Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 36: The Club’s Pulse

Kaelen drummed his fingers on the steering wheel of his Porsche as he drove toward the Black Fang, his mind already racing with plans for the new club. The sun had started to dip lower, casting long shadows over the crumbling warehouses of Shadow Fall, and the familiar neon lights of the district were beginning to flicker to life. Just as he reached the Black Fang’s parking lot, his phone rang. Glancing at the screen, he saw an unknown number flashing. Without hesitating, he picked up the call.

A sharp, almost melodic voice filled the car. “Yo, is this Kaelen? It’s Trap Icy. So, I just got a call from my manager and agent—they said I’ve got new management and that I’m under your label now. Oh, wait, they also said you don’t have a label yet.” There was a pause as if she were letting that sink in. “Look, I was also told you bought the Black Fang. Cool. But listen, I can’t use my old studio for free anymore. They’re saying I’ve gotta pay to record my new songs now. So, you gotta get a label name and set up a studio. And one more thing, my boyfriend Kunai is joining us. He’s a Kenku. Anyway, we’re making our way over to see you. Later.”

Trap Icy hung up, leaving Kaelen momentarily stunned. A label? Studio? He hadn’t considered the logistics beyond buying the club. Frowning, Kaelen quickly dialed Nero.

“Nero, you forgot to mention I’d need a label to manage artists. What am I supposed to do now?”

Nero’s smooth voice answered with an apologetic tone. “That’s on me, kid. I’ll handle all the paperwork for setting up your label. All you’ll need to do is hire promoters and distributors. I’ll send you a list later.”

“Good,” Kaelen muttered before hanging up.

No sooner had the call ended than his phone rang again. Another unknown number. Sighing, Kaelen answered.

“Kaelen! Oy Yo here!” chirped an enthusiastic voice. “I’m so excited to work with a real dragon! I’m on my way to the Black Fang. Can’t wait to meet you!”

Kaelen blinked, realizing Oy Yo, the kobold rapper, was already on her way too. He glanced at his phone’s clock: 3:15 PM. The day was slipping by faster than he’d thought. In the passenger seat, Seraphis was watching YouTube dance tutorials, while Loren, ever the multi-tasker, skimmed through something on her phone.

As they pulled up to the Black Fang, Kaelen took in the sight of his new club. The Black Fang was closed now, being a night club, but that would soon change. His vision for the place extended beyond just a nightlife hotspot. He was already thinking of how to convert part of it into a recording studio. As Kaelen parked the car in the VIP section, he spotted Elara and Vex already waiting by the entrance, dressed in their casual streetwear.

Vex smirked as Kaelen got out of the Porsche. “Damn, Kaelen. You really snagged yourself a sweet spot. Does this mean I can drink for free now?”

Kaelen shrugged. “Yeah, knock yourself out. I don’t care.”

Elara, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, raised an eyebrow. “So, what’s your plan for this place during the day?”

Kaelen rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I’m gonna turn this into an entertainment business. Music first, then movies, games, cartoons—you name it. But I need a lot of money to make it happen.”

Elara gave him a skeptical look, her lip curling in mild amusement. “Didn’t the news say you’re some kind of prince now? Why work if you can just live off that?”

Kaelen shot her a sharp look, his voice icy. “Because screw the crown. Screw politics. This is mine. Built from the ground up by me. Nothing was handed to me. Got it?”

Elara held her hands up in mock surrender. “Alright, alright. Geez.”

Before more words could be exchanged, a sleek, jet-black car pulled into the lot. It was a Lamborghini Centenario, sleek and aggressive, with custom neon lighting under the chassis that gave it a surreal, otherworldly glow. Trap Icy stepped out of the driver’s seat with a confidence that turned heads. Her long platinum blonde hair, streaked with pink, was styled in flowing waves, and she wore a fitted designer jumpsuit that shimmered with every step she took. Her heels clicked rhythmically against the pavement, and around her neck hung a chain with an iced-out pendant that sparkled under the dimming light. Her makeup was flawless, with a bold lip color that matched the subtle streaks in her hair.

“Damn,” Vex whispered under his breath, clearly impressed.

Beside Trap Icy stood her boyfriend, Kunai, a Kenku who exuded a mysterious charm. His feathers were sleek and dark, styled in a way that resembled a finely tuned mohawk. His beady eyes twinkled mischievously as he approached, his frame slender yet commanding attention. He wore a tailored jacket with intricate designs, a fusion of streetwear and high fashion, and a pair of fingerless gloves that accentuated his avian claws.

Trap Icy swaggered over to Kaelen, eyes raking him up and down. “Well, at least you’re cute. I love the violet eyes and the shaggy white hair. You’re such a strange mix for a half-elf.”

Kunai stood silently beside her, watching Kaelen with a mischievous glint in his eye, but said nothing.

Seraphis, curious about the newcomers, slipped out of the Porsche, stretching slightly before walking up to Kaelen. “When are we dancing?”

Trap Icy immediately perked up, looking Seraphis up and down. “Oh yes, girl! You slay! Show me what you’ve got.”

Smug, Seraphis cracked her knuckles and declared, “I call this the Dance of Death.” She began spinning, shifting from counterclockwise to clockwise, her movements mesmerizing and rhythmic. She suddenly dropped low, transitioning into an impressive twerk before rising again, adding a fierce jive to the mix.

Trap Icy started clapping, grinning. “Damn! And here I thought no one could keep up with me. So, what do you go by?”

Seraphis paused, thinking for a moment. “Dies-Ire.”

Trap Icy raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Desire, or Dies and Ire?”

Seraphis smirked. “Dies and Ire. Everything dies to me, and I have plenty of ire to go around.”

Kaelen watched, speechless at Seraphis’s quick wit, wondering if her primitive act was just a clever front. Before he could dwell on it, Loren stepped out of the Porsche and stood next to him, her expression unreadable.

Elara, who had been chatting with Vex, joined them and gave Kaelen a questioning look. “You gonna open the club so we can all get situated?”

Kaelen nodded, moving toward the front doors of the Black Fang. “Yeah, let’s get inside.”

They entered the dimly lit club, and Kaelen took a moment to survey the interior. The space was vast, with sleek black walls, crimson accents, and a massive bar that gleamed under low lights. Neon signs flickered along the walls, and the dance floor stretched out before them, ready to come alive with music. But for now, it was eerily quiet.

Kaelen pulled out a notepad and began walking the floor with Elara and Vex. They needed to decide where to install the recording studio. Vex pointed out a back room that had been used for storage, but with some renovation, it could become a soundproof studio.

Just as they were discussing layout plans, the club door swung open, and a small figure hurried inside. It was Oy Yo, the kobold rapper. She was small, even for a kobold, with black scales and wide silver eyes that sparkled with excitement. Her clothes were flashy—an oversized hoodie emblazoned with her name in glittering letters and a pair of baggy pants that shimmered as she moved.

She spotted Seraphis almost immediately and gasped, her hands flying to her face. “Oh my gods! It’s really you! A real dragon!” Oy Yo ran up to Seraphis, her eyes wide with awe. “I can’t believe I’m working with someone like you!”

Seraphis tilted her head, clearly enjoying the attention. “Yes, yes. I’m quite the spectacle, aren’t I?”

As the group continued checking out the club’s supplies and finalizing where to set up, Kaelen’s phone buzzed. It was already nearing 6:00 PM. Almost on cue, the door swung open again, this time revealing Valerian. His presence filled the room, commanding attention. Behind him were his maids and butler, each carrying a carefully wrapped package.

Valerian’s eyes went directly to Seraphis. “Your wyvern hearts, as promised.”

Seraphis’s face lit up with joy, and she eagerly approached Valerian, accepting the offering as if it were a treasure.

Kaelen turned back to the task at hand, knowing the night was just beginning. The Shadow Syndicate would perform at the Black Fang tonight, and the stage needed to be set up.

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