Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 142

Ye Xu bought five summoned upgrade crystals, and he happened to have five babies. As an intermediate-level summoner who has learned the upgrade skills, he could have 10 summons originally, but because he can only summon 5 at the same time, he is usually too lazy to charge more, and the essence is not too expensive.

Now five upgrade crystals are just enough, the babies spent 24 hours successfully upgrading, and the summons in Ye Xu’s hand are no lower than the orange rank.

The upgrade crystal has a feature that it will be upgraded according to the user’s original level.

Take the orange crystal as an example, if the summoned item is originally lower than the orange rank of the crystal, the summoned item will be upgraded to the orange rank after use. If the summoned object is of the same rank as the crystal, it will be raised one rank to become a baby of the earth rank. And if the summoned object is higher than the rank of the crystal, it depends on the specific situation.

Earth-level babies use orange-level crystals, and there is a 25% chance that they will be upgraded to the sky-level. And if the baby of the Heaven Rank uses the Orange Rank crystal, there is only a 0.1% probability of being promoted to the Spirit Rank. For babies of spiritual level and above, use orange-level crystals, because the difference between the grades is too large and will not produce any effect.

The babies in Ye Xu’s previous hands were basically orange, except for the slimes, which were blue, except for the shadows. Fortunately, the shadow was lucky and became a member of the 25%, but he really hit the big luck and rose to the sky, and once again dominated.

Ye Xu didn’t care about looking at others, so he first opened the shadow’s attribute view.

The normal ground-level summon attributes are like this, the first attribute is 400% of the owner, the second attribute is 250% of the owner, and the other attributes are 150% of the owner. For example, the shadow is 4 times the speed, 3 times the attack and 1.5 times the others. The 3 times attack is the superposition of two aspects, one is the basic increase of 250%, and the other 50% is the attack power of its dragon shadow state. Bonus, it adds up to 3 times.

The basic attributes of the summons of the Heavenly Rank are 4, 3, and 2, that is, 4 times the first attribute, 3 times the second attribute, and 2 times the other attributes. Shadow’s fourth skill “Dragon Shadow Form” has been increased from the original 50% attack increase to 100%, so the shadow currently enjoys the benefit of a 4x increase in attack speed.

In addition, among its other three skills, stealth and dragon flash have also been evolved. Invisibility increased from the first 5 seconds to 10 seconds, Dragon Flash increased from 3 damage to 4 times damage, and the distance increased from 10 yards to 20 yards. In the future, the shadow can instantly move behind the enemy within 20 yards to launch 4 times the attack.

Ye Xu did a calculation. If the shadow has a 50% weakness damage effect in the stealth state, and uses Dragon Flash on the enemy, the damage value will be 24 (16×1.5) times that of Ye Xu’s basic attack. Therefore, although Shadow only has such an attack skill, the damage is quite considerable, and it is basically a spike skill.

He glanced at his magic attack again, then fell silent. 24 times the magic attack, elite monsters can be seconds, right?

He was a little puzzled. Is the damage value so high a bit exaggerated? When the heaven-level summons are everywhere in the future, will the summoner be about to rise?

But after thinking about it, the mainstream summoners are still using the highest purple-level summons bitterly, and players who only have system summons are so miserable that they only have blue-level summons. Ye Xu has crossed two or three levels, and it is normal to kill others in seconds.

He searched the official website for the description of the Summoner’s profession, and actually found a small line in it: “late-stage explosive profession”. This line of small characters is followed by a sentence in parentheses: (Equipment with the [Anti-Spirit] attribute will appear in the middle and later stages of the game, which is specially designed to resist the attack of summoned objects).

In other words, equipment specifically for summons will not appear until the middle and late stages of the game. This kind of equipment is equivalent to a special protective layer. The protective layer has no effect when players and monsters attack, but the protective layer can add a certain injury-free attribute when summoned objects attack, so that players will not be overwhelmed by the attack. Summons are dropped in seconds.

And the speed of the players in the later stage has increased. If the summons do not have the speed attribute attached, they may not be as fast as the players have been blessed with equipment. In this way, it is not too difficult for them to kill the summoner first, so it is better for the summoner to bring a few high-speed babies to save their lives anyway.

In short, those who have high-level summons in the early stage are the cheapest. After all, players currently have no means of targeting babies. In the later stage, summoners use high-level babies and anti-spirit equipment to fight each other, but because of the large number of babies summoned, in general, summons take advantage.

Ye Xu is looking forward to the rise of summoners in the future, no one likes that his life is the sewer profession.

Put that aside and move on to check out the rest of the baby.

Other babies are basically increased by 3, 2.5 and 1.5, and their skills have also been optimized and upgraded to a certain extent, both in terms of negative effects and damage values. The only difference is Xiaoling. It still maintains all attributes to avoid injury and all attributes to increase. There are no two particularly prominent attributes, but in combination, it may be stronger than other babies.

It is worth mentioning that the babies who have advanced to the ground level in orange have a fourth skill. Xiaoling’s is a large-scale group attack, and Rolling is also a group attack skill but with a small range. The transparent mud finally has its own attack skills, but it is only a single attack, but if it can’t stand it, it will make a clone.

Sugar Baby didn’t have more skills, after all, whether it’s blue or orange, there are 3 skills. Fortunately, its entanglement skill has an additional attack effect, and it is no longer a simple state skill, and it can also increase the dps a little.

Ye Xu took a look around, and after counting the transparent mud clone and Tangtang’s Taishan pressing the top, almost every baby of his had the group attack skills. This time, the crystals were very worth it. I don’t know how much contribution value these group attack skills can help him. This is worth more than any gold coins.

Ye Xu couldn’t hold back, so he still posted screenshots of the babies’ attributes to the guild channel to show off to his friends. Although everyone didn’t really want to ignore him, there were always lemon essences who couldn’t help but speak sour words.

Only Xiao Suguang was very calm and pointed out the strangeness.

[Xiao Suguang]: Xiaoye, your battle pet is only level 64, how did you unlock the fourth skill? Isn’t the fourth skill unlocked at level 75?

Pets have 5 skills, in addition to one that comes with birth, the other 4 skills are unlocked at level 25, 50, 75 and 100 respectively. Ye Xu’s goose brother is not yet level 75, so it stands to reason that the fourth skill should not be unlocked.

Its first two skills were introduced before, one is teleportation, which can move to any position within 10 yards within 0.1 seconds, and the cooldown is only 5 seconds. The other is a single-target attack skill, which quickly pecks the target within 1 second, a total of 10 times, each time causes a maximum of 100% of the pet’s basic damage, and if it is lightly pecked, it can also cause 1% damage at one time, completely looking at the goose Brother’s mood, the cooling time is also 5 seconds.

The third skill unlocked at level 50 is still a single-attack skill, which causes 300% attack on the target, disables it for 3 seconds, and has a 15-second cooldown. The so-called crippling effect means that the enemy is in a disabled state, and this skill is called “Goose Claw Stampede”, which means that the target will be crippled by the goose, and can only twitch when paralyzed on the ground. In short, the effect is very frustrating.

The last fourth skill was unlocked in advance after eating the crystal. Xiao Suguang didn’t mention that he didn’t realize the level yet. It turns out that upgrading crystals will not only improve the attributes of pets, but also unlock skills in advance?

He glanced at it twice, and the last skill was Goose’s group attack skill.

“Fan Wing” vigorously **** its wings, blowing back up to two layers of enemies in a 180-degree fan area in front of them, causing them to retreat up to 5 yards uncontrollably (the blowback distance is affected by the position of the enemy behind them), and causing 200% of the base damage , with a cooldown of 30 seconds.

The effect of this blowback should be well understood, and the distance is not difficult to understand. That is, the enemies on the first two floors will be blown backwards, but if there are other people crowded behind them, they may fail to retreat because there is no extra room to retreat. And if there are no other obstacles behind, you can go back up to 5 yards.

This skill is very effective when saving the field. If a front line breaks and the player flees, then the monsters in that area should not be very dense. In order to chase the player, the mobs will definitely form a stepped position, and the distance between the front and the rear will be widened, giving the big goose room to blow back. At that time, players who run for their lives will be blown back because the monsters will have a chance to breathe, and will not be pressed step by step.

Because of this, Ye Xu planned to bring Ge Ge to support him everywhere. And other babies with group attacks are arranged in remote players in different locations, and cooperate with everyone to use skills to harvest monsters.

Jiang Yuexuan has no opinion on this: “If you think it is enough for you to bring a big goose over, then I support you. Your summons do a lot of damage, and I trust your judgment.”

In fact, Ye Xu’s babies can really maximize their profits by standing apart.

First, it won’t crowd together to grab monsters and cause dps to be wasted. If the group attack is too much damage, the end result is that only half of the skills are lost and the monsters are gone. It will take some time for them to get together, and the remaining half of the skill CDs will be wasted.

The second is that with the babies scattered, the battle line can be more stable, and the number of crises is greatly reduced. Even if it is decided to form a rescue team, no one is willing to keep running around, and it is almost enough to go out to rescue once in a while.

“Fortunately, I heard Xiaoye’s words and bought an upgrade crystal.” Xiao Suguang saw them talking, and finally said, “Tomorrow morning, my pet should be able to upgrade successfully without delaying our battle. Originally, I thought that it was just to improve a little attribute. , will it be more cost-effective to buy a better one in the future, after all, pets can only use one crystal in their life. I didn’t expect crystals to unlock skills in advance, and the fourth skill in my family is also a group attack.”

The others also recalled it. After Ye Xu bought the crystal yesterday, he told them that they could also buy it. But obviously not everyone bought it, and Mo Bei regretted it a little. He didn’t buy it because he spent too much money in the past few days.

“Why are you so stingy?” Chu Jifeng asked.

Mo Bei sighed: “I want to use a higher grade for it, but the orange is still too low.”

“Could it be that you plan to use this low-level pet for level 250? You will definitely change to a better pet in the future. Isn’t it good to give high-level crystals to high-level pets?”

With a word that woke the dreamer, Mo Bei finally figured it out.

That’s right, he’s not the guy Ye Xu who plans to bring all the babies from the server to full level. It’s okay to change to a battle pet in the future. Originally, this kind of low-level pet should be constantly replaced, why would I forget this.

“What’s wrong with me using the full level?” Ye Xu snorted, this is called being affectionate and righteous, isn’t it, there are not many players as long as he is. Anyway, he just likes none of his own babies and is not willing to give up any of them. That fool in Mo Bei would not understand.

The two sides parted ways, and finally Mo Bei followed the advice and bought crystals. Because Jiang Yuexuan persuaded him, the big deal is that he doesn’t need pets to help him brush dps on the first day. Isn’t this battle lasting for two days, and he won’t lose too much contribution value if he asks pets to help him the next day.

Of course, this nonsense was coaxing him, but who made him stupid and believed it directly. Le Dian Dian ran to buy crystals, not knowing that Jiang Yuexuan encouraged him mainly to make No. 30 have a more resistant fighting partner when he fought a stronger boss.

Ye Xu didn’t know about these little Jiujiu, he had already gone offline and went to sleep at that time.

However, I couldn’t sleep for a while, and I couldn’t help being a little excited when I thought of tomorrow’s battle. But if he doesn’t sleep tomorrow, he will definitely be in poor spirits and affect his operation, so he can only get up and go for a jog on the treadmill for ten minutes. When he feels tired, he takes a shower and climbs back to bed.

Now I can finally fall asleep, and the quality of sleep is not bad. At night, the kitten played with **** in his room and failed to wake him up.

He set an alarm for 6:30 last night, but he usually sleeps until 7:00 or 8:00. Even if he adjusts his schedule and gets up at around 7:00 these days, 6:30 is still slightly early. Fortunately, I slept pretty well last night. After washing myself in cold water, I felt refreshed, and I didn’t feel like I was holding on, so it shouldn’t affect the future battle.

He picked up the cat that finally started dozing off in the middle of the night and rubbed it twice before putting it back in the cathouse. I washed myself quickly, went downstairs and ate some dry food, but didn’t dare to drink porridge. I would have felt more comfortable getting up so early to drink porridge.

“Is it inconvenient to go offline because of the activities in the game today?” Aunt Ye brought a small plate of cut fruits with a smile, “These are not very hydrating, but they can also quench thirst. After eating so much dry food, come more often. How many slices of apples?”

Ye Xu nodded obediently, nibbled a few slices of sweet apples, and when he felt no longer thirsty, he waved goodbye to her and ran back upstairs. He may not have time to go to the online toilet today, he really didn’t dare to drink more water.

But in fact, he is much better than others, and he has to help his teammates with supplies. You can take time off the line during transportation, but your teammates can’t. They don’t necessarily find an opportunity to get off the line to solve physiological problems.

“You think too much.” When he went online and Mo Bei whispered, Mo Bei hit him mercilessly, “You can’t get off the line today, unless you can push the front to the city wall today.”

As I said before, Ye Xu couldn’t go back to the city when he was fighting on the outskirts of the swamp, and the babies couldn’t be that far away from him. When he leaves, the babies will also disappear. Instead of letting him help bring supplies, it is better for everyone to find a chance to go back to the city by themselves.

Mentioning this, Ye Xu suddenly remembered, and he hurriedly asked Sister Xuan, “What about the supplies? Are you going back to the city by yourself? But it’s hard to escape the battle, right?”

“Don’t worry.” Jiang Yuexuan waved her hand, “When the time comes, everyone will cooperate and help those who need to go back to the city to provide cover and give him a chance to escape from the fighting area.”

This is not difficult, they block the enemy, and then the teammates run to the rear where there is no fighting. Run about fifty yards to get out of the fight, and then read the article and go back to the city.

However, this has to be the case that the players have already formed a good front. If the battle is scattered, there may not be time to read the article after running away. After returning to the city and reading the article for several seconds, who knows if a small monster will suddenly appear from the side and attack again, pulling the person back to the fighting state.

“So have you discussed the battle mode now? How do you play it?”

Xiao Suguang rushed to the meeting point with his younger brother, just when he heard these words, he immediately said: “Open the system notification, the specific gameplay has come down.”

Everyone started to scroll up the records, and sure enough, a system announcement appeared at 5:00 in the morning.

[System Announcement: [Undead Siege] event is officially launched! 】

[System Announcement: The first stage of [Dead Siege] [Clearing the advance troops] will last for 4 hours. The Legion of the Dead will officially enter the palace at 9:00 a.m. All players are invited to actively participate in the event! 】

Click [Clear advance troops] to view the details of the stage tasks, and click [Undead Siege] to view some basic settings of the entire event.

Ye Xu first started watching from the undead siege, focusing on the skill scroll and the number of resurrections. The first item in the interface is about this.

It says that there are no other penalties for this death, except for item drops and the reduction of the durability of the pretender, and the experience value will not be reduced. After death, each player has 3 chances to revive the magic circle from the city. After the 4th death, the player can only watch the battle, but does not have to be forced to go offline.

It is equivalent to watching in the form of a soul body, which cannot have any influence on the activity, but can switch positions at will. It doesn’t matter if you want to see the situation of other main cities, you can choose the angle, location, etc. by yourself, which is no different from when you are alive, except that you can teleport at will after death.

Resurrection scrolls are also used 3 times, and are not shared with the resurrection circle. That is, if there are enough scrolls, the player can resurrect a total of 6 times.

Other attack skill scrolls depend on the target, and the same scroll can only be used 3 times for the same target. The same is true for the summoning scroll. For example, when a baby is summoned, when the baby is summoned for the fourth time, it can no longer attack the target that it has attacked three times before, and can only attack other people.

There are a lot of other small settings, but they have nothing to do with Ye Xu. He glanced at it and ignored it, and directly opened the stage task to view.

[Clearing the advance troops] This task lasts for 4 hours, and the countdown has reached 1:47:53. With 107 minutes left for the first phase to end, there is not much time left for them. If the advance troops are not cleaned up before the end of the phase, these troops will be included in the first round of the Legion to attack together.

Therefore, this unit has little effect on this event in essence, but will only increase the number of monsters in the first round.

However, if there are too many remaining monsters, the first round of monsters has doubled and cannot be cleaned up within the specified time. Not only will players not have time to repair, but they will also have to face the second round of monsters overwhelmed at the same time, and the total number of enemies will skyrocket again. In the long run, it may become a vicious circle, so that players have never been able to get a chance to breathe.

So it’s better to get rid of the advance troops early, so that they don’t affect the official development.

You can choose whether to display the countdown, and Ye Xu checked reality. So as soon as you look up, you can see a blood-red countdown floating in the dark sky, which is scary.

The sense of urgency brought about by this countdown made Ye Xu a little restless. After Jiang Yuexuan read all the notices, pointed out the key points for everyone, and announced that they were disbanding to fight, he was the first to fly out.

The advance force is said to be an army, but it is not actually a huge army. They are a small team of each, each team has 8 mobs, and they are assigned strictly according to their occupations. This kind of small dialogue and cooperation is relatively close, and ordinary player teams may not be able to fight against them, so players will form at least a 10-person team to act.

Ye Xu and the others don’t need it. Either they can fight alone, or they can easily fight the enemy by forming a two-person team. So the ten of them didn’t act together, they went their separate ways. Except for a few two-person teams, the rest set off alone.

The most reckless among them was Ye Xu. He not only set out alone, but also scattered the babies after he came out of the swamp through the teleportation array. He and the babies divided their positions according to the maximum distance of 500 yards on the left and right sides, standing at intervals of more than 100 yards, and moved forward, trying to clean up the advance troops within a thousand yards.

The 8-person team has a huge goal, and Ye Xu’s babies can also singled out monsters. It is really impossible to let another baby from more than 100 yards next door come to support. Anyway, it is impossible to lose the battle, but the advancing speed will be relatively slow.

Ye Xu beat his own, without the help of the baby, and the rest of the babies were arranged according to their attributes. The weaker side is the stronger baby, so that it can be smoother when working in pairs.

Advance troops will only appear in areas outside the perimeter of the swamp, within about 1,000 yards. This distance is convenient for players to explore and clean up. No matter how far it is, it is too far, and players may not be able to find it. If it was distributed in every monster area in Rosal City, it would definitely be impossible to deal with all the mobs, and the number of legions in the first round would have to be doubled.

Ye Xu didn’t have the idea of ​​running to 1,000 yards to take a look at the farthest distance, but he opened the forum. It stands to reason that the undead army will either temporarily enter the boundary near Rosal City through the teleportation array, or it will be displayed in a position not far from the main city, otherwise it will be impossible to rush to the main city in time to conduct an offensive and defensive battle.

Then the most likely possibility is that the army is now 1,000 yards away, and waiting for the commander’s order, they all set off and flock to Rosal City. Then 1,000 yards away is very dangerous. You can see a bunch of dense monsters in the distance. If you get close, you may be attacked by monsters in advance.

He randomly clicked on a live broadcast post, and when he entered, he saw a player who was not afraid of death approached and wanted to take a close-up photo, and was rushed over by a group of undead monsters to kill him.

Ye Xu: “…”

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