Summoned Again?

The Million View Special Continued 5

When the fast-paced action movie was over, Denise let out a loud yawn.

“I think it's time for bed, young lady.” Martha said to the sixteen year old.

“But...” Denise yawned again.

“No butts, even if they do look amazing.” Martha joked and Denise laughed. “Damon, close your eyes. We're standing up.”

“Why are you punishing me?” I asked with a pout and Denise giggled.

“Shut your eyes or you'll be feeling what it's like to have them poked out.” Martha warned.

I sighed exaggeratedly and closed my eyes as I leaned back on the couch to pretend to look up at the ceiling.

“Thank you.” Martha said and the weight by my side lifted from the couch. She didn't move, as if she was watching to see if I would peek, then the next weight left the couch.

I didn't tell them that I could easily watch them with remote view and I admired both of their leather covered asses as they stood there and stared at my face and my closed eyes. Denise might only be sixteen; but, she had a fantastic ass and reminded me a lot of Susan when I first met her. Martha on the other hand was 38 and looked wonderful with her knees locked and her arms on her hips.

I moved the view around to get a much better shot of the both of them together and admired them. It really was a great view and I felt privileged to see it, which was probably why Martha was so adamant that I don't see it. I smiled and both of them reacted to it.

“What's funny?” Martha accused and leaned over me to glare at me.

“You are literally standing there for no reason, except to watch me to make sure that I'm not watching you.” I said and had to chuckle. “You have to admit that's kind of funny.”

Denise giggled. “He has a point.”

Martha sighed. “All right, fine. Go on, Denise. You're on the big bed.”

“What? No, I'll take the twin on the side.” Denise said.

“I'm staying on the couch.” I offered, in case either of them thought I was going to try and sneak into one of their beds.

“You're staying outside.” Martha said and glared at me.

“No! It's his bus! You can't kick him out!” Denise said and sat down beside me and laid against my side.

Martha glared at me harder. “Now you see why I said you need to go.”

“What do you want me to say? I'm the good guy here.” I said without opening my eyes. “I could have just dropped you off at some motel and not arranged for the best guards on the planet.”

“Yeah!” Denise nearly shouted. “He's trying to help us!”

“No, he's grooming us for sex.” Martha said and waved a hand around. “No one that wants nothing from a woman would ever offer things like this to them.”

“To be fair, I'm not offering it to you. I'm just letting you use it while I'm not.” I said and Martha clamped her mouth shut on her retort. “I use this when travelling in Europe because I don't want to buy a house everywhere I go while on business.”

“What was that word?” Denise asked.

“It's the name of the continent on the other side of the world where people speak different languages and originally came from.” I said.

“Oh, you mean (mouth noises). Why didn't you say so?”

I chuckled. “I didn't hear whatever that name was, so that's why.”

“Oh, right. Names are different.” Denise said and rested her head against my shoulder.

“Denise, stop that.” Martha said.

“What?” Denise said as her hand reached up and rubbed my chest. “I'm not doing anything.”

Martha sighed and rested her head in her hand. “Look, I'm sorry if I'm overreacting. I know what he's like when he gets a woman alone and I don't want that to happen to you.”

“You don't want her to have great sex and stylish clothing?” I asked before I could stop myself.

“DAMON!” Martha yelled and I sighed.

“Wait, I can have sex with you?” Denise asked as her hand kept rubbing my chest. “I thought... you know... I'm a little young and... well, not very experienced.”

Martha's mouth dropped open and she stared at me with shock on her face.

Apparently, she forgot that I can remove memories. I thought. “Usually, there's attraction and some build-up before things get that far.”

“You don't find me attractive?” Denise asked, sounding hurt.

I caught her hand and brought it to my mouth to kiss it. “I find you very attractive and both you and Martha have been actively stopping the buildup by not letting me see your leather wrapped ass.”

Denise giggled and moved the hand I kissed up to my face and cupped my cheek. “I thought we were just teasing you, so we can surprise you later with them.”

“It would definitely surprise me.” I said and Martha sighed. “It's not like I get to see fantastic asses every day.”

“You don't?” Denise asked. “I thought you and Martha...”

I shook my head. “I rescued her and we did have recovery sex after I healed her; but, we aren't together or repeating the performance.”

Denise let a smile show on her face as she turned and climbed onto the couch to straddle my waist. “How old are you, anyway?”

“Way too old for you.” Martha said. “Now get off.”

Denise giggled. “I'm fully clothed. It'll take more than sitting on a guy's lap for me to get off.”

I laughed and Denise looked very happy that I liked her joke.

“Please, just stop.” Martha said and sat down on the side of the couch. “I'm trying to protect you.”

Denise gave her a curious look. “Why?”

“Because... it... it could have been me.” Martha whispered.

My hand reached out and I cupped the side of her face without looking at her. “It wasn't you, so don't worry about that. I won't let it happen. As soon as you go to sleep, I'll be leaving to take care of a few things.”

“You're not going to take advantage of her tonight? I mean me?” Martha asked.

“Who's taking advantage of whom?” I asked and Denise giggled. “Dammit, I recognize that giggle! It's Martha again! Wasn't the hairbrush to my head enough?”

Martha couldn't help but laugh. “All right, you can open your eyes.”

“What for?” I asked and let her face go before I put my arms around Denise and stood, walked over to the side room, and opened the door. I put her down and waved at the room to put a nice nightdress on the bed. “If you want to wash up before bed, the bathroom is the second door.”

“How are you doing that with your eyes closed?” Denise asked and snapped her fingers in front of my face.

I didn't flinch. “I have a map at the side of my vision that shows me dots for people and the map outline of the bus in three dimensions. I could have my face completely covered and could still move around as if I was looking.”

Denise took off her jacket and then unbuttoned her blouse. “You can't see anything?”

“Not with my eyes, no.” I said and tapped them with my fingertips.

“That's a bit disappointing.” Denise said and pulled down the under-armor to show off the purple lace bra. “I've got great perky breasts.”

“Ooo, where?” I said and lifted my hands and wiggled my fingers as if to grab them.

Denise giggled and pushed me back and out of the way before she slammed the door in my face.

“Hey, you lied! They feel like wood!” I said as I put my hands on the door and she laughed.

“Damon.” Martha whispered and I turned to face her with my eyes still closed. “Why are you doing this?”

“Honestly, I like helping people that need it.” I said. “Unfortunately, like you, most of them don't really believe it, even after getting proof.”

Martha sighed and leaned back on the couch. “Are you really leaving?”

I nodded. “I have to deal with the rest of the police force, a select few other people that were involved, and then I'm off to New York to get the rest of the bastards and stop the ring before it chokes to death every young woman it has already taken.”

Martha looked at me like I was crazy.

“What? For me it'll take a long time. For you and Denise, a minute or two.”

Martha kept staring at me. “A minute... or two.”

I smiled at her, because I was sure that she was remembering my words about spending about seven hours together with her and barely half a minute passing in real time. “I work fast.”

Martha could only nod at me.

I walked over to her, my eyes still closed, and took her hands. “I'll see you later.”

“In two minutes?” Martha asked.

I chuckled. “No, I'm going back to spend time with Anita and Karen. I can't advance the main quest without actually being there and remaining in real time.”

Martha sighed. “I suppose there's no point in trying to keep you here.”

I huffed. “You were throwing me out a minute ago.”

“I wanted you off the bus, not gone off to wherever you're going for however long you'll be gone.” Martha said.

“So, out of sight and away from being close at hand; but, not too far to show up and keep you safe.” I said and her face showed me that was exactly what she wanted. “No one will come near here, especially if the wolf guards scare them off.”

“It... it's not the same.” Martha said and looked away from me.

“Hey, I'm not some sex crazed lunatic. I do have some control over my penis.” I said and then smiled. “For the most part.”

Martha gave me a disbelieving look for a moment. “You're joking, aren't you?”

“Mostly. I haven't smelled anything that would set me off and make me...” I stopped talking when the most delicious smell slammed into my face and I took in a deep sniff. “Ohhh, that's... that smells so good.” I tuned to Denise's room and knocked before I realized what I was doing.

There was a squeal of fright and then the sound of cloth before the door opened and Denise's bright hazel eyes looked out at me.

“You smell absolutely delicious and I want to eat you out for the next two hours.” I said, unable to stop my words as her smell crawled down my throat and gave me a very hard erection.

Denise let out a little squeal of delight and then she looked down to see my prominent erection. “I... I did that? Just from... ah... um...”

“Can I lick your fingers? I need to know if you really do taste like waffles and whipped cream.”

Denise stared at my face to see if I was joking, then she slowly lifted her fingers up to show me that they were soaked.

“Thank you.” I said and gently inserted her fingers into my mouth and moaned as I licked and sucked on them. “Mmmm, waffles and whipped cream...” I said after pulling them out and the I ran my tongue over them. “...and... oh, some honey.” I whispered and let her hand go. “May I enter your room and drink from the source?”

Denise blushed and her eyes went to Martha, who was shaking her head. Denise smiled slightly as she stepped back as she opened the door wide to let me in.

“Thank you very much.” I said and stepped into the room. I slid the door closed and cast a locking spell on it, then picked Denise up and carried her to the bed. I laid her down on it and then dove between her legs to dig my tongue into her.

“OHHHH!” Denise yelled and came again, which gave me exactly what I wanted and needed. Her too, apparently. I could feel her desire for me and I wasn't even using any of the mental spells I had.

Over the next two hours, I did exactly as I said. I ate her out as much as physically possible and Denise was pretty much a puddle of flesh when I was done. She had come so much by then, that her body had stopped responding to normal stimulus.

“Denise.” I said and she looked at me with a huge satisfied smile on her face.

“Yesssss?” Denise slurred.

“Thank you for letting me taste you.” I said.

“Sssssnnooooo problemmmm.” Denise said, almost in a moan, and her head turned to the side for no reason. “Where... where are you?”

I chuckled and laid down beside her to put my face beside hers. “I'm right here.”

“Ssssooooo handsssssome.” Denise whispered and tried to lift her hand, only for it to flop at her side.

“I might have overloaded your pleasure centers.” I said and put her hand on my face for her.

“Mmmmm.” Denise moaned and closed her eyes. “I... want to... ohhhhhhh.”

The smell hit my face again and I moved back down to between her legs and cleaned her latest orgasm up with my mouth and tongue. She moaned and came again a minute later, then she fell asleep before either of us could keep going.

Thankfully, I had refrained from removing my clothing and pounding her as hard as my libido dictated I should. My self control was a lot stronger since my revelation that I could defer it to the woman I wanted and not be forced to have sex with whoever set me off. Of course, some people had much different views on what actual sex was, so that revelation was debatable.

I left the room and Martha was sitting there on the couch. Her accusing glare didn't affect me at all. “I didn't have sex with her.”

“No? Your dripping chin tells me otherwise!” Martha spat.

“It was all oral on my part.” I said and pat my crotch. “I didn't remove my clothes at all.”

“How the hell would I know if that's true or not?” Martha asked, angrily.

“You can ask Denise when she wakes up.” I said and walked by her. “She doesn't even know what it looks like, let alone felt it like you did.”

Martha opened her mouth to argue, then she closed her mouth and glared at me. “Get out!”

“I told you that I was leaving anyway.” I said and went to the door. “By the way, if you try to badmouth about me to her for no reason... again... I'll know.”

Martha stood up and pointed to the outside. “OUT!”

I gave her an angelic smile and stepped out to be met by the wolves. “I'm heading off, so please guard the bus and keep away anyone that tries to come this way.”

You didn't mate with the young one. Karina said in my head.

“No, I just made her... um... I don't know a word that wolves would understand.” I said and pet her head. “I didn't use anything except my tongue, mouth, and a couple of fingers.”

Open. Karina thought to me. It was a command and I thought about refusing, then realized I had an erection for over two hours now and needed some relief. I pulled my pants down and Karina took a very long sniff, huffed happily, then she gave me five short and quick licks with her tongue.

Needless to say, the direct and quite effective stimulation set me right off and I unloaded my overloaded weapon onto her tongue. She was very pleased by this, as if she had proven to herself that I was hers. I didn't question it, either. I was a bit pleasure addled at the moment and only felt grateful for her help.

Go. We watch younglings. Karina said.

“Thanks.” I said and used both of my hands to scratch both of her ears, which made her very happy.

Of course, this action set off the other wolves and they all wanted to experience the same thing. It took me another twenty minutes to make sure they were all well scratched, gave them all two pieces of ham and a piece of sliced turkey, and left. I had some giant barbecue chickens to deliver to the dens and then a few little tasks to take care of.


“Oh, boy.” The horrible man said as he pulled his pants down. “I can't wait to get me some of...”

His face disintegrated as a sword the length of his arm passed through his head and mulched his brain.

“Hey, Joe! Are you getting in on this or what?” Another man said as he pulled out of their latest hostage. His manhood was severed and his hands and feet were cut off, healed, and then he seemed to be choking on something. He could taste the woman he had just raped for some reason.

When he looked around, the other three men were in a similar state. He soon noticed the bits of flesh and blood sticking out of each of their mouths and realized it was their dicks! He tried to mumble something and then realized he must also have his own in his mouth.

“Apparently, yours is too small to cause enough of an obstruction.” Another man's angry voice said.

Joe turned his head and saw a sight that he would remember for the rest of his life. A fully armored and blood covered knight stood there with a huge bloody sword in his hand.

“I'm tempted to let you live, just so you can live with what happened here.” The armored man said, then swiped his sword across the other three men's heads and cut them off. “I'm not a patient man, though. I can't wait that long for you assholes to die.”

The last thing Joe saw was the blade coming down on his forehead.


It took me over three minutes of real time to track down and eliminate every single person involved in the sex trafficking ring. I never imagined finding computer evidence, either. I left it all out in the open and next to the bodies where possible. I also rescued and rehabilitated fifteen girls. Unfortunately, most of them were made orphans during their kidnappings. The few that still had parents, namely the older ones that had been living on their own by then, didn't want to go back to them.

So, I did my best to do what I did back in that other city, whatever the hell the name was. I gathered up all of the money and loot that I could, clearing out a lot of the men's bank accounts, and setting them up in one of the organization's safe houses. It was a huge condominium and had plenty of room for the girls.

When I tried to leave after getting everything done, a few of the younger girls started to cry. Of course, I couldn't stand anyone crying, especially since I was the cause. They had attached themselves to me emotionally, for rescuing them before anything bad happened, since they didn't remember anything bad actually happening to them. So, I spent a couple of days just living with them and making them feel comfortable and cared for.

It didn't take much to arrange things for them, which was surprising. The dead family members weren't wealthy, which meant no inheritances or things to take care of. Most lived in rented places, too. The two that own their houses, decided to sell them for the money, even though I had already made them rich with loot. According to them, they wanted spending money.

Who needed a hundred grand in spending money? Fifteen young women that wanted to visit the gigantic mall in this world's version of New York, that's who.

“Goddammit, all right, all right!” I nearly shouted and all the incessantly pleading girls quieted down. “I'll be back in three days to take the day off and we can go shopping!”

“YESSSS!” The girls all shouted and hugged, then they seemed to disperse into little groups and talked animated about everything that they were going to buy.

“Thank you, Damon.” One of the older girl said, a bit shyly.

I turned to her and saw her slightly red face. “You're welcome.” I said, sincerely. “I know a Bethany back where I come from.”

“Really?” Bethany asked, a smile on her face. “Is she pretty? Is she smart?”

I nodded. “Yes on both counts.”

Bethany's smile grew. “Does she have a boyfriend?”

“Not... quite.” I hedged and she saw the look on my face.

“It's you.” Bethany said and her smile changed to a smirk. “Would she be mad if I kissed you for rescuing me?” She said and then blushed. “I mean us. Rescuing us.”

“No, she's pretty liberal in her affection.” I said and then Bethany's arms were wrapped around my neck and her lips were on mine. I kissed her back expertly and she moaned in satisfaction, probably because she never had anyone willingly kiss her like that before.

“Ooo, Bethany's staking a claim!” A young woman said and a bunch of the others giggled.

Bethany let me go and her face wasn't red anymore. In fact, she was biting her lower lip and looked entirely too cute. I was grateful that she was 20 and would be caring for the others as well.

“Me, too! Me, too!” A very young voice said. She was the little sister of one of the oldest young women. They were 22 and 15 respectively, which meant the 22 year old was one of the responsible ones that would be taking care of everyone.

“Katie, you can't just go kissing some guy.” Her older sister said. Not surprisingly, they looked alike.

“Watch me!” Katie said and leapt at me.

I easily caught her without hurting her. “Now, hold on a minute. You should...”

“Less talking, more kissing!” Katie said and pressed her lips to mine. She wasn't very experienced, which meant she was doing it closed-mouthed.

I seriously thought about pushing her off and refusing her, then I smelled something wonderful. My eyes caught her sisters and she blushed. That meant she was pleased that I wasn't pushing her sister away and she was also excited that I wasn't taking advantage of her.

Katie broke the kiss and had a very happy look on her face. “You're a great kisser!”

I chuckled and put her down. “Only because I was following your lead.” I admitted, because I kept my mouth closed like she did.

Katie looked very happy with that and walked over to her sister. “Your turn, Kelly!”

“Wh-what?” Kelly said, surprised.

“You have to thank him. It's the right thing to do!” Katie said and pulled her sister over to me.

Kelly looked up into my eyes and blushed. “Damon, you... you don't have to do this.”

“I know.” I said and gently slid my arms around her waist. “I feel very lucky that I get to kiss such a pretty young woman.”

Kelly blushed to a deeper red. “You think I'm pretty?”

I leaned in close to whisper. “I didn't say beautiful because I don't want the others to be jealous.”

Kelly's face went beet red. “D-Damon... I... I want...”

“I know.” I whispered and then kissed her like I kissed Susan.

“MMMMM!” Kelly moaned very loudly, threw her arms around my neck, and kissed me back very enthusiastically. She was almost desperate in her movements.

I didn't up my pace at all and kissed her soundly, solidly, and implacably. Kelly slowed her own pace to match mine and then she moaned softly. We stood there for nearly ten minutes and made out, which shocked everyone else in the room. Kelly's hands had roamed all over me, grabbed my butt twice, and grazed my crotch once. The last move made her moan, made me groan, and our kiss deepened as our tongues caressed each other.

“Ahem.” Katie said from right beside us and she grabbed our sleeves to tug on them. “Ah-HEM!”

We broke the kiss and looked at her with confusion on our faces.

“We need to eat and get ready for bed.” Katie said with a little glare at her sister.

“I think someone just volunteered to be her sister's assistant in running this place.” I said and both she and Kelly looked shocked. “Thank you for putting the needs of everyone else first.”

“I... but... what...” Katie stammered.

I chuckled and let her sister go, then knelt on one knee. “She's going to need your help getting things running smoothly, meal times, bath times, grocery shopping... there's so much to do.”

Katie couldn't stop her smile. “I get to help like that?”

“Of course you do. You're the assistant.” I said and lightly touched her shoulder. “It's a lot of responsibility, so you need to do what your sister says most of the time.”

“Most of the time?” Kelly and Katie asked at the same time.

“Even assistants need the day off sometimes.” I said and stood. “You can make a few of the others temporary assistants to the other two older girls and then ask everyone what they'd like to do.”

“That's actually a really good idea.” Bethany said. “This place is huge and there's so many of us.”

“Don't worry, I'm not just dumping you all here and running away. I really do have a job that I need to complete.” I said and walked over to her. “I'm dropping off some scientists at the main facility in a nearby city.”

“You're coming back here.” Bethany said, as did a few others.

“The long way. It takes time to safely drive a vehicle loaded with equipment and people across half the country.”

“Half the country? Where are they now?” Kelly asked.

“About six or so states away.” I said and the girls all stared at me like I was crazy. “What?”

“How are you getting back there if it takes three days to drive here?” Bethany asked.

“Flying, of course.” I said and floated up into the air. “That's how I got here to rescue you so quickly.”

“I'm in love with an angel.” Kelly whispered, her eyes wide. Her sister took her hand.

“We just kissed an angel!” Katie said, her face happy.

“I need to go soon.” I said and landed. “Kelly, can I talk to you in private? I need to tell you how to access the bank accounts and a few other things.”

“S-sure.” Kelly said and led me to her chosen bedroom.


“They've been in there for a while.” Bethany said an hour later.

“Yeah, he's an angel. What do you think they're doing in there?” Katie asked.

The older girls exchanged glances and none of them said anything. A few of the younger girls also had some idea and blushed.

The bedroom door opened and a very dishevelled Kelly came out. She also looked very, very happy.

“What happened to you?” Katie asked as she ran over to her sister.

“Damon... he...” Kelly gave her sister a hug. “He's the most wonderful man I've ever met.”

“What do you mean?” Katie asked, a little concerned.

“He... we...” Kelly's face turned red. “I'm not a virgin anymore.”

A ripple of surprise went around the room, then Kelly was pretty much tackled and dragged over to one of the several couches and forced to recount everything. The others wanted to know every little detail, which she was reluctant to give, especially with her 15 year old sister right there.

“It's okay. You can say it.” Katie said. “The others have been telling me a few things I didn't know.”

“What things?” Kelly asked with anger in her voice and a glare at the others.

“Nothing bad! She just... didn't know a lot about how... relationships worked.” Bethany said. “A few of the girls didn't. So, we... we decided that it was better for them to know now and not be surprised later.”

Kelly opened her mouth to berate them, then sighed. “You're not wrong.”

Bethany and the other older girls smiled and nodded.

“Being prepared to not be taken advantage of, was something Damon warned me about.” Kelly said. “We have so much money now that people are going to flock towards us.”

“Not if they never know.” Bethany said and a few of the girls nodded. “We can just say our uncle is taking care of everything and that we never have to worry about money.”

Kelly looked at her and smiled. “I think... yes, I think that could work. It would explain why we will always have spending money and not worrying about buying things that are too expensive for girls our age to afford.” She said and then had a great idea. “Are we all in agreement with declaring that Damon is our rich uncle?”

That had all of the girls nodding.

“Then lets get supper ready for everyone and head to bed.” Kelly said and stood up. “Katie, let's go and check what food Damon stashed in the kitchen for us to use. We have fifteen mouths to feed.”

Katie took her hand and they led everyone to the kitchen to check everything out, since they were all curious to see what they had to deal with for the next couple of days. They were shocked to see that the refrigerator, the pantry, and the cupboards were full of food.

“He robbed a grocery store!” One of the younger girls exclaimed, making everyone laugh.

Damon was invisible and silent as he stood back beside the open kitchen door. He had watched everything to make sure that they were going to be okay before he actually left to go back to Anita and Karen. He was happy to see that the girls were adjusting quickly to their new reality and that having sex with the very delicious Kelly hadn't done more harm to her after her ordeal.

In fact, she seemed to be pleased with herself. Overly pleased, in fact. He peeked into her mind and saw that she was overjoyed that he chose her over Bethany, despite the other young woman kissing him first. He felt a little bad that he had to fake her losing her virginity, because the bastard that had actually taken it was mulched, as were his friends, his boss, and everyone else that had set the whole thing up.

There was nothing he could do for the girls that had already been sent overseas, since there were no records of where they went after being on the cargo ships. Only the containers had paperwork, which left him completely pissed at the whole thing.

Of course, he left the condo and took out his frustration on the ships themselves, especially the captains and the crews, since they knew exactly what they were shipping. He traced the containers to various ports of call all over this world's Europe and the trail went cold. He had caught this latest shipment before it was prepared for the sea voyage, saving himself some grief.

It definitely didn't feel like he had done enough, even if he had wrecked the sex trafficking ring and killed everyone involved. He sighed at the empty containers on the last dock and looked at the ship that he had crushed into a ten foot wide metal ball. The screams of the crew as they died had only been a small balm to his pained heart over the loss of those innocent girls.

He did a quick check of the dock's records and the workers there, found nothing, and destroyed the place. Frustration was not a good feeling for him and he left there with a determination to make sure the girls he did save would have the best lives that he could provide for them.


Anita groaned tiredly when she felt the weight beside her move. “Not again. I'm beat.”

“I was only rolling over, sweetheart.” I said.

Anita opened her eyes to see me laying beside her and I was on my back. She couldn't help herself and rolled over to rest her head on my chest. “There, that's much better.”

I chuckled. “If you say so.”

“I know so.” Anita said and closed her eyes. “I'm skipping a bath tonight.”

“Me, too.” I said and hugged her with one arm. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” Anita said and went to sleep.

Karen came out of the bathroom twenty minutes later, saw us cuddled up on the bed, and dropped her towels before climbing in to join us. She didn't say anything and kissed me, then laid down on my offered arm and also went right to sleep.

I hugged her as well and let sleep claim me as well.


It didn't take long to restructure The Bear for the rearranged scientific equipment that had been fully tested and repacked. The extra scientist coming along with an actual security guard were quite happy with the extra room inside the vehicle.

“Please be safe.” The woman running the facility said to them, then she looked at me. “I hope you understand the importance of me entrusting these valuable people into your care and I charge you to fulfill your duty to protect them during the rest of the trip.”

I glanced at Karen and she smirked at me and nodded. I stepped forward and gave the facility's director an angelic smile before I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her soundly. She couldn't stop her moan as I used a bit of magic to play with her a little and then I broke the kiss.

“Your trust is well placed, madam. In three days, you should receive a call confirming the delivery.”

The woman just stood there with a shocked look on her face.

“Okay, people! Load up!” I said and the guard, Anita, Karen, and I climbed into the vehicle. I started it up and then drove out of the parking area with Karen laughing and Anita shaking her head at me.

“Did you have to do it like that?” Anita asked. “Karen said to make a point to accept with authority, not assault the poor woman with your tongue.”

“The point was definitely made.” I chuckled. “She's still standing there, by the way.”

Anita looked into her side mirror and saw that I was right.

“At least she's not married.” Karen said. “That could have been awkward.”

“Why? I wasn't going to kiss her husband.” I joked and she laughed.

“Why me?” Anita asked and rolled her eyes.

We drove for several hours, much longer than the scientists thought we would, if their chatter was anything to go by.

“If anyone needs a rest stop before lunchtime, let us know.” Anita advised them. “That's about three more hours from now.”

“I do!” The woman scientist said. “I've been holding it for a while. If you're going to stop whenever we want, I'll go right now!”

Anita nodded and smacked my shoulder. “Find a nice spot and pull over.”

“Do you want high or low?” I asked and consulted my topographical map.

“Karen wants high for a better view and the good doctor will want low to do her business.” Anita said.

“Low it is.” I said and found a depression not far away from the road. I slowed down and pulled off the pavement and drove for a short ways before the vehicle dipped down into a gully and I came to a stop. “Can you handle the chemical toilet or do you want me to?”

“You're a big strong man.” Anita said with a grin.

I chuckled and climbed out as she pulled her gun and followed me out the same door. Karen popped up in the turret and scanned around. A minute later, I had the small toilet set up and opened the side door. The woman jumped out and I stepped inside and closed the door to give her privacy. The guard nodded to me and I nodded back.

A couple of minutes later, a knock on the door told me the woman was done and I opened the door and held out cleaning wipes for her hands and a bottle of water.

“Thank you.” She said and rinsed her hands and then used the cleaning wipes.

“I might as well go, too.” One of the men said, then two of them held their hands up.

“One at a time. We use the toilet to not let your scent be picked up by predators.” I said and they nodded, then it was Anita's turn to wait as I used a gun to cover the peeing doctors.

Ten minutes later, we were back on the road and speeding at both a safe and ridiculous speed. Thanks to my ability to create magic shields, nothing was going to be damaged. I couldn't let them think that, so I slowed down slightly to account for the extra weight and wind drag. It was still damn fast, though.

“We want a bluff or a crevice to butt against for lunch.” Karen said two and a half hours later. “I can maintain watch while we eat if it's mostly just one direction.”

“Got it.” I said and searched the Map for a good spot. “Do you want to be on the bluff or under it?”

“On would be best. Under would be acceptable if it's high enough that anything jumping on us would hurt themselves.”

“Yes, ma'am.” I said and slowed down to go off the road again. The vehicle barely rocked as we drove over the rough terrain towards the spot I chose. I pulled the vehicle around and then backed up to put the side door towards the bluff. “Okay, were covered for both excursions and bathroom breaks.”

Karen popped the turret and spun it around to face the right direction. “Clear lines of sight.”

“Breaking out the chow.” Anita said and slid between the front seats and opened the cabinet I installed on the back of her seat. It was actually a refrigerator and was filled with large sub sandwiches and cans of soft drinks.

“That's been there the whole time?” One of the scientists asked as he accepted a sandwich.

“Yes, and it's completely form-fitting and hidden.” I said. “That's probably why you didn't notice it.”

“It's practically inside the seat.” The woman scientist said. “How did you come up with the design?”

“A good friend of mine is my artistic specialist.” I said. “I tell her what I want, she draws it up for me, then I either help build it or have it built somewhere and install it. It's actually designed to save space and weight on airplanes.”

“You're kidding!” She exclaimed. “That's... well, that's a really good idea, actually.”

I chuckled. “I know.” I said and accepted a sub sandwich from Anita. “Brown, please.”

Anita handed me a soda can and everyone asked for what they wanted to drink. She handed them out and then gave Karen a sandwich and a drink before taking one herself. We all ate and then stepped out behind the safety of The Bear with Karen covering us from above and Anita and I covering the sides.

“I really wasn't needed.” The guard said with a chuckle.

“Most people don't believe it.” I said without looking at him and keeping an eye out, even if I knew there was nothing around for several miles. “Not that Anita and Karen need my help with this part normally. I'm just extra insurance.”

“I'm getting a nice vacation out of it, even if it's weird being on this side of the gun.” The guard said.

That made Anita and Karen laugh. “Been there, done that.” They said together.

“Totally my fault.” I added and they laughed some more.

After stretching their legs, using the bathroom, and getting some good views of the countryside from the turret that Karen reluctantly let them use because of the novelty, we were back on the road again.

Of course, when it was my turn for a bathroom break, I stealthed myself, flew away, and used time spells as I brought food to the wolves, dropped off giant barbecue chickens at their dens, and then dropped food off to Martha and Denise. Martha still wasn't talking to me.

I flew back, cancelled the time spells, then resumed driving.

“We're not making a town before dark, even going this fast.” Anita said.

“We knew that going out.” I said. “Did you pick a good camping spot?”

“(mouth noises) Gorge.” Anita said and pointed to the map she was looking at.

I glanced at it and nodded. “There should be a nice incline and a defensible parking spot near the gorge's end.”

“Or a drop off we can't cross.” Karen said. “I could suggest we winch down, if we didn't have all the tech attached to the outside.”

“If you're worried about it, I'll park a ways away and check it out on foot.” I said.

“Are. You. Insane?” The woman scientist asked, incredulously.

“A little.” I said with a smile and both Anita and Karen chuckled. “Rather than put everyone in danger, I check it out, stay in radio contact, and make sure we can keep you all safe for the night.”

The scientists looked happy about that.

We stopped for supper and Anita opened a much larger cabinet in the wall. This one was a warmer and it was full of completely prepared meals on plates. I had been a busy little beaver while making the thing.

“I think we need to hire you to stay at the main base for our exclusive use.” The woman scientist said and dug into the hot meal. “This is delicious!”

“Don't look at us.” Karen said and pointed at me. “We just show up and he has food and weapons ready for us.”

“You made this?” The woman scientist asked, surprised.

“Yes. I needed to know how to properly cook for the little girl I have custody of.” I said and then laughed. “Believe me, my previous idea of cooking was nowhere near what a woman believes is actual cooking needed to feed a family.”

Karen and Anita nodded and we ate in silence. Another bathroom break happened and we were off again. I eventually had to pull off the road again to get near the gorge. I came to a stop in a good place, then left the vehicle and snuck away.

“How did he do that?” One of the men asked. “He was there a second ago and now I can't see him.”

“We stopped asking after a while.” Karen said with a shrug. “He's just amazing and that's good enough for me.”

Once I was out of earshot, I flew off and went to the gorge. Karen was right and there was a drop-off. So, I cheated. I had a few pieces of old mining equipment that's been sitting in my inventory for a long time and I took a few of them out. A short distance away from the drop-off, I used time spells to max myself out and used the digger to clear away a good portion of the cliff.

With it started, the rest seemed to crumble and started a rock slide. I laughed at it and kept going, making what could have been an easily noticed man-made thing, look like a natural collapsing area. I made sure to pack it down and not give myself an even spread of dirt, gravel, and rocks. I would need to be careful driving down it, which was perfect.

I stored the mining machines again and ended the time spells before I flew back to an area close by The Bear and landed. I snuck back around a few things and Anita's gun and the turret pointed at me.

“I'm back.” I said and held my hands up.

“That was fast.” Anita said.

“I ran up, looked, and ran back.” I said and climbed inside the vehicle. “Karen was right, there was a drop-off.”

Anita immediately caught my tone. “What do you mean was?”

“It collapsed just off to the side. It's a bit of a scary incline with all those rocks and things...”

“We are going down it.” Karen said, sternly. “The Bear can handle it.”

I put it in gear and drove off. “It won't be like the last time we were on a slope.”

“That sucks.” Karen pouted.

“I'm sure we'll need to stop somewhere that will have something similar.” Anita said an her friend smiled and nodded.

I pulled around the edge of the drop off when we reached the gorge.

Anita whistled at the sight. “That's more like a pile of rock slides mixed together.”

“It was a cascade I think. Once some of it went, a pile of it did.” I said and eased over the edge of the gorge. “That's why it's uneven.”

The Bear tilted forward a bit more than it should have as the front tires settled down into the gravel.

“Damn, hold on.” I said and tapped the gas pedal. The vehicle jumped forward slightly and all four tires sunk down and stabilized us. “Okay, we can keep going now.”

“Good god.” Someone whispered as I drove us on a twisting and sliding descent to the bottom of the gorge. They all let out sighs of relief when all four tires hit solid ground again.

I chuckled at the situation and drove on to find a nice outcropping. It was angled slightly inwards on the bottom, giving us a lot of coverage from above and it was a tight fit for The Bear. I parked the same way with the side door towards the protection and hopped out.

“I'll set up the six man tents while you give everyone some snacks.” I said to Anita.

“You know I am going to make you pay later for assigning me serving duty.” Anita said.

“Yes. What you don't realize is that I like when you take charge and I tease you on purpose.” I said and then pretended to look surprised. “I wasn't supposed to tell you that part!”

That made nearly everyone laugh, even the guard.

“You are definitely going to pay.” Anita said in a growl.

I shut the door and got to work. I set up the toilet first, with a partition to hide it, then put up two very large tents. I made a bit of a show about putting them together, since the scientists were pretending to not watch me work and I wanted to make it look good. I even made a bit of a show 'blowing up' a mattress, just for fun. They were shocked when there were mattresses for everyone.

“You four ladies are on the right and the men are on the left.” I said.

“What about you?” One of the men asked.

“I'll be staying up and switching out with the guard on watch to let him get some sleep later.” I said and the guard chuckled.

“Of course you knew I would be doing that.”

“We're not here to stop you from doing your job. It's just that sometimes you don't have to do it with us around.”

The man nodded and he took his chosen spot.

“Want a chair?” I asked and pretended to pull a folding one out from under the front seat of The Bear. “It's not that comfortable, so don't worry about that.”

The guard laughed. “You do understand guard duty.”

“Guilty.” I said and he sat down. “I'm going out to explore. There shouldn't be anything around here; but, you never know. If I find anything, I'll click twice to get your attention.”

The guard nodded and held up his radio.

I walked away and then flew up to the top of the gorge. I set up the last two turrets I had and then flew away and cast the time spells on myself. I hadn't spent any real time with Karina and the wolves in a while, so it was time for me to do so. I might not have intended to earn the pack from her; but, I wasn't someone that shirked their responsibilities. I should probably visit those girls I rescued, too.

I had some wolf cuddling time in my immediate future and an epic shopping trip soon after. I was surprisingly looking forward to both.

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