Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 58: Lock & Loaded

Kaelen stretched his legs as he stepped out of the sleek, black Porsche parked in front of his nightclub, The Black Fang. The neon-lit façade of the building greeted him, its flickering purple and blue lights casting an eerie glow on the wet pavement. Despite the familiar sight, the storm brewing inside his mind remained unsettled. His recent trip to Japan had been fraught with complications—dealing with Oy Yo, Draken, and the tangled web of his family’s secrets—but now he was back in Ravetham.

He scanned the area, noting the familiar faces of his companions. Loren, Trap Icy, Kunai, and Seraphis had all returned with him, their presence a comforting anchor. Loren, with her blonde hair tied back in a practical ponytail, stood near the window, her sharp blue eyes scanning the streets outside.

“You okay?” she asked, turning her gaze to him. Her voice, usually edged with sarcasm, was soft and filled with genuine concern.

Kaelen shrugged, feeling the weight of his thoughts pressing down on him. “Yeah, just… thinking.”

She offered a knowing smile. “A lot to think about, huh? Between Japan and everything happening here… it’s a lot to juggle.”

Kaelen nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. “You have no idea.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll handle it,” Loren reassured him. “Just don’t overthink it.”

Kaelen smirked slightly, appreciating her attempt to lighten the mood. He let the conversation drop as he prepared to leave, needing to check on the new gun shop Surge and Elara had set up. He hadn’t visited since its opening, and it was time to ensure everything was running smoothly.

As he made his way out, he noticed Trap Icy and Kunai still asleep, their breaths steady as they curled up on the couches. Seraphis was quiet as well, her presence a comforting reminder of their bond. She didn’t speak, but Kaelen could sense her mind brushing against his, a silent show of support.

The streets outside were quiet, the early morning light casting long shadows across the buildings. The Black Fang club wasn’t far, and next to it stood the gun shop, “Lock & Loaded,” with its sleek, modern signage proudly displayed. Kaelen couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction as he approached it.

Inside, the shop was a blend of modern efficiency and old-world charm. The walls were lined with an impressive array of firearms, each meticulously displayed. Surge, ever the perfectionist, had ensured that every weapon was in pristine condition. Elara, with her keen business sense, had arranged the shop to maximize both space and customer flow.

Kaelen found Surge behind the counter, her usual maid outfit replaced with a more practical apron. Her brown hair was tied back, and she looked up with a smile as he entered.

“Kaelen! Good to see you,” she greeted him warmly.

“Good to see you too, Surge. How’s business?” he asked, glancing around the shop.

“Better than expected,” she replied, her eyes sparkling with pride. “We’ve sold quite a few guns already. Elara’s out back, checking inventory.”

Kaelen nodded, pleased with their progress. “Keep up the good work. I’ll check in with Elara before I go.”

He made his way to the back of the shop, where Elara was meticulously counting boxes of ammunition. She looked up as he approached, her expression one of concentration.

“Kaelen, welcome back,” she said, setting down her clipboard.

“Thanks, Elara. I hear business is booming,” he said, leaning against the doorframe.

“It is. We’ve had a steady stream of customers since we opened,” she confirmed. “I think we’re going to do well here.”

Kaelen smiled, satisfied with their success. “I’m glad to hear it. Keep me posted on any developments.”

Before he could leave the shop, Alyssa, his lawyer, arrived. She was dressed in a sharp business suit, her expression serious as she handed him a stack of papers.

“Kaelen, we need to go over these documents for your court case tomorrow,” she said, her tone all business.

Kaelen took the papers, glancing through them. “Everything in order?”

“Yes, but there’s something else you should know,” Alyssa said, her voice lowering. “Detective Harper is investigating Grik’s disappearance.”

Kaelen’s grandmother, Zelyndra Nyxaris, had killed Grik. Kaelen remembered it well—how she had flexed her political power, making Grik disappear to ensure Kaelen’s safety and further her own plans. And now, Detective Harper was poking around, looking into it.

He exhaled sharply. “So what?” he muttered, shrugging off the mention of Grik. There was nothing Harper would find. His grandmother had been thorough.

Alyssa gave him a wary glance but let the topic drop for now. There were bigger things at hand, after all.

Kaelen turned his attention back to the task at hand. “Is there anything else I should know about tomorrow?”

“Just be prepared,” Alyssa said. “It’s a tough case, but I think we’ve got a good shot at winning. I’ll handle the legal side, but you need to stay composed.”

“I’ll be fine,” Kaelen said, already thinking ahead to the court case.

With Alyssa’s business handled, she left the shop, leaving Kaelen to his thoughts. He lingered for a moment, feeling a strange pulse of energy deep within his chest, as if something was waking up inside him. It had been happening ever since he drank the unicorn blood Valerian had given him on the jet ride back from Japan.

At first, he had thought it was nothing, but now… he could feel it more strongly. A light, almost glowing sensation coursed through his veins. He wasn’t sure what it meant, but he knew it wasn’t something he could ignore forever.

Suddenly, his vision blurred, and the world around him seemed to pulse with a radiant glow. He blinked, and for a brief moment, everything was bathed in pure light. He felt weightless, as if he could turn into the light itself. He stumbled back, his hand reaching out for the counter to steady himself. The glow faded, but the strange sensation lingered, like a distant hum in his bones.

“Elara…” he muttered, still trying to shake the feeling.

She looked at him with a mix of concern and curiosity. “What’s going on with you?”

“I don’t know,” he admitted, running a hand through his white hair. “But something’s changing.”

With the strange sensation still lingering, Kaelen decided to visit Shadow Sweet. The building was an elegant blend of gothic and modern architecture, its dark exterior inviting yet imposing.

Inside, the atmosphere was warm and inviting. The scent of freshly baked pastries filled the air, and the soft hum of conversation created a comforting background noise. Kaelen spotted Jason beside Ronan behind the counter, chatting with Naya and Mira.

Jason looked up as Kaelen entered, a grin spreading across his face. “Kaelen! Come to see your girlfriend?”

“She isn’t my girl and you know this, Jason,” Kaelen replied, taking a seat at the counter.

“Bullshitting like always,” Jason retorted, as Ronan handed Kaelen a cup of coffee. “Syra’s in the back if you want to say hi.”

Kaelen nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. “I’ll do that. Thanks.”

He made his way to the back of the bakery, where Syra was organizing supplies. She looked up as he approached, her eyes lighting up with recognition.

“Kaelen, it’s good to see you,” she said, her voice soft.

“Good to see you too, Syra. How are you feeling as my thrall?” he asked, genuinely curious.

“Amazing, like everything I do is so much easier and addicting, like life is new,” she replied, a hint of a smile on her lips.

As they chatted, the door to the bakery opened, and a young woman entered. She was dressed in an elegant gown, her presence commanding attention.

“Kaelen Valrath,” she said, her voice firm. “I am here to honor our betrothal.”

Kaelen sighed, knowing this was going to complicate things. “Let’s talk.”

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