Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 50: Family ties

The next morning, Kaelen and Jason found themselves in the midst of interviewing chefs for Kaelen’s new bakery, after buying Zeke’s convenience store from Zarvin Claw. Sitting next to the Black Fang, the bakery was intended to specialize in gourmet pastries and edibles, perfectly complementing the vibe of Kaelen's growing empire.

As applicants cycled in—some seasoned chefs, others enthusiastic culinary students—the real excitement came when a group of young, energetic women applied. They were cheerful, brimming with enthusiasm, and to Jason's delight, exactly the kind of vibe he wanted to bring into the business.

Jason leaned in and whispered to Kaelen, "Bro, we have to hire them. They’re perfect. Even if we end up with a few too many, I’ll pay them out of pocket until the place gets going."

Kaelen raised an eyebrow, skeptical of his brother’s sudden generosity. "You sure you want to cover all that yourself? We can’t afford to overstaff right now."

"I’ve got it handled," Jason grinned, his eyes glinting mischievously. "Trust me, it’ll be worth it."

What Kaelen didn’t know was that Jason had already devised a scheme. He had talked to the girls earlier, and they were all in on turning the bakery’s backroom into a secret porn studio, all under Kaelen's nose. Jason’s knack for setting up side hustles without his brother knowing was an old habit, and this one was no different.

"Alright," Kaelen sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "If you’re covering the costs, I’ll let you hire them. But make sure they know how to bake."

Jason gave a thumbs-up, already thinking ahead about how he would juggle the bakery’s operations and his latest clandestine venture. The girls were onboard, and Jason was confident Kaelen wouldn’t notice anything until it was too late.

Meanwhile, the weed farm Kaelen owned was ready for its first harvest, and now that the bakery was nearly set up, the only thing left to focus on was reopening his club. That would happen in just four days, on Friday the 20th, once he got his court situation sorted out. He was eager to get everything lined up, but at least, for the moment, there was a small sense of calm.

Detective Harper had stopped hassling him, Alyssa called daily with updates, and surprisingly, Vex and Elara had been busy with school and, to his amazement, each other. Kaelen had always assumed Elara hated him, but apparently, things had shifted between them. It was all a little odd, but at least it was one less thing for him to worry about.

With Delphinus off the radar and Zagoth leaving him alone, Kaelen felt like he could finally breathe. But that sense of peace didn’t last.

Just as he was thinking everything was under control, Grik suddenly appeared from the back of the club, pulling a gun and opening fire.

Kaelen instinctively summoned his soul weapon, ready to retaliate, but before he could even pull the trigger, Grik’s body was torn apart in a sudden, violent explosion of blood and gore. Kaelen blinked, his hand still on his gun, unsure of what had just happened.

Then, he heard the voice—icy and regal. "The best kind of vermin are the dead kind."

Turning around, Kaelen saw his grandmother, Zelyndra, brushing off her gloved hands, her expression as unbothered as ever.

"I am the strongest witch of the south," she said calmly. "They should have known better than to mess with my grandson while I’m around."

Kaelen stared at her, still processing the carnage, before muttering under his breath, "Fuck."

Zelyndra raised an eyebrow, her lips twisting into an amused smirk. "Don’t be ungrateful, boy. I just saved you a lot of collateral damage. Now all they have to do is hose off the filth. No bodies, no crime."

Kaelen sighed, feeling the weight of dealing with family. On one hand, he should probably feel sorry for Grik. On the other hand, dealing with the ruthless side of his lineage wasn’t new. Between his grandmother’s dark power and Jason’s constant chaos, this was just another day in his life.

"What do you want, Grandma?" he asked, knowing she hadn’t shown up just to save him.

Without a word, Zelyndra handed him a necklace, a dark, twisted artifact that gleamed ominously in the sunlight. The pendant, shaped like a coiling serpent with a blood-red ruby at its core, shimmered with ancient magic. It pulsed faintly in his hand, carrying an eerie warmth that seemed to recognize him.

"This necklace," Zelyndra said, her tone serious, "is a symbol of your being my successor. Wear it proudly."

Kaelen blinked, stunned. "Wait—me? I’m not going to the Underdark to live. Ravetham is my home."

Zelyndra chuckled, shaking her head. "You think royalty is tied to a place? No, boy. It’s in your blood. You can stay here if you wish, but know that the title runs through your veins. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, so live it up. Your time will come."

Before Kaelen could respond, Zelyndra turned and gestured to her security team. They escorted her to her ride—a sleek, black-on-black Drakemore Sovereign, an armored vehicle reserved for high-ranking royalty. The interior was lined with plush leather seats, and the dark-tinted windows ensured total privacy. As the doors closed behind her, the car glided away in silent, regal fashion.

Kaelen stood there, staring after her. The weight of the necklace in his hand felt like a thousand pounds. "Fuck," he muttered again.

Heading back into the Black Fang, Kaelen found Trap Icy and Kunai huddled over her laptop. She was working on a new project—creating a phone app and website for his businesses. The app allowed customers to book appointments at the zoo, bakery, and club, and even place orders for edibles, all discreetly under the radar.

"What’s this?" Kaelen asked, leaning over her shoulder.

"Just setting things up for you," Trap Icy grinned. "People can join in, no experience needed."

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