Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 363

After buying the flowers, the owner of the flower garden was very enthusiastic. After that, the selection of Kao and the like didn’t bother me too much, and everything was quickly settled. When Ye Xu walked out with the selected Kao, only a few minutes passed.

Ye Xu was a little stunned. If he had known that buying a flower could have such a big effect, he would not have talked so much with his master. Stuffing the flowers into the backpack, Ye Xu walked to the next flower garden.

According to previous experience, when Ye Xu came, he took the initiative to reveal his identity, then proposed to buy flowers, and sincerely praised the family’s well-kept flowers. After coaxing the owner of the flower garden into a happy mood, it was only then that he got down to business.

After a set of procedures, from entering the flower garden to exiting the flower garden, it took only a quarter of an hour. If it weren’t for the eleven flower gardens located in different places in different main cities, Ye Xu could have done everything in three and a half hours.

However, doing the task quickly is not necessarily a good thing. After submitting the task and getting the reward, Ye Xu would do nothing. Marven Ye didn’t have any new quests for him either. It seemed that there was nothing else to do other than to go out and farm monsters.

Ye Xu was very sorry on the surface, but he was actually very happy inside. If you have nothing to do, you can fish in an open and honest way. Isn’t that something to be happy about?

Thinking that he hadn’t taken the little dragon cubs out for a spring outing for several days, Ye Xu summoned a large group of dragon cubs: “Where do you want to go to play today?”

Amusement parks can’t get old, mainly because Ye Xu was a little tired of playing, so he tried to pick a novel place. The dragon cubs had never seen the world, and they couldn’t come to a conclusion after discussing for a long time.

And for the little dragon cubs, it’s fun to play wherever they go. They haven’t been to many places themselves, and it’s new to see them everywhere.

Ye Xu couldn’t help them, and finally decided to take a walk outside the city. As a result, not long after he left and took it out, he received a private chat from Sister Xuan.

“I think you seem to be idle?” she asked.

Ye Xu glanced at what he had said in the guild channel, and replied: “The task is over, it’s fine for the time being. What’s wrong?” He suddenly became vigilant, “You won’t take the opportunity to enslave me, will you?”

“Where do you want to go?” Jiang Yuexuan snorted softly, “I’m here to remind you that the number of players at level 125 has already been expressed, and the skill mutation function has been activated. You can upgrade your skills when you have time. .”

Before the level 75 open skill upgrade, Ye Xu once spent gold coins to smash all the skills to the upgraded version. But after the level 125 skill mutation function was turned on, he didn’t have time to go to the NPC to do this, and he has been addicted to bossing.

These days, the progress of many players pushing bosses and downloading new dungeons is relatively considerable. There are not a few people who have risen to level 125, and they have reached the requirements for opening new functions. At that time, Ye Xu was lying in the Dragon Valley and indulging in playing, and he forgot about it until now.

Ye Xu looked at his level, plus the experience points given by the bosses and the experience points obtained by taking drugs, it was already almost 142, which was a long way from level 125. This level is a bit subtle. It was said before that at level 150, he would go back to the Undead Land to collect the remaining soul fragments of Zhen Zhen, but he still hasn’t forgotten it.

It’s just… After level 135, the level growth rate has become slower and slower, and the system has also adjusted the home system. Originally, there was a 30% increase in the minimum experience value every day, but now it has dropped to 25%. Presumably, this value will become less and less as the level increases.

Fortunately, they got double the experience, otherwise it would be too laborious to upgrade on their own. If it weren’t for the fact that there were no other holographic online games on the market as meal replacements, he would have been impatient to play games with such a slow upgrade speed.

“Okay, I see, I’ll take the task in a while.” Ye Xu nodded, thanking Sister Xuan for the reminder.

If it was normal, he would directly spend money to skip the task of upgrading skills, but he was not bored recently, and he just couldn’t receive the task, so he used this instead. And if you spend money to skip the task, you won’t be able to get the experience value reward given by the task, and you have to pay out gold coins yourself, which is actually quite a loss.

For most players, the benefits of doing such tasks are not very large, but they are not so small as to be tasteless. The characteristic of the skill upgrade task is that it does not reward other items, only props and gold coins, but the gold coins are meant to be given to you. After the task is completed, you get the mutation qualification of the skill. To pay a gold coin as a handling fee, I just returned the money from the task.

That is to say, there is no third benefit except for experience points and mutated skills from start to finish. And the task is not very easy to do, either the difficulty is high or it is very cumbersome.

The official prediction is that players need to be at level 150 to get the variation of the commonly used skills at hand. If there are too many commonly used skills, then this level will have to go further. After all, the vast majority of players will not have the patience to keep fighting on this type of task, and they have to participate in game activities in the middle of the game, or temporarily stop doing tasks and go to other places to brush monsters and upgrade to change their mood.

Ye Xu counted the number of skills in his hands, and found that there were quite a few, and all of them were excellent. The difficulty of the task is directly related to the skill level, and he has almost predicted how difficult his task will be.

It’s not a big problem. He makes a few while he’s in the mood first, and then spends money to skip it when he’s not in the mood.

Under the Buddhist mentality, Ye Xu’s mood has been very calm after receiving the task, and he has not been irritable and collapsed like other players. Even though, the tasks he received were really, really, really tedious.

Ye Xu suspected that this was a compromise choice made by the NPC mentor when he had big bosses from all over the world as his backers. They didn’t dare to send too difficult tasks to Ye Xu, for fear of him having an accident, and they couldn’t go against the principle to send him too simple tasks, so they could only make the task process as cumbersome as possible to increase the difficulty of completion.

Ye Xu calmly accepted this point and expressed his understanding of the mentor. It doesn’t matter if the task is cumbersome, he just takes the dragon cubs for a walk.

Because he was worried that the quests would overlap with each other, Ye Xu took the quests for all skills in one go. From the map covered, these quests could be roughly divided into four areas. In the city, the suburbs, the outer suburbs, and other main cities, but no matter which area, the coverage is tightly connected to each other, and you can sweep them one by one along the way.

For example, the task part of the city is composed of tasks of three skills. After their map areas are spliced ​​together, they cover almost the entire city.

Speaking of which, when Ye Xu made a travel plan before, in order to avoid Marven Ye, he deliberately avoided the city of Amules. So at this moment, he is relatively unfamiliar with the city of Amules, and he can also check in for travel and buy some souvenirs while doing tasks.

He read the task process in the city from beginning to end, made the final confirmation, and was sure that he was not mistaken. any corner. This does not conflict with his travel plans, but complements each other.

So happily decided to start from the east.

Ye Xu took the dragon cubs to the east of the city excitedly. The east of the city is a well-off area. The NPCs here are not very rich, but they are not poor. The surrounding residents seem to be in good spirits, and it can be seen that life is happy, and even occasional small frictions will not affect the overall tone.

This is a very livable area, and it is very comfortable to walk here. Ye Xu’s task is to distribute flyers to some families with children here to promote the Summoner’s Union.

When receiving this task, Ye Xu was very confused. He asked the tutor why he did this, and the tutor told him earnestly: “Summoner is an unpopular profession, and there are not many people who choose to work. But excellent summoners can clearly overwhelm other professions, and the reason why they are unpopular is because of everyone’s Prejudice, as long as the publicity is in place, this dilemma can definitely be solved!”

That is to say, he feels that the lack of fresh blood in the trade union is all due to insufficient publicity. Everyone has prejudice against this profession, and he will definitely be moved when he learns more about it. It happened that this part of the east of the city was not a wealthy area, and the news was relatively closed, and these people had some wealth to afford the training and education of their children for adventurers, so he was eyeing them.

Ye Xu asked someone to inquire a little, and there are quite a few children in this area that send children to learn magic. Basically, if the family conditions allow, they will send their children to magic learning or combat school, and some more wealthy or well-connected people will directly send them to powerful people to be apprentices for one-on-one training.

The tuition fees for magic schools and combat classes are double that of ordinary schools, but as long as there are few children at home, most families can still afford them. The average family can send at least one child to this kind of school, and even three or four if the conditions are good.

The only trouble is that there is currently no comprehensive school. Children directly enter the magic or power potential test before entering the school. After roughly dividing the law department or the physics department, they have to enter the school according to their own preferences. For example, those who are quite wizards go directly to the wizard academy, and those who want to be wizards go to the wizard academy.

If it is a comprehensive college, the school divides the eight major occupations into different professional departments, then it is better. After learning half of it, I found that I was not suitable, so I just changed the department. It’s a pity that it didn’t. Now that it is found that it is not suitable to transfer schools, it is much more troublesome than transferring departments. Few people will do this.

So speaking from this aspect, the Summoner Instructor thinks that the lack of publicity has led to too few new students in the Summoner Academy, which is not a problem. But Ye Xu still wants to complain. Excellent Summoners are indeed powerful, but most of them are rookies. Isn’t it tricky to fool children into the Summoner Academy?

Although he accepted the mission, Ye Xu did not intend to trick the children into enrolling. When he intends to distribute the flyers, he will clearly explain the pros and cons to the parents, and let them consider it carefully, so as not to be deceived by generalized publicity methods.

In addition, we can consider letting Ye Wen solve the problem of the lack of comprehensive schools. I don’t know if it is feasible to integrate all the schools. Even if it is not integrated, at least make the transfer procedures simpler.

Before reaching the east of the city, Ye Xu left a message to Ye Wen about his thoughts. Unexpectedly, the other end replied quickly, but it was not good news.

“Transferring schools is difficult because the major guilds don’t want their freshmen to change careers to learn other professions.” Marven Ye replied, “They would rather keep the dead wood that is not suitable for them than let them shine elsewhere. Fever. This is not easy to solve, you know, those high-level guilds are exquisite egoists, and sometimes they don’t listen to the royal family because of their strength.”

Ye Xu was stunned for a moment, but he didn’t expect this. Was it the truth?

He thought for a moment and came up with a new solution: “Then set up a preschool class and let all children have access to various occupations in a comprehensive preschool class, so that when they enter school, they can choose the most suitable for themselves or their most interesting ones. Is that it?”

“That’s a good idea.” Marven Ye was also taken aback.

His thinking was limited by transferring schools and merging campuses, and he never thought of this. This move can be described as a draw from the bottom of the pot. Those children who enter the preschool early, can’t ask the people in the labor union to intervene. As long as the royal family works well, this problem can be solved perfectly.

So the premise of everything is that there should be no labor unions interfering in the preschool, lest they make a fool of themselves and make a good preschool become a mess. Fortunately, the royal family has also raised a large number of capable people, and there is no shortage of people who can become preschool teachers, so they can start it directly.

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