Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 39: The Price of Power

The night outside the Black Fang was a cascade of flashing red and blue lights, the sound of engines rumbling as the Ravetham Police Department’s armored SWAT vehicles came to a halt. Tactical officers, shields raised and weapons at the ready, poured out from the vehicles in tight formations, establishing a perimeter around the nightclub. Floodlights washed the street in harsh brightness, painting everything in stark relief.

The doors to the Black Fang opened, and Kaelen stepped forward, hands raised in a gesture of surrender. His white hair caught the light, casting a spectral glow around his figure. His violet eyes were steady, even as the barrels of the officers’ rifles hovered close, watching him like a wolf pack prepared to strike.

The tension in the air was heavy, but Kaelen kept his cool, understanding how quickly things could escalate if he didn’t play his part carefully. He was a master at navigating tense situations, having been raised by Mason to keep calm under pressure. Tonight, though, felt different. Delphinus’s plan was clearly in motion, and the game was already being played.

From behind the line of officers stepped Sheriff Holden, a broad-shouldered tiefling wearing a grim expression. His mustache twitched as he spoke, voice gruff but clear.

“Where’s Bankhands?” he asked. “We’ve got video of him heading straight here. You better start talking.”

Kaelen met the Sheriff’s gaze, unflinching. “He’s dead,” he said flatly, voice steady.

The Sheriff raised an eyebrow, surprised at the bluntness. “Dead? You expect me to just take your word for it?”

“Go inside, you’ll see for yourself. But I’m telling you right now, Sheriff—this isn’t what it looks like. This whole thing stinks of a setup. Delphinus wants my club shut down, and you’re playing right into his hands.”

Holden studied Kaelen for a long moment, skepticism in his eyes. “Delphinus? You’re saying this was orchestrated?”

Kaelen nodded. “Exactly. He’s banking on this place being turned into a crime scene so you can keep us locked down for days, maybe weeks.”

Holden’s eyes darkened. “We’ll see about that.” He motioned for his team to proceed. Officers poured into the club, their flashlights cutting through the shadows as they began their sweep.

Inside, Loren stood near the bar, her eyes narrowing as the officers began inspecting every corner of the establishment. She was still dressed in her maid outfit. She shot a glance at Seraphis, her pink hair and red eyes shimmering subtly under the light.

“They’re going to rip this place apart, aren’t they?” Loren muttered, her tone sharp but calm.

Seraphis nodded quietly. “They will try, but as a mighty dragon, I will protect you, princess.”

By the far corner, Oy Yo, always jittery, crouched low, her silver kobold eyes darting around nervously. “Kaelen, they ain’t gonna pin this on us, right?” she hissed, her voice barely a whisper.

“Not unless they pull something out of thin air,” Kaelen replied, scanning the room with a calculating look. He could already feel the weight of the setup pressing down on him. Delphinus had made his move, and now the RPD were pawns on the board.

Trap Icy, leaning against the bar with an air of detached coolness, flicked her platinum blonde hair back. Her boyfriend, Kunai, stood silent by her side, his black feathers gleaming in the light. “Cops just wanna make noise,” Trap Icy said with a smirk. “They’ll do their dance, but they got nothin’.”

Kunai nodded in agreement, though his sharp gaze stayed trained on the officers as they moved through the club.

Suddenly, Kaelen’s thoughts snapped into focus. His mind replayed what had just happened. They had security cameras. Plenty of evidence. But after reviewing the feeds earlier, the footage was… gone. It had been wiped clean. His eyes narrowed as realization struck him like a bolt of lightning.

“Delphinus must have done this,” Kaelen muttered under his breath, the weight of the situation sinking in. “He wiped the footage.”

Loren overheard, her brow furrowing. “He’s covered his tracks, then. Smart, but it won’t hold. We’ll find something.”

Across the room, Valerian, ever the imposing figure, stood near the shadows, watching the proceedings in silence. His presence was enough to keep anyone at bay, the sheer force of his power quietly radiating through the room. “This is beneath us,” Valerian said softly, his aura almost showing.

As the Sheriff returned, visibly annoyed, his voice cut through the tension. “We’re going to need Bankhands’ body,” he said.

Valerian gave a slight nod, and one of his maids, dressed in elegant black attire, stepped forward from the shadows, a respectful bow before leading the Sheriff toward a back room where Bankhands’ body lay. Moments later, they re-emerged, the officers visibly more tense as they wheeled the covered stretcher out into the night.

Red Dot and the Breakers had wisely made their exit earlier, their absence noted by the RPD. Holden’s expression turned sour as he realized their main suspects weren’t even on the scene. He didn’t like it. Not one bit.

Blaze, standing by one of the steel pillars, her fiery presence barely contained, shot Kaelen a glance. “This is all a waste of time,” she said, her voice laced with frustration.

Vex, more restrained but equally irritated, crossed his arms, his gaze locked on the officers.

As the questioning dragged on, Elara stepped closer to Kaelen, her voice barely above a whisper. “We might need to get ourselves a lawyer soon.”

Kaelen’s jaw clenched, his violet eyes dark with resolve. “We’ll figure it out,” he said, his voice low but full of intent.

After what felt like hours, the Sheriff finally made his verdict. “We’ll be taking Bankhands’ body for a full investigation,” Holden said, eyes sweeping over Kaelen and his crew. “Until further notice, the Black Fang is officially closed.”

Kaelen’s heart sank. “Closed?” His voice was calm, but the frustration was clear. “For how long?”

Holden gave him a grim look. “Depends on what we find. With no security footage, this is going to take time. Days, maybe weeks. Consider your club a crime scene.”

Loren stepped forward, her sharp tone cutting through the room. “You’re wasting resources, Sheriff. This is a business.”

The Sheriff met her gaze but said nothing as he turned and marched out, his officers following behind.

As the last RPD officer left and the doors swung shut, the oppressive tension hung thick in the air.

Kaelen took a deep breath, pulling out his phone to call Nero. The line rang twice before Nero picked up, his voice a mix of curiosity and concern.

“Kaelen, what’s going on? Everything set for tonight?”

Kaelen sighed, his frustration evident. “Nero, we have a problem. The Black Fang has been shut down by the RPD. We can’t do the Shadow Syndicate concert tonight.”

There was a pause on the other end before Nero responded, his tone understanding. “Damn, that’s rough. But don’t worry, we’ll postpone the concert. It’ll still be available once your club is back up and running.”

“Thanks, Nero. I appreciate it,” Kaelen said, feeling a small weight lift off his shoulders. “I’ll keep you updated.”

After hanging up, Kaelen looked around the club. Vex had already taken Elara home in his truck, ensuring she was safe. Trap Icy and Kunai decided to stay behind, planning to record some songs with Oy Yo while Blaze offered to make them some beats. Seraphis, feeling sleepy, had already settled on one of the couches, drifting off. Loren, meanwhile, went to talk to Valerian, who was preparing to leave for his mansion.

With the immediate crisis managed, Kaelen knew his next step was crucial. He needed to find a lawyer. He pulled out his contacts, scrolling through the list, searching for someone who could help him out of this mess.

His mind raced through the possibilities. He needed someone with a reputation for handling high-stakes cases, someone who could stand up to the RPD and Delphinus’s machinations. He thought of a few names, but one stood out: Alyssa Thorne, a sharp-witted attorney known for her tenacity and success in defending clients against powerful adversaries.

Kaelen dialed her number, hoping she would take his call. After a few rings, a confident voice answered.

“This is Alyssa Thorne.”

“Alyssa, it’s Kaelen. I need your help. The Black Fang has been shut down, and I’m being set up. Can you take my case?”

There was a brief pause before she replied, her tone decisive. “I’ll take it. Meet me at my office first thing in the morning. We’ll go over everything.”

“Thank you, Alyssa. I owe you one,” Kaelen said, relief washing over him.

“Just make sure you have all the details ready. We’ll need to move fast,” she replied before hanging up.

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