Summoned Again?

The Million View Special Continued 4

I actually managed to doze off and had a really weird dream, or at least I thought I did. It was a little fuzzy now that I was awake and trying to remember it. There was this gold glow around me and there was also this huge albino giant with long white hair in front of me. He also had bright blue eyes, which struck me as funny for some reason. When I laughed, the giant reacted and spoke.

“Damon.” His deep voice rumbled and he reached for me. He only had two fingers on his enormous hand and I reached out to see if they were real. My hand briefly gripped one of the fingers, letting me know it was real, then he slipped through my hand and started to drop away.

A giant woman suddenly appeared beside him and waved her arms frantically at me. She was yelling something in a weird language that I couldn't understand, which made me laugh. I waved back to her and then I had woken up with a start.

I shook my head at the remembered images, since I had never met any giants before, let alone albino ones with only two fingers on their hands. The bright blue eyes were startling, though.

Albinos aren't supposed to have eyes like that, are they? I asked myself and inadvertently hugged my current bed partner.

“Mmm. Not... not yet. Still sore from... mmm.” Martha moaned and cuddled into my chest.

I held in my laugh at that, because we sure went at it like rabbits. Relieving her of her cancer worries had made her personality perk right up, even after her horrible ordeal. I would need to make sure she stayed happy, especially when I take her back to... oh, crap. I can't take her back to Anita and Karen. We don't have the room inside The Bear for another passenger. The scientists are going to take both of the freed up slots.

Okay, Damon. Think. What would you do on a world of magic? I asked myself and laid there for nearly an hour before I came up with a ridiculous plan. One that might not work if Martha isn't okay with it. I would need to wait and see what she wanted to do after I removed most of the sheriff department and anyone else that's biased against the wolves.

Martha woke up three hours later and gave me a sad look. “Damon, I... we can't do this again.”

“Was the mind blowing sex not good enough?” I asked, jokingly.

“It was fantastic. Too fantastic.” Martha said. “Your girlfriend might be okay with sharing you with others; but, I'm not.” She looked down at my unprotected member and back at my face. “How many potential STDs did I just expose myself to?”

“None.” I said. “I'm completely clean, both physically and medically.”

“But... you... how...”

“Magic, of course. I can't catch or pass on anything. I also won't get anyone pregnant unless they want me to.” I said and she looked surprised. “It's all right, though. I know sharing is a huge ask for things like this. I expected this to only be thank you sex anyway.”

Marth smiled and sat up. “I don't suppose you have the magic ability to make me clothes or something, do you?”

“That depends on if you like under-armor bodysuits, kick ass leather pants, a nice blouse with a leather jacket, and combat boots for women.” I said and she stared at me like I was crazy. “I've got some normal clothing if you would prefer that.”

“Fuck, no! Give me the kick ass stuff!” Martha exclaimed and I laughed.

“All right, let me just clean us up.” I said and waved my hand over us to cast the spells. I didn't have to use my hands, it was just showy enough to not let her question what I was doing. If it just happened and I didn't move, she wouldn't believe I had done it.

“That was the same tingle as when you healed my leg!” Martha said.

“I cleaned you up then, too.” I said and sat up. “Do you want me to leave the room while you get dressed?” I asked and held out a very sexy pair of red lace panties that just appeared in my hand.

Martha squinted her eyes at me. “Those are not the only kind you have, are they?”

I grinned at her. “No. I just want to see you in them.”

Martha huffed and stood as she took them from me. “Fine.” She said and bent over, letting her breasts jiggle from gravity alone and stepped into the panties, then started to pull them up. “They better be comfortable or I'm never going to let you forget it.”

“I'm probably not going to forget it anyway.” I said and watched as she pulled them up the rest of the way, then she reached down to adjust them to sit properly across her womanhood. She tugged the waist up a bit when she had them situated, then she flicked her fingertips along her backside and checked the fit.

“You're lucky.” Martha said and gave me a bit of a glare.

“I really am.” I said and handed her the matching bra.

“Are you kidding me?” Martha asked and took the lacy thing to stare out through the red lace. “My nipples are going to go right through this skimpy thing!”

“I sincerely doubt that. My Susan has nipples about an inch long and she said it's really comfortable.”

Martha almost snarled as she looked at me with accusation on her face. “Are these previously used?”

I chuckled. “Of course not. I bought dozens of sets for Susan to surprise her with them.”

Martha lost the angry look. “Did you say dozens?”

“I always keep a nice stock available for her. She likes it when I surprise her occasionally with a new color or design.” I said and then smiled. “She also likes it when I take them off of her with my teeth.”

Martha huffed and looked at the bra again. “I don't see any push-up pads.”

I barked a laugh. “Susan does not need pads and would be insulted if I ever suggested that she needed to push her girls together.”

Martha gave me a skeptical look, then she bent over and slipped the bra on to cup her breasts inside, then stood up straight. “Make yourself useful.”

I quickly stood and hooked the back for her while also equipping my own hunter outfit.

Martha looked down at herself and nodded. “I'm supported; but, I'm not being shown off, either.”

“Yeah, it takes a bit of getting used to, according to Nat.” I said.


“My live-in nanny for Crystal.” I said and she nodded. “They get mixed up in the wash and she's worn Susan's bras a few times. Sometimes by mistake.”

“She doesn't mind that?” Martha asked and made a grabbing motion towards me.

I chuckled and handed her the under-armor bodysuit. “We all live together, so we make some compromises.”

“Do you fight a lot?” Martha asked and stepped into the bodysuit. “Oooh, yeah. That's nice.”

“Wait until you put it on completely. It boosts your strength, speed, and endurance.” I said and helped her get her arms in without getting tangled up. “We all fight, especially when it comes to Crystal. I want to baby her and love her for all she's worth. Nat wants to nurture her creativity. Susan wants to raise her like she was raised.”

Martha laughed. “Conflicting opinions make a busy house.”

I nodded and zipped her up. A moment later, Martha moaned as the enchantments activated. “I told you.”

“You are a doll.” Martha said and took several deep breaths. “I feel fantastic.”

“You really did.” I flirted and she blushed for a moment, then she smacked my arm. “Right. Keep handing you clothes. Sorry.”

Martha laughed softly and accepted the blouse to put it on. “You buy really expensive things.”

“Not always. I would rather be comfortable, no matter what the price was. I try to make sure that everyone around me feels the same way.”

“You're really super rich?”

“I own my own country in Europe.”

Martha's mouth dropped open and she stared at me. “You... you... you're him! Damon Smith! THE Damon Smith!”

“Yes, and you enjoyed me to the fullest.” I said and she blushed again. “If it's not too insulting for you, can I tell you that you're right up there with the best lovers I've ever had?”

Martha took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she started to sway. “I just slept with a trillionaire and he said I'm one of the best he's ever had.”

I grabbed onto her and she leaned against me. “Easy, now. Don't faint.”

“You're not lying, are you?” Martha asked in a whisper.

“No, I'm not really into that. I'm pretty terrible at it and usually avoid it by not answering or asking another question.” I said and smiled. “Are you okay?”

Martha frowned at me and opened her mouth, probably to argue.

“I'm kidding. I really enjoyed it, even though that was our first time.” I said and lightly rubbed her back. “I also didn't want to disappoint you and made sure you had fun.”

Martha thought about that. “Is that why we ended up in the bed?”

I nodded. “It was much easier to pleasure you there than on a concrete floor.”

Martha huffed and nodded. “I really was out of it with pleasure to beg you like I did at the end.”

I changed my hold on her to hug her tenderly. “I thought you were very sexy for demanding what you wanted. That's why I didn't hesitate and gave it to you.”

“Doesn't that mean you wouldn't normally?” Martha asked.

“It means I might have teased you a little before I did. I was as into it as you were, though.”

“I think... I'm sure I felt that.” Martha said and her hands rested on my chest.

“I was sure feeling a lot of you at the time.” I joked and she blushed a little, then she laughed softly. “Seriously, I really enjoyed it. Thank you for thanking me like that.”

“I'm glad you realize I don't do that all the time.” Martha said and stepped back from me. “Now give me those kick ass leather pants.”

“You mean these?” I asked and they appeared in my hands.

“Oh, sweet Jesus.” Martha said and ran her hands over the exquisite black leather. “I don't want to know how much these cost, do I?”

“No, you don't.” I said and she slowly put them on.

“They are a little loose, even though they looked tight when... AH!” Martha gasped when she zipped the zipper and they resized and fit her like a glove. “What was that?!?”

“Magic. Look down at them and walk around a bit to test the fit.” I said and she did so.

When she came back over to me, she had a huge smile on her face. “You stared at my ass the whole time, didn't you?”

“Have you seen your ass in leather pants?” I asked and made a full length mirror appear in front of her and behind. “I mean, look at that.”

Martha gasped at the mirrors, then her eyes dropped down to look at the perfectly shaped ass wrapped in leather in the mirror. “That is not my ass!”

“Oh, it is.” I said and reached over to rub it. She saw my hand rubbing her ass and she felt it. “It's just as nice like this as it is unwrapped.”

“No, it isn't.” Martha said and bit her lip to stop herself from moaning.

I let her ass go and pulled out the leather jacket. “This will complete the outfit.”

Martha put it on and half-zipped it, then she looked at herself in the mirror. “I look spectacular.”

“You didn't need the leather outfit for that.” I said and handed her a brush, a comb, and a small make-up kit.

Martha held my hands briefly and leaned in to kiss me softly. “Thank you, Damon.”

I nodded and she used the mirrors to check herself over, fixed her hair, and applied the make-up. When she was done, she looked like a slightly different woman. She tried to hand me the things back and I pulled out a little backpack for her. She smiled and added her new things to it, then slung it over her back.

“How are we getting to the police station?” Martha asked as we left her cell.

“We could fly, drive, or you can wait here.” I said.

“You can fly?!?” Martha gasped.

“Yeah.” I said and I put my hand over her eyes as we passed the guard room.

“I'm not a little girl, Damon.” Martha said. She also didn't move my hand.

“I'll tell you to close your eyes next time.” I said and we went up the stairs. “Close your eyes.”

Martha grabbed my arm and held on as she closed her eyes. “Just tell me when I can open them again.”

I led her through the facility and outside. “Okay, we're outside.”

“You killed that many?” Martha asked.

“Only two out of the whole facility's employees actually regretted what happened to you and I let them go.” I said and pointed to two people that seemed to be frozen at the edge of the parking lot.

“What the... what did you do to them?” Martha asked.

“Nothing. We're currently in a compressed bubble of time. They are now outside of it.”

Martha looked at them and then at me. “So, everything we just did... sleeping and all that... was for how long?”

“Subjective time was about seven hours.” I said and smiled. “Real time was about 24 seconds.”

Martha just stared at me with a blank look on her face.

“Yes, that means we are essentially out of time with everyone else... until I pass near them and they are included in the bubble.”

“But... wouldn't people know...”

“You didn't.” I said and she stopped talking. “So, fly or drive?”

Martha looked around and didn't see a vehicle parked nearby. “How would we drive?”

I made a normal car appear and she gasped. “With this.” I said and floated up sightly. “Or I can carry you.”

“Fly! FLY!” Martha yelled.

I stored the car and picked her up in a princess carry as I cast shield around us. “Fast or slow?”

“Um... slow.” Martha said and then smiled. “And high.”

I nodded and flew us up to three hundred feet and levelled out to fly forward.

“Oh, wow.” Martha whispered as she looked around.

“I know. It never gets old when I go to a new world and I get to do things like this.”

“You better mean me.” Martha joked with a smile on her face.

“And fly. Flying is a close second.” I said and she laughed.

We flew for half an hour at a slow pace and we arrived at the police station.

“I'm going to cast several spells on us to hide us from security cameras and things until I disable them.” I said and she nodded. I did so and landed softly in front of the police station's front door. “Be right back.”

Martha nodded as I stood her up, then I left her there and ran around the police station to destroy all the cameras, both hidden and out for people to see, then found the security room. One well placed spell melted everything and I did the memory spell thing on the two guards watching everything. They were both guilty of some pretty harsh crimes, so I killed them and ran back outside.

“Are you sure you want to come in with me?” I asked. “I'm not going to be gentle with these people.”

“I... well, I...”

“It's all right to have second thoughts about this.” I said and hugged her. “I know you're not a ruthless person normally. This place just...”

“Yes, I... I wouldn't hurt a fly normally.”

“The spiders around your house must love you for feeding them.” I said and she laughed.

“I'll stay here. I don't need to see them get what's coming to them. I just need to know that they got it.”

I gave her cheek a kiss and ran inside the building as I dropped the spells concealing me. “Hello, boys!” I said loudly and a few people in the lobby gave me weird looks. I quickly used the mental spells and checked the people in the lobby, both criminals and police, and wasn't surprised that they were all guilty of doing the same things to others as they did to Martha. Some even went further than that and... I tore their limbs off and healed the stumps.

Their screams alerted the others and I quickly killed them with a stolen gun that I expertly wielded. I left the worst criminals alive and told them to think about the women they raped before I came back to kill them for it. They screamed louder and I didn't have to go far to search for more criminals to kill. I also robbed everyone and everything inside the place as I took anything that was useful. Guns, bullets, armor, and valuables.

I took only twenty minutes to clear the entire place out, including the sheriff, because he was in on a human trafficking ring that Martha had been passed up for, because she was too old. That angered me, because she was a great woman and she was great in bed.

How dare they spurn her for being too old for their illegal sex trafficking ring? I thought and it made me laugh as I ran out to meet with Martha.

“What's so funny?” Martha asked as I stopped in front of her.

“It made me angry that they skipped over taking you for a human trafficking sex ring because you were too old and I could only kill them once for it.”

Martha's face changed to a scowl. “How dare they!”

“My thoughts exactly.” I said and hugged her. “We need to stop at the mayor's office and the courthouse.”

“Really? It's gone that far?” Martha asked.

“I think it's more that the higher-ups approve and look the other way or facilitate things.”

“Then let's take them down.” Martha said, adamantly.

“I may need to drop you off near the main facility near New York to track down the rest of this ring.” I said.

“Oh, god. They ship them across the sea on container ships.” Martha said.

“You got it.” I said and picked her up and rose into the air. “Try not to flinch when I show you one of my neat abilities.”

“I can't promise anything.” Martha said.

I smirked at her and took a deep breath, then opened my mouth and blew out the Volcanic Breath variant onto the police station. I had unlocked it from my Breath of Flame skill and wanted to try it.

“Oh, my GOD!” Martha gasped as my breath formed into molten lava and covered a hundred feet of the station. The building was quickly melted and devoured by the lava and then it started to cool when I ended the skill. “What... what...”

“It's just something I picked up on the last world I was on.” I said and she stared at me and then at my mouth. I chuckled. “No, it doesn't leave residue. It's magic.”

“That's good.” Martha said. “You had that mouth wrapped around my...” She stopped talking and shook her head. “I do not want lava touching me anywhere, let alone down there.”

“It never would, Martha.” I said and flew over to the courthouse. “Should I even bother trying to go inside?”

“There could be innocent people in there.” Martha said.

I nodded and landed to set her on a bench across the street. “See you in a few minutes.”

“Or a few seconds.” Martha said and looked across the road to the courthouse.

“You're right. You'll be just outside.” I said and put a hand on her shoulder. “No one can see you here.”

Martha took a deep breath and let it out. “You're not going to leave me with a weapon, are you?”

“No. You couldn't use it.” I said and took out a short sword. I stored it and took out a handgun that I stole at the last police station, along with everything else inside, before I melted it to cover up that fact.

Martha shook her head at both items, then I held out a baton.

“Do you have a baseball bat? Aluminum?” Martha asked.

I took one out and handed it to her. “I only have thirty more, so be careful with it.”

“Where did you get thirty one baseball bats?” Martha asked and I pointed to the police logo on them. “Oh, that's fitting.”

I chuckled and bent down to kiss her cheek. I took off from there and went inside the building and started my very long interrogation and murder spree. I wasn't going to let the criminals off, either. I checked everyone and killed anyone that committed crimes from rape to murder, including the police officers, guards, and the judges.

When I was done just over four hours later, all the judges were dead, the lawyers were without limbs, and half of the civilians in the place were dead. I even found out several leads on the sex slave ring and would follow them up later.

I ran back outside and saw Martha as she stood over an officer with a bloody bat. “What happened?”

“He recognized me and I panicked.” Martha said. Her voice was strained, her breathing laboured, and her forehead was covered in sweat. “I just started swinging and didn't stop until he stopped moving.”

I had only been gone for about sixteen seconds and she had already killed someone. I couldn't check to see if the officer was guilty, because she had bashed his head in. I carefully hugged her and cast the cleaning spell on her. I used the memory spell on her and saw what actually happened.

Martha recognized the officer as he was walking towards the bench as one of the men who had arrested her. She waited for him to approach and started swinging. With her boosted strength, she easily killed him and made sure he was never doing anything bad again.

“I'm glad you didn't freeze up and took him out right away.” I said and she blinked her eyes at me.

“Wh-what?” Martha asked, clearly confused.

“He could have easily exposed you and might have called other police to take you into custody. Since he would know you got out of the medical research facility, it wouldn't have gone well for you the second time.”

Martha huffed and dropped the bat to hug me. “It didn't go well the first time.”

“I know.” I said and she understood what I meant as she nodded.

We stayed there for several minutes without saying anything, then Martha sighed and let me go.

“I'm not sure what we're going to do now.” Martha said. “We've got a dead body where everyone can see it and there's no way we can dispose of it with witnesses around.”

“What body?” I asked.

Martha looked down and gasped. “Where did it go?”

“I made it disappear and I can dispose of it whenever I want.” I said. “Oh, right. I have a very convenient spot right across the road. I'll be right back.”

Martha looked lost as she let me go.

I chuckled. “I don't have to go all the way.” I said and ran halfway across the road and dropped the body into a closet. I looted it first, though. I had tons of guns and bullets now. And money. Lots and lots of money. Who would have thought that a courthouse had so much inside from people paying fines and fees and things? I know I didn't.

“You didn't leave me alone.” Martha whispered as I walked back over to her.

“I didn't mean to the last time. It just took a lot longer to interrogate so many people.” I said and hugged her. “By the way, all of the judges are dead and most of the lawyers lost their arms.”

Martha couldn't stop the laugh as it escaped.

“Come on. The mayor's place is next and then the prison.” I said and she nodded as she hugged my neck. I picked her up and flew her at a nice slow pace to the mayor's office. I brought her with me and then obscured her sight as I did my work.

I found several lists of names and sighed. The ring kept getting bigger with each name I found and I killed the mayor and his staff. Their last party had a party favor that was only sixteen and she had suffered through the indignation of someone stuffing a dollar bill in her mouth. When they were done with her, she was arrested for prostitution and thrown in jail. For a dollar.

I tore them apart, bone by bone, and made them remember being sexually violated over and over until I finally crushed their heads with my armored hands. I did it to all of them, even the women, because some of them had participated and the others had stood by and let it happen without saying anything. They didn't even feel bad that the girl was in jail and they had put her there.

I left the mayor's office feeling dirty and I didn't waste time flying slowly. Martha didn't comment on why I was angry, because she had heard everything. I had only blocked her from seeing things, so she would know I hadn't left her alone and she could still hear me as I talked.

I walked into the jail alone, wearing my full mithril armor, and left the cameras alone. I walked right up to the reception desk and looked through the window. “I'm here for Denise Chase.”

“Sign in, please.” The man said without looking up.

I took the pen and signed, 'Retribution'.

“Step through the metal detector. Drop your keys and other small metal things into the tray.”

I didn't do that and stored my armor as I covered my face with a covering, then equipped my armor again after stepping through.

“Go to the end of the hall and a guard there will take you to the meeting room.”

“Thank you.” I said and walked down the hallway.

The guard waiting there stared at me as I approached. I did a quick scan of his mind and he was just a guard, like the clerk was just a clerk. No crimes or intent was in their minds.

“How did you get through wearing that?” The guard asked.

“It's just hypnosis.” I said and snapped my fingers to make Teddy appear in front of me.

“WHOA!” The guard said.

“Lots of people are susceptible and they don't even know it.” I said and stored Teddy. “I'm not even wearing armor. It's a suit.” I snapped my fingers and I was wearing a normal suit.

“You must amaze people all the time.” The guard said and opened the barred door.

“Hey, my antics in bed are none of your business.” I said with a smile and he laughed.

“The meeting room is this way.” He said and led me down another hallway and into a large room with a bunch of small tables in it.

“You're allowed one hug at the beginning and one at the end. Occasional hand holding is okay, as long as you don't try to pass her anything.”

“Thanks for letting me know. I might have just sat there and stared at her without knowing what to do.” I admitted and the guard nodded before he left the room through a different door. I knew he was coming back with her, so I made sure to turn myself enough away from the door to not let her see me, so she wouldn't immediately tell the guard that she didn't know me. I also dropped the time spells I had active when the guard reached the edge of it.

I watched his progress on my Map and used Search and Topography to fill in the prison with details. I didn't ask why she was here for prostitution and not at the local jailhouse, mainly because I already melted the place into slag and assumed that the mayor was burying her out of sight.

When they were close enough, I cast the room protection spell on the meeting room and waited for them to walk the distance to the room and entered it before I cast the time spells to put me back at my safe maximum. I ducked my head a little to hide my profile as the young woman approached, then I cast Stillness on the guard, so he wouldn't react.

“I wasn't expecting anyone to come visit me.” Denise said, her voice sad.

“Once I found out what happened to you, I came right here to see you.” I said and turned to face her.

Denise caught her breath and then started to shake. “I don't know you!”

I held up my hands and cast Calmness on her. “Please, relax. I only came here to help you.”

“Why?” She asked and took a step back from me. “The stupid lawyer they sent here before to help me said to accept a plea deal and I'll only serve two years!”

“I'm not a lawyer.” I said and took off the suit coat. “I only want to help you.”

“Oh, yeah? Prove it.” She said and crossed her arms.

“I can do that easily.” I said and dropped several wallets on the table before I opened them. “I killed everyone that touched you at that party.”

Denise stood there with shock on her face and her eyes went to the opened wallets.

I could tell that she recognized the men in those pictures. “I also killed the ones that were there and didn't say anything about it.” I said and waved at the chair across from me at the little table. “Have a seat and we can talk about it.”

Denise looked at the seat and then at me with squinted eyes. “I doubt that. They only gave me five minutes in here. I don't think you could introduce yourself before I have to leave again.”

I chuckled. “My best friend said almost the same thing when I met her for the first time the second time.”

“That... that doesn't make sense.” Denise said.

“She lost her memory and I had to reintroduce myself, only I was treating her like my best friend already and I completely forgot to tell her who I was for like ten minutes as we talked.” I said with a smile. “She had to remind me that she didn't know who I was.”

Denise smiled and sat down.

“Plus, that five minutes? It'll last about 83 hours in this room.” I said with a grin.

“Wh-wh-what?” Denise asked in a stammer.

“I altered the time dilation in this room and I came here to rescue you.” I said and her eyes widened.

“B-breaking me out of here won't help me much.” Denise said.

“Well, it's not like there's much of anyone left to bring you in or prosecute you.” I said with a smile.

“What do you mean?” Denise asked.

“I killed most of the police force, except for those off-duty and a few out on patrol. I'll be handling them before I leave the city.” I said. “I also cleared out the mayor's office, a bunch of politicians, the judges at the courthouse, and maimed most of the lawyers.”

Denise sat there and stared at me.

“Yes, really. They hurt my new friend and I wasn't going to let that go.”

“You... you really... killed them all.” Denise whispered.

“Yep. There's no one left to arrest you on fake charges.” I said and then barked a laugh. “Actually, there's no police station and no records. I destroyed it all.”

“I'm... I'm already in here.” Denise said.

“That's easily fixed.” I said and pointed up at the ceiling and cast a shield over us as I cast a very overpowered Push spell at the ceiling. The thing exploded up and out and debris landed all over the place. Ceiling tiles, wires, pieces of light fixtures, and pieces of metal fell around us as they bounced off of the shield.

Denise sat there with her mouth hanging open and stared up at the night sky.

I let her do that for a lot longer than the five minutes she was supposed to be visiting me. “So, shall we go?”

Denise looked at my face. “You're crazy!”

“No doubt.” I said and stood. “By the way, I'm going to heal you and erase the memories of what happened to you.”

Denise gasped and shot to her feet. “LET'S GO!”

“Please excuse my forwardness.” I said and stepped close to put my arms around her.

Denise stiffened as my arms slid around her.

I gave her a warm smile as I hugged her close and then I gently flew us up through the destroyed ceiling as I cancelled the shield. Denise looked around in awe as I floated us back over to the front of the prison and Martha stood there, looking like she could kick anyone's ass.

I let Denise go as we landed and she practically jumped into Martha's arms as she started crying. “Do you mind if I clean up in here?” I asked and Martha shook her head. She had someone to take care of right now and I wasn't needed. I flew back into the hole in the ceiling and went through the second door to enter the prison.

I went through all of the cells and killed the murderers and rapists. I even killed a couple of the guards that had been taking advantage of the situation and were providing drugs and illegal things to the prisoners, perpetuating the gangs and drug addictions instead of stopping them. I shoved their bodies into the cells of the dead murderers, since I didn't want them thinking someone else did it.

I left there and went to the administration section and checked everyone, even the warden. Despite him stealing money from the prison, he wasn't hurting anyone or condoning crimes or ignoring them when they happened, so I left him alone. I went back out to the front of the prison and Denise looked like she was okay.

“Damon, take us away from here.” Martha said. “This city stinks.”

I glanced at Denise and she nodded. I took out a bench with straps on it, the same one I had used on the cleric world. “Sit on the left and right, please. For balance.”

They did so and I strapped them in.

“This might feel a little weird.” I said and strapped myself up on the end of the harness.

“What are you doing?” Martha asked.

“Flying with multiple passengers.” I said and slowly lifted up into the air as I cast a shield over them, then I took off and the bench swung up behind me to level out.

“OH MY GOOOOOOOD!” Denise and Martha yelled at the same time.

I flew them across two states to bring them back to where I was staying with Anita and Karen. I didn't stop right at the research station, though. I flew just outside of town and slowed down. The bench swung underneath me and we landed softly, thanks to my Featherlight ability.

“That... was... AWESOME!” Denise yelled and twelve yips of agreement came from around us as the wolves ran over to us. “AHHH! WOLVES!”

“It's all right.” Both Martha and I said at the same time.

“They are my friends.” I said and Karina trotted over to sit beside me. “This is Karina, the Queen of the Arcanus Lupus Maxima.”

Karina let out a little growl and I sighed.

“She also has the title of First Named.” I added and unstrapped myself. “You know they didn't really need to know that.”

Karina yipped and licked my face.

“All right. Okay. Stop begging.” I said and walked a short distance away and took out another barbecue chicken and made it the size of the last one. “Enjoy.”

The wolves let out happy barks and then dove at the still hot meat.

I walked back over to the bench and the two women stared at me. “What?”

“You're feeding the giant wolves giant barbecue chickens!” They both said together.

“Did you practice that? That was neat.” I said and unstrapped them, then I took out a table to put in front of them and sat down on the chair I also took out from inventory.

“What are you doing?” Martha asked.

“Eating.” I said and took out three large submarine sandwiches. “Are either of you vegetarians?”

“No.” They said and eagerly accepted their sandwiches.

“Oh, this is so good!” Denise said and took several quick bites.

“Geez, chew some of it first!” Martha scolded her, only to do the same thing herself.

I barked a laugh at her and she chewed and swallowed.

“Do as I say and not as I do!” Martha said and took another huge bite.

Denise laughed as much as she could with her mouth stuffed, which set myself and Martha off as well.

A whimper came from beside me and Karina was there.

“I doubt you'll like most of this.” I said and cut off a quarter of the sub, then put it on the ground and enlarged it for her.

Karina barked happily and used her snout to smack the top of the bun away. She clawed at the lettuce after tasting the mayonnaise, nudged the tomato aside, then pretty much sucked up the three giant pieces of ham under that.

“I told you.” I said and kept eating.

Karina made a purring sound in my head and I looked to see her drooling over the piece of sliced turkey breast as she very carefully chewed it as much as she could to get all the flavor out of it.

“Yeah, that's my favorite, too.” I said and took out a package, then enlarged several pieces.

The wolves quickly gathered around and I had to feed a piece to each of them, just because they wanted the same tasty meat that their leaders were enjoying.

“You're lucky I have tons of this stuff.” I said and the wolves all started drooling again. “No, I'm not giving it all to you. You'll just get sick and throw it all up.”

The wolves all whimpered and looked really sad.

“You didn't even finish off the chicken.” I said and they looked at the old meal and then back at me. “Look, if you promise to watch over my two new friends for a few days, I'll fly back here for meals and feed you each one piece.” I said and they debated it in my head. “No, not two pieces, unless you want ham. That I can do.”

The wolves all looked at each other and nodded.

“Agreed. Two ham and one turkey each, and I'll drop off several barbecue chickens at the dens.”

They all let out happy barks and a couple even jumped in excitement.

“You're going to just leave us here?” Denise asked and Martha put an arm over her shoulders.

“Not for a while yet.” I said. “I've got to set up living space for you with entertainment, snacks, changes of clothing, and anything else you might want.”

Both Martha and Denise gave me surprised looks.

“I've got to drive some scientists to the main facility and to drop off equipment. That's going to take three days by vehicle, real time.”

“You're working for them?” Martha asked, angrily.

“No. We were hired to deliver passengers. I'm delivering them.”

“You should kill them all and be done with it.”

“I would do exactly that if they were all guilty.” I said.

Martha closed her eyes and sighed. “I'm sorry. It's just Denise has been through a lot...”

“I know, and I'll deal with the sex trafficking ring as soon as I can.” I said. “I was actually going to bring you to New York, since we're heading to Washington D.C. anyway, and I was going to meet you again there.”

“What were those odd sounds you made?” Denise asked.

“Oh, right. You're from here and our words don't make sense.” I said and Martha looked confused. “Denise, tell us the name of the city we just left.”

“It's (mouth sounds). Everyone knows that.” Denise said and Martha looked surprised.

“Names and certain words don't translate between our languages.” I told the both of them. “That's not really important at the moment. I wanted you here to be guarded by my wolf friends.”

Karina barked at me.

“Right, sorry. My Pack.” I said.

Martha and Denise gave me nervous looks.

“They aren't going to attack you or eat you when I leave.” I said and they looked even more nervous. “I'm not sure what I can say to ease your minds.”

Karina let out a yip and gave me a look.

“Oh! That's a great idea!” I said and stood. “Martha, pay attention to this.”

Karina walked around me and nudged my face with her nose, then she laid down on her side and presented her marked neck. Martha gasped and stood up to stare at us. I knelt and put another bite mark next to the first one and Karina let out a happy growl and her tail wagged.

I stood up and licked the blood off of my lips and the wolves around us let out low howls. They knew they couldn't be loud while this close to a town.

“They declared you dominant.” Martha whispered and sat back down. “Why would they...” She looked at me, at the table, at the bench she sat on, and the remains of the food on the table. “You claimed the pack!”

“That seems to be how things have worked out.” I said and Karina hopped up and told me to scratch behind her ear.

Of course, this set all of the wolves off and they all wanted a turn. Denise and Martha sat there for twenty minutes, completely stunned, as I pet each of the wolves and made them slap their paws on the ground with wagging tails behind them.

I walked over to the table and sat down again. “I hope that proves that they won't hurt you.”

“But... but, they... killed hundreds of people.” Denise whispered.

“They only started attacking back when one of their smaller packs was wiped out and their pups were stolen for experimentation.” I said and Martha sucked in a sharp breath. “It's been escalating for decades since then and both sides have been fortifying themselves for the war that no one wants and knows is coming anyway.”

“Are you trying to stop it?” Martha asked.

“I have been so far.” I said and explained about the turrets and capture devices, both of which were non-lethal. “My problem is, that's just a stop-gap. I have nowhere near enough materials for much more, I'm not handing the plans for the things to the government, and the wolves are already figuring out ways to set them off without getting caught and running them out of rubber bullets.”

Martha smiled and nodded at Karina, who nodded back.

“So, I need people to think about how to stop a war before it starts and how to change people's minds about the monsters they created themselves.”

Martha nodded and Denise looked thoughtful.

“Why don't you tell me about yourself while we think about it?” I asked her and sat back to cross my arms and relaxed.

“There's not much to tell, really.” Denise said.

“We've got about 81 hours left to waste of that five minutes they gave you back at the prison, so it's not like I'm in a rush to go anywhere right now.” I said with a grin.

Denise looked at Martha.

“I've seen people just outside the time dilation field be frozen... or moving so slowly that they appear frozen.” Martha said. “We have all the time you want to tell us what you want us to know.”

“Not everything?” Denise asked and shivered.

“I almost forgot about that.” I said and walked around the table to kneel by her. “Holy Cleanse.” I said and she was cleaned of diseases, poisons, and conditions. “Minor Healing.” I said and any cuts and bruises, minor bone breaks and sprains, were healed. “Major Healing.”

Denise gasped as she tingled all over from the magic, not realizing I had just cast a silent Cleaning Hands on her so that she would feel something.

I reached up and touched her forehead, even though I didn't need to, and dove into her mind with the Mind Manipulation spell. I watched her go through it all and I was glad that I got them all and killed them. I deleted those memories and replaced them with just a normal party and her having a great time.

Luckily, she wasn't a virgin and hadn't had that stolen from her by those sick bastards. I also dove through her mind to search out any feelings of gratification and guilt over it. Just because it was a horrible act, that didn't mean that some parts of it hadn't felt good at the time. The mind was a wonder of adaptation, sometimes to our detriment.

I dug those feelings out and deleted them, because I didn't want her to suffer with wondering why she would enjoy having three men ravage her at the same time and being covered in even more men's ejaculations. She had been abused for over two hours and by ten different men by that point and she wasn't thinking straight at all.

I pretty much brought her mind back to where it was before the party and edited the details of her life since then to make it fit into what her life should have been like if it had never happened. I had to leave the arrest, only changing the circumstances to a local man that frequented prostitutes giving her a dollar to get him a cup of coffee. The rest I left, even most of the trial and the lawyer's offers, since it didn't change how she was treated inside the prison. It even let her keep her attitude about the jail.

I moved my hand from her forehead and smiled at her. “How do you feel?”

“I'm pissed at that asshole for giving me a dollar!” Denis spat. “I'd kill him if you hadn't already!”

I chuckled and went back around the table to sit. “So, who are you and what do you want to do with your life?”

Denise took a deep breath and started speaking. She told us of how she was a normal girl and no one really bothered with her. She wasn't popular and she wasn't ignored, which put her in the best social situation at school. She had to drop out and take care of her dad when he lost his job and her mother left because she hooked up with a local politician.

I didn't point out that it was him that managed to arrange the whole thing, since she couldn't remember the party as being a bad thing. I did make a mental note to go kill the estranged mother, though. She had let her little girl be taken by her new boyfriend. She hadn't been at the mayor's office and I would need to look for her.

“Well, that's you before. What about now? What do you want to do?” I asked.

“I... I don't know. No one's ever asked me that before.” Denise said.

“If you suddenly had a ton of money, what would you do with it?” I asked and made a huge stack, several thousand dollars worth, appear on the table.

Denise gasped and her hands twitched to take it. “I... I think...”

“Would you run? Go home to your dad and take care of him still? Would you waste it on drugs? Spend it on your friends?” I asked and added another stack with each question.

Denise looked at the money longingly and then she looked at me. “This is a test, right? No matter what I say, you're going to say it's the wrong answer and take it away.”

I smiled and made a nice leather purse appear, then made a show of taking each stack and jamming it into the large purse. When I managed to barely get the last few dollars into the thing, I closed it and held it up to show her.

“I'm glad that you figured out that there's never a right answer to questions like that.” I said and tossed the heavy leather purse across the table to her. “I'm not going to take away your money, though.”

Denise blinked her eyes at me. “You... what...” She reached for the purse with shaking hands. “Why?”

“They put you in prison for nothing. It was a joke. They wasted all that time and money to prosecute a sixteen year old and you spent time in prison for something you didn't do.” I said. “I appropriated those funds from the courthouse and the mayor's office and no one still alive can prove it.”

That made Martha nod with approval. “If anyone here deserves it, it's you.”

Denise picked the large purse up and hugged it as tears came to her eyes.

“Be prepared for your dad to try and take it from you.” I said and she looked surprised for a moment, then she nodded. “I suggest rationing it out. Buy extra food and say you found a great sale. Get some new clothing and say you got it from the bargain bin at a second-hand shop or something.”

“D-Damon... I... I...”

“Have fun with it.” I said and smiled. “So, is there anything else you want?”

Denise looked at the purse, looked at Martha, then looked back at me. “Where can I get a kick-ass outfit like hers?”

Martha barked a laugh and gave me a look.

“I told you it was kick-ass.” I said. “I have to warn you, though. Your ass isn't going to look as nice in leather pants as Martha's.”

“Shut it, you!” Martha said and put an arm over Denise's shoulders. “Don't listen to him. My ass looks this good because it's wrapped in leather pants.”

Denise smiled and nodded.

“Damon, please prove my words are true.” Martha said.

“What if I don't have any more?” I asked and tilted my head up so that they couldn't see my smile.

“Karina! Your mate is trying to fool us!” Martha said.

Karina let out a bark and knocked my chair over and put a paw on my chest. She bent her head over mine and growled a little.

“I was kidding! Just kidding!” I said and held my hands up in surrender.

Karina huffed and licked my face as she stepped away.

“Geez.” I said and stood up and pretended to wipe off my pants. “I suppose you want me to turn around and not look, too.”

“You better!” Martha and Denise exclaimed at the same time.

“Okay, okay!” I said and made two full length mirrors appear. “I won't even peek.” I said and put a face covering on, then dropped the outfit onto the table, in reverse order. The jacket, the pants, the blouse, then under-armor, and then a set of bright blue lacy bra and panties.

“Oh, my god!” Denise gasped.

“What? Don't you like blue?” I asked and dropped a purple set and then a black. “Which ones do you want?”

“That's fine.” Martha said.


“No, you aren't going to know what she's wearing, you pervert.”

“Goddammit.” I said and turned around with a huff. I heard Denise giggle and then several muffled sentences. “I have a dressing screen, too.” I said and waved off to the side as I took it out of inventory.

“Thank you.” Martha said and then I stayed there and waited as Denise took off her clothes. “Damon.”

“It's on the table.” I said and I heard her go to the table to the small backpack I left there. I heard her open it and it had the same things in it as hers did.

I felt her hand rub the back of my neck.

“Thank you.” Martha whispered.

“I was only distracting her.” I whispered back.

“I know.” Martha said and kissed my cheek, then she went back to Denise and helped her get dressed and stashed the other underwear sets so that I wouldn't know what she wore.

“Oh, my GOD!” Denise gasped. “My ass is AMAZING!”

“Now can I look?” I asked.

“NO!” Two female voices yelled and a second later, a hairbrush bounced off of my head.

“That was a good shot, whoever threw it.” I said and Denise giggled. “It was Martha!”

That made the both of them laugh and I stood there for at least ten minutes before they said it was okay to look. I took off the face covering and turned around to see them both sitting at the table again.

“Well? Go ahead and get to work.” Martha said and waved at an open area nearby. “Let's see what you're going to make for us to stay in.”

I smiled and walked over to the spot. “I am in construction; but, I'm not going to make anything.”

Both women gasped when a cross country tour bus appeared behind me.

I took out the remote and hit the button. The sides of the bus slid out and doubled the room inside. “So, who wants to watch a movie and relax?”

I was practically tackled and dragged inside to set everything up for them. They had no problem staying in the comfort of a home that was nicer than their own homes and it could be driven around.

The wolves tried to get inside and were a bit too big for the human-sized doors, so I made platforms around the bus and they sat on them to watch the movie with us. Feeling them concentrating on watching the large screen television and enjoying seeing humans moving around the screen, was quite an experience.

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