
v2 CHAPTER FIFTY-EIGHT: (18+) In which two champions are called to discard their old selves in exchange for unpredictable curves.

Content Warning: F/F masturbation (transgender women), gender transformation

Maria’s laugh was a short bark; the blonde succubus’ smile returned. “A duel? How old-fashioned.” She finally twisted her wrist free of Una’s grip, and her eyes narrowed. “I can’t say I dislike the idea, but how does this work? Do we fuck each other into submission? Whoever cums first loses, and all that?”

No,” Una said, and let her voice find its own words among the thoughts that tumbled beneath her conscious awareness. “Sex among our kind is never so simple, nor competitive. When we come together, we… resonate, like two tuning forks.

Maria’s eyes searched Una’s as if they were the only ones in the room, her expression shifting to something more curious. She licked her lips. “So what does the duel consist of, then? What are the stakes?”

The words came slowly now, as if swimming up through deep water. “It’s not about who wins or who loses; it’s about who grows and evolves.” Una paused. She felt her heart beating faster, and the blood rushing through her ears. “If I win, then you stop and talk through this whole thing before it goes any further, with me and the others. If you win… well, I don’t know. I’ll leave you alone, if that’s what you want.”

Maria raised a finely arched brow. Her smile had become a smirk. “I think we both know that’s not what I really want. For starters, I wish you’d treat me like an equal, Una. But fine. Let’s play this game. Is it like a staring contest, or what?”

“No,” Una said slowly. “We’ll let them decide. The… mortals.” Had she really just said that? Maria looked at her with a puzzled expression. “We must each choose a champion as a partner.”

Now Maria grinned broadly. “Oh, this sounds deliciously wicked. But since you’re suggesting the duel, I get to pick the weapon, don’t I?”

It was Una’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “Wouldn’t you say you’re more of the challenger here, Maria?”

Maria shook her head with a smile. “Oh, no. You came here, without my knowledge or invitation, and challenged me.” She tapped one nail on her lower lip. “Let’s not make it a test of seduction. I choose… transformation, of course! She spread her arms again, as if to encompass her followers, who responded with a murmur of excitement. “Let us transform our champions, and see whose new form is most pleasing.”

Hold on,” said Una. “You win either way in that contest, don’t you? And you get to do exactly what you’d planned here tonight, with my help. If I lose, you’ve proven you’re right. And if I win, then I’ve done exactly what you wanted me to, acceded to this whole idea…”

Maria wagged her finger in Una’s face. “This was your idea, and your stakes. Let me have a little fun, or walk away now.” Around the two of them, excitement rippled through the crowd; Una heard whispers and felt their attention like a physical pressure.

X coughed nearby. “Una! Susan is—I mean…” He paused, and Una understood why; Susan was probably telling him not to reveal their communications. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing? This could attract a lot of attention.”

Una kept her gaze on Maria. “Don’t worry. I never wanted this to happen in such a public setting. But if it’s going to happen, I might as well do my best to keep it from going haywire.”

“Oh, yes.” Maria rolled her eyes. “Please keep me in line, Dark Mistress!”

“Shut up and choose your champion,” Una said, her voice flat. She felt a surge of anger, and fought back the urge to slap Maria in return, to make her submit.

“All right!” Maria clapped her hands, the sound sharp and loud. “Which one of you lucky, deviant sluts wants to be my clay to reshape tonight?”

Xander quickly lifted his hand, but Maria shook her head. “Sorry, twins. I’ve already plied my trade on you once, so you’re out of the running. I think we’ll have to do a talent search…”

The statuesque blond hopped down from the dais, and Una followed. Almost immediately, a circle of eager faces surrounded them, with every expression of gender in the mix. Maria gestured, and they parted before her, letting her approach them and stroke a cheek here, a shoulder there.

“You,” she said, pointing at someone. “No… maybe you. You’re pretty, but not quite right…” She continued to wander the room, leaving the rejected behind to sulk. Una saw the tension in their faces, their disappointment and frustration.

Maria stopped, her finger extended. She turned and looked back at Una, her expression triumphant. “I’ve made my selection! You’d best hurry up, sis.” Maria’s finger singled out a tall, broad-shouldered woman with a short white dress and blonde hair even lighter than her own. Una blinked, and realized she was looking at a costume—the classic Marilyn Monroe look, from the iconic white dress to the red lips and bleached hair.

What’s your name, sugar?” Maria crooned. Her hand rested on the woman’s arm, fingers trailing up and down the pale skin.

“M-My name?” The Marilyn-clad woman’s voice was deep, and Una could see stubble poking through a heavy layer of foundation. She made a striking Marilyn, but Una guessed that dressing in feminine attire wasn’t something she did frequentlya new pursuit. “Uh, my real name is Mike,” she continued. “But when I’m wearing the dress… I call myself Mary.”

“Mary.” Una could hear Maria’s grin even without seeing her face. “Perfect! Mary, Maria and Marilyn. We’ll make an unholy trinity. Do you want to become a woman, Mary? Or do you just like dressing up occasionally? Come on now… in this place, we can share our deepest desires.”

The woman who called herself Mary swallowed visibly and looked from Maria to Una. Her blue eyes seemed to shine, and Una could sense an aura of desire swirling around her uncertainly, coiling inwards. “I want… I’d love to look like you, Mistress Maria. I don’t go out en femme very often, but when I do, I feel… complete.”

Una rubbed the base of her left horn, frowning, then spoke up. “Mary, do you want to be a woman all the time?”

“Yes! I mean… no. I want to be a woman, but I’m nervous…” The blonde woman bit her lower lip and looked away. Una could see the flush creeping up from her neck, under the thick layers of makeup and powder. “Can I try it?”

Maria glared back at Una in exasperation. “Susan’s probably figured out how we can change people back by now, hasn’t she? I want this one…”

Una shook her head. “You can’t just claim Mary. This has to be her own choice, and she must accept the risks herselfpermanent risks, perhaps.” The tall blonde woman fidgeted nervously, tottering on her white pumps.

“Ugh. You’re sabotaging me! Mary, how about this?” Maria’s voice modulated into a purr. “I can make you more comfortable with the change, too. Help you like it.” Una coughed, and the blonde succubus tossed her head. “Stuff it, Una! I won’t charm her into doing anything beforehand.”

A gleam in Mary’s eye betrayed her interest before she said anything. “Yes… I want you to change me. Help me like it. I want to know what it really feels like to be a girl.” She smiled shyly at Maria, who beamed and hugged the other woman’s broad shoulders in a gesture that looked awkward at first. Mary’s smile widened with the relief of a decision made.

“Your turn, sweetheart.” Maria looked back at Una, a smirk twisting the corner of her mouth. “Choose wisely.”

Una looked around the crowd of hopeful faces, all staring at her quietly. Some looked as if they wanted to raise a hand, while other breathed in and out with shallow, rapid gasps, their bodies trembling. A wave of pity washed over Una, and she felt the weight of responsibility settle on her shoulders.

“I’m sorry,” she said, and the faces fell. “I can’t help all of you. Not yet. I meant it when I said there are risks. But I’ll do my best for one of you.” She searched each expression: a lean, sallow girl with black hair in dreadlocks, dressed in an oversized hoodie; a muscular Asian, hair piled in a topknot, wearing a sleeveless leather vest and jeans; a pale-skinned youth with dyed blue hair and ears studded with many metal rings. Do all these people want to become something new? To be reborn? And is our way really the best, to harness and unleash that desire?

She shifted her view to better glimpse the auras of the people in the crowd, and almost immediately noticed someone unusual: a slim woman whose aura shone like a candle-flame, stretching up towards the ceiling, her body hidden by several others.

Una pushed her way towards that flickering aura, burning with such need for something. Those who stood in her path moved aside, sensing her urgency. The woman wore a short, black cocktail dress with lace at the bodice and neck; its fabric hung loosely on her angular frame. She had a small face, framed by dark locks with that hung into her eyes. As Una came closer, another woman standing nearby gasped and put a hand on the first girl’s shoulder.

“Who are you?” Una’s question hung unanswered, and the girl stared at the floor. The woman who’d gasped—taller and more confident, with raven hair, a tight dress stretched over her curves and unusually high heels—squeezed her friend’s shoulder.

“Tina,” the second woman whispered. “It’s okay! It’s happening!” Una glanced at her as she spoke: young, maybe with some Asian ancestry, eyes crinkled in an expression that suggested a measure of kindness and experience beyond her years. Tina looked up, first at her friend and then at Una.

“Oh! I’m so sorry, Lady. My name’s Tina…” Her voice trailed off, as if she’d run out of steam. Una could see the uncertainty in her eyes and in the way she stood, as if ready to bolt or collapse. But that flame of need and desire still burned around them. The taller of Tina’s two companions gave her a gentle nudge.

You can do it. Tell her what you told me!” The voice of Tina’s friend held the slightest hint of encouragement, without becoming pushy; Una could feel the warmth in it.

Tina took a shaky breath and looked directly at Una. “I’ve wanted this for such a long time. Jamie here… she helped me understand that. I can’t—I can’t see a life for myself pretending to be a guy, but I don’t know how to do this. I don’t have money, not enough, for surgery.” She gestured down at her thin chest, talking faster now. “I lost my job, and I don’t have health insurance anymore. I can barely afford rent.”

Her friend Jamie put an arm protectively around her shoulders as Tina continued stammering. “Please, Lady. I know you said it’s dangerous, but so is feeling… like I’m so sad, like I’ll never be as beautiful as you.”

Una leaned forward and brushed her fingertips against Tina’s jaw. Angular, her warm brown skin recently shaved, supple with youth. The young woman trembled under her touch. “You are beautiful already, Tina. Don’t you know that?”

The girl’s eyes glistened, and a tear trickled down her cheek. “Thank you. I’m sorry… I know you have to pick someone, but…” Tina wiped her eyes, smudging her mascara, then sniffled and laughed.

“Do you really want to look like me, Tina?” For the second time, Una felt she stood alone in the room with just one other person, as if all the others had needed into the night.

“Y-Yes! Well, not exactly? I don’t want to be you. I want to be… me. A better version. A happier, prettier me.” Tina’s voice sounded stronger, more certain.

“I can vouch for her, Lady Una. She’s been talking about this since—” Una silenced Jamie with a raised finger.

“You must decide for yourself, Tina.” She looked into the young lady’s eyes, trying to convey the depth behind her words: the importance, and the potential danger. Tina nodded solemnly, her expression serious and her aura still flickering.

“Yes, please! Please change me!” Tina’s eyes widened with surprise and acceptance. Jamie squeezed her friend’s shoulders one more time, then let her go.

Una led Tina to the dais, the young woman walking slowly on unsteady feet. Maria waited there beside Mary, who looked more relaxed, her face shining with excitement. Maria’s eyes met Una’s, and she raised a single eyebrow.

Shall we begin?” Maria’s hand rested on Mary’s shoulder, the blonde woman’s face tilted upwards towards her, lips slightly parted, eyes half-shuttered.

“Yes.” Una looked into Tina’s wide eyes and saw hope, fear… and anticipation. “You understand that part of this process involves… sexual release?”

The young woman nodded, her cheeks flushed. “I’m okay with that. You can… you can touch me, or lick me. I won’t mind.” Tina’s voice was a whisper now, barely audible.

Una smiled. “Just leave it to me.”

Maria was already running her hands across Mary’s body, squeezing the woman’s pillowy breast forms through the white dress while kissing her neck and shoulders. Maria’s eyes met Una’s again, and the blonde succubus winked.

Una frowned and shook her head, then turned back to Tina and leaned forward to kiss her. The young woman’s taste was familiar—sweet and faintly spicy, like cinnamon candy—and she opened her mouth to Una eagerly. Her tongue ran slick against Una’s lips as it probed deeper into her mouth. Una ran her hand along her lover’s slender side, tracing the outline of her ribs through the thin fabric and feeling them expand and contract as she breathed.

With the other couple close to her left, Una found it difficult to ignore Mary’s seething desire. She heard a grunt and glanced quickly to the side. Maria’s fingers had crept under the hem of Mary’s skirt, and the older blonde moaned softly into her partner’s mouth as Maria caressed the woman’s crotch.

“Tell me what feels good to you,” Una whispered. Tina murmured in response and reached out to stroke Una’s hip, pulling her closer. Her hand slipped across the lacework of straps that bound Una’s waist and ass, and her fingers tightened around the soft flesh there.

“Oh, you have a… an amazing body,” Tina said. Una could hear the smile in her voice, even as she felt the young woman’s arousal rising.

“Thanks. Now, what about this?” Una traced her fingers down the front of Tina’s dress, following the curve of the young woman’s chest, and felt a hard nipple press through the fabric. She tweaked it gently between her thumb and forefinger, and the girl gasped. Una pulled away and saw Tina’s eyes open wide.

Una slipped her free hand between Tina’s legs and felt the girl’s hard shaft pressing against the confines of her underwear. “Is this okay?”

Tina shuddered, her eyes rolling back. “Yesss… Oh my god, I can’t… I’m sorry!”

“What’s wrong?” Una asked quietly. “Do you not want to continue?”

Tina bit her lip. “I… I can’t hold back. I don’t want to disappoint—”

“Shhhhh,” Una said. “Let me take care of it.” Una’s tail slipped up beside her hand as she tugged the stretchy fabric of her lover’s underwear away from her cock.

Tina’s member throbbed in Una’s hand as she wrapped her tail around its base, constricting the young woman’s orgasm. The tip of the appendage snaked up and pressed against the soft flesh behind her balls.

“Oh my God!” Tina groaned. Una could feel her lover tense up, the muscles of her groin and stomach flexing as Tina struggled to control her body.

“Relax,” Una said. “Breathe slowly, and focus on me.”

“Pleasure yourself,” she heard Maria say. “Look at me, worship me, and show me how you touch yourself.” But there was no way Una could spare attention for Maria’s games right now; she had to stay focused on Tina and keep her pleasure gradually building.

The young woman’s cock twitched as Una stroked its length. Her pre-cum oozed from the tip, and Una used it to lubricate her motions, sliding her palm up and down the underside of Tina’s shaft. She kept her eyes focused on her partner’s face, which contorted with increasing sensation. The poor thing looked as if she wanted to apologize again.

Shhhh,” Una said. “Close your eyes and imagine. I’m slipping my fingers inside your pussy.” She tightened her tail around Tina’s base and felt the girl’s cock pulse with the rhythm of blood and need; with Una’s words, she’d grown harder still.

Una ran her tongue along the edge of the younger woman’s ear, then nibbled at the lobe. Tina whimpered in response, and Una felt the girl’s cock throb again, straining in her grip as she tried vainly to thrust against the air.

Una kept whispering into Tina’s ear. “Now my other hand slides over your breasts, cupping their full, soft weight.” She let her free hand glide along the young woman’s chest, squeezing the slight mound of flesh beneath her fingers. “I pinch your nipple, and you cry out with pleasure.”

Tina’s hips bucked against Una’s tail. She let out another low moan, louder than before. Una could feel the tension in her lover’s body building as the girl fought desperately for control.

All around her, Una could feel something else pressing against her, and then realized what it was: the desires of the crowd, watching and wanting. Their lust surged and swelled, and Una felt herself responding to its power; her cunt clenched, aching to be touched.

Next to her, Mary grunted hoarsely, and Maria’s voice called out a soft “Yes!”

We could have all this, Una thought to herself. We could have all this again, and more. The image came unbidden to her, of a sea of writhing bodies lit by torches, moving and fucking on a stone floor. The temple of Uruk, where women and men came to worship, and give themselves to each other, to her—no, to Yael.

Una reached out with her senses and drew the lust of the crowd into herself. Her tail spasmed and squirmed against Tina’s balls, making the young woman groan. Una’s own clit tingled with excitement, her nipples growing hard beneath the fabric of her corset. She felt the heat rising within her belly and spreading outward, filling every inch of her body with warmth.

“Oh my God! Oh my God, I’m so close…” Tina panted between words.

“You’re so beautiful, Tina.” Una kept whispering into the young woman’s ear. “And so strong. You want this, don’t you?” She squeezed her lover’s cock again, feeling its hardness and warmth. The tip of Una’s tail slid against Tina’s perineum, pressing gently against her prostate, sending waves of ecstasy coursing through the young woman’s body.

“Yes,” Tina gasped, arching her back. Her eyes flew open.

Una leaned forward, her lips brushing the shell of Tina’s ear and her breath hot on the side of the girl’s face. “Come for me, little bird.” She tightened her tail, and her fingers stroked the tip of Tina’s cock, coaxing out another burst of pre-ejaculate.

With a shuddering gasp, Tina climaxed. Her body trembled uncontrollably as thick ropes of semen spurted from her cock into Una’s waiting hand. Her hips bucked against Una’s restraining tail and her toes curled in their ballet flats, her whole face contorting in pleasure.

Una’s shoulders shook as she absorbed the energy released by her lover’s orgasm, drinking in Tina’s pleasure like water drawn from a deep spring. The heat rose in her core once more, and then seemed to move within her, coiling like a serpent.

Tina’s breathing slowed as she came down from her peak; she sank to her knees at the edge of the stage with a sigh, her eyes half-lidded and a contented smile on her lips. Una stood behind her, stroking the girl’s dark hair, letting her recover.

Una looked up and saw Maria staring at her with faintly glowing amber eyes. Thick, pearlescent strands of cum streaked the blonde demoness’s face and chest, and Mary lay prone at her feet, panting heavily.

See? I can… control this situation… just fine.” Maria’s face contorted with concentration, and a few beads of sweat ran down from beneath her hairline, dripping down her forehead and cheeks. Something slipped out from beneath her skirt—a tail, Una realized with shock. Maria’s new appendage was pale, with a creamy complexion that matched her skin, and shorter than Una’s, with a spade-like tip.

“Did you just…?” Una began, before a wave of dizzying power rippled through her center. She felt her knees buckle as she staggered backwards a step. In front of them, the crowd swayed and groaned, as if dancing to a silent melody. Some people in the front row had their hands on themselves or their partners, touching and rubbing. Others simply stood, their mouths slack and their eyes fixed on Una and Maria.

“No,” Maria gasped. “The new tail’s from… earlier. When I changed Alexa. I’ve just been keeping it… tucked away.” She managed a weak grin. “I learned it from you, big sister!”

I absorbed too much energy from the crowd, thought Una. But Maria’s overloaded too, and she doesn’t know to deal with that…

“You’re going to change again, or overheat, if you don’t use that energy!” Una shouted over the moaning crowd, struggling to keep her knees from wobbling. The pressure inside her grew stronger, as though her body were a balloon filled to bursting.

Maria let out a weak laugh. “No shit! What do you think I’ll get next? Hooves? Claws? Turn red like you, or a different color?” She waved a hand dismissively, but Una could see the muscles in her arms twitching. “No biggie! We all become what we’re meant to be. Are we going to do the rest of this, Mother Superior?”

It was Una’s turn to chuckle. “You first. I can let some of this off.” She closed her eyes, inhaled deeply, then let out her breath, saying one word as she did: “Toot.” Steam billowed from her nostrils and ears, and Una felt herself grow lighter, less constrained.

Maria watched, eyes narrowed, then bent towards Mary, who still lay sprawled on the ground, her dress bunched around her waist. “It’s time, Norma Jean!” She rested one hand on the woman’s sweat-streaked forehead. “Tell me what you want to look like…” Maria forced the words between gritted teeth, clearly trying to maintain control.

Mary rose to her hands and knees, looking up dazedly at Maria. “Huh? Like… a real girl. Please, Maria!” She tore at her hair—the platinum-blonde wig she wore, which was already coming loose. Beneath, Mary’s hair was mottled and thinning, red mixed with brown. “I want real hair, like hers. Like Marilyn.” She slipped the ruched white fabric straps off her shoulders, letting the heavy breast forms fall from her padded bra onto the floor and revealing small, dark nipples. Mary reached up and squeezed the soft flesh of Maria’s thigh. “And… and tits, too!”

Una felt a surge of pity mingled with fascination; she’d never seen this kind of transformation without being part of the process herself. Mary’s face, her thick makeup streaked with tears and sweat, bore a desperate, pleading expression. So incredibly full of need, Una thought. I know that need too. But does she realize what she’s asking for?

Maria placed a hand on Mary’s forehead. “You want to become like Marilyn? And like me, is that it? A pretty, perfect blonde bombshell?” She ran her fingers through Mary’s short hair, and the strands began lengthening, curling and bleaching themselves. Mary moaned, her eyes shut and her face turned upward towards Maria’s. The blonde succubus’ hand drifted to Mary’s chin, and her thumb brushed the woman’s lower lip.

“Yes, please,” Mary whispered, and Maria’s thumb slipped between the other woman’s parted lips. Mary closed her eyes, her cheeks hollowing as Maria thrust her thumb back and forth, miming a blowjob. Around Maria’s digit, Mary’s lips plumped and darkened, growing full and ripe.

“Good,” Maria said, her voice a low growl. “Then I’ll make you into a real woman. I’ll give you what you need, and what you deserve!” She pulled her thumb out of Mary’s now perfectly pouty mouth and wiped it on the woman’s face, leaving a streak of lipstick on her cheek—a cheek now devoid of stubble.

As Una watched, transfixed, Mary’s jawline softened and became rounder, her cheekbones more pronounced, while the bridge of her nose slimmed down. The skin on her face grew smoother and paler, and a faint blush spread across Mary’s newly delicate features.

Maria’s hand moved to the woman’s chest and Mary arched her back, her eyes still shut tightly, mouth agape. The tracery of stubble there also disappeared, as Maria’s fingers danced lightly across Mary’s collarbone and down her sternum. The flesh on either side swelled outward, growing soft and supple, and Maria’s fingertips traced the outline of the two dark circles of Mary’s areolae, which expanded as Maria’s fingers passed over them.

Una could see Mary’s nipples hardening as they enlarged, growing thicker and longer. Maria pinched the right one between two knuckles on one hand, while cupping her other hand beneath it, and squeezed. “Tits aplenty for you, girl,” Maria said, and the flesh of Mary’s chest rippled and expanded beneath her grasp.

Mary cried out as the pressure on her chest increased, but the tone of her voice was more one of surprise than pain. Her breasts continued swelling, filling up Maria’s palms until they spilled over her fingers. Maria let go, and the new mounds of flesh bounced against each other, jiggling as Mary gasped.

“More,” Mary gasped, her eyes flying open. “Keep going, mistress! Make me your slut…” Maria’s eyes widened as the energy kept flowing from her into the changing woman. An audible crack sounded from Mary’s pelvis as it widened, and her waist narrowed. Maria’s hands roamed downward, squeezing Mary’s new curves, molding her body into the hourglass figure of a classic pinup girl.

Mary’s legs trembled, and the muscles on her calves tightened, growing lean and shapely. Her thighs grew softer and thicker, and her ass firmed up beneath them, forming into two perfect globes. Panting with the sensations of the change, Mary wiggled out of her dress, kneeling naked with Maria’s hands roaming across her body, caressing her new curves.

“You’ve got a killer body, baby girl,” Maria whispered, leaning in close, her lips brushing the shell of Mary’s ear. “But I know what will make you happy.” Her hands slid down Mary’s stomach and across her abdomen, then cupped her softened cock and balls. “We’re going to redecorate.”

Mary moaned as her dick shrank, disappearing into Maria’s grasp, her balls retracting into her body as Maria stroked and fondled her. “Please… I can’t wait any longer! Give me everything!”

Una watched, entranced. Maria’s style felt distinctly more forceful and aggressive than any transformation she’d wrought or been part of; the blonde succubus took control of Mary’s flesh as if it was clay for her to mold. Or am I just resentful that she’s inherited some of Yael’s power too?

Maria’s fingers worked their magic, kneading the skin on the woman’s crotch, her touch deft and sure. “Yes… Yes! I’m yours, Maria!” Mary screamed, her voice growing high and clear, as Maria’s fingers found their way between her legs, teasing and caressing her labia, pushing inside. The woman let out a long moan, which resolved at the end into words gasped hoarsely. “More… don’t stop!”

“You’re a greedy little slut, aren’t you” Maria winced with effort, and Una could sense that some force, perhaps the sheer need of Mary’s state, was draining even more lustful energy from Maria into the ongoing transformation. “You need even more?”

“Please, please, please!” Mary’s voice broke as it rose higher, sounding almost like a cartoon character. Mary’s breasts grew even further, now the size of ripe cantaloupes, her nipples elongating into thick cones. Her ribs snapped audibly, forcing themselves inwards to create a tiny, pinched waist that tapered dramatically from full hips, where her ass had formed two massive hemispheres of flesh.

Mary’s hair grew out in thick waves, becoming lustrous and golden, reaching all the way down her back to the top of her ass. Her eyeliner and mascara ran as tears trickled down her cheeks. Her nose grew pert and upturned, with a cute little button on the end. The skin on the rest of her body paled even further, turning a creamy, flawless white with the slightest hint of tan, while her lips darkened from pink to a deep, luscious red.

She looks like a china doll, Una thought. Or a toy. The woman’s hands and feet shrunk until they were half their original size. Her eyes flew open, revealing a startling pale blue shade. Around them, the crowd had fallen completely silent, staring with unswerving attention at the scene playing out before them.

“Keep going,” gasped the changed woman in a voice like a squeaky rubber ball. Her hips slammed against Maria’s arm as the succubus stroked her new slit. Maria swayed slightly, and Una saw with alarm that the statuesque blonde looked drawn, with a pale face and dry, cracked lips.

“I… I can’t…” Maria shook her head, but her hands remained on Mary’s hips, which continued to swell beneath her touch, reaching truly epic proportions. Mary threw back her head and screamed in ecstasy, her voice piercingly high and loud.

Una took three steps towards her friend. “Maria, pull back! You have to stop!” Mary’s breasts still grew, now larger than basketballs, and her thighs thickened, while her calves and feet shrank. Una grabbed Maria’s arm and yanked her backwards; the blonde succubus fell to the floor, wheezing raggedly.

“Someone get her some water,” Una yelled, not sure what else to do. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Alexa move quickly into the crowd.

Mary sat up, looking dazed. “What… what happened to me?” Her voice, high and breathy with a vocal fry, sounded like a cross between Betty Boop and a cartoon mouse. It was hard not to find it adorable, although Mary’s entire body seemed to have stretched and inflated, with a waist so tiny her torso was now shaped like an upside-down triangle. Her face looked childlike, with enormous doe-like eyes, a small upturned nose and full, cherry-colored lips that pouted as she spoke.

Alexa pushed her way back through the crowd with a bottle of water. Una accepted it gratefully, opened the cap for Maria, and held it out. “Here, drink. You need it.” The succubus nodded weakly and took a long draught, her throat bobbing as she swallowed.

“Can… can you… is this really permanent?” Mary attempted to stand up, but her balance was off, and her tiny feet slid out from under her. She landed on her pillowy ass with a loud thump. “I don’t know what happened, but…” She looked around, blinking, then stared at her own hands, which had become delicate, like the rest of her—apart from her gargantuan curves. “This is me?”

“It’s the new you, yes.” Maria coughed into her hand as she spoke, then wiped it off on the side of her dress. “I hope you like it. We don’t know how to change you back… yet.”

Oh!” Mary giggled, a high-pitched sound like wind rushing through a narrow opening. “Oh, God… Okay. I… I don’t know how I’m going to go to work like this?” She giggled again, a slightly panicked sound. “Is it normal for me to feel this… this turned on all the time?”

Una sighed, rubbing her brow with one finger. “I’m not sure normal is the right word for what just happened.”

Next time: Tina's next... but will Una go through with it? And if so, how...?

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Want more? If you haven't already read them, check out our side-stories from the same universe, New York City after Portal Day!

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  • SYNCHRONY::OVERRIDE, a strange tale of body and identity in a pocket dimension of soul-driven automata...
  • Redraw Me, a slice-of-life relationship tale about a trans woman whose girlfriend draws her dreams to life...
  • Samira's Curse, a smutty romp about two friends whose relationship is transformed...

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