Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 143

I clicked on the post and took a closer look, and found that the owner is indeed a fierce man.

He was not in a hurry to do the phased tasks, but ran to a distance of 1,000 yards out of curiosity, wanting to see what was going on outside. Before I came, I didn’t expect that there would be undead troops here, and I thought that the undead would only be refreshed after the war, but I saw a row of black heads in the distance, which was quite frightening.

But after he was frightened, he didn’t turn around and ran, instead he pretended to be brave and approached, wanting to see clearly. Let’s see if we can grasp some opportunities in advance, such as what kind of monsters this batch of undead troops are, warriors or mages. So I approached tentatively a little bit, and went all the way to 20 yards.

At this distance, the undead army still did not respond at all. Moreover, these are the lowest level undead warriors, they have no long-range attack ability, and their level is only level 51. They are still white-level elite monsters, and his courage has gradually grown.

Even ordinary players would not be embarrassed to encounter monsters of this level. When the Qixi Festival started, the mainstream players were already level 53. There are still various preparation tasks in the past few days, so everyone has already reached level 55. There is a level gap of 5 levels, and it is a low-level mobs, which is actually very easy to deal with.

This first wave is basically to deliver food, and the attributes are not equal to those scattered advance troops. At least the advance troop is a level 55 green elite monster, and it is a combination of eight occupations, which is quite difficult to deal with.

After the landlord assessed the strength gap between the two sides, he reassured and boldly moved closer. He wanted to see if there were any other mobs hidden behind the undead warrior, but he couldn’t see clearly from a distance.

These are all melee monsters, and they can’t attack them if they are 5 yards away. Moreover, melee monsters generally have a relatively short perception distance, and they have to get closer to be discovered. He felt that he was 5 levels higher than the mobs anyway. As long as he didn’t get within 10 yards, he shouldn’t be able to attract monsters. Even if he was attracted, he could still beat a dozen mobs at the most.

Then, it was tragic.

Unexpectedly, this group of undead skeletons were so unprovocative, they just stepped within 20 yards, and this group of skeletons had a collective orgasm. A lot of black mobs rushed up directly, and the ghost knows why they have the charging skills. When the landlord turned his head and wanted to run, it was too late. In the blink of an eye, a large group of enemies rushed in front of him, and one person and one sword cut him to death.

The number of enemies that rushed over was not the dozen or so he thought, but a large hula. This group of undead monsters seems to have a mechanism of mutual traction. When one is triggered, it will act together with a large circle around it, which is very pitiful.

The first time the landlord was resurrected was to cry and see how many times he had been resurrected. It would be too miserable to waste a resurrection opportunity in such a place. Fortunately, the number of resurrections has not decreased because there is no concern for the official war. However, the consequence of not reducing the number of times is that he did not enjoy the bonus of the reduction in resurrection punishment for the time being, so he directly dropped one level.

Ye Xu couldn’t help laughing when he saw this. How did the landlord combine cowardice and courage? He was obviously afraid of the undead private soldiers, but he still dared to approach. He was really not afraid of death.

However, his showy operation reminded Ye Xu that he could fly over the undead army to check the team composition. As long as he flies higher, he should not be attacked, and no one can hit him beyond 20 yards, just avoid the boss in the team.

This is not in a hurry, he can take a look when he returns to the city soon. Now take the babies to clean up the mobs and try to clean up as many as possible.

He thought about it, and took the babies to a place 500 yards away, and within 500 yards should be reserved for some players in the evening line, they might not have time to run that far to clear the monsters outside. And if he starts to clean up from here, he should be able to clean up all the way to the borderline, and then he won’t need to soak in again.

After that, Ye Xu stopped paddling to look at the forum. Apart from turning on the music player and playing some songs, he kept killing monsters seriously. His efficiency in killing monsters was obviously higher than he thought, and he arrived at the border without waiting for the countdown to end. There were still 30 minutes before the official battle at nine o’clock.

Ye Xu thought about it for a while, and decided to put the babies away first and fly up there by himself. If there is still more time after flying, come back and continue to brush. The CDs of the babies have been cooled down long ago, and it doesn’t matter if they are put away now.

Before leaving, Ye Xu reported what he was going to do in the guild channel, and Jiang Yuexuan quickly replied to him: “Go to the forum to start a live broadcast, and share the bird’s-eye view directly with everyone, and I will contact the forum management to help you pin it to the top. .”

The game forum of “Lingyuan” can be broadcast live, but Ye Xu has never opened it. The forum management is all the staff of the game company, but it is quite easy to talk, and it can be done quickly when encountering such an event.

Ye Xu originally thought that his post would only be posted on the sub-forum of Rosal City. After all, he broadcasted the distribution of enemy troops in Rosal City, but he did not expect to go directly to the forum homepage. As soon as he opened the live broadcast, a crowd of onlookers came in. Although he didn’t have time to write the content of his live broadcast in the post, and the name of the live broadcast room has not been changed, the forum management has obviously helped him to change the name. .

The advantage of topping the homepage is that it will directly rebroadcast the live screen, instead of pinning a post and waiting for someone to click in. Therefore, the player who entered the homepage was directly stunned by a super large video screen. He raised his eyes and glanced at the upper left corner. He originally wanted to see the name of the video, but he saw the words [Live Room].

——Oh, so it’s not an official new event promotional video, but a live broadcast?

Ye Xu didn’t find out about the name change of the live broadcast room, and when he saw someone with bad eyes coming in, he posted a barrage asking about the live broadcast, and he replied casually: “I plan to fly up to see the layout of the undead army, this is The undead army of Rosal City, I don’t know if other main cities have this layout, but I guess it should be similar.”

After speaking, without waiting for everyone’s feedback, it took off directly after turning on the video recording function. At the beginning, the live broadcast room shared the view with him by default, and he could only see what he saw. After flying into the sky, a golden barrage reminded him that he could change to the panoramic view. Ye Xu stopped in the air and looked for a while, then switched. model.

In this way, you can choose your own angle to view, and see more comprehensively. Ye Xu only has a pair of eyes, so he may not be able to find all blind spots. If he changed it this way, he would not miss the details.

Although, in the panoramic mode, everyone can watch him at 720 degrees without dead ends, including his pair of dragon wings. But it’s a good thing to think about it carefully. Everyone knows his dragon wings. When they look back and see the winged ones flying over to rescue, the scattered players shouldn’t be scared.

Ye Xu was flying at an altitude of more than 40 yards from the ground. He flew slowly because he wanted to find the first wave of bosses.

The boss is not necessarily at the back, but may appear at the back of the middle. There are densely packed undead mobs below. If there is a boss, it must be special. It seems that the height is more prominent, and the appearance of standing out from the crowd should be easy to find.

In the barrage, he is also actively coming up with ideas, and by the way, he invites friends and friends to pull everyone together to see the situation. Some people lost their focus and began to study what happened to his wings. They didn’t look like the real thing. They suspected that it was some kind of alchemy tool.

“There are a lot of mobs in the first wave.” Ye Xu ignored the barrage and flew for a while before reaching the end. He sighed to himself, “I’ve been flying for two minutes, and it’s finally coming to an end. The boss is sure I’ll take a look around here.”

With Ye Xu’s full speed, he could fly tens of thousands of yards in two minutes. But this time it was a live broadcast, so he definitely couldn’t miss his trump card, so the speed was suppressed quite low, and he didn’t fly a long distance in two minutes.

The original monster spawn points below were all occupied by the undead, and those mobs were also killed by the undead. I don’t know if it was because of the event, but he didn’t seem to see the mobs being refreshed again. At present, there are only Yishui undead monsters occupying the land.

Because of the battle line, it is not so easy to find the boss. If he is unlucky and happens to be on the opposite side of where the boss is, then he may have to fly half a circle to find the boss. After all, the current position of the Undead Legion is to surround the entire city of Rosal 360 degrees, forming a circle of concentric circles.

Fortunately, Ye Xu’s luck was not that bad. He flew to the side for a while and found the boss of the first round. If calculated according to the position, this boss appeared in the east, which is quite close to the south where they agreed to be stationed. But it is definitely not their turn to fight, this kind of boss is usually surrounded by the big guild.

The Ten Shrines Guild has no objection to this. The bosses that appear when the undead siege the city will be stronger than usual. If you really give them a team, you can beat it, but it will take a long time.

The undead siege on the 29th consisted of six waves of monsters. It took 12 hours from 9 am to 9 pm, and each wave only had 2 hours of response time. It may take an hour and a half to clean up the mobs, and it will be very troublesome to defeat the boss within half an hour. At that time, you will meet the next wave of legions, and there is no time to rest.

Yeyin’s side means that the boss on the 29th probably doesn’t have much oil and water, and ten of them will come to help on the 30th and work together to kill the boss. The last few bosses are going to be difficult. The more you play, the better, and Yeyin has no opinions.

In fact, the distribution of bosses mainly depends on the orientation. See if it walks in a straight line, which guild will eventually rush to the queue where the guild is located, and which guild will meet the enemy. Unless people can’t beat them, other guilds do not allow monster grabbing by default.

The main problem on the Ten Shrine side is that it is too close to Yeyin. Unless the boss rushes straight to the Ten Shrine position, it is possible that the last one will be Yeyin’s camp.

But, their ten-man team is not completely without calculations. Sister Xuan said it directly on the guild channel, and asked Ye Xu to take Britney with her throughout the whole process, and try to use the good luck of the son of Tiantian’s main brain as much as possible to attract the boss to bump into them. In response, Ye Xu could only nod obediently and agree, not daring to raise any objections.

“The boss in the first round of Rosal City appeared in the east. This position is not where our guild is stationed, but I don’t remember which guild it belonged to. Anyway, be careful yourself.” Ye Xu said to the audience in the live broadcast room, ” The president of the Rosal City Guild should be watching the live broadcast, right?”

A bunch of responses quickly floated through the barrage, like a roll call report, and they were all colored words. This kind of colored barrage is basically the president and vice president of the major guilds, as well as forum management, etc., in short, they are celebrities.

Looking at Ye Xu’s live broadcast room, many celebrities are online, and they are very active. Some people even quarreled directly on the barrage, and then were banned by the management the next second.

“I’ll fly for a while and see, there’s not necessarily only one boss, it’s still early, it should be enough.”

Ye Xu thought for a while, and continued to fly along the edge of the first round of mobs. After flying for a few minutes, I saw another boss, this time the boss was in the north.

“It seems that there are at least two bosses, maybe four. There is one in each direction, so it is difficult to do.”

At a low level, it is easy to say that the boss of the level 51 white elite monster is just a level 51 white small boss, and it is easy to deal with four. However, as the level of monsters increases, the boss is not easy to fight, and the four walls are playing the boss at the same time, and the probability of accidents is quite large.

“The second wave of mobs is a level 52 white undead knight. Although it’s still a melee monster, this one is a little harder to fight.” Ye Xu stopped trying to find the third and fourth bosses, and made sure that there were more than one boss. Next is to see what other mobs are in the back.

Because he didn’t have to look for a boss, he flew a little faster this time, and flew to the end in no time. Since the concentric circles on the outer layer have a larger radius, if the front-to-back distance is the same as before, the number will be much larger than that of the first wave, so the distance of this wave is actually not long, but the front line that is pulled apart is relatively long.

In this case, finding the boss is even more difficult, Ye Xu didn’t want to fly. He looked at it from a distance, as if he saw a tall and big boss, and simply flew a short distance there, making sure that it was the boss and no longer approached.

“It seems that there won’t be many mobs going forward.” Ye Xu flew to the top of the third wave. “It’s gone. This is the last wave. It seems that the fourth wave hasn’t been transmitted yet, so I can’t see it now.”

The third wave of mobs finally appeared in the long range, and they were undead archers. Some of them tried to attack Ye Xu, but Ye Xu flew so high that they couldn’t shoot. If it weren’t for your own damage saving throw, the falling arrows might accidentally injure many allies.

It is worth mentioning that the mobs in the third round are level 53 green elite monsters. From white to green, it means that every two waves will increase by one level.

From level 52 white to level 53 green, it’s more than a one-level gap. So the third wave is not only the distance of melee and long-range, but also the leap of monster strength. That is, the 53-level green mobs are still low-level and low-level, otherwise it will be quite tricky.

And so on, the fourth wave is definitely a level 54 green monster, the fifth wave is a level 55 blue monster, and the sixth wave is a level 56 blue monster. There will only be the last 4 waves tomorrow, and the entire Undead Siege will be 10 waves of mobs, so tomorrow will be level 57 and 58 purple elite monsters, and level 59 and 60 orange elite monsters.

Although there are no elite monsters on the ground level, and the highest level is only level 60, but considering that the level of mainstream players is only level 55, you know that it is not easy to fight. Fortunately, the experience fed to everyone after the death of these six waves of monsters today should be enough for them to rise to around level 58 and 59. At that time, it will not be too stretched to face high-level elite monsters.

As for the boss, it is probably the same level as the mobs, and the level 55 blue monster leads the level 55 blue small boss. What Ye Xu is more worried about is that the current bosses are all small bosses. Unless the four waves on the 30th are all big bosses, there will definitely be another big boss at the end of the tenth wave, and there may even be a big boss on the ground level. .

It is a pity that we can only see the situation of the first three waves, and we do not know the specifics.

“There are still ten minutes left. Let’s go back and look at the bosses of the third and second waves. Maybe we can get some data.” Ye Xu said, “I just saw the second wave of bosses, but I I plan to look for the third wave first.”

The third wave of bosses was a little hard to find, and Ye Xufei took a while to find the boss on the back. But the situation is not very optimistic, because this is a 53-level green boss, not a small boss.

“I feel something is wrong, I’ll look at other directions.”

He circled and continued to fly forward to the west. As expected, there is another boss in the west, but this time it is a level 53 green mini-boss.

In order to verify his guess, he flew the entire outermost circle, almost running out of time. But he found 4 bosses, 3 of them are small bosses and 1 is big boss.

It seems that each wave does have 4 bosses, but not all of them are small bosses. There will be a real leader in the boss, and his level will be higher.

After watching the live broadcast, everyone’s mood was a little heavy. Especially those main cities whose geographical conditions are not good enough are difficult to defend. Now they have to face 4 bosses in each round, and their mentality is a bit broken.

After Ye Xu closed the live broadcast room, he read the article and went back to the city, and then flew outside the city to gather with the crowd. Everyone obviously saw his live broadcast, but their expressions were obviously much better. After all, if the city of Rosal could not be defended, there would be no main city to defend. They were the main city with the least pressure.

Xiao Suguang said: “According to our analysis, the undead army encountered by Rosal City is better to deal with than other main cities, because the undead army places the main force on the more strategic main city. Well, Xiaoye just broadcast live. The Legion situation doesn’t actually apply to every capital city.”

“Not necessarily.” Jiang Yuexuan thought for a while, “Maybe it’s just the difference in the number of mobs. There will be fewer mobs in Rosal City. Then there are bosses. I suspect there will be many bosses tomorrow.”

“What do you mean?” Mo Bei didn’t understand.

Jiang Yuexuan sighed: “Don’t you think there are 10 waves of mobs in total, 6 waves today and 4 waves tomorrow, is this distribution a bit strange?”

“It’s not surprising. Today’s mobs are easy to deal with and can be cleaned up every 2 hours. Tomorrow’s ones are difficult to deal with, 4 rounds in 12 hours, 3 rounds per hour.”

Sister Xuan: “…” She couldn’t refute.

“No, according to what you said, the time of each round should be different.” Ye Xu shook his head, “The time of one round is a little longer than that of one round, forming an arithmetic sequence. It makes no sense that it will be 2 hours today, and it will be the same tomorrow. It’s 3 hours, and the game company is not so kind.”

“Then why do you say that?” Mo Bei asked.

Ye Xu looked at Sister Xuan: “It’s just that there are too many bosses, and it takes an extra 4 hours to deal with the bosses.”

Seeing that Mo Bei didn’t understand, Jiang Yuexuan had no choice but to tear it apart and tell him, “After fighting the 4 waves of mobs and the 16 bosses leading them tomorrow, there should be a legion commander-level boss. I agree. You said the time of each wave will be extended tomorrow, but I think it will be extended by half an hour at most.”

That is 2.5 hours a wave, 4 waves is 10 hours. In the last two hours, it was just time to fight a legion commander boss.

“This commander is estimated to be a big boss over level 60, and it is very likely that it is not an orange level, but an earth level.” The worst result is a level 65 earth level boss.

Turning around to see Ye Xu, the third classmate of our current ranking list, who happens to be at level 65. After 10 waves of mobs are defeated, they may rise to level 67. After all, the level will be higher and the level will be slower, unlike other players who can level three or four.

At that time, the top players will only be 67, and the public will rise to level 60 with 4 waves the next day, and there is still a 5-level gap to the boss. How to fight this? This is still the situation that Rosal City, where the legion is not strong enough, has to face. The other main cities may appear as level 70 bosses.

“It’s fine as long as it’s not a heavenly rank,” Ye Xu said.

Divine Feather suddenly interjected: “I remember that Xiaoye has a pet of the sky, do you know something?”

Ye Xu nodded: “I feel that the gap between the Heavenly Rank and the Earth Rank is quite large. If there is a Heavenly Rank Boss, then you can only give up.”

“No, the sky level is too much. The normal sky-level boss will only appear at level 150. The earth-level is beyond the normal range. If this undead siege activity is huge, there may not be an earth-level boss. Appear.” Chu Jifeng patted his head.

“It’s impossible to say.” Mo Bei muttered, “It’s not even two times before the orange item and the boss appear before level 50.”

“Then have you ever seen a ground level below level 50?” Chu Jifeng looked at death.

Earth steps below level 50 are like heaven steps below level 100. These are very rare cases, and it only occurs when many coincidences are met.

Only one of these two situations has occurred so far. Everyone’s eyes turned to Ye Xu. His shadow was raised to the earth rank before level 50, and now it has risen to the heaven rank before the 100th level.

Ye Xu pushed back silently and hid behind Miss Ji Ling. There is no reference for his family. The shadow level will not exceed other babies, because the trial of Longgu forced him to increase his level by two levels, which is the credit of the dragon family.

For the dragon clan, this is really nothing, after all, the worst low-level dragon clan is the level of more than 100 levels. After all, the shadow is carrying out the trial set by the high-level dragon clan, so why should it be in line with the bosses with the lowest spiritual level of 200?

“The countdown is over.” Ji Ling said lightly, interrupting everyone’s conversation, as if he wasn’t trying to help Ye Xu.

Everyone immediately got ready to go, and followed Yeyin to form a front line outside the swamp. They had to stand outside before the first wave of mobs attacked.

The initial battle line discussed by the major guilds was 200 yards away from the exit teleportation array, giving players enough space to come and support. They plan to kill at least 3 waves of mobs here, and then back off depending on the situation. If the situation is not very good, just kill the next 3 waves of mobs on the periphery of the swamp.

As for tomorrow’s 4th wave, it’s natural to deal with it in the swamp. Finally, the soldiers approached the city, and everyone stood on the city gate for the last siege defense battle.

In this way, they fully pulled the front line to a thousand yards away from Rosal City, and they took the initiative to persuade them completely in their own hands. Apart from the lack of fire support in the city for the first 6 waves, and it was very troublesome for everyone to go back to supply supplies, there was almost no negative impact.

The system also issued a takeover update announcement at this moment.

[System Announcement: [Undead Siege] The second stage [Battle outside the city] is officially opened, the ban on Rosal City is open, and players can leave the main city directly from the city wall! 】

In other words, there is no need to go to the teleportation array. From now on, players can jump directly from the city wall, then start from the inner perimeter of the swamp and run to the outer battle area. In this way, if the exit of the teleportation array is blocked by monsters, everyone is not afraid that they will not be able to get out of the city.

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