Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 49: Purple reign

Trap Icy leaned against the bar, her drink in hand, eyes glowing with excitement as she looked at Kaelen. “I’ve got a killer idea for a music video,” she said, voice bubbling with energy. “I want it big, flashy—me, Kunai, your Porsche Panamera 5. It’s gotta be luxe.”

Kaelen raised an eyebrow, swirling his whiskey in his glass. “You want me in it?”

“Hell yeah,” Trap Icy replied with a grin. “But you gotta wear your Lost Stray cowl. That look? It’s iconic.”

Kunai clicked his beak in agreement. “It’ll make the video unforgettable. You bring that edge.”

Before Kaelen could respond, Nero strolled in, lugging the ARRI Alexa LF—one of the most expensive cameras in the business. Portable yet powerful, it was designed for cinematic magic, the kind that could make even the grittiest streets look legendary. Nero set it down with a satisfied smile.

“Only the best for this shoot,” he said, patting the camera like it was a treasure. “We’re talking 6K quality. This is gonna be legendary.”

Just as Kaelen was about to agree, his grandmother, Zelyndra, interrupted from across the room. She had been lounging in her usual queenly manner, but now she rose, gliding over to them with a commanding presence.

“I will only participate in this little project,” Zelyndra said, her voice icy and regal, “if I can put that maid of yours, Loren, on a leash for the video.”

Kaelen blinked, shocked. “You’ve lost your fucking mind,” he blurted out. “There’s no way in hell I’m letting you put Loren on a leash.”

But before he could argue further, Loren, who had been quietly nearby, stepped forward with surprising grace. “It would be my honor, milady,” she said, her tone humble but firm.

Kaelen stared at her in disbelief. “You’re serious? Loren, come on. Have some self-respect.”

Loren smiled sweetly, a soft gleam in her eyes. “Kaelen, it’s a druid maid’s dream to be walked by a queen. I’m doing this for my Nanna. It’s a family tradition.”

Kaelen’s grandmother seemed pleased by Loren’s devotion. “What a dutiful servant you are,” she said with an approving nod. “Perhaps I was wrong about you before. From now on, you may look at my face, but no eye contact.”

“Thank you, milady,” Loren said, bowing her head respectfully.

Kaelen rubbed his temples, exasperated. “Fine,” he relented. “Only because Loren’s so insistent, but seriously, this is nuts.”

Zelyndra, clearly satisfied with the arrangement, turned toward Seraphis, who had woken up on the couch and was stretching lazily. Zelyndra approached the dragon with a rare smile and hugged her, which took Kaelen by surprise.

Seraphis sniffed Zelyndra, tilting her head curiously. “Oh, I know you,” Seraphis said. “You’re that princess I let go back into the wild all those years ago.”

Zelyndra chuckled lightly. “It is tradition for the women of my family to offer themselves in service to the mighty dragons.”

Seraphis puffed out her chest proudly. “You may ride me whenever you like, but only if my bonded approves.”

She glanced over at Kaelen, her red eyes gleaming. Kaelen, already overwhelmed by the absurdity of the night, shook his head. “Oh, hell no,” he muttered.

Zelyndra stood up straight, her expression shifting to a mixture of superiority and amusement. “You still owe me, grandson, for getting you out of jail.”

Kaelen clenched his jaw, knowing he was cornered. “Fine,” he sighed, “but you’re not putting a collar on Loren.”

Before he could even finish the sentence, Loren had already placed the collar on herself, handing the leash over to Zelyndra with a sly smile. Kaelen blinked, unable to hide his frustration. “Loren, seriously? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Loren, however, looked back at him, her voice soft yet unwavering. “It’s for tradition, Kaelen.”

Kaelen couldn’t help but find Loren… sexy, but he kept that thought to himself. He sighed in defeat. “Alright, fine. But only because Loren’s got her mind made up.”

Kaelen, thoroughly done with the entire situation, walked over to where Trap Icy and Kunai were standing near the bar. “So,” he grumbled, “what’s this video going to be about?”

Trap Icy’s face lit up with excitement. “It’s for one of my tracks I never did a video for yet. It’s called ‘Royalty.’ The whole vibe is rich, powerful, untouchable. I want to show off everything—your Porsche, the Black Fang, all of it.”

Kaelen nodded, his mind already formulating the visual aesthetic. The Lost Stray cowl would fit perfectly—its sleek, black, wolf-like design with glowing violet accents would make him look like a mysterious, untouchable figure. The Porsche would be featured heavily, with shots of him driving through the neon-lit streets of Ravetham, the luxury of the car reflecting the status they were aiming to portray.

Nero adjusted the ARRI Alexa LF, making sure the settings were perfect. “We’ll shoot most of it outside the club,” he explained, “starting with a shot of Kaelen in the Panamera, then panning out to Trap Icy and Kunai in front of the club. We’ll mix in some slow-motion shots of you three walking through the streets like royalty. I’ll get aerial footage with a drone to show off the club from above, too.”

Trap Icy grinned. “And Seraphis? She can be in it, right?”

Kaelen smirked. “Yeah. We’ll have Seraphis transform into her dragon form for the climax of the video. She can fly over the city, and we’ll get a few shots of her roaring above us. That’ll drive the point home.”

Seraphis, still lounging on the couch, stretched lazily. “I’m game, but I want my close-up to be fierce.”

Kaelen laughed. “You’ll get it.”

As the shoot began, Kaelen, dressed in his full Lost Stray cowl, stepped out of the Porsche, the camera catching the gleaming black and silver exterior of the car. Trap Icy and Kunai stood by his side, Kunai’s feathers shimmering under the club’s neon lights, and Trap Icy looked every bit the part of a star, her platinum hair glowing in the dark.

The camera zoomed in on Kaelen, his violet eyes glowing beneath the cowl as he gazed into the distance, exuding power and mystery. As the beat of ‘Royalty’ kicked in—a mix of heavy bass, trap drums, and orchestral strings—Kaelen’s movements synced perfectly with the rhythm.

Girl want my gawp, I don’t talk to cops,
They too wet like a mop, I’m always on top,
Rolling through the block, got the city on lock,
Enemies wanna plot, but they know they get dropped.

Nero captured every angle: the subtle flick of Kaelen’s wrist as he opened the car door, the glint of his cowl under the club’s lights, and the powerful imagery of him standing next to Trap Icy and Kunai, the three of them embodying the royalty Trap Icy’s lyrics spoke of.

Money in my pocket, yeah, I’m living like a king,
Diamonds on my neck, watch the way they bling,
Everywhere I go, they know my name,
Rich and hot, I’m at the top of my game.

Loren, with Zelyndra holding her leash, made her entrance halfway through, adding an element of dominance and servitude. Zelyndra’s regal presence was showcased as she walked with Loren at her side, Loren playing the part of the obedient, loyal maid.

Finally, the camera cut to Seraphis, her massive dragon form towering over the cityscape. She let out a deafening roar, her pink scales shimmering as she flew into the air. Nero caught the shot from below, zooming out as Seraphis soared through the sky, casting a shadow over the Black Fang and the streets below.

Living life lavish, ain’t no stress,
Got the best of everything, nothing less,
From the Porsche to the club, we own the night,
Rich and powerful, we shining bright.

The final scene had Kaelen, Trap Icy, and Kunai standing on the rooftop of the club, Seraphis circling above them. The last shot captured the essence of the song—Kaelen’s eyes glowing fiercely through the cowl, Trap Icy and Kunai looking confident and untouchable, and Seraphis roaring in the distance as if marking their territory.

Nero smiled behind the camera. “That’s a wrap.”

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