Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 33: The hunt begins

Kaelen wiped soot from his face, feeling the weight of the night's chaos settle into his bones. His Audi, once a symbol of sleek power, was now reduced to a charred husk. The Ravetham Fire Department was still working to extinguish the last of the flames as the police moved in, their presence immediately feeling less about helping and more about digging for something incriminating.

His wallet, miraculously spared from the fire, still held his ID, bank card, and cash, all intact. Yet the officers inspecting them seemed disappointed, as if they had been hoping for a reason to further complicate things. Their questions were pointed, more about him than the blazing wreckage behind them.

"So, what happened?" one of the officers asked, his eyes narrowing.

Kaelen met his gaze, unimpressed. "One of my nemeses tried to assassinate me."

The officer raised an eyebrow, clearly unsatisfied with the simple explanation. "That's it? You sure there’s nothing else you want to share?"

Kaelen’s patience was running on fumes. He crossed his arms. "I’m done here. Talk to my lawyer."

The officer's jaw tightened, frustration evident, but before he could push further, the familiar sight of Gale and her camera crew swarmed the scene. The tabloid reporter, always hungry for drama, approached with her usual energy—until her eyes landed on Seraphis. Her boldness melted into visible anxiety as she cautiously approached Kaelen, her crew hovering at a safe distance.

"Kaelen," Gale stammered, her voice faltering as she eyed Seraphis from the corner of her eye, "is it true you were targeted by one of your enemies and nearly killed?"

Kaelen, barely registering her presence, raised his middle finger in response. Without a word, he gestured for Loren and Seraphis to follow him toward the nearest bus stop, leaving Gale in stunned silence. She quickly turned her attention to the police and fire department, eager to salvage whatever story she could.

As they approached the stop, luck seemed to favor them as a bus arrived just in time. Kaelen handed the driver a hundred-dollar bill, worn from his wallet but still intact, earning a bemused look. Shrugging, the driver took it and let them board. The three of them squeezed into a row at the back—Seraphis on the outside, Kaelen in the middle, and Loren by the window.

An elderly kobold seated next to Seraphis gasped upon recognizing her. Bowing low, the kobold’s voice trembled with reverence. "It is an honor to be in the presence of such divinity. A mighty dragon like you."

A ripple of whispers spread through the bus as some passengers pulled out their phones to record. The kobold, consumed by near-religious devotion, tugged at her own tail, ripping off portion of it before offering it to Seraphis.

"It would be my greatest honor if you consumed my flesh, so that I might become part of something greater."

Seraphis, smirking at the attention, puffed out her chest. "I am the mightiest—second only to my brother Zagoth. Do not forget that."

With exaggerated flair, she devoured the kobold's tail, prompting another round of gasps from the bus. Kaelen, already past his limit for bizarre encounters, spotted a nearby car dealership and immediately pulled the cord to request the next stop.

As they stepped off the bus, a tiefling in the back shouted, "Are you really a dragon?"

Before Seraphis could respond, the elderly kobold slapped the tiefling hard across the face. Kaelen quickly grabbed Seraphis, leading her away from the spectacle, Loren following close behind.

They found themselves in front of Porsche Ravetham, a sleek, glass-front dealership that radiated opulence. The showroom glittered under neon lights, reflecting the polished exteriors of the luxury cars on display. The lot outside was lined with high-end models, each meticulously presented like a piece of art. Inside, the floors were pristine marble, and glossy black counters stood against large digital screens playing promotional videos of high-performance Porsches tearing through urban landscapes.

Kaelen wasted no time. Approaching a car dealer, he swiftly negotiated the purchase of a black Porsche Panamera 5, priced at $150,000. The credit card swipe went through smoothly, and after signing the necessary paperwork, the dealer led them outside to Kaelen's new car, handing over the keys.

The Panamera gleamed under the dealership’s lights, its curves sleek and predatory. Kaelen, Loren, and Seraphis piled in, and with a throaty roar of the engine, they sped off. The car’s handling was flawless, its acceleration smooth as Kaelen navigated through Ravetham’s bustling streets.

Taking the highway, they merged onto Riverbend Avenue, a wide boulevard flanked by towering glass buildings. The road buzzed with evening traffic, but it was a seamless drive. Neon signs flashed overhead as they cruised past office complexes and high-end stores, finally turning onto Highline Street. This quieter, tree-lined avenue led them directly to the sprawling Best Buy at the corner.

The Best Buy’s massive blue-and-yellow logo illuminated the entrance, the parking lot crowded with shoppers coming and going. Inside, the store was a hive of activity. The cool blast of air conditioning greeted them as they stepped in, the scent of electronics filling the air. Bright overhead lights reflected off polished floors, and rows upon rows of gadgets lined the aisles—from the latest TVs to cutting-edge laptops.

Kaelen guided them straight to the phone section, where rows of glass cases displayed the newest models. After a brief consultation with the store clerk, they decided on the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, one of the most reliable and powerful phones available. Priced at $1,299 each, they bought three, and the clerk confirmed they could keep their existing phone numbers on their current contracts. Kaelen was reluctant to buy Seraphis a phone, knowing it would be an uphill battle to teach her how to use it, but he figured it was a problem for another day.

Phones in hand, Kaelen stepped outside and immediately called Elara. She picked up on the second ring, her voice tense.

“Kaelen, what the hell is going on?”

“Where’s Jason?” he asked, his voice steady.

Elara sighed, frustration creeping in. “He drove off with Surge in his Lamborghini Estoque. Red Dot’s not far behind, chasing them in his BMW M4.”

Kaelen's jaw clenched. “Can you follow them?”

“I’m already on it,” she replied, her tone resigned.

Kaelen hung up and pocketed his phone, glancing at Seraphis, who was inspecting her new device with mild curiosity.

“Let’s go,” he said, as they prepared for the next leg of their chaotic day.

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