Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 83: Race for Power

The sun was already rising, its golden light filtering through the curtains, as Kaelen sat on the edge of the bed, catching his breath. Loren was still sleeping, her pale skin glowing faintly in the soft light. Kaelen had barely finished buttoning his shirt when Don Cappo called.

Kaelen answered the call, thankful for the interruption, not because he didn't enjoy his moments with Loren but because something felt... off. He knew it wasn’t just hunger, though his stomach grumbled slightly—it was something deeper, more primal. He glanced in the mirror, still coming to terms with the nanite that now resided within him. The Nexus, as it called itself, made everything different. His shapeshifting was smoother, his abilities sharper. Kaelen could already feel the power coursing through him, like an electric hum that pulsed from the core of his being.

"Meet me at Always Home Diner in an hour," Don Cappo’s voice rasped over the phone. Kaelen agreed, feeling a surge of excitement. There was money to be made, and his pockets needed feeding. He shot a quick glance at Loren, who was now awake and preparing herself with her usual stoic demeanor.

Loren followed him, her expression calm, betraying nothing. Kaelen couldn’t help but marvel at her. Despite her composed exterior, Loren was terrifying in battle—her spells on nearly the same level as his grandmother, Matron Zelyndra Nyxaris. Kaelen wondered if it was something in their blood. His thoughts drifted, and he smirked as Loren casually handed him a mug of her blood—an offering that would only make him stronger.

At the diner, Don Cappo got straight to the point. “I want you to race tonight. Street race. You’ll use your Porsche.” Kaelen raised an eyebrow, curious about the stakes.

“And what’s the prize?” Kaelen asked, leaning back into his chair.

Don Cappo smirked. “Twenty million for first place. Ten for second. One million for third. And, if you win… you get to meet the president.”

Kaelen blinked. “The President?”

Don Cappo nodded, his eyes gleaming with a hint of something sinister. “Yeah, it’s not official business. It’s to test the local police force. You in?”

Kaelen chuckled. “Of course, I’m in,” he said, the thrill of competition already sparking within him. After hanging up, he quickly dialed Jason, who wasted no time joining the race, and Trap Icy, who was already raring to go. With his team solidified, Kaelen called Mason, hoping his father would be up for the challenge.

Mason, however, had a different take. “I’m not joining this one,” he said, his voice measured. “But you need to watch out for Aeliseth Thar’undar. She’s not someone to trifle with. Psychic, manipulative, and always ten steps ahead in political games.”

"Psychic illusionist?" Kaelen echoed, a mix of disbelief and curiosity. It sounded like something out of a science fiction novel. The name lingered in his thoughts, making him wonder if there was more to the mysterious President of the United States than met the eye. Could she really be posing as a high elf, or was there something else in play? Either way, Kaelen couldn't afford to be caught off guard.

Kaelen sat in the driver’s seat of his sleek Porsche Panamera 5, Loren by his side. The electric purr of the car’s engine hummed softly as he backed out of the parking lot of Always Home Diner, merging into the late-afternoon traffic of Ravetham. The city streets were alive with the usual chaos of rush hour, but the Porsche handled it effortlessly, weaving through the congested lanes with a smooth precision. Kaelen’s destination was Veil’s Forge, and he knew exactly how to get there.

He took a left onto Raven Street, heading toward the industrial district on the outskirts of the city. The gleaming skyscrapers and posh Ravenwood district soon gave way to a grittier landscape. Factories, warehouses, and old shipping docks lined the roads as Kaelen followed the familiar route, taking a right onto Gearshift Avenue. This part of town was almost forgotten, hidden from the polished facade of downtown. A place where people like Kaelen could get their hands on things that were off the books—like the modifications he needed.

Loren stayed silent, her eyes scanning their surroundings, though Kaelen could feel her calm presence. He pulled up in front of Veil’s Forge, a massive garage tucked between two abandoned factories. The neon sign above the building flickered faintly, casting a pale blue glow over the entrance. The garage looked unassuming from the outside, but Kaelen knew it was a treasure trove of high-end, illegal tech.

He parked the Porsche and stepped out, the door closing with a solid thud as he walked toward the entrance with Loren close behind. Inside, the air was thick with the scent of motor oil and burnt rubber. The sound of power tools echoed through the garage, and various pieces of high-tech equipment lay scattered around. In the middle of the chaos stood Siena "Veil" Voss, her blonde hair pulled back, revealing the tattoos that snaked up her muscular arms. She was working on a car, completely absorbed in her task.

As Kaelen entered, Veil’s sharp red eyes flicked up, a grin spreading across her face. “Kaelen Valrath. Long time no see,” she called out, wiping grease from her hands as she approached him. “Word on the street is you’ve been making waves. Caught a few Ravetub videos. Huge fan, by the way.” She winked, her grin widening as Kaelen chuckled.

“I need some mods, Veil. Got a race in eight hours, and this Porsche isn’t going to cut it as is,” Kaelen explained, motioning toward his car.

Veil’s eyes gleamed with interest as she walked over to the Porsche, circling it like a predator sizing up its prey. “Hmm, you’re looking at about $300K for what you’re asking—turbo boosters, armor plating, maybe even some cloaking tech. You want to win, don’t you?”

Kaelen didn’t hesitate. “Done.”

Veil arched a brow, impressed. “Well, since you’re an old friend, I’ll get it done in six hours. Call it a loyalty discount,” she said with a wink. Then she turned her attention to Loren, who had been quietly watching the exchange. “By the way, I’m a big fan of yours too. Could you sign my jacket?”

Loren, with a rare smirk, pulled out a red permanent marker and scrawled her signature across the back of Veil’s worn leather jacket. Veil grinned, satisfied.

Just as the deal was made, the familiar roar of an engine echoed outside the garage. Jason pulled up in his Lamborghini Estoque, the matte black paint shimmering under the garage lights. He rolled down the window, eyeing the Porsche. "Looks like you’re going all out, huh?" Jason remarked as Kaelen climbed into the passenger seat.

Kaelen shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. “Turbo boosters, armor plating, cloaking tech. You?”

Jason grinned. “Missile jammers and advanced tracking systems. But sounds like you’re preparing for a war, not a race.”

Kaelen chuckled, feeling a subtle surge of superiority. His upgrades were designed for more than just winning a race—they were for surviving anything thrown at him. He could tell Jason thought his own upgrades were impressive, but Kaelen knew the Porsche would come out on top.

With a final wave to Veil, Jason drove them toward the rental shop. They took Route 24, heading east through the industrial district and back into the cleaner streets of Ravenwood. Jason pulled up at a sleek, modern rental shop near the corner of Diamond Avenue and Ashen Boulevard.

Kaelen nodded at his brother. “Thanks for the ride.” He handed Jason some cash before stepping out of the Lamborghini.

Inside the rental shop, Kaelen didn’t waste time. He selected a black Corvette EV, sleek and understated. The electric engine hummed to life as he slid behind the wheel, the smooth power of the car giving him a sense of control. After signing the necessary paperwork, Kaelen drove out of the lot, merging back onto Ashen Boulevard. Kaelen got a call from Alyssa. “Meet me before the race. I’ve got some news.”

The Corvette handled beautifully as Kaelen made his way toward Alyssa’s office. He followed Diamond Avenue, passing through the heart of the business district. Alyssa’s office was in one of the tallest buildings in the area—a glass tower overlooking the city, its windows reflecting the fading sunlight.

Kaelen parked in the underground garage, the sound of the Corvette’s engine cutting out as he stepped out and made his way toward the elevator.

When he arrived, he barely had time to open the door before Alyssa pulled him into a heated kiss, her passion catching him off guard. Instinctively, Kaelen leaned into it, and before he knew it, they were on the couch, his hands gripping her hips as the intensity between them deepened. Time blurred, and in the haze of the moment, he found himself straddling her, their clothes discarded in a heap nearby.

Loren, ever the professional, silently collected their clothes, folding them neatly and placing them aside. She waited patiently for the two to finish, her expression neutral, though she was never one to judge.

As Kaelen moved, something stirred within him. The nanites, ever watchful, chose that moment to make their presence known.

Nexus: "Host: Dragon influence confirmed."

Kaelen’s mind stilled, a sudden realization washing over him. He had let the dragon within him take control—an intoxicating mix of power and primal instinct. For a moment, he felt trapped, caught between Alyssa’s legs, his thoughts spinning. But instead of panicking, he cleared his mind, focusing on finishing what they had started. It was over quickly, and Alyssa, with a satisfied smile, stood up and headed to the restroom to freshen up.

Kaelen, feeling a strange surge of energy from the dragon blood coursing through his veins, accepted the neatly folded clothes Loren handed him. He dressed swiftly, the weight of what had just happened hanging in the air. Alyssa returned, adjusting her suit with a sharp look in her eye.

“I just got a call from President Aeliseth Thar’undar,” she said, her tone serious. “She wants to meet you today. Something about trade negotiations, economic cooperation, and military alliances. You’ll need to be sharp for this.”

Kaelen’s heart skipped a beat. A meeting with the President of the United States wasn’t something he could take lightly, especially with the political implications of his Nyxaris lineage. Economic sanctions, trade agreements, and a potential military pact were all likely topics of discussion.

With Loren’s help, Kaelen quickly adjusted his clothes. He, Alyssa, and Loren headed out to the meeting, which was set to take place at the United Nations Headquarters in Ravetham. The location was buzzing with reporters, small-time bloggers, and international press, all eager to catch a glimpse of Kaelen Valrath.

As they arrived, the media swarm descended upon him. Cameras flashed, and questions were hurled from every direction. Among them was Gale from RBC News, microphone in hand, pushing through the crowd.

“Kaelen Valrath!” she called, stepping forward as he walked. “Showing your true colors now? Your ties with Zagoth, dating his daughter, selling your soul to become a dragon, and now trying to assassinate Delphinus? How long will you hide behind the title of prince?”

Kaelen barely acknowledged her, his expression calm and unbothered. He smirked as he passed her, tossing out a sarcastic reply. “If I can get away with all that, what’s stopping me from having some chicken?”

Before Gale could respond, Seraphis swooped down from above, her wings folding elegantly as she landed beside Kaelen. Her eyes narrowed at Gale as she asked, “Do I know you?”

The sharpness in Seraphis’s tone was enough to send Gale scurrying back with her camera crew.

Kaelen reached out, grabbing Seraphis’s hand. Together with Loren and Alyssa, they headed inside the grand halls of the United Nations.

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