Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 34: Seraphis Unleashed

Kaelen gripped the steering wheel of his Porsche Panamera as he sped down the darkened streets of Ravetham. The engine purred beneath him, a calm rhythm that belied the chaotic scene he knew awaited him. Elara had sent him coordinates to the industrial docks—a place notorious for underground fights, illicit dealings, and gang warfare.

He pulled the Porsche over a block away from the docks, tucking it out of sight. With practiced ease, Kaelen stepped out of the car and reached into the backseat for his wolf helmet. The moment he slipped it over his head, his armor enveloped him in a smooth transition, transforming him into Lost Stray, ready for battle. Loren, by his side, adjusted her disguise. Her brown wig was in place, and with her wolf ears and tail, she was fully transformed into Maenad. But Kaelen noticed something different today.

At the docks, it was total mayhem. Don Cappo’s kobold grunts were locked in a brutal fight against Bankhands' goblin goons. The sound of metal clashing against metal, mixed with guttural roars and shrieks, filled the air. Red Dot, unmistakable in his scarlet armor, was caught in a heated argument with Jason, who was dressed in his 'Link Up' exoskeleton. Surge stood beside them, trying to calm things down.

On the far side of the battlefield, Warptor, ever the juggernaut, was locked in an insane battle with Delphinus, who laughed maniacally while hurling goblins and kobolds like toys. Delphinus dodged Warptor’s crystal shards with disturbing ease, sending explosions of magic and destruction across the docks.

Kaelen’s eyes drifted to Vex and Elara, who stood nearby, but far from the fighting. Elara, in her Strike persona, leaned casually against a truck with Vex, whose newly upgraded Hot Fire armor gleamed in the dim light. The two seemed completely unfazed by the chaos, watching the carnage like it was a casual spectacle.

As Kaelen moved to step forward, Seraphis suddenly huffed, drawing his attention. She stood there, dressed in her frilled dress and punk boots, arms crossed, with a pout that sent a ripple of dread through Kaelen. She glanced at the battlefield and muttered, “No fair, I want a costume too.” her eyes glinting with a dangerous hunger. Before Kaelen could react, her body began to shift.

Her petite frame stretched and expanded as peach-colored scales erupted across her skin, shimmering in the sunshine. Her limbs elongated, her fingers extending into sharp claws while her back burst open to reveal massive, leathery wings. Seraphis’s transformation was violent and awe-inspiring, muscles rippling as she grew into a fully realized dragon. Horns curled backward from her head, her serpentine neck now towering above Kaelen, eyes glowing with a primal fury.

A chilling roar erupted from her throat, shaking the ground. “I am a mighty dragon! FEED ME!” she screamed before launching herself into the air with a single powerful flap of her wings. Loren stumbled back, her face drained of color, eyes wide with terror.

Delphinus, mid-laugh, saw Seraphis barreling toward the battlefield. With a single glance, he vanished into thin air as though he had never been there. The goblins broke into chaos, screaming and fleeing in every direction. The kobolds, however, stopped dead in their tracks, dropping to their knees in worship of the dragon. Even Warptor paused his relentless assault to bow.

Red Dot, Jason, and Surge, seeing the massive dragon descending, scrambled for cover behind Jason’s Lamborghini just as Seraphis crashed down into the middle of the fray. Her claws landed on a group of fleeing goblins, crushing them beneath her as she began devouring them without hesitation.

Kaelen, rubbing his temples, sighed in disbelief. “Why now?” he muttered, wondering if she’d never tried transforming before today. The sheer scale of destruction she could cause in Ravetham sent a chill down his spine. “Of course… today of all days.”

To his surprise, Seraphis let out a deafening roar before shifting back into her humanoid form. Still in her punk outfit, with her dress somehow intact, she sprinted back toward Kaelen at an unnatural speed, her face covered in the gore of goblins. She smiled, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

Kaelen pulled out a handkerchief and gently wiped her face clean, his touch calming her. “You’re a mess, Sera,” he muttered with a sigh.

At that moment, Elara and Vex walked over, their expressions a mix of disbelief and shock. “Holy shit, Lost Stray!” Elara blurted out, wide-eyed. “Who the fuck is that? And where the hell did you get a motherfucking dragon from?”

Vex, cowering behind her, nodded in agreement, clearly terrified.

Kaelen, still wiping Seraphis’s face, shrugged. “She’s the mission Zagoth gave me. I had to form a pact with her. Now we’re bonded.”

Elara's jaw dropped. “Bullshit. No one can survive forming a pact with a dragon. You’d have to give up your heart or something insane like that!”

Seraphis narrowed her eyes, pink flames puffing from her nostrils as she glared at Elara. “Devil spawn! Show respect to your betters, or I’ll send you to hell with the rest of your kin.”

Elara blinked, looking as if she had been slapped. She hesitated for a moment before giving a weak bow. “No offense, mighty dragon. I just… I can’t believe Kaelen survived having his heart destroyed.”

Seraphis huffed, amused. “Believe it, devil spawn. My bonded is stronger than you think.”

Kaelen stepped in before things escalated further. “Enough, Sera. No more bullying Elara.” He surveyed the scene, now calming as Red Dot secured Jason and Surge. “It looks like our mission is done. Red Dot has Link Up. Let’s get out of here before this turns into a city-wide disaster.”

He looked back at Seraphis and Loren. “Let’s go find ourselves a lair somewhere and start up an official business. We’ve earned it.”

Seraphis let out a playful snort, while Loren, still pale, gave a hesitant nod.

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