Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 84: A Deal with Aeliseth

Kaelen strode into the imposing glass building, its modern architecture gleaming under the afternoon sun. The lobby was a masterpiece of contemporary design—polished marble floors reflected the golden glow of ornate chandeliers hanging from high ceilings. Every surface was pristine, giving off an air of power and wealth. The scent of leather and fresh-cut flowers filled the air, soft music playing from unseen speakers. Beside him, Loren moved with her usual quiet grace, her expression cool and composed. Her eyes, however, flickered with sharpness, scanning every detail of their surroundings.

Two figures, clearly more than standard security, approached as they crossed the threshold of the security checkpoint. The taller of the two introduced himself with military precision.

"Major Roderick Haines," he said, extending a hand. His grip was firm but measured, his expression unreadable behind sharp eyes that held years of combat experience. In his late thirties, Haines was a well-built man with close-cropped black hair and a disciplined posture, his tactical suit tailored to perfection. His demeanor was all business, his insignia marking him as a high-ranking officer in the U.S. military.

Beside him stood Lieutenant Evelyn Cross. Her auburn hair was pulled back into a tight bun, and her eyes—vivid green and constantly scanning—hinted at her readiness for any threat. She carried an air of restrained energy, the calm before the storm. Cross, younger than her counterpart but clearly just as capable, bore the badge of an elite Special Forces operative. Her movements were precise, suggesting that she had seen her share of high-stakes missions.

"We’ll escort you to the president," Major Haines said in a formal tone, though a hint of curiosity crept into his voice.

Kaelen gave a brief nod, acknowledging them without a word, and they began the walk down the immaculate corridors. The walls, lined with state flags and symbols of power, led them deeper into the heart of the building. Security cameras were discreetly embedded in the architecture, watching their every move. As they passed through the high-tech security checkpoint, scanners hummed softly, ensuring that no abnormalities would go unnoticed.

At the end of the hallway, two grand double doors slid open, revealing the office of President Aeliseth Thar’undar. The room was expansive, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a stunning view of the city skyline. Yet the woman before them wasn’t sitting behind a grand desk or involved in any presidential duties. Instead, she was in the middle of a golf swing—virtually, at least.

Aeliseth, the president of the United States, was dressed in an odd mix of a tailored business suit and sportswear, topped with a tennis cap tilted at an angle. Her platinum blonde hair was tied back, but her icy blue eyes glinted with mischief as she focused on the projected golf course. Her posture was relaxed, far from what one would expect of a world leader.

The moment she spotted Kaelen, her expression lit up with excitement, dropping the golf club without a second thought. Moving with the grace of an athlete, she ran over to him, her energy almost childlike.

“Kaelen Valrath!” she exclaimed, beaming as if they were old friends. “I heard you’ve accepted the race today! Very exciting stuff. But…” Her smile grew mischievous. “Let’s make it more interesting, shall we?”

Kaelen, caught slightly off-guard by her unorthodox demeanor, raised an eyebrow. Aeliseth stood before him with her hands on her hips, a playful challenge gleaming in her eyes.

“How about a bet?” she offered. “If you win, I’ll date you. And not just that—I’ll make it public. We can call it a political engagement.” She winked. “But if I win, you’ll join the U.S. military and serve for six years.”

Kaelen's throat tightened as the nanite inside him activated, freezing his muscles with an unnatural grip. His mind, usually razor-sharp, was clouded by the sudden intrusion of Nexus, the mechanical voice echoing in his thoughts with cold precision.

Nexus: "Host: acknowledge confirmation Host: 1st place Jason, 2nd place Trap Icy, 3rd Kaelen."

Nexus words reverberated through his mind, forcing him to comply. He wanted to refuse—everything in him screamed against it, unable to resist.

He could feel the weight of President Aeliseth’s gaze on him, her mischievous grin never faltering as if she knew exactly what was happening. Kaelen’s mind scrambled for some form of control, some way to mitigate the damage. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Kaelen thought about his hair—he didn’t want to cut it, a requirement for military service. But before he could refuse outright, his mind negotiated.

“I’ll join,” he said, his voice strained, “but I won’t cut my hair.”

Aeliseth’s grin widened, as though she had been expecting this all along. “Deal. I’ll place you in my special division. No haircuts required—it’s a top-secret unit, very elite.”

Something about the president felt off to Kaelen. Her charm was undeniable, but she seemed too relaxed for someone in her position. And then, his senses kicked in—the faint scent of unicorn blood filled the air. Kaelen’s heightened senses, a result of the unicorn blood he had consumed.

He stepped closer to Aeliseth, his voice low and cautious. “Are you… a unicorn?”

The playful look on Aeliseth’s face vanished instantly. Her expression turned serious, and she tilted her head ever so slightly. “How did you know?” she whispered.

Kaelen leaned in further, his voice barely above a whisper. “I drank some of your blood. You smell like it.”

Aeliseth’s eyes narrowed, studying him carefully for a moment before she signaled to the guards. “Everyone, out,” she commanded. “I need to speak with Kaelen in private.”

Without hesitation, Major Haines, Lieutenant Cross, Loren, and the rest of the staff exited the room. Seraphis, Kaelen’s bonded dragon, remained by his side, her eyes never leaving Aeliseth.

Once the room was cleared, Aeliseth’s casual demeanor shifted into something more calculating. She let out a small sigh. “Valerian would use my blood to awaken special vampires,” she admitted. “Your squad will have access to that bloodline as well. Some of them are even dhampirs like you, Kaelen, but none have ever been able to shapeshift like you.”

Her gaze lingered on Kaelen, admiring his dragonborn form. “Your dragonborn shift is extraordinary. You’re not even tired from maintaining it. It’s almost like this is your true form. I saw footage of you taking down Delphinus. The U.S. government formally apologizes for allowing one of its heroes to attack you unjustly. We’ll keep Delphinus in check from now on.”

Kaelen’s fists clenched at the mention of Delphinus. He had worked too hard in Ravetham to have his life dictated by nanites or the president’s strange whims. But before he could voice his frustrations, something even stranger happened.

Aeliseth’s body began to shimmer. In a flash, she transformed into her true form—a majestic alicorn, her body composed of gleaming black diamond.

her body is sleek and muscular, covered in shades of white and gray with subtle hints of blue. The mane and tail flow like an icy cascade, with an ethereal gradient of platinum. Her horn spirals elegantly from its forehead, gleaming as if made of obsidian.

Adorning this majestic being are intricate pieces of jewelry, with gemstones encrusting its horn, neck, and legs, each sparkling with light. Large, feathered wings unfurl from its back, tipped with black and reflecting an array of colors due to their iridescent quality.

Aeliseth’s eyes are particularly striking, large and expressive with a deep blue hue that seems to hold galaxies within them, locked onto Kaelen.

For a moment, Kaelen’s mind raced with questions. Was her blood silver because of her alicorn nature? How much did Valerian know about this?

Just as quickly as she had shifted, Aeliseth returned to her human form, brushing a hand through her platinum hair as if nothing had happened.

“We have an accord, then,” Seraphis finally spoke, her voice calm but carrying a weight of authority. “I saw you for what you truly are from the beginning, but Kaelen and I will hold you to your promises.”

Kaelen gave a curt nod, deciding it was time to leave before pushing his luck any further. As he turned to exit, a lingering suspicion crept into his mind. Seraphis had mentioned an accord, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that the president’s easygoing nature masked something far more dangerous.

Little did he know, Seraphis had already begun to plot her next move. She had sensed that Aeliseth had violated an ancient pact, and in time, she would decide how to add this alicorn to her hoard.

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