
v2 CHAPTER FIFTY-NINE: (18+) In which subtle shifts seemingly win the day when compared to spectacular transformations.

Content Warning: explicit M2F transformation, masturbation

Maria gasped for air, having drained an entire bottle of water. Nearby, Alexa and Xander helped Mary to her feet and back into her dress, which strained to contain her impressive new proportions.

Una stared out at the crowd, who still stared at the two succubae with expressions of trepidation and curiosity. The only movement among them was Jamie, who moved up to the dais, clutching Tina in her arms.

“I’m sure you think this proves your point,” muttered Maria. “I might not have been in full control of the situation, but I gave her what she asked for, didn’t I?”

“Well… maybe one interpretation of it?” said Una, shaking her head. A ripple of energy and arousal ran through her core, and her tail twitched along with the muscles of her cunt. Shit, she thought. I’m still drawing desire in from the crowd, and I haven’t released it.

Una looked over at Jamie and Tina. The smaller girl had a look of shock, with tears streaking her cheeks, but she clung to Jamie as if for comfort. Jamie’s expression was far more stern, and she glared at Una.

Una raised her eyebrows, surprised, and moved closer to the pair, then nodded to Jamie as if inviting comment.

“She’s worried you won’t help her now. That you think it’s too risky, after… what just happened?” The pretty young woman set her jaw, and Una noticed something subtle about her demeanor. “But I’m worried that it is too risky. Tina deserves a chance at happiness, but… no offense, but she’s not exactly the blonde Barbie doll type.”

“You…” Una said, reaching out towards Jamie’s face; the girl leaned back, startled, and Una stopped short. “Sorry. But you’ve gone through a change yourself, haven’t you?”

Jamie’s brows shot up. “How—how did you know that?”

“You get a feel for these things. I don’t mean to pry.”

“Well, okay… yes. By magic. That makes me a twist too, I guess. But I got changed by… by someone who loves me.” Jamie blushed, looking down, then back at Una. Her eyes shone with conviction.

“Then I must promise to exercise care and love in how I change Tina.” Una extended her hand again, and this time Jamie relaxed her defensive embrace, allowing Tina to turn and stare at the succubus. The young woman bit her lip, and fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

Una leaned forward until she could whisper in Tina’s ear: “Do you still want to become the woman you’ve imagined yourself as? I’ll do my best to make sure everything comes out as you envision it.” She felt the heat of desire rising again in her center, radiating outwards through her veins and trying to force itself free. Her tail writhed and twisted behind her back.

Tina nodded, wiping away tears with one hand. “Yes,” she said. “I’m ready.” As if uncorked, words came spilling out of Tina. “I don’t need to be as pretty as you or Maria—I know I’m kind of plain, and I really just want—”

“Shush now,” said the succubus, interrupting easily. “There are many beautiful things in the world besides the proud and angry sisterhood of demons. Let’s find one in your mind.” She turned to survey the hushed crowd and saw the man she sought.

“X, toss me your earpiece, please.” The handsome Arab man blinked in puzzlement, but then reached up and removed a small device from his left ear, tossing it underhand to Una. She snatched it from the air and placed it gently into Tina’s right lobe, then pulled her own earbud from her bodice to insert it into her left. She pressed a minuscule node on its side, and the earpiece vibrated softly, adjusting to her ear canal.

Tina, can you hear me? Una thought the words gently, moving her mouth without opening it to let the subvocalization sensors divine her intent.

Tina’s eyes widened. “Yes? Oh! In my ear…”

Una nodded, her attention narrowing to focus only on the girl in front of her. The world around them faded away, the crowd, Jamie and Maria, all of it falling into shadow as she concentrated on Tina. She noted the rapid flutter of her pulse in her throat, the warmth of her skin, the scent of her arousal, and the frantic straining of her desire.

“Close your eyes, Tina.” The young woman obeyed; her lashes were long, thick and dark, even without mascara. No need to meddle with those, Una thought. But can I grasp how she pictures herself? Even with a powerful fantasy like X’s desire for Felicity, or that woman’s obsession with Kaitlin Mortensale earlier tonight, I’ve never really had a clear image pop into my mind.

“I want you to picture yourself, Tina, as if you’re looking in a mirror. But the girl you see in the mirror isn’t you as you are now—she’s as you dream yourself to be. Can you see her? Think about what she looks like, quietly; take her all in, through your mind’s eyes.”

At once, a tumble of words began in Una’s left ear. I can see myself! It’s me…? My hair’s shorter, dark and flipping up like it does at that length. And my eyes look bigger, still the same color, and my nose is… oh wow, I don’t have that bump anymore. My lips are fuller and redder, too—no more stubble, and shaped like a kiss. I… I look happy. I’m happy.

Una listened to the stream of consciousness pouring into her ear, letting it wash over her as she finally let the energy coiled in her core flow out, through her embrace, into Tina. She felt the changes take root, and her heart skipped a beat, then sped faster in excitement. Keep going, little bird. The encouragement was hardly necessary.

Oh! Oh, I have breasts! They’re so… they almost fit perfectly in my hands, but my hands feel smaller too. My neck seems so elegant and graceful now, smooth and with no bumps…and I look taller. Wow, my waist is so slim! My hips flare out, and… my legs, they look amazing!

In her arms, Una felt Tina’s body shift and ripple. New softness pressed against Una’s breasts as she held the younger woman against herself. The succubus smiled and pressed her teeth and tongue together firmly. I wonder if she realizes how much of her existing body she’s describing? She’s making herself into a refined echo of the woman she already is.

“Look down at her and tell me what you see,” Una whispered.

Of course! My… it’s gone. I’m flat down there, but in the mirror I can see… oh wow, my lips are like flower petals. Glistening…

“Touch it,” Una said, and felt the shudder run through Tina’s body. The girl’s hips bucked, pressing her crotch against Una’s leg. The succubus’ tail slipped between the pair, wrapping around Tina’s waist and pulling the young woman even closer. Tina’s back stiffened and her spine cracked and adjusted. The girl was growing slightly taller, her limbs becoming slender and her waist drawing inward to create a willowy figure. “Now think about what you feel there.”

It feels so good, but different! It’s like I’m made of silk, and I’m warm and slippery down there, and I’m wet! There’s a spot… oh god, when I brush my fingers over it, it’s like lightning shooting through my body! My… clit.

“You can touch yourself with your actual hands now, Tina.” Her eyes still closed, Tina reached down and began exploring her newly changed body. The girl whimpered, and her breathing grew ragged as her fingertips traced the outlines of her new form.

Uh oh, Una said to herself, forgetting for a moment that Tina would hear her thoughts as clearly as Una could hear Tina’s stream of self-description.

What? Tina’s mental voice suddenly sounded nervous.

Your changes are perfect, but subtle too. I have extra energy left over. Hold on, I want to try something else.

“Jamie, step back!” Una opened her eyes and saw Jamie jump away, startled at the sudden command. Yep, far enough.

Una flexed her shoulders, and great, shadowy wings burst forth, unfurling to their full span. The crowd gasped, and a few surprised shrieks rang out. Una sighed in relief, a few faint wisps of steam curling from her mouth, and then wrapped her wings around herself and Tina, shrouding them in a blanket of ebon feathers.

Tina, Una thought. Are you ready? I think you’re nearly finished with your change.

Quiet breathing answered Una as the girl ran her hands across herself and worked her fingers between her legs. Tina’s heart beat wildly, and Una’s wings twitched in response to that rhythm of self-pleasure.

I am… I’m ready. I guess? Tina’s response came. But I’m not ready to stop feeling this way!

“Tina, you’ll feel like this forever. It’ll just feel… a little more normal.” Una spoke softly, stroking the girl’s hair, her voice low and reassuring, her tail coiling affectionately around one of Tina’s legs.

“Forever? I… ohhhh!” Tina shuddered, and her body went limp against the demoness, her head resting on Una’s breast. “I’m… Oh God! Oh fuck!” Tina moaned, and her legs buckled; Una caught her, holding her upright as a wave of ecstatic release surged through Tina’s body, her muscles tensing, her limbs twitching.

“What… what was that? Is that what it’s like to climax as a girl?” In the shadows, Una could see that Tina’s face had flushed, her eyes wide and bright.

“It’s time to show yourself as you truly are. Come, I’ll help you.” Una unwound her tail from Tina’s leg and used it to pull back a wing, creating a small opening in the darkness, just enough for a slender young woman.

With a deep, shaky breath, Tina stepped through the opening.

The crowd collectively exhaled in relief. Jamie stared at her friend, who stood with her head inclined shyly. Una opened her wings all the way, then folded them behind her and allowed them to recede into nothingness. She took a step to the side and regarded Tina.

The girl’s face had lost most of its baby fat and taken on sharper, more feminine contours. Beneath her warm amber eyes, Tina’s cheekbones were higher and more pronounced, and her chin had grown slightly more prominent. Her lips were full and red, with a slight bow curve, while her nose had become more delicate, with a round tip. She’s not just become a girl, but a woman too, Una thought, and saw Tina shiver. Una slipped the device out of her ear, giving Tina some privacy.

Jamie’s fears of an exaggerated form hadn’t come to pass. Unlike Mary, Tina’s proportions had remained relatively modest, but she was undeniably pretty in her own way. Her short, dark hair framed her face, and her large eyes shone with intelligence. The silky fabric of her dress now hung tightly across her chest and hips, which curved outwards from a slender waist. Her legs were longer and leaner, and Tina had to hold the hem of her skirt with one hand to stop it from riding up her thighs.

The girl brought her hands to her chest, still marveling at the changes. Then she seemed to realize where she stood—on a dais in front of a crowd—and immediately dropped her arms. She blushed, her gaze dropping to the floor, and tried to shrink back into herself, her posture hunching slightly.

“This is Tina, everyone.” Una let her voice ring out with calm assurance. “Please welcome her.” There were cheers and applause, along with a few shouts, whistles, and cat-calls. Tina straightened, but still looked nervous.

Jamie came to the rescue and rushed to Tina’s side, her face lit by a broad smile. “Tina! Oh my God, you look so amazing! Just like we always talked about.”

“I do?” Tina’s eyes flickered up, and a shy grin crossed her face. “I do!” The cheers grew louder, and the two you women hopped up and down on the raised platform.

“Hmph. I guess you proved your point, but mine still stands too,” she heard Maria say from behind her. A wave of dizziness passed across Una’s vision, and she swayed slightly. Maria grabbed her arm, supporting her. “What’s going on? You need some water too? It looked like you were… you know, overflowing with power.”

“Exactly,” Una gasped. “I don’t know what’s happening. It’s like a kind of… feedback loop?”

In the audience, men and women and folk of all sorts kissed passionately, touching each other, or simply gazing at the succubi with awe on their faces.

“Let it out, then,” said Maria, in a tone of sudden understanding.

“What? Let it…” She’d already blown out steam, unfurled her wings… but this was something different. Energy swirled around her, centering in her belly, and radiating into her nipples, her crotch and her tail. She felt like a dam ready to burst.

Maria turned Una to face her, taking her by the shoulders, and stared into her golden eyes. “Do what feels natural, silly goose. You won’t hurt anyone.”

Una’s eyes widened in alarm and she looked down at her friend, whose eyes glinted mischievously. “You’re… you want me to…” The succubus felt a surge of emotion rise inside of her, and her breath caught in her lungs.

“Yeah,” breathed Maria in reply.

Una grabbed Maria’s face between her hands, pulled her close, and kissed her deeply. Maria’s lips felt soft against Una’s, and the blonde’s body thrummed with warmth, her flesh giving way as Una pressed against her. The succubus ran a thumb down Maria’s cheek, then cupped her hand around the back of her friend’s neck.

Maria moaned as she opened her mouth, letting her tongue dart out to meet Una’s own. The two tails of the pair wrapped around one another, entwining in pleasure. Maria’s arms slipped around Una, pulling her closer, and the succubus felt a rush as their bodies touched.

The energies in Una poured into the connection between her and Maria, flowing through their mouths and tongues. In Maria, that energy found another, similar reservoir, mingled and rebounded, then flowed back again. A humming sensation filled the space between them, as if their souls sang together, and Una felt a deep sense of satisfaction.

The two succubae broke apart, gasping for breath, and stared at each for a moment. The crowd had fallen silent once more, their eyes fixed upon the two of them. Jamie and Tina stood nearby, both looking confused.

“Resonance?” Maria said, nearly panting. Her eyes glowed with excitement and Her.

Una only nodded before Maria pounced, tearing at the bodice of Una’s costume. Her powerful wings had already shredded the back panels of her corset, and the rest of the fabric gave way easily, letting her crimson breasts spill into Maria’s waiting palms.

Una groaned and kissed Maria again, unable to resist the temptation any longer. She slid one hand between Maria’s legs, pushing the tight fabric of her dress aside and caressing Maria’s sex. Maria shivered and moaned into Una’s mouth.

Around the writhing demonesses, the orgy began in earnest.

Next time: Well, that's one way to settle a dispute?

What do you think of the most recent transformees? Is this the end of Maria's shenanigans, or the start of something bigger? 

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Want more? If you haven't already read them, check out our side-stories from the same universe, New York City after Portal Day!

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  • SYNCHRONY::OVERRIDE, a strange tale of body and identity in a pocket dimension of soul-driven automata...
  • Redraw Me, a slice-of-life relationship tale about a trans woman whose girlfriend draws her dreams to life...
  • Samira's Curse, a smutty romp about two friends whose relationship is transformed...


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