Summoned to defeat the demons? No way! I’d rather do something else.(A dungeon master/Tower defense/ Civilization building story)

Second day and scouting outside

Short pov on the end part


Also edited chapter~


Lunch time.

Once Minna finally woke up from the shocking scene, the three of us are sitting around a table I asked the dungeon to summon behind the master bedroom. Good thing, tables and chairs are not counted as dungeon building so we can add as much as we want.


Although I got a bit carried away. as for the reason why...








Right now, all of us are happily feasting.


all the 12 goblins together on a long table near ours happily eating various foods which of course I also asked the dungeon.


Although the goods on our plate are normal egg, bread and milk combination the meal still felt special as we all enjoy it together.


Feeling a bit shy, I started eating the bread.


"Not bad..."


I murmured although the bread is not as soft as the bread in my old world, I thought it will be harder. After reading a bunch of history books in class before, I thought for sure medieval food specially bread are known as hard cracker like meal.


"Yeah..." Lyca1 responded although sarcastically.


Minna on the other hand simply stuff her face full enjoying the meal.


"Do you perhaps eat lesser than this daily?" 


I asked her since I got a bit curious.


"Yes. Actually, it's already a blessing if we get to eat twice a day. Sometimes, we spend the day with only water or cow milk only since we have a small farm before and one of my father's friends trade milk for our veggies."


"I see..."


I suddenly felt bad now.


"Well Lyca here are spoiled by her parents you see." Lyca1 told Minna as she give her bread to Minna.


"Th...Thank you... Miss... Lyca?" 


"1. you forgot Lyca1." She corrected her.


"Okay? Honestly miss Lyca. I... I can't tell." Minna tilts her head sideways confused.


"Don't worry. I am making myself a bit different to the original." Lyca1 puffed her chest proudly.


"How?" I asked.


"Like this..." She replied as she tied her hair making it ponytail.


"OOOH..." I got surprised honestly. never thought of that.


"How's that? This hair tie means I am Lyca1. The none tied hair is the original." 


"Err... I guess. That is easier. Thank you Miss Lyca 1."


"No problem now let's eat."


There we enjoy the meal.



After eating, although it's just the three of us, The goblins still talking to each other although most of them are only drinking milk now since they finished a long while ago.


"Alright Lyca. I will look around this place."


"Eh? Why?" 


"I mean we haven't seen the outside yet.", She answered.




Now that I think about it...


"But... are you sure? You do know uh.."


"Yes I know. I am you remember. We both know we can't fight. We are not that athletic after all to begin with."


"Yeah. So why?"


"Well it's true. But I don't need to go alone right?" 


"You mean?" I asked her thinking I know what she meant.


"Yes! I will bring two goblins with me. We will just scout this place then have a camp or something. Besides, we can just go use recall right?"


"Oh... I forgot about that." I seriously do making me feel embarrassed. "Too much for being the dungeon master."


"Hey! I simply got higher memory since I am a clone. I have a body made from the dungeon so don't say that." Lyca1 told me.


Look at that... My clone teaching me...


"Alright. But if you feel it's bad... Return right away okay?"


"Yes yes." 


After Lyca1 replied, I stood from the chair and approach the goblins.


"Alright guys listen up." 


I asked the goblins making them stop and look at my direction.


"Ahem. Lyca 1 will scout the surroundings. I need 2 goblins to accompany her. Who would like to volunteer?"


The goblins stared at me for few seconds before they started talking to each other.


"Not me. It's scary outside."


"You are a goblin dumblin! Where are your balls men!"


"Me! I will catch women!"


"I'd rather stay here."


Many voices echoed as they discuss to each other.


After a minute or two, finally the goblins reached a consensus.


"Master, this two will follow the other master."


A goblin talked for all of them as he mention the two other goblin left standing as the rest sit on the chair.


The first goblin is the typical bald design of goblins with short stature, and pretty thin. He is holding a stick. Apparently, he picked it up outside during my order last time.


The second goblin on the other hand had a visible scar on it's shoulder. He is also bald but his body is visibly muscular than the first one. He got some thin mustache.


"Alright you two will follow Lyca 1's orders while outside got it? Make sure you two protect her." 


"YES MASTER!" The two replied in unison.


"Alright thanks guys." I gave them thanks before walking back to our table. The two goblins follow behind me.


Now that I think about it. What if I give them weapons?


"Hey system. Can you make some weapon like basic sword and give it to the goblins?"


"Master. Currently, this dungeon doesn't have any knowledge on how to craft a blade. However, this dungeon can do make some weapons although the current available is a crude bow and a cypress stick."


"Hmmm... Good enough I guess. Please make a crude bow, some arrows and a cypress stick."


"Certainly master. However, the goblins might not be able to use it properly."


"Huh? What do you mean?"


"Master. Any dungeon entity cannot learn a skill so long as they are bound by the dungeon."


"Oh. Bow master and such?"


"Yes master. That is why, Naming them is needed."


"I remember. You explained that before yes?"


"That's right Master." The system answered.


"Alright. Lyca1 What should we name them?"


"You decide." She replied shrugging.


"Eh? Come on. You are me. You know how bad I am in naming things."


"Can't do me. You are the dungeon master. I am your copy. We need to have proper assignment of roles or else it will be bad in the future."


"Grrr... Fine."


I look at the two goblins standing still waiting for my orders.


"Alright. You first will be Gob1. The second is Gob2."


"Pfffttt." Lyca1 started laughing as she heard my name.


"WHAT?!?" I stared at her.


"No... nothing... hahahaha seriously?" She said as she continue giggling.


I decided to ignore her as I feel my cheeks redden from embarrassment.


"Do you two accept the name?" 


I asked the two goblin still staring at me.


"Yes Master!" The two replied in unison.




I named the thinner goblin Gob1 while the muscular one Gob2.


After the two accepted the name, a panel appeared infront of me.


Two dungeon entity received a name.

Dungeon member management unlocked.




"Uh? System? What is this?"


"Master. You can use Dungeon member management to check the current progress of your dungeon entity that received a name."




I tried using the panel right away to check the two.


Dungeon members:









"Oh. It's actually pretty simple." I said looking at the panel. 


"Hey system. What is the Job in their panel?"


"Master. That is something like the world's blessing in your perspective. They obtain a job based on their experience. try giving them bow and cypress stick to see."


"Alright. make me those items."


I asked the system for the crude bow and cypress stick.


After few seconds, A bow made of low quality stick and two stack(12 pieces) of arrow in a arrow socket and a cypress stick appeared.


I gave the bow and arrow to the thinner goblin while the cypress stick to the muscular one. They happily accepted the weapons.


Once they hold the weapon, a panel suddenly appeared.



Congratulations. Two dungeon members obtained the jobs archer and barbarian.



"Oh. so it's like that. Good to know it's actually easy. Then System. Does doing this also works the same to us?"


I asked curiously since it's actually easy if that is the case.


"Yes master. Humans can also obtain job by doing simple tasks. Humans who plant can obtain Farmer job while humans selling items can obtain Merchant job."


"Great! that looks awesome."


Maybe I can try using a wand and see if I learn magic? Won't that be great?


Well enough day dreaming for now. I looked at Lyca 1 as she finally stood and approached the two goblins. She introduced herself to the two while the goblins listen to her.


"Alright Lyca 1. Stay safe okay? Oh before I forgot. System. Do you have tent or camping set?"


"Yes Master. That is included to level 1 information this dungeon possess."


"Great. make one or two for them okay?"


"Just one me! it's too much hassle to bring many items since we can just recall if needed."


"Oh right. Just 1 please."


A bag suddenly appeared infront of us. Lyca 1 checked inside and saw a simple camping set.

There is a note inside included which says,


'Pull the string on the side of the bag to automatically set up the tent.'


"Wow... That's easy to use." I said even Lyca1 nods.


"Alright. be careful out there guys!"


"Yeah. wait for the good news me!" Lyca one replied and the two goblins bow at me before they head outside.


"Seriously... be careful." I whispered as I watch the three disappear from the entrance.



-Gob2 Pov-

We the goblins are part of this dungeon. 


We all serve the dungeon master.


Although she is a human, and a woman, our instincts are telling us to never refuse her.


At first, I find this weird since we are goblins. We are supposed to capture women, use them to increase in numbers and kill men to protect out camp.


Whenever I take a look at her body, I always feel my member heat up and get painful.

But as a part of this dungeon, I dare not obey my instincts and follow her obediently.


One day, I found a girl. Our master ordered us to capture any animals or small monsters outside the cave and bring them in. I thought finally our master wished to expand our camp. But she didn't informed us what to do with human. Should I bring this girl? She might be happy if we increase our numbers yes?


Once we brought the girl inside, master looked sad.

Did we do something wrong?,

That's what I thought. But then master pat our head and told us we did great.


Hearing her praise made my heart beat fast. I even felt my member hardened. That night I had trouble sleeping since I need to release four times for it to calm down. 


Maybe I should capture more woman to make master happy. And maybe someday she might mate with me. 


Thinking this made my dick hard again.


Today, master became two. We the goblins totally got surprised. Even the one bragging as the closest to master since he knocked at master's door even got surprised and Pray to her earlier saying she is a God.


Now that I see the two body of master, My dick erupted again. Although I had to stay calm. since right now, I am facing the two masters.


Suddenly I heard the other master said something.


'Can't do me. You are the dungeon master. I am your copy. We need to have proper assignment of roles or else it will be bad in the future'


Huh? Does that mean she is not master?


My head got blank for a while thinking.

Then an Idea crossed my mind.


Does that mean I can fuck her?


Right when I thought about it, my dick throbs.


Lucky! I screamed in my head since I am one of the two goblins who will join her outside. Maybe I can mate with her since she even brought one tent.


But seriously. Only one? I thought she will sleep in different tent since master herself made a different room for herself. Does that mean, she will sleep with us? 




Once the two of us are inside, I will do my best!


But first, let's follow master's orders and protect the other master.


Oh wait. she said she is not master. Then I will just call her bitch in my head but ask her later how to call her.

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