Leave it, Qrow, we all have secrets." Surprisingly, it was James who 'defended' me. I wasn't the only one who seemed surprised by this.

"I didn't know you and our alien friend had gotten so close, Tin Man. The paranoid Morningwood not being paranoid? Did I miss some memo or something?" Qrow asked with a raised eyebrow before taking a sip from his drink flask.

Winter frowned at the man for the pun, Glynda sighed as if she were used to it, and Ozpin didn't react, watching in silence.

Team RWBY, on the other hand, seemed to be holding back laughter, even Weiss, who seemed scandalized and flushed, had trembling lips.

As for me, I forced myself not to react to the nickname; it wasn't that difficult, anyone with the internet had heard worse and much more often, I was hardened.

James completely ignored the pun on his last name.

"Devas has been nothing but courteous since he arrived and has proven himself an ally. I have no reason to suspect his character or powers." He explained, and I could feel that it was true...

Was it because of the racial trait? Had it given me some kind of heightened emotion detection? Or was it something else?

Nightmare energy had done something similar with negative emotions, but it was more of an instinct than anything else and didn't work as well without the Bone Helm.

In this case, it wasn't like that; I was sure James wasn't lying and was genuinely just trusting me, even though he himself was curious and wary...

…Nothing human is foreign to me.

Lying was human, trusting was human...

It seems that using the racial trait consciously for the first time had changed something in me...

"Devas. Why was I affected?" Blake drew the room's attention with the question. "I'm a Faunus, not human."

"Yes, you're a Faunus." I nodded in agreement. "But for my racial trait, you're human. Well, at least part of you..." I scratched my chin as I thought quickly.

"About half?... No. A bit less, maybe more..." It was kind of confusing; it wasn't exactly an exact math. "I would say, aside from some differences that Faunus have." I pointed to the top of Blake's head and her eyes. "They're basically humans, probably a subspecies, first cousins if I were to specify further."

Aside from the animal characteristics and some advantages that Faunus had like night vision and increased strength, agility, and stamina depending on the Faunus's 'animal species', they were basically humans, which was kind of strange to be honest.

I was sure that if I were to encounter a Satyr, my racial trait wouldn't classify them as 'half-human', but rather as a totally different species that resembled humans, like Terrarians, which wasn't the case with Faunus... I was missing some context here, something that had happened in Remnant's past.

Looking at Ozpin only confirmed this; the man had a distant look on his face, as if recalling an old memory...

"Cousins?... Basically the same species?... Why?... Why?..." Blake's murmur snapped me out of my thoughts. She didn't seem okay, her emotions even less so; they were tumultuous.

"Blake, are you alright?" Yang was the closest to Blake and was the second to notice the abnormality after me, followed by Glynda.

"Miss Belladonna?"

I could almost taste the panic attack Blake was close to having. Without hesitation, I stood up and placed my hand on her shoulder.

She tensed when my hand touched her, almost like stone, and turned to look at me. Her slit yellow eyes were completely narrowed and clouded, and her Aura was tumultuous and erratic.

Before she could react in a way that would end up hurting herself, I commanded my spiritual energy and nightmare energy to my hand, the former focused on calming Blake, as for the latter...

An eye opened in the 'shadow' that appeared in the center of my palm, a fact known only to me.

... My nightmare energy was focused on 'absorbing' what was putting Blake in this state, her negative emotions.

Sins are Sins...

I wouldn't have been able to do this about ten minutes ago, but after using my racial trait for the first time, something had changed. I knew what I could or couldn't do and how to do it.

Blake began to calm almost instantly as my two energies began to take effect. At the same time, I tasted a bitter taste on my tongue and my thoughts were tumultuous with feelings that weren't mine.

Fear, betrayal, anger, anguish, apathy, despair, disgust. Blake's mindset wasn't well; the information that Faunus were practically human hadn't done well for her.

I drowned those feelings instantly, forcing them down and throwing them into the mire lake, at the center of my spiritual energy, where I could feel the creation of a small Nightmare, the size and appearance of a cat, wearing a deer mask slightly different from the others, with four scratches in place of the eyes, two in each eye.

Curious... Why the difference?.

"Here, drink this, it should help." I pulled out a water bottle from the VoidBag and handed it over along with a Purification Powder pill.

Blake popped the pill into her mouth without questions and drank all the water as if she hadn't had a drink in days before handing me back the bottle, which I tossed back into inventory.

"Better?." Yang asked next. A nod in confirmation was Blake's response. "Great. Need some air?." Yang didn't wait for an answer and got up, pulling Blake out of the room.

Ruby and Weiss looked at me for a moment before following the two out of the room. I nodded as they left; I received four nods back and a whispered "See you in a bit" from Ruby.

"They're a good team, they care a lot about each other, and from what I've seen, their coordination in battle is almost flawless. As always, you have incredible luck in finding talent, Ozpin." James was the first to speak when the door closed behind Team RWBY.

"I like to think I have a good eye for it, not just luck, even if it's a factor." Ozpin replied back without denying.

"Bah! Half of that team was practically created by me, I deserve some credit here too." Qrow spoke before taking a sip from his flask. "I'd like to say they remind me of team STRQ, but I'd be lying, they're much better than us at that time."

"Not just at that time." Ozpin sighed. "As I always say, the new generation will always surpass the old."

"If we don't fail in our role, that's what I hope." Glynda responded; everyone nodded in agreement.

"STRQ?." I looked at Qrow after a moment.

"My team at Beacon, me, my sister, the bastard Taiyang, and Summer. Father of those two and mother, but you already know that." He pointed to the door with his chin before flopping onto the couch where the girls were sitting before.

"Speaking of being a third wheel... Or fourth in this case. The team dynamic must have been incredible... Your luck must suck." I returned to sit in front of Glynda's desk.

"You don't even know the half of it... Our dynamic in battle was amazing, we were the best, but outside of it?." Qrow scoffed. "Taiyang had the hots for Raven, Raven for Taiyang, and Summer for Taiyang and maybe for Raven too. The place was a mess; I slept in other dorms more times than in ours for fear of being murdered while asleep when that bomb exploded."

Ozpin seemed amused by everything while Glynda and Winter shook their heads at the man's language. James didn't show any reaction on his face, but I could feel his happiness with Qrow's misery.

"You still haven't discovered your Semblance, have you?." Qrow asked me; I nodded. "Let it be better than mine then, that shit..."

While Qrow grumbled, I turned to the others in the room and nodded towards the man on the couch.

"His Semblance is bad luck." Ozpin was the one who answered me.

"Bad luck?." Damn, was that even possible?.

"Not just bad luck, and I don't control this shit either; if it were directable, it would be good, but it happens to me too." He grumbled. "And these days this thing is confused too, working more randomly than ever. Hours of silence and then bam! Shit cat on the shoe."

Working randomly?... Ah!

"You don't know?."

"Know what?."

"He didn't read the reports Winter made. Qrow spent the last few days hunting Cinder and any information from her." Ozpin explained. It made sense for Qrow not to know then.

"Speaking of which, here." I pulled out the papers Junior had given me. "I've already read them, you can keep them." It was recorded too; I could read later if I forgot something, which at this point was rare.

"Don't know what? You guys gonna keep it a secret?." Qrow sat up. "Something about your magical phone?."

"Close enough." I pulled out my phone from my pocket and placed it on the print I had of my title before tossing the phone to Qrow. "Here's the reason your Semblance is confused."

Qrow's face changed expression as quickly as the feelings I could feel coming from him.

"Is this shit real?." He tossed the phone back to me.

"As far as I know, yes." I caught the phone in the air and replied somewhat amused at the man's disbelief. "Being close to me probably ends up scrambling your Semblance, at what distance I don't know, but it must be that."

Still, bad luck?... It might seem kind of stupid and weak, but if Qrow learns to control this thing... Damn, Semblances really come in all shapes, don't they?.

"That's it. You're my best friend now." I pushed Qrow away when he tried to hug me. "Come on, help a miserable man out; give me a hug here. Maybe your weird powers will mess up my Semblance to hell."

He opened his arms as if he was going to try to hug me again before falling silent and slowly lowering them.

"You figured out the link between my sister and Yang, didn't you? And said you could break it too... Want to do me a favor?"

"Would you undergo surgery if the surgeon was using a butcher's knife?" I asked.

"Yes. Come on, rip this thing out of me." Qrow opened his arms without hesitation. Ozpin interrupted there.

"No impromptu surgeries, Qrow. Especially not on your soul." Ozpin spoke the words slowly, as if speaking to a particularly dumb pet.

"I also don't want to have to tell Ruby and Yang that I accidentally left their uncle in a vegetative state." My second racial trait could help and guide me in some things now that I had used it, but there was no way in hell I was competent enough to 'operate' a Semblance.

Tyrian was the living proof of that. Did I use my second racial trait at that moment? No, but still... It was better not to risk it.

"Speaking of which. If we have nothing else to discuss, can we go see Amber?" I asked Ozpin. The Stream was at its peak time, meaning all the magic users who watched me were there.

"I'd like to discuss a few things first." James spoke up for the first time in a while.

"About my ship and my Dust?" The sooner I got my ship, the faster I could fill it with Runes and Mystic Symbols.

"These two should be ready in two weeks. I can get half of the Dust earlier, but the ship only in that time." James didn't miss a beat. I hid my disappointment and nodded.

"I'll take the half of the Dust first." I had to talk to Weiss later too, about buying from her company and everything. "What did you want to talk about then?"

The man didn't answer, but nodded to Winter, who stepped forward and pulled out a paper, a list... Which rolled onto the floor when she opened it.

"Summarize this shit and we can talk." What the hell was this? Is this thing like two meters long?

"This is the summarized list." Winter replied.

"Summarize more!"

It took about three hours to discuss everything from the summary of the summarized list.


"What's your idea?" Ozpin asked me next to Amber.

"Hiring someone to do things for me." Someone to sign my agreements. "But if it's about Amber, here." I pulled out an invitation ticket and tore it in half.

Before saying the name 'Ozpin,' I hesitated and changed the name.

"Invite Ozma to the stream." Ozpin wasn't surprised by his 'real' name being mentioned. I would have felt it if he had been. "Precaution in case something happens." If he dies and the invitation is spent on his current body.

"How does your reincarnation work again?" I asked as the phone appeared in front of the man. He hesitated a bit before answering.

"I guess it doesn't matter if they overhear this..." With 'they,' I think he meant Team RWBY. The girls had shown up after a while; Blake seemed and felt better than before, her feelings calm and tranquil. They all seemed fine overall.

"Whenever my current body dies, my soul wanders to a white place before I simply wake up in a new body." Ozpin explained and without me asking, he confirmed what I was thinking. "Not a baby, but a random body between ten and twenty-nine years old."

"Damn..." I spat out the word. "And the owner of the body?" Ozpin's shame wafted in waves, but he still explained.

"I don't have full knowledge of what happens to their souls, but their consciousness shares the body with me, being able to share control and alternate who's in charge and who's in the 'back seat', so to speak." He explained. "After a while, we merge, our memories become one... It's always just me in the end..."

He had a bitter look on his face; his feelings were even worse.

Ozpin was old, how old I wasn't sure, and didn't need to know to understand why this happened. Adding twenty years of experience to a thousand, two thousand? Maybe more?... It was clear who would be left in the end...

"You're angry." Ozpin said. It wasn't a question.

"I am, but not at you." I didn't know the beginning of the story, why he had been cursed; maybe he was to blame in the beginning, but not anymore, maybe not even in the beginning.

Although, at this moment, Ozpin, or Ozma, could be considered a parasite by some people, he was as much a victim as the people who 'died' every time he inhabited their bodies...

I shook my head and resisted the urge to look at Ozpin's soul, as I was sure I didn't have enough SP to analyze someone so old, especially with divinity inside the body.

One thing at a time, I could deal with the cursed man later, first Amber.

"Did you set your nickname?" I asked. Ozpin replied to me with a message in both (CHAT) and (CHAT-FATES).

[TheWizardOz]: Yes, I did. How curious... Well, I imagine everyone here must already know me because of the stream, but I'll introduce myself. Nice to meet you all, I'm Ozpin, the current headmaster of Beacon. (Emote of the 'Wizard of Oz' waving with one hand and drinking coffee)

"I like the emotes. I have several, some that remind me of how I used to be as well, how curious..." Ozpin murmured beside me, playing with his phone.

I took the opportunity to read the (CHAT), it had been a while since I had done that, the last few days had been kind of hectic.

[(MOD)GeniusBillionairePlayboy]: Nice to meet you dude. Your situation is kinda shitty, but good luck with everything, DS should help you out if you can manage. (Emote of Iron Man giving a thumbs up). DS! Some new folks arrived a while ago, Serafall brought her friends, I called the three of them RGB, one of their sons is even a fan of mine!

[CrimsonSatan]: I must say your personality is completely identical to what I read with my son and that worries me. As Mr. Stark said, Serafall invited us to the stream, nice to meet you, Devas, I'm Sirzechs Lucifer, the Lucifer Satan.

[GreenSatan]: Nice to meet you, Devas Asura, or Streamer, if you prefer. I'm Beelzebub Satan, Ajuka.

[MagicalGirlSera-Tan]: DEVAS, GIVE ME (MOD), LET ME CHANGE THEIR NICK, THEY LIED TO ME! (Emote of a magical girl stomping her foot angrily).

RGB friends... The funniest part wasn't even the nickname, but that Stark just didn't give a damn that the three were Devils, three Satans on top of that.

But... Sirzechs and Ajuka... The two strongest Devils, well, at least until the boob idiot and the emo descended from Lucifer surpassed them... The two seemed to be acting like Satans too, not like Serafall who was more laid-back and friendly.

A good cop and bad cop game? Maybe. As much as I wanted to think it was just my paranoia, chances are I'm right here, especially after Serafall mentioned 'connecting worlds'.

Serafall would be the friendly one, the one who attracts people there, who talks to everyone, the 'silly one', while Sirzechs and Ajuka are the guys who are just there to flex, to act more serious and show power.

I could even imagine: 'Sera-tan is nice, but that doesn't mean the Devils are weak, don't mess with us.'

Actually, carrot and stick are the right metaphor here. Serafall is the carrot while the other two are the stick, or in this case, a damn giant sledgehammer.

Ugh! Shitty politics. Screw it, I'll ignore that.

"Nice to meet you, Sirzechs, Ajuka, you can call me Devas or DS like the others. Welcome to my stream, here is a calm, friendlier and more relaxed place, I hope you enjoy yourselves as much as Serafall is." Translating: Don't fuck with me, don't try any shit, and we'll be fine. I was sure they had understood.

I went back to reading the (CHAT).

[TohsakaHeiress]: Two more Devils, two Satans and one is named Lucifer... :D. Devas, I have some questions but... I don't have enough money to pay for them, could I pay in another way? I can help with Amber's healing, I have some knowledge that might be useful. (Emote of a Chibi Rin sitting drinking coffee).

[AinzOoalGown]: Hmm... Lucifer, it's been a while since I heard that name, Beelzebub too... Devas, I can assist in the healing of this young lady as well, Nazarick has a range of knowledge more than exemplary, I'm willing to negotiate. (Emote of a skeleton holding a book).

[AdvocateOfGenderEquality]: Wow, everyone suddenly turned into mercenaries... Good idea. Hey, you shitty goddess! you know about souls, don't you? It was your job, come here and earn us a few bucks! (Emote of a generic guy pointing to a gold bar).

[TheGreatGoddessAqua]: How do you expect me to do that from here?! I'm a goddess, I never needed to study to know how souls work, I just know, use my power and poof! Things happen, don't belittle me Kazuma! (Emote of a Chibi Aqua sighing and saying: Mortals...).

[WiseWizardGleam]: I'm not specialized in the area of souls, but I'll help as much as I can, Devas. Serevus and Minerva also helped, but they're in class right now... Before I forget. Nice to meet you, Mr. Ozpin, or do you prefer Ozma? (Emote of an old man with bright eyes).

[JiraiyaIsAnIdiot]: Nice to meet you, Ozpin. Just as Dumbledore said, I'll do the same, Devas. I don't know much about souls, but I'll help where I can and ask for information from others here, I'll make Jiraiya-Chan and Minato-Chan help too. (Emote of an old toad with a book in hand)

You know, I'm sure many people in my situation would think of Rin's words, 'Could I pay in another way?' with a more... Happy context... Thighs and everything...

I don't, well... Not entirely. But right now I'm more tempted to ask her to steal Avalon from inside Shirou and hand it over to me than anything else.

I didn't even worry about the mana problem between worlds and all that. Avalon was Avalon; the sheath would simply say: 'Another world? Screw it.' and work normally, this shit was absurd like that.

But since I was sure Rin would either have a heart attack if I told her that some 'random' person had the Sheath of King Arthur inside their body, I'm not going to ask for that.

"The price I'm going to ask for is a 'dibs', Rin, just remember that." Screw it, Goldie's 'trash' was only trash for him who crapped out Noble Phantasms, for me, it was worth much more than gold.

Rin obviously accepted the deal, even though she knew I'd probably come out ahead. Being in a discussion about how to cure a soul with the people who were here was reward enough, she didn't even hesitate to accept, actually.

As for Ainz, well. In summary: He wanted knowledge from his world, knowledge that I didn't have, or didn't have before in this case, since Saya was an angel and had sent me some of the volumes of Overlord they had found there.

I searched for some things in the VoidBag as well and found some other volumes that I didn't even know I had, but it was kind of obvious to be honest, I had thrown everything I found in Japan into it.

I just wanted an update with a search bar for the VoidBag, my life would be easier, even though I could just 'grab' anything easily in there, I needed to know it existed beforehand, I had to look through a few hundred mangas to find what I was looking for.

I had fifty-two chapters of the Overlord manga in hand. After a quick negotiation, I agreed to throw three chapters to Ainz in the future and he accepted.

With that, I had some people to help already.

Rin, Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall, Fukasaku, Jiraya, Minato, Jarvis, and Ainz, or in the latter case, probably some NPC from Nazarick that Ainz chose to ask the questions.

"Is it over there?" I asked Ozpin. The girls, Ruby first, had asked me to create a (CHAT) for them to talk to Ozpin after he explained how his curse worked, even Winter was thrown in there, they had been talking ever since.

They took things more calmly than Ozpin expected, he was probably used to receiving anger, disgust, or something like that when he told them he 'stole' bodies, the girls just accepted it and asked a few questions.

Of course, they still thought the whole situation sucked, but it seemed like the stream had desensitized them to some things. Should I take credit for that then?

"Yes. It's been a while, I must say I'm pleasantly surprised with everything. And you, are you done with what you were doing?" He asked me.

"Not yet. But I'm almost, you can go discuss with everyone in the meantime." I waved to him and pointed to the (CHAT) I had created only with those who would participate in this discussion. Things would be more organized that way.

Ozpin nodded and went to sit down, going back to messing with his phone. I went back to look at the (CHAT), or in the case of the RGB group. Stark really outdid himself with that nickname...

[MagicalGirlSera-Tan]: 5 Questions of those "Don't ask that Serafall" and I'll make Ajuka help. I guarantee that with his disturbed mind this girl will be cured in five minutes! (Emote of a chibi magical girl raising her pinky finger).

"One of those questions there. They have that name for a reason, a few reasons actually." And the reasons were: 'I want what she had asked for' or 'There's no way in hell I'm giving that away so easily'.

There was also the option of me simply not knowing what she was asking for either. How the hell was I supposed to know what Gabriel would be doing in a month?

While I negotiated with the B from RGB, the G and the R remained silent, just watching, probably talking to Serafall outside of the (CHAT).

[MagicalGirlSera-Tan]: 3 Questions and a nude of mine, I'll even record a video if you want, you can even choose the outfit. (Emote of a chibi magical girl in a sexy outfit).

"The devil is tempting me with pornography..." I murmured amusedly. "Unfortunately, I'll have to decline. Tempting, I admit, but no."

[MagicalGirlSera-Tan]: Do you know how much they would pay for this? Lives, men would give lives for this photo, this video! Devils, Fallen Angels, Gods, Yokais, Chinese Immortals, even some Angels! And DROP THAT BIBLE!.

"How am I going to shield myself from temptation without my shield?" I asked, putting the bible against my chest before laughing and putting it back in my inventory.

"Let's do it this way. Two questions." I raised two fingers. "I'll answer two questions of the 'Don't ask that Serafall' type, but with one caveat..."

I knew what I wanted from the start...

"... I want two bags of feathers, one with black feathers and one with white feathers..."

... Let's see what I can do with Angel and Fallen Angel feathers...


Well, here's the chapter and some explanations:

Why didn't Devas ask for a Sacred Gear?

Response: Even though these things are created by Big G, they still lack divinity, the chance of them just 'breaking' with the transfer was high, not to mention the cost. Sacred Gears are hard to come by in DXD, at least without the right knowledge, and any Sacred Gear that could be useful for Devas and has divinity or enough power to function even in another world (without the help of the stream), wouldn't be worth the price for Serafall.

Not to mention the mess it would cause, after all, having one of those things just 'poof' from the system would alarm the entire Heaven. Since the RBG team wants to keep the stream somewhat 'private' for now, that would be imprudent.

Well, as for the feathers... If anyone says Devils don't have some of those things stored away, they're lying. You can point them out, the person is lying.

Devas is going to have fun with the feathers, so will I, many ideas. (Oh, yeah, the feathers have divinity, even the Fallen Angels, primary creations of Big G and all that, even in their 'grace' they are still angels, so much so that they can still use their light sticks. Seriously, I'm going to buff this thing, it was ridiculous in the anime...)

Well, the next chapter will be out earlier, don't worry. I won't delay things too much with Amber either, so don't worry about that either.

Well, I've rambled on enough here. Good night, everyone, and happy reading!

PS: I was thinking about posting the prologue of an original story here to see everyone's reaction, get some feedback, and any other suggestions on how to improve it. What do you think? I'll announce the day I do it, of course, so those who don't want to read it won't mistake it for a chapter. Please comment if possible, it would really help!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.