Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 57: The Shinkansen Descent

Kaelen helped Syra to her feet, his mind still spinning from the recent chaos. The sudden presence of Delphinus appeared before them without warning. Hovering in mid-air, Delphinus’ shimmering pink form gleamed ominously. A deafening screech of metal soon filled the streets as a massive Shinkansen train materialized above the crowd, hurtling toward them with deadly speed. Panic erupted; people screamed and scattered in terror.

Before the speeding train could crash, Seraphis, ever vigilant, sensed the danger and swiftly transformed into her dragon form. Her pink scales shimmered under the dim lights as she launched herself into the air, colliding head-on with the Shinkansen. The impact sent both her and the train crashing into a nearby building, leveling it in a wave of destruction. Dust and debris clouded the area, but moments later, Seraphis emerged from the rubble, roaring defiantly, unharmed by the collapse.

Hovering above, Delphinus smirked, his laughter echoing not in their ears, but in their minds. "I hope your friends in Ravetham are as well-protected without you there. But, alas, I feel Zagoth’s presence approaching. It’s time for me to take my leave. Sayonara," he said telepathically, his voice dripping with mocking arrogance.

As quickly as he had appeared, Delphinus vanished, leaving only the faint shimmer of his psychic powers behind. Kaelen, still processing the chaos, felt as though the shock of it all had numbed his senses. He stared at the aftermath until the massive shadow of Zagoth, the ancient dragon, descended from the sky. Zagoth landed heavily beside Seraphis, his imposing form radiating power as he cast a burning glare over the scene.

"Where is Delphinus?" Zagoth demanded, his voice like thunder, shaking the ground beneath them.

At that moment, Draken and Oy Yo arrived in a black SUV, pulling up just in time to see Zagoth’s imposing figure. Seraphis, now back in her humanoid form, flicked her long pink hair over her shoulder and smiled sharply at her brother. “You just missed him,” she said, her tone biting. “He’s no mighty dragon, just a cowardly fish who swam away.”

Zagoth snorted dismissively, his fiery gaze shifting from Seraphis to Draken, his son. Draken approached, his usual mischievous grin plastered across his face.

"Son," Zagoth rumbled, his tone softening slightly, "take care of your aunt. I’m going to hunt down that pink floating fish."

Before Zagoth could take off, Draken interrupted with a grin. “Wait, Father! Before you go, could you take down Ryuji’s hideout for us?”

Kaelen’s eyes widened in realization at Draken’s bold request—of course, using Zagoth to wipe out the enemy was audacious, but not out of character for Draken. Zagoth chuckled deeply, amused by his son’s ploy, and followed Draken toward the hideout, as though the task was merely a minor errand.

As Kaelen began making mental notes on how to handle the aftermath, a sudden voice entered his mind, spoken in Japanese but somehow instantly understandable. “A fledgling making a thrall during daylight? Impossible. Who are you, and why are you hunting in my territory?” The words carried an accusatory tone.

Kaelen narrowed his eyes, recognizing the voice as belonging to a vampire. Though the language was foreign, the meaning was clear. He instinctively replied, "My friend was injured, and I acted on instinct, feeding her my blood. I’m not a fledgling—I wasn’t turned."

The voice gasped in response, followed by a brief silence. Then, it returned, this time more measured and respectful. “I am Yamada Sagiri, leader of the clan that governs this region. What clan do you belong to?”

Kaelen hesitated. Although his father was Valerian Drakov, one of the most powerful vampires, Kaelen had never officially joined any clan. Opting for the truth, he replied, “I don’t belong to any clan, but my father is Valerian Drakov.”

Another silence followed, and then the voice returned with newfound deference. “It’s an honor to speak with you, Kaelen Drakov. I apologize for my earlier aggression. It’s forbidden for one clan to hunt in another’s territory without permission, but given that it was your friend, I will let this matter rest. I will visit Ravetham soon and bring a proper gift of apology. Please extend my regards to your father.”

With the confrontation behind him, and Delphinus no longer a threat, Kaelen, along with Loren, Seraphis, Jason, Draken, Trap Icy, Kunai, Mira, Naya, Syra, Bolt, and Oy Yo, returned to Valerian’s private jet. The flight back to Ravetham was smoother, with everyone in higher spirits after the successful trip. Kaelen briefed his father on the situation with Yamada Sagiri and how Syra had unintentionally become his thrall.

Valerian, always composed, confirmed Syra wouldn’t turn into a vampire but cautioned that she’d now require Kaelen’s blood weekly to avoid deadly withdrawal symptoms. Despite the intense events, the return trip felt celebratory. Kaelen and the others played Final Fantality while passing around a joint filled with Dragon’s Breath, filling the jet with its familiar haze.

Jason, as expected, couldn’t help teasing Kaelen about Syra. “Looks like you added another one to your harem, bro,” he quipped with a laugh.

Kaelen shook his head, dismissing the joke. “She’s just a friend, Jason. She was dying—I didn’t have a choice.”

During the trip, Syra seemed much more relaxed, her fiery, open affection for Kaelen having mellowed considerably. She spent most of her time with Naya, Mira, and Valerian’s maids, helping prepare meals and enjoying the camaraderie of the group.

Loren was quietly braiding Seraphis' hair, the dragoness enjoying the calm moment as she sat cross-legged. Meanwhile, Oy Yo and Draken had retreated to one of the private rooms, watching movies together. Trap Icy and Kunai, always connected to their social media, streamed live, recounting how Delphinus had nearly killed them and how "gangster" Kaelen had been in taking down Ryuji and saving Syra’s life.

By the time they arrived back in Ravetham, it was 6 PM on September 18th. The crypt's black market, with its eerie atmosphere, greeted them as Valerian’s jet landed smoothly. Kaelen knew that despite the success of their mission in Japan, new challenges awaited in Ravetham. 

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