Sucked into a Fantasy Game

Chapter 26-The Banquet

Fantasy map, medieval town ((HD)) ((perfect)) ((ma





Oh, right. They still hadn’t joined a guild. To join a guild or not to join a guild… Kiyomi had to think hard on this. She hated socializing. Doing big bosses and raids with other players were okay and all because no one really had the time to make small talk and banter when enemies were trying to kill them. But joining a guild to build wholesome and meaningful relationships and have solid connections that could last a lifetime? Nah, fuck that nonsense. Plus they could betray and disappoint you at any time. There were likely other Lunas running around too. Just the idea of being near other people… Kiyomi shivered at the thought. Though, Sako was a different story…

They were standing at the back of the room by a table of food. Sako in a short, yellow dress that she had luckily found as a drop from the 50 000 monsters she had killed during the invasion. From an… angry sunflower…?... or some silly thing like that, she had said.

Kiyomi had on a tuxedo she had gotten as a drop from an Elite Classy Vampire, which was also from the invasion. Half of those monsters were weird. The tux reminded her of that bartender lady actually. No, the woman behind the counter. Elora. Right, that was her name.

The room was spacious with a well-polished floor, high chandeliers, and many guests around who talked among themselves, occasionally sipping from their wine glasses at their tables. The tables unsurprisingly had fine white tablecloths.

King Lancester hadn’t shown up yet.

Sako was here for chatting, smiling, giggling, and food, but Kiyomi had one goal in mind, which was why she had changed her mind to come with Sako before her big grind. 

Where is Le Francia… She hadn’t appeared either. Her numbers. Kiyomi was dying to see her numbers. She could overlook Le Francia’s off-putting demeanor. That didn’t matter. She prayed that she wouldn’t have her stats hidden. 

Luna was clinging to Sako’s arm as usual, having their arms linked, which was why Sako seemed disgruntled.

“Sako, dear?” Luna whispered.

“What,” Sako whispered back with a slight irritation, looking around the room and hoping no one noticed their awkwardness.

“Can we do something later? Just us?”

Sako looked at her, smiling. “Sure. I’d love to. I can tie you up with rope if you’d like.” 

“Yes, please do!” Luna was looking forward to it.

“And I’ll do it niiiice and tight, just for you, so you can’t escape.”

“Yes, yes, yes! And feel free to hurt me as much as you like! And make me scream for you!”

“Of course! I’ll do exactly that by bashing your head with a chair again! Don’t worry! You won’t even feel a thing, I promise!”

Luna froze. “…What…” She turned pale in the face and suddenly looked sick. “…I change my mind. Forget it. I’m going to the bathroom.”

“No problem! Try not to come back!” Sako waved at Luna as she ambled off with her head down.

The atmosphere felt better already.

Chelsea spotted them from across the room and made her way over, still in her uniform and matching cape. Her long, white hair hadn’t changed either. “I’m elated to see you’ve both made it.” She grinned.

“I’m glad to be here!” Sako replied.

Kiyomi nodded in agreement, simply going along with the mood.

“About the other day,” Chelsea began, “I don’t understand how you girls tore through all those monsters like paper.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah! I wanna know too! I saw it! THAT WAS SO FUCKING COOL!” A girl came racing up to them in a dress shirt and pants with the shirt out rather than tucked into her pants. She looked like a preteen. Long, messy hair, and blonde like the king’s.

“Princess Vanescka! No running or swearing! Why can’t you be a proper lady for once?!” A maid speedwalked over and caught up. “Do you have any decency?! Your lack thereof is frustrating!”

“I’m a girl, not a lady. Or did you forget again?” Princess Vanescka asked the maid then turned back to Chelsea, Sako, and Kiyomi, whispering, “I don’t think she’s very smart. We need a new one.”

“I heard that.” The maid’s eyebrow quivered.

“No, you didn’t,” Princess Vanescka replied to her. “You’re just tired. Go have a nap. Isn’t that what you old people do all the time?”

The maid clenched her teeth, her eyebrow twitching a few more times. Her glare was fierce. She was actually far from old. Looked pretty young. Late twenties if Kiyomi were to guess.

Princess Vanescka looked at Chelsea. “Hey, cap, any idea why she’s mad at me?”

“Because you said something rude again, princess.” She rolled her eyes.

“What? How’s it rude if it’s true? I think she’s just sensitive.”

“…Right… Sure, princess…” Chelsea replied.

What a weird tomboy, Kiyomi thought.

“It’s nice to meet both of you.” Sako smiled and bowed.

“Likewise, girlie,” Princess Vanescka said. “So, you gonna tell us the deets?”

Le Francia still wasn’t here yet, assuming she would be anyway.

Sako could do the talking for the both of them as Kiyomi didn’t have any interest.

“Sure!” Sako replied. “Uhhh. Well, there wasn’t much to it. I just hit stuff really fast and hard because of… prior experience. Same goes for her.” She pointed to Kiyomi.

“Oh, I see.” Chelsea nodded, pleasantly surprised.

“What, that’s it?! Come on, girlie, you gotta tell us more!”

“Settle down, princess. It’s best not to pry too much,” Chelsea said. “Please go back to your room. I’ll personally bring you a brand-new stuffed rabbit later.”

Princess Vanescka hesitated. “Fine. But make that 20 stuffed rabbits.”

“20?!” Chelsea asked. “Please be reasonable for once. Someone will complain about this. Okay, look, I’ll get… um… 7. 7 is a better number, right? That’s more than 20—”

“You think I’m stupid?! Make that 25!”

“Wait, no. Okay, let’s settle it at 18—”

“What’s that? 30, you say?”

“No, no, 25!”

“Oh, 40? I’ll take that offer.”

“My lady, please—” Chelsea tried.

Princess Vanescka put her hands on her hips authoritatively. “Captain Chelsea, are you defying an imperative request of the Second Princess of the Kingdom of Aria, Princess Vanescka Elle Marzenwick?” She sighed melodramatically. “I expected better from the captain of all people. Perhaps the captain isn’t as good as people have said. I think we need to replace her.”

Chelsea groaned in defeat, on her hands and knees at this point. “Fine, my lady, 40 stuffed rabbits.”

“I heard 50,” she added.

“Please, no more. 50. Just 50,” Chelsea begged.

“Alright. 50.”

Chelsea sighed in relief.

But,” she started again, “I want these two to bring them to my chamber.” Princess Vanescka pointed at Sako and Kiyomi. 

“With pleasure!” Sako replied.

Kiyomi had butterflies in her stomach. Fuck, I didn’t sign up for this. Now she was trapped with no way out.


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