Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 37 + 38: Friday the 13 II

The Black Fang pulsed with a life of its own, a heartbeat synced to the rhythm of the night. It wasn’t just a club; it was a sanctuary, a fortress, and a weapon, waiting to be unleashed. The air inside was electric, charged with the thrill of potential violence and the promise of dark pleasures. The walls, sleek and black like onyx, reflected the glow of neon lights that flickered like fireflies, their buzz harmonizing with the thrum of the music. Holograms danced above, casting ephemeral shadows, half-there and half-not, glitching in vibrant shades of purple, blue, and silver. The space felt alive, like it was constantly shifting and morphing, responding to the pulse of those within.

Kaelen stood at the heart of it all, arms crossed, his gaze as sharp as the edge of a blade. His wolf helmet, a symbol of his identity, sat on a nearby counter, watching over him as if it had a mind of its own. Without the helmet, Kaelen’s violet eyes gleamed with an unnatural light, catching every movement, every flicker of shadow around him. His white hair, like silver flames in the dim light, added to his spectral presence. The Black Fang was his now, and it was almost ready—ready to be more than just a club. It would be a fortress, a weapon.

Elara and Vex were in the far corner, their heads bent over a holo-screen, deep in conversation. They moved like clockwork, each motion precise, their focus unwavering. Elara’s purple hair caught the light, shimmering as she pointed to a blueprint projected before them. Vex, his dark hair slicked back, nodded and gestured to the wall, his fingers tracing structural weak spots that would need reinforcement.

“We need to make sure the soundproofing is flawless,” Elara muttered, her voice barely audible over the low hum of the bass. “Not just for the music—for everything. Whatever we do here, no one outside can know about it.”

Kaelen nodded, his mind already calculating the logistics. Valerian’s influence had secured most of the equipment they needed. A single phone call had sent Valerian’s butler, a figure shrouded in shadows, out into the night to procure what was required. Power moved in silence, far removed from the chaos of the streets. It was effective. It was precise. It was exactly what they needed.

“Oy Yo,” Kaelen’s voice cut through the background noise like a knife, drawing the attention of a figure leaning against the bar. Seraphis, lounging nearby, glanced up, her eyes gleaming with a predatory glint, but Kaelen ignored her. “I need you to head out and grab the rest of the equipment from Best Buy.”

Oy Yo, who had been leaning back, casual as always, nodded silently. Without a word, she pushed off the bar and followed Valerian’s butler out into the night. Kaelen didn’t need to micromanage.

In the back room, the transformation was already in progress. The space had been gutted, stripped bare, and in its place was a sleek, high-tech studio.

Vex meticulously installed soundproofing, ensuring that not a single sound would escape. The walls were lined with acoustic foam, and every surface was designed to absorb noise, turning the room into a chamber of pure sound.

Elara, her hands deftly moving over glowing control panels, calibrated the equipment, her face set in concentration. The machines hummed with life, their gentle rhythm blending with the distant, pounding bass of the club outside.

Kaelen’s phone buzzed in his pocket. A glance at the screen showed the time: 6:33 PM, and a message from Nero: Got the paperwork for the label. Need you to sign.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. Paperwork was the last thing he wanted to deal with, but it was a necessary evil. The fact that Nero was handling the legal side meant the machine was already in motion. Soon, the Black Fang would be more than just a place; it would be a brand, a name that carried weight.

“Alright, take five,” Kaelen called out to the crew, his voice calm but authoritative.

Kaelen stepped outside the Black Fang. The cold hit him like a wall, sharp and biting against the lingering heat from inside. He inhaled deeply, feeling the chill settle into his bones, clearing his mind for a brief moment. The familiar scent of the city filled his senses as he pulled out his keys and headed towards his Porsche. With a deep breath, Kaelen slid into the driver's seat of his sleek black Porsche, the engine roared to life with a throaty purr, the powerful hum vibrating through the frame. He revved the engine once before pulling onto the street, leaving the neon-lit world of the Black Fang behind him as the city’s streets blurred by.

The Porsche cut through the city like a blade, its speed matching the intensity of his thoughts. As he neared Nero’s office, the towering skyscraper loomed ahead, sleek and intimidating. Parking the car in front, Kaelen took a moment to compose himself, the transition from chaos to business coming easily after years of training under Mason.

Nero’s office was an exercise in opulence. The walls gleamed with black marble, the windows tinted to give a panoramic view of the sprawling metropolis below. Kaelen moved with purpose through the lobby, ignoring the suspicious glances from the suited guards. He was here for business, nothing more.

Nero, a half-elf with an air of barely-contained arrogance, sat behind a massive desk, his fingers drumming a slow beat on its surface. “Kaelen Valrath,” he greeted, his voice smooth, almost mocking. “I didn’t think you’d be back in one piece after what I’ve been hearing.”

Kaelen ignored the jab, taking a seat opposite him. “I’m here to sign the paperwork. Let’s get this done.”

Nero’s eyes gleamed with amusement but didn’t push further. He slid a thick stack of documents across the desk, the legal jargon overwhelming, but Kaelen barely glanced at it. His name was already on the dotted line—this was just formalizing the label deal he’d been working on for weeks.

As he signed, Nero leaned back, watching him closely. “You’re walking a fine line, Valrath. The city’s a dangerous place for someone in your position.”

Kaelen didn’t respond, simply sliding the signed papers back. “I can handle it.”

Nero’s grin widened. “I’m sure you can. Just remember, once you’re in, there’s no backing out.”

Kaelen rose without a word, leaving Nero’s office behind.

Back in the Porsche, Kaelen let the familiar rumble of the engine soothe his nerves. The drive back to the Black Fang was quicker, the streets almost empty as the night deepened. He pulled up in front of the club, stepping outside the Black Fang, he could hear the roar of a motorcycle shattered the stillness.

Kaelen’s eyes flicked toward the source of the sound, sharp and focused. A sleek black bike pulled up, its engine rumbling like distant thunder. The rider dismounted with a fluid grace, her movements smooth and dangerous, like a predator stalking its prey. Fiery red hair tumbled down her back, and wolf ears poked through the top of her head, marking her as something more than human. Her leather outfit clung to her lithe frame, the tattoos on her arms glowing faintly with arcane energy that pulsed beneath her skin like molten lava.

“That’s Blaze,” Oy Yo’s voice came from behind Kaelen. He had returned from his errand, stepping up beside him. “One of the best producers you’ll ever meet.”

Blaze walked toward Kaelen, her eyes fierce locking onto his. She extended a hand, the energy in her grip pulsing, radiating strength and confidence. “Heard you’re looking for help,” she said, her voice low but firm, carrying the weight of someone who knew exactly what they were doing. “I’m in for 50 grand.”

Kaelen took her hand, feeling the raw power in her grip. “Deal,” he said, his voice steady.

Together, the three of them moved toward the Black Fang’s entrance. Inside, the club was already pulsing with life. Deep shades of purple and blue bathed the interior, and the throb of music filled the air like a heartbeat, the energy palpable. They walked through the crowd, Kaelen leading the way, when the heavy doors creaked open behind them.

Kaelen tensed instinctively, turning to face the new arrival. A small, green-skinned goblin shuffled inside, the long scar on his cheek catching the low light. His grin was too wide, too confident.

The goblin sauntered in, eyes darting around the room. “Name’s Raze,” he announced, his voice slick with arrogance. “Heard you were settin’ up shop. Thought I’d drop by, see if you needed some muscle.

Kaelen’s violet eyes locked onto the goblin, cold and unflinching. “Who the hell are you?”

Before Bankhands could answer, Trap Icy stormed into the room, her eyes blazing with fury as they landed on the goblin. Her entire body radiated hostility, coiled like a snake ready to strike.

“You?” she spat, venom lacing her words. “What the hell is this rat doing here?”

Bankhands chuckled, the sound grating. “Ah, Trap Icy. Still running with the wrong crowd, I see.”

Kaelen’s patience thinned as he stepped forward, his eyes flashing with barely restrained violence. But the room suddenly grew colder. Mason—Red Dot—appeared, his presence casting a heavy shadow. Behind him, Jason swaggered in, steam rising from his exoskeleton. The rest of the Breakers followed, the tension in the room escalating.

Mason’s gaze flicked to Bankhands, a look of disgust on his face. “You really don’t know when you’re out of your league, do you?”

Kaelen’s eyes never left Bankhands as the goblin’s grin faltered. His bravado cracked, and his hand twitched toward his coat. In an instant, he pulled out a spell-infused pistol, aiming it directly at Kaelen.

But he never got the chance to fire.

A single, precise shot echoed through the room. Mason’s gun was already holstered by the time Bankhands hit the floor, blood pooling around his lifeless body. The silence that followed was deafening, as if the club itself held its breath.

The club had taken on an eerie, almost surreal atmosphere in the wake of Bankhands’ death. The neon lights reflected off the polished floors, casting ghostly shadows across the room as Valerian’s maids quietly tended to the gruesome task of cleaning up. The mechanical efficiency with which they handled the bloodied remains contrasted starkly with the raw emotions swirling around the room.

Blaze, who usually thrived on her fierce exterior, was visibly shaken. Her eyes, always blazing with confidence, flickered uncertainly as she watched the maids zip up Bankhands’ body. Her hand trembled, a rare crack in her composure. "What the hell just happened?" she muttered, her voice betraying her confusion and fear. For a moment, the fire inside her dimmed, flickering like a flame fighting against the wind.

Next to her, Trap Icy had dropped to her knees, clutching Kunai, her boyfriend, with desperation. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered, "I can’t... I can’t do this." The weight of what had just transpired hit her hard, and despite the bloodshed they had witnessed before, this felt different. It was sudden, chaotic, and deeply unsettling.

Kunai held her tightly, murmuring soft reassurances into her ear. But his own expression betrayed his unease. Even he couldn’t entirely mask the growing dread creeping into his bones.

Oy Yo, the ever-cool kobold, stepped forward with her usual swagger dimmed, but her intensity remained. She began to rap softly, her voice a steady rhythm in the heavy silence. "In the shadows, we rise, no disguise, just the truth in our eyes. We fight, we fall, but we stand tall, through it all." Her words were a calming balm in the room, but even she couldn't fully shake the weight of what was happening.

Trap Icy wiped her tears, but her eyes darted repeatedly toward the scene. The sight of Bandhands, once a powerful figure, reduced to a lifeless form being handled so nonchalantly by Valerian’s maids, made her flinch. Despite her hardened exterior, something about the cold efficiency of the cleanup hit her harder than she expected. There was no dignity in it—just another body to dispose of.

Blaze, on the other hand, was far less composed. The flicker of uncertainty was quickly overtaken by rage. Her fists clenched so tightly that flames began to lick at her knuckles, her anger manifesting physically. "We need to hunt down Bankhands' goons," she growled through gritted teeth, her voice a low rumble of barely contained fury. The fire in her was building, ready to explode at any moment.

Kaelen, ever the leader, sensed the growing tension in the room. His violet eyes scanned the group, assessing their emotional states. He knew that if he didn’t take control now, things would spiral quickly. "Everyone, listen up," he said, his voice firm but calm. He locked eyes with Blaze. "Breathe." Then, turning to Trap Icy, he softened slightly, "We’ve got your back." Finally, his gaze landed on Oy Yo, who had stopped her rap to listen. "Keep that fire," he added, nodding toward her.

Blaze swallowed hard, the magic around her hands dimming as she exhaled, forcing herself to calm down. Trap Icy, still shaken, gripped Kunai’s hand tightly as she stood.

Valerian’s maids worked quietly, their dark uniforms pristine despite the task at hand. They moved like shadows, efficient and silent, as they zipped up Bankhands' body, his blood-soaked remains now reduced to just another mess to clean. It was unsettling how easily they handled it, as if this was routine.

Kaelen watched the scene unfold with an unreadable expression. His mind, however, was racing. This was only the beginning, a dark prelude to what was coming next. "This is just the beginning," he muttered under his breath, the weight of the situation settling heavily on his shoulders.

Mason, leaning casually against the bar, glanced at Kaelen. His expression was cold, his emotions locked away behind a mask of calm. "Let them come," he said, his voice a low, dangerous growl. "We’ll be ready."

Around them, the room had fallen into a strange, uneasy calm. The Breakers gathered at the bar, discussing their next move in hushed tones. Jason leaned back, lighting up a joint, the familiar grin creeping across his face as smoke curled lazily around him. Bolt and Patch were deep in conversation, their voices a low murmur of technical jargon, while Glitch flickered in and out of sight, teasing Surge, who remained focused on adjusting her combat maid outfit.

It was then that Delphinus materialized in the middle of the club, his sudden appearance sending another ripple of unease through the room. The pink psychic dolphin hovered effortlessly, his sleek, iridescent body shimmering in the dim light. But there was a hollow look in his eyes, a flicker of uncertainty that hadn’t been there before. The sight of Valerian’s maids cleaning up Bankhands’ body struck him like a physical blow.

Delphinus locked eyes with Kaelen for a brief moment, and in that instant, Kaelen knew the truth—Delphinus hadn’t expected this.

For the first time, Delphinus faltered. He hadn’t anticipated being outmatched so quickly, and it showed in the way his eyes darted around the room, calculating and recalculating his next move. But he was a master of deception, and within seconds, he regained his composure, flashing a thin, cold smile before he disappeared just as quickly as he had arrived.

Kaelen watched him go, his heart pounding in his chest, his mind racing. Delphinus, he thought, a familiar surge of anger rising within him. There was no hesitation in that truth—Delphinus was a predator, cunning and merciless.

Kaelen stood still, his mind still turning over the encounter. The forced smile on Delphinus' face replayed in his head, over and over, like a broken record.

He knew what that smile meant. It wasn’t retreat—it was a distraction.

He did that so we wouldn’t see him coming.

Kaelen's gut twisted, a sickening realization dawning on him. Delphinus wasn’t leaving; he was planning. He had already set his pieces in motion, and they wouldn’t even know it until the trap was sprung. That smile—it was the smile of a being who already had his next move mapped out, a move that was happening right now.

His violet eyes scanned the room.

Mason, leaning casually against the bar with a drink in hand, seemingly unbothered by the earlier confrontation.

Jason, who had taken to lounging on a nearby couch, still exhaling clouds of smoke from his joint.

Seraphis, licking the last drops of blood from her lips, her hunger momentarily sated.

Elara and Vex, deep in conversation, oblivious to the danger that lingered in the air. They were all too relaxed, too at ease. It was a vulnerability—one that Delphinus would exploit.

Kaelen's pulse quickened. We’re sitting ducks. He could feel the walls closing in, the cold hands of doubt creeping up his spine. Delphinus was already playing his game, and they were standing right in the middle of the board.

"Everyone, listen up!" Kaelen's voice cut through the heavy silence, sharper than any blade. Heads turned, eyes locking onto him. The casual atmosphere in the room shifted immediately, tension coiling tight. "Delphinus is planning something. We need to be ready."

Mason raised an eyebrow, his usual smirk fading as he straightened up, setting his glass down on the counter. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking this is a setup," Kaelen said, pacing, his mind whirring. "He's making moves we can't see yet. We need to assume he's coming for us—tonight, tomorrow, it doesn’t matter. We prepare now."

Jason chuckled darkly from his seat, blowing out another puff of smoke. "You always were paranoid, lil bro."

"Maybe." Kaelen shot his brother a sharp look, the weight of his words pressing down on him. "But paranoia's kept me alive this long."

The room fell silent again, the weight of Kaelen’s words sinking in. Everyone felt it—the shift in the air, the way the shadows seemed to stretch a little too far, the uneasy stillness that clung to every corner. Delphinus had made his presence known, but that was only the first strike.

Mason nodded, his face growing more serious by the second. "Alright. We gear up. Vex, get the surveillance online. Glitch, I need you to monitor any disturbances around the perimeter. Bolt, Surge—prep for defense. If Delphinus tries to pull anything, we’ll know about it."

Kaelen's heart pounded in his chest, but his mind was clear.

The neon lights flickered overhead, casting long shadows on the floor. Kaelen’s hand instinctively summoned his soul gun, the cold metal of his soul weapon comforting in his grip. He glanced at the wolf helmet on the counter, feeling the weight of the identity he had chosen to shed for now. But perhaps he needed it now more than ever.

Delphinus was a master of illusion, deception, and manipulation. He thrived in the unseen, striking from the shadows when his prey least expected it. And Kaelen had a sinking feeling that the real threat was not just outside the walls of the Black Fang but somewhere inside as well.

Kaelen turned to Mason, who was already pulling up blueprints of the building on a holo-screen. "We’re missing something. I can feel it."

Mason looked at him, his eyes sharp and focused. "Then trust your instincts. What aren’t we seeing?"

Kaelen's mind raced, trying to piece together the fragments. Delphinus had shown up, made his presence known, and then left. But why? If he was planning an attack, why alert them at all?

His thoughts drifted to the shadows in the corners, the places they couldn’t see. Delphinus had always been two steps ahead, hiding in plain sight. He could have already set the trap, planted his agents—or worse, corrupted someone from within.

Kaelen clenched his fists. The fight wouldn’t be about brute force. It would be a game of wits, and the stakes were higher than they had ever been.

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